What's Next for Randy Orton After SS?


Dark Match Winner
we all saw at the end of Raw that the GM agreed with Sheamus , If Randy Orton does not beat Sheamus at SS , he will have to go to the back of the line and not get another title Shot , And When we all thought that Randy Orton was going to feud with Sheamus for the belt for maybe a couple of PPV's we hear this from the GM ...

So In the Case Randy Does lose against Sheamus , Especially those who believe Sheamus is going to walk out the champion at SS , What's next For Randy ? If he goes to the back off the line what happens next , who does he Feud with ? What Story Lines can he become a part of ??

And In the Case that Orton Does Win and become the new WWE champion , what's next ? a Feud with Sheamus and Miz over the Belt maybe , Maybe include Jericho in the mix or Edge ?

What I wanna know is what do you people believe is going to happen After Summer Slam For Randy Orton ? Please Address Both Possibilities or both Outcomes :)
1. Sheamus walks out with the Title.- I think Orton will get involved with The Nexus angle. Assuming that Cena is turning heel, which alot of people are claiming, Orton will be the Top Face in the Company. That means Orton will be the one to lead the brigade of WWE superstars against Nexus- or and this is a long shot, He'll do it Stone Cold Steve Austin Style, and find a way fued with them all on his own.

2. Orton walks out the champion- He'll briefly fued with Sheamus for the title, keep it, and still get involved with the Nexus. This Nexus thing has to lead to the titles eventually. They keep talking about the common purpose. What other prize is there other than the Titles?

Both of these predictions are under the assumtion that Cena turns heel, and they will ONLY happen if he does. As long as Randy isn't the top Face, I doubt he'll be involved with them much. Though it may still take place if he walks out champion.
I largely agree with the poster before me.

- Orton wins and becomes champion: If this happens, either the Miz cashes in and sets up a Miz/Orton feud, or we get some Sheamus/Orton rematch to kill another month.

- Sheamus retains the title: Again, Miz could cash in and keep Orton in the title picture, or Orton moves on and likely gets involved with the Nexus angle (heel Cena or not).

- The match ends in a DQ: The BS ending that could also allow Orton to get another return match at the next PPV. I don't think this will happen, but it seems to be the device often used when both guys can't "lose".

If one of those options doesn't happen, then the WWE have truly surprised me.
Orton will probably get disqualifed somehow by Miz and he'll be right back in the WWE title picture w/ Miz and Shameus. If not, he'll be in the Nexus angle somehow. He might possibly be the Nexus leader. Who knows with the WWE? They always tend to throw people off with their suprises.
Sheamus wins via a cheapsot of some kind and Orton gives him a post match RKO.

Miz cashes in MIB to pin Sheamus and win the WWE title, setting up a feud between Sheamus/Miz/Orton for the title.

Keeps Orton in the main event picture without having the belt around his waist.
You guys are forgetting the obvious. Neither one of them leaves Summerslam with the gold.

Sheamus defeats Orton to retain, but gets attacked after the match by a disgruntled Orton. RKO, punt to the head, and a pissed of Randy Orton leaves.

Then... AWESOME!!!!!! The miz cashes in his MITB briefcase and takes advantage of a dazed Sheamus to become the new WWE champion.

With this scenario, Orton doesn't necessarily go to the back of the line if the Miz is the champion. Next PPV, face Orton versus heel Miz, and Sheamus is in limbo until the return of Triple H.

If I am wrong and the Miz doesn't cash in the MITB case, and if Sheamus retains, I still think the Miz is next in line. It would then be Sheamus versus the Miz, and Orton likely gets involved with some of the Nexus guys, as Orton is the top face (arguably) and they are the top heels.

If Orton wins, still Miz is next in line. Miz/Orton feud commences and HHH/Sheamus looms.
if sheamus wins i can definately see him joining team wwe. if your gunna turn your top guy, its got to be something like wrestlemania. but summerslam is the second biggest so there is a slim chance of cena turning. if cena does turn, orton will probably lead team wwe, or jericho since he has had the most work with cena lately. either way, orton will play a huge part. probably punt a couple guys out for awhile, lol.

if orton wins (highly doubt it since he keeps getting the better of sheamus) then i see him fueding with sheamus and the miz as well. i see the miz cashing in and getting rko'd and loosing the title shot. this would set up the miz to be more hungry and bitter and lead to a good fued.
As much as I think Sheamus should (and needs to win) I cant see Orton Not walking out as Champion. Why becasue of the 3 Main event level matches its a near lock for 2 to be one by heels (Kane over Mysterio and Nexus over WWE) So I cant see all 3 heels being let win
I think he can take the title and continue to feud with Shaemus until HHH returns. Around that time the Miz can cash in and they start a feud. I say Miz will wait to cash in because I don't think he will hold two titles at the same time, again.
Exactly what I was thinking, what the hell does that have to do with this topic?

Back to topic, I've kinda been wondering this myself lately. Either Randy Orton or Sheamus one is going to be left missing a feud for awhile unless something major happens at SS. If Orton wins, then it obviously sets up a feud between him and The Miz or maybe even the three-way feud mentioned between him, Miz, and Sheamus. If Sheamus wins then I don't really know where that leaves Orton. I guess he could join in against Nexus, but unless Cena turns the major face standing against Nexus role is taken. So if he joins Cena I see that as a major step backwards for Orton. I think this is all hypothetical though because I believe that Orton will at least initially defeat Sheamus for the belt. Then, possibly lose to the Miz at SS or if not at least begin a feud with The Miz either way. A couple things though that I think make this match very important to what happens with the Nexus/Team WWE match (assuming that it takes place after the championship match). First, If Orton wins and Miz makes an appearance and whatever happens only involves Orton and Miz and not Sheamus, then expect probably a Triple H/Sheamus feud in the future. If Miz comes down and what happens involves all three, then the likely outcome will be the triple threat type feud. If Miz comes out at all though, I don't see him having any involvement later. If Sheamus wins then I believe we will likely see a major heel turn in Nexus match (although I don't understand how it could possibly be Cena after everything that has happened). Back on point though, given the last scenario it opens up the door for Orton to move into the Nexus picture. If the lost Winner33 is right, then maybe the big face for Sheamus to feud with after an Orton win would be Danielson.
I think Orton will win at SS. Lose at NOC, and lose his rematch clause at HIAC. It would make sense to have there feud last a few months and culminate with a HIAC match. Also that gives them both a feud to deal with until HHH comes back and seeks revenge on Sheamus if not both of them.

If he loses, I think WWE should use him to finish pushing Ted Dibiase Jr to the main event picture. I still can't believe WWE just dropped that storyline.

I still believe the reports that one of the MITB winners will hold the case for awhile, hence the Miz won't cash in anytime soon. I hope he joins team WWE at SS and that he is tied up in that angle for a month or so.
Well I think Randy could win the match. I think that would be the best thing anyway. I could see the Miz coming out to the ring either trying to cash in his breifcase or teasing it. Then this would set up Sheamus vs. The Miz for the United States Championship. Then possibly Randy Orton vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship. Both at Night of Champions obviously.

I can't imagine them keeping Randy out of the main event or pulling him because he's been at the top of his game right now. It seems like he keeps getting more over with the fans each week. So I don't think they could keep Randy out of the main event just yet.
What I see is orton losing to sheaumus and getting in a feud with the miz over the mitb briefcase so he has his def shot at the title again.
Random Thought: Ever think maybe Miz cashes in after a brutal match between Sheamus and Orton ... Wins ... Then says the hell with Team WWE and so they are left 6 on 7 against Nexus .... they all come to the ring and Wade Barrett makes a cocky remark of sorts about them having 7 and WWE only 6 ...

Cena gets on the mic and says " once again i have found someone to help me destroy you guys " .....

I sure hope as a big Orton fan, that he wins the title at SS, and throws that damn belt in the dumpster. It is way outdated, and does not fit a character with a nickname such as "The Viper." It would be cool to see a new belt design. But that's a whole other thread.

Anyway, I foresee Orton winning the WWE Title, because they can't keep him out of the title picture forever if he loses and The Miz doesn't cash in his MITB case. Speaking of which, I don't see Miz doing so for a good while, maybe not until Survivor Series or so.

I think we see a continued feud between Orton and Sheamus, to where it boils down to Survivor Series with Team Orton (various WWE main-eventers) vs Team Sheamus (he uses his truce with The Nexus to exact revenge on Orton). Or something like that...
Honestly, I see the title picture as second to the Nexus feud. Which isn't a bad thing. When a group of rowdy ne'er-do-wells invade your show, that's a big problem. And Sheamus set up a truce for the title, so there's that. Nexus follows its truces. For the time being at least.

But it can't keep going for long. The WWE Title is just that. It's the biggest, most prestigious title in the company. It can't play second fiddle for long.

So either way, that title is getting caught up with Nexus.

1) Sheamus walks out champion.

1a) If Cena turns heel at Summerslam, which I will laugh heartily about until it actually happens 5 years down the road, then Cena leads Nexus into one big clusterfuck of a title scene. Cena will win, Nexus will expand to every other title ala Evolution, and then implode rather nicely 8 months down the road at Wrestlemania.

1b) When Cena walks out of Summerslam still a face, we will get this. Orton joins up with Cena against Nexus and works to clear them out. Miz moves forward to challenge Sheamus with his MITB briefcase and we get an odd Heel/Heel feud.

As you can tell, I don't like either of those possibilities.

2) Orton wins.

2a) Sheamus feuds for a bit, loses, joins Nexus as their new leader, and fucks shit up. Miz feuds with Orton over the title.

2b) Cena will only turn heel if this happens. Then we get Cena leading a charge against Orton for the title. Can anyone say WM pay off match, Orton vs. Cena? I'm so excited for that match a 300th time.

2c) Orton feuds with Nexus after refusing to deal with them like Sheamus did. Cena backs Orton up in the resulting feud, but only with the understanding that Cena gets a title shot after the smoke clears.

I'm leaning more towards 1b if Sheamus retains. I won't like the Heel/Heel feud, but Miz looks like someone who can be fucked up a lot and still retain a bit of credibility. How many Celtic Crosses can he take in a row? We'll be finding out soon.

2c is my best bet if Orton gains the title. Cena gets put in the picture of the title again, Nexus will be fought by the standing face champion, and Cena can do his face activities while adding a bit of depth to the character. "I'll help, but only if I get a title shot afterward" is a lot better character-wise than the one dimensional "Sure, I'll help because it's the right thing to do. And I love the right thing. Because I'm a good guy" approach.

And besides, 2c allows Miz or Sheamus to become the leader of Nexus. It also allows Triple H to come back, lead Nexus, and complete his heel turn against the two top players in the WWE this past decade.

I mean really. Triple H turn heel against Orton or Cena alone? Maybe. But both? Triple H will have death threats. Not Srgt. Slaughter "I like the Iraqis" death threats. Legitimate, I'm murdering your children death threats.
sheamus can't beat orton 1 on 1 , orton will win .. miz takes it from orton and they fued .. sheamus joins nexus since he called a truce and he still needs legit matches , triple h comes back as a face and it's orton cena and triple h against nexus and sheamus and maybe miz and Jericho
Obviously there's a few things that could happen for Randy. He could very well walk out as champion, and work a program with Sheamus to retain or loose the championship once again, or The Miz if he cashes in on Randy.

Which brings me to another possibility, Miz, Randy and Sheamus in a 3 person feud at Night's of Champions or something. It could work, and bring some legitimacy to Miz if he walks in there as champion, and retains or something like that.

Also we could ultimately just see him moving on, obviously feuding with some heel like Jericho perhaps (Because I would love to see that feud right now). Or anybody really on the roster who is in a position to be pushed, or at the level of Randy so that it would make sense for him to feud with them.

It really does just show how much Randy could truly end up doing after Summerslam, because he hasn't worked a longer program with anybody as of late, except for Edge who is obviously doing something else, and won't be facing Randy any time soon again I could imagine.
I'm gonna throw something out there that probably won't happen but would be pretty interesting. Orton loses to Sheamus and ends up being the leader of Nexus. No one would see this coming and it would give him the ability to feud with a number of people on the Raw roster.
I dont think a Miz vs Orton feud would pan out well at the moment, same goes for the triple threat idea, even though 1 if not BOTH are very likely to happen.
Option 1 – pitting Miz against Orton would be like announcing to the world that they are pushing Miz to the top, which makes things predictable from the get go, and besides, I don’t recall Randy Orton succeeding in getting ANYONE over. Miz does not need a program with Orton because he already has the money in the bank briefcase. That, by itself, makes him legit and puts the focus on him. He needs an actual STORYLINE TO TELL to implement some psychological factors into his character, something that will distinguish him from the rest of the heels (ala Jericho, Edge, last year's Orton…etc) not a rub from one or several of the top guys. He's had that already, several times.
Option 2 – Why would u care about a feud that has 2 heels and 1 face in it, both holding a grudge against Orton? How is that entertaining and what exactly are you trying to achieve by booking all 3 in the title picture?
Orton should be kept off the title scene for a while once "Summerfest" is dead and gone. I believe Orton's character is much more interesting when he's chasing the title, rather than holding it. He doesn’t NEED the title, so why the hell would you put it on him when u have a fresh main eventer in Sheamus that gives us the option to see storylines we HAVENT seen before and bring in new faces into the title picture in the process.
To be honest, Randy doesn’t really have much to work with on Raw, he's pretty much done it all and until the Nexus angle is over, and he can be put in an interesting program with pretty much every one of their members, he's left with 1-2 options aside from the ones stated above.
The only options I see fit, are a heel John Morrison, Ezekiel Jackson (when and if he finally returns), or even, dare I say, a heel R-Truth. I would go for the easier option of picking Ted Dibiase / Zack Ryder but those 2 are bound to fail right now, an EPIC fail.
Orton will be the Top Face in the Company.

I hope that won't happen.


I think if Orton wins, then he continues the feud with Sheamus, obviously.

If Sheamus wins, then maybe Orton can go into the whole Nexus thing? Not to sure what Orton can do if Sheamus wins, but I'm sure WWE will find something for him to do.

I think WWE made it quite obvious that Ortons gonna win, but I'll save that for another thread.
I'm somewhat torn on the idea of what to do with Randy Orton. Personally, I would rather see Sheamus go over and show that he can have a clean win. Orton doesn't need the title, and I really don't like the idea of him being a face character, since I think he is just eminently more believable as a heel.

On the other hand, I saw a thread about Sheamus going against HHH at the Hell in a Cell PPV, and if that does indeed come to pass, I would prefer the title be left out of it, since I can't really see Sheamus being allowed to go over HHH twice, and HHH needs the title even less than Orton does.

However, whether he gets the title really doesn't matter as much as who he should feud with after Summerslam. With Orton needing to go against a heel, I would like to see him call out the Miz if he wins the championship. Have him tell the Miz to quit hiding behind the briefcase. However, no good could come of that, since a one-month reign for Orton would only hurt the belt and him, and a loss would only hurt the Miz's push.

Thus, I really have no idea what I would do with Orton. He definitely needs a heel to face if he's going to complete the turn to face, but with Jericho and Edge being involved with the Nexus storyline, that only leaves the Miz to my mind unless they want to keep Sheamus fighting Orton, and regardless of what happens in a Miz/Orton match, it will either hurt the title (if he wins it) or the Miz's push. Like I said, I don't know what I would do, but I hope that the 'E can come up with something good for him.
My only problem with Sheamus leaving SS with the strap is who's next?
Cena is going to be working with Nexus for a while and they need to keep him out of the title scene a bit longer yet.
Miz has the case so it won't be him in a advertised title shot like RVD did.
Jerico? Edge? I don't think so at this point.
Who else is there apart from Alberto Del Rio that's getting a push?
I'd like to see him feud with Taker but that's not happening now either.
Either Orton or Miz will leave with the strap unless HHH is ready to return.

The other option for Randy also depends on how people are recovering from injury.
If Taker is still not fully recovered it leaves a shortage of star power on SD so Randy could quit RAW since he is put at the back of the line and go where there is more opportunity as a face against Kane or heel with Rey

Conclusion: Randy and Sheamus swap the title until HHH is ready to return. Possibly with Miz in the mix
1) Randy wins the title, then Sheamus beats him down and Miz cashes in his MITB briefcase, then Randy has feuds with Miz and Sheamus.

2) Sheamus wins title and Randy does a type of Kurt Angle thing and says he will defeat everyone in the roster so he can get another title shot.

I don't mind if one of these two happen, because I'm enjoying Kurt Angle's storyline in TNA and Randy could pull it off. I can see no.1 happening though because WWE won't want to copy TNA and if no.1 happens Randy can still be in the title picture.
I think Randy will actually have a shot in this match, I want him to win. If he loses then he feuds with somebody until Sheamus drops the belt then BAM... he's in the picture again. A very likely scenario is that Randy wins and Miz cashes in. Then they feud. I'd like that as well. They need a good series of matches between Orton and Miz, then Sheamus can face Triple H, and Cena can finish off Nexus and come back into the title picture. I hope that everything goes this way and that the matches aren't dumb.

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