What's Next For Santino


GLaD I'm not you...
I didn't see a topic about this yet, but I'm sorry ahead of time if there is one.

Now that Umaga has recaptured the I.C. title what could possibly be next for Santino.? I really can't see a real feud between him and Umaga as it is clear that Umaga completly owns Santino as long as Santino has no help. I really can't see anything for Santino to do here. I don't see any one actually bweing able to feud with him, and all in all he never really got the crowds behind him. So I really don't know what could be next. I'd like to see him mabey go to SD! I think it was a bad idea starting him on Raw. Opinions anyone???
I wouldn't doubt he'll continue his little partnership with Maria. With her he'll start a storyline where he begins to learn how to wrestle, and can become a serious contender; from there he'll again go after the IC title again and eventually reclaim it.
What's next?
Easy, OVW.

At least thats what i would do, With the HOT Maria explaining (kayfabe) that Santino suffered several injuries in his match with Umaga.
If they decide to keep him, HEAT is your answer then.
Possibly a feud with Daivari just to fade out eventually, IMO Santino never got really over, i enjoyed the night he won on Milan though.
Another "One Hit Wrestler" who will fade out.
i think santino will turn heel, i think its easy for wrestlers to be heels when they dont get over with the fans, maybe they really do dislike the fans..... who knows

but maybe have him work a little thing with carlito, where carlito teaches him how to be "cool", he could probly get some good tips from carlito on being a good heel. then eventually have them be some good heels that arent necessarily on the main event level.

the other scenario, a move to smackdown, the more tone down show and have him fued with mvp but never beat him
Actually Santino is not a bad wrestler, so I would like to see him stick around. I can see him staying on RAW or going to Smackdown, but I think he would go over VERY well as a heel. Just going off on the crowd how no one believed in him so all of a sudden you see this fire lit under him and he starts getting very aggressive in the ring. Good idea I think so.
I can't help but agree he'll end up in OVW. He never got over, had one cheap victory to gain him the belt, and then a few wins over the "masterjobber." He can't use all of his moves either, because it would be impossible to defend given his storyline that brought him in, being a fan in training. They gave him the title in hopes of the fans loving him, and they also hoped for the under dog approach. However, how can you be a champ and an under dog? It just didn't work. OVW, new gimmick, new chance. Hopefully they didn't screw him over though with the one he has now. Also, Maria has been involved with every wrestler it seems, so to drop her storyline without reason wouldn't be a very big deal at all.
Well good guy or bad guy, I think the next step for him would be a tag team, with someone who "does believe in him" as a student/mentor thing. Maybe even have Maria manag them. He could be a good tag wrestler. I don't know who though. Either a legend, or maybe even someone they dont really use like Venis. He did fight last week and had a pretty good match. It could happen.
Someone please explain to me why Val Venis is still employed with WWE. I mean the guy is a good ring performer, is good on the mic, but is never used except in a blue moon. He used to be IC champion. Why do they keep a hold of this guy if he hasnt had a good run since god knows when? I would like to see them push him again.
i think Santino should go to Smackdown or OVW. he is an ok wrestler but he needs to take a new approach on OVW, then go onto Smackdown as a heel and contend for the US Title. but the build up should be slow, maybe bring him back on tv a while down the road once hes fully ready.

as for val venis, well he never really got the opportunity to have a decent run. at the mo, hes just being used as a jobber, i dont think hes gona go very far now, but who knows.
OVW, plain and simple. From what I've seen, the guy still needs a lot of work in the ring. He had the belt for two months, and did nothing with it. His matches are dull and snooze inspiring.

This is the problem with the WWE hotshotting titles onto unknowns. The IC title has been in the gutter for a long time, and the belt alone doesn't have enough credibility anymore to make Santino a star. The US title has more prestige and has had it for the last several years. The IC title is slowing drifting away in credibility.
I think you hit the nail on the head that Shock as OVW is where he needs to go but he wont he will become a Heat star for the time being. he will be used on RAW once inwhile maybe as a tag team but i still doubt that. OVW be nice as what we have seen he is not ready, but they will stick on heat for the time being prolly in a long time heat feud with Regal.
i dont think hes that bad, he had some pretty good moves, the problem is they didnt let him do much of his moves for some reason =/, the only match he showed some of his skills was his first match against masters (or second, cant remeber now o_O), anyway, i would like him to team up with someone on smackdown and make a new tag team, since smackdown needs one, they could make a more experienced wrestler teach him stuff, maybe team with helms or something =/

and i have to agree, getting the IC isnt anything big now, they should put that belt on HHH and make it important again, or king booker (god i hate his gimmick, he was so much better b4) would be good too...
anyway, i would like him to team up with someone on smackdown and make a new tag team, since smackdown needs one, they could make a more experienced wrestler teach him stuff, maybe team with helms or something =/
agreed, but not with helms!! LOL!
It's a shame that WWE fired Vito, i would've liked a FBI reunion with Vito, Santino and of course current ECW's Nunzio, imagine the promos, ragazzo!!Funniest shit on earth.

and i have to agree, getting the IC isnt anything big now, they should put that belt on HHH and make it important again, or king booker (god i hate his gimmick, he was so much better b4) would be good too...
i hope you are joking on that!! :)
besides, do you think Triple H or even Booker would accept to carry the IC belt, with Cena having the WWE belt on their faces?? at least, not Triple H.
Give the Ic title to lashley yeah he did great as the ecw champ but now he is with the big boys. Umaga isn't bad as a ic champ though at least its somebody that will give someone a challenge hell i would have been happy with carlito or masterpiece over santino what a joke that was, even though Maria is hot as hell what a stupid ass storyline that is with those two, hell i am an italian american and i can't stand to watch santino, maybe if they gave him a better gimmick or something the fbi idea the other guy said was a good one
i think santino is done for a while, he'll prob be off television for sometime and probably be in ovw, he could have a nice fued with regal though
He will become a complete jobber. He will be used with no real direction. Don't forget that wwe has habit of pushing wrestlers when they first come and them using them as just another member on the roster. They work hard to get you to care about a new superstar and once they get a reaction they stop developing them.
Remember when Eugene first came he was pushed as a main eventer by being with Triple H and evolution. He had a big fued with Triple H and even fought Chirs Benoit one on one for the world heavyweight championship. He is now a complete jobber and santino will follow in his footsteps. It doesn't really matter if he is a good wrestler or not but because Nick Dinsmore is to but they will basically be used to make other wrestlers look good.
I believe that, seeing as how WWE does stupid crap like this, Santino will be shipped over to ECW and eventually paired up with Little Guido to form a new version of the FBI. For one, they don't have any momentum behind Santino for a singles push. For two, he has the whole Italian gimmick. And for three, I hear that he played a pretty damned good heel in OVW. It naturally makes since, seeing as how neither Guido nor Santino are doing anything and it would pave the way for the ECW tag team championships while at the same time giving Santino some seasoning along side a vet.
i hope you are joking on that!! :)
besides, do you think Triple H or even Booker would accept to carry the IC belt, with Cena having the WWE belt on their faces?? at least, not Triple H.

nope, they could make the IC important again and have some good matches for the title, HHH becoming wwe champion just means another game era, i think they should make younger guys start being champ and getting over cena, kennedy, lashley and orton could make good feuds with cena, while HHH would be a great IC champ and he could compete with ppl like king booker, or mick foley... i remember when the IC brought some amazing champs...
Jobber! He'll be jobber. NONE of his victory was convincing. A good heel? I'd like to see that, this is probably his only salvation if he wants to grow a little bit in the WWE, but I don't think that'll happen. Hell, I don't even know if we'll see him again. Umaga beat the hell out of him and the fans were shouting ONE MORE TIME! ONE MORE TIME! This probably sealed his fate....
Someone please explain to me why Val Venis is still employed with WWE. I mean the guy is a good ring performer, is good on the mic, but is never used except in a blue moon. He used to be IC champion. Why do they keep a hold of this guy if he hasnt had a good run since god knows when? I would like to see them push him again.

I don't know if this is exactly true but I heard that Val Venis is like the test dummy for incoming wrestlers. When the WWE decides that it's time for a wrestler to move up to the wwe from ovw, Val venis has a couple of matches with that person and he tells Vince if that person is ready or not.
I don't know if this is exactly true but I heard that Val Venis is like the test dummy for incoming wrestlers. When the WWE decides that it's time for a wrestler to move up to the wwe from ovw, Val venis has a couple of matches with that person and he tells Vince if that person is ready or not.

You got the idea, but i wouldn't call him a test dummy, no matter if he is a consecrated jobber :D Val Venis is a GREAT technical wrestler and he will be a great asset for Vince as a trainer when he decides to hang the boots.
His gimmick suck b*lls though! a pornstar?? eewwww!
i reeeeally didn't like the whole santino thing. giving the IC belt to a 'fan' devalued the title. plus he annoyed me.

an italian/mafia themed heel tag team'd work though, i reckon santino could be a good heel, maybe he'll turn on maria to do it
I dunno if WWE can really afford for Santino to go heel on Maria. I can see him going heel in the near future, but I really don't think WWE want's anymore negative attention from the media. Next thing you know we'll here "WWE promotes abuse to women"
Getting back to the topic... I definatly could see him going Heel. like someone mentioned earlier I'd love to see him head over to ECW and make a new FBI with Nuzio, mabey bring Chuck Palumbo with him. Santino I think could it that role rather well
I was wondering if Venis signed some kind of multi-year deal or got paid a lot of money when he signed with WWE and Vince decided to keep him around. He fought on Heat and samn he can still wrestle. I think Venis is prolly WWE's main jobber right now. It's funny though cause you know he'll never win the match. He hasn't won a match in a long time.

As for Santino... didn't like him from Day 1. I didn't think the gimmick would get over. I was like... cool a fan won the title, but people know it was a work so they don't consider him an underdog. He wasn't a "real fan" that just won the title. I think he's a one hit wonder. He shouldn't be around much longer.
After last night I'll go for Heat. Umaga couldn't have buried him anymore. I dont think it was needed. He might be a decent worker. But I doubt we'll ever find out. Squashed so quickly after his debut means they have no plans for him. And the IC title hasn't elevated him one inch.

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