What's Next for Aces & Eights?

I was just watching iMPACT from last night and at the end of it i was wondering where they can go next as we now know Bully ray is presednt of them and we watched them kick the locker room's butt at the end of it.

Personally id like too see them feud with a super face stable with a returning Jeff Jarret coming back too save the company he created and with Angle Sting and AJ as members too and Maybe keep the belt on Bully till Bound for Glory and have him Face AJ in a loser leaves company style match and maybe at that time bring the whole Ace's and eights angle too a close.

The past few months Ace's and eight's have made imapct watchable again and i actully watch it now and not just read the spoilers. I'm awaiting these next few weeks too see where this angle goe's next and i think we sould expect a few more shocks and suprise's along the way !!!!!

hey be nice im new here LOL
This is setting up very much like the NWO. AJ Styles is clearly playing the role of Sting back then who disappeared as the blonde Sting and eventually came back as Crow Sting, all the while no one knowing where his allegiance lies.

I fully expect Styles to come back and eventually take the belt off of Bully Ray. In the mean time, A&8's will likely dominate for at least another couple months, as we know AJ can't challenge for the title until BFG.

I don't know about Jarrett, but I agree that eventually the rest of A&8's will be taken down by an aligning face team consisting of somewhere around Angle, Joe, Sting and maybe one or two more.
To me, this is 1997 WCW again (and that's a good thing, because 1997 WCW was the single greatest year of pro-wrestling in the last 30 years). AJ Styles is "returning", but he's not AJ Styles anymore. He's not the company man. He's... darker. He's... quieter. He's almost brooding, and a loner. Sound familiar? It should, because he's the 2013 version of Crow Sting.

I see Aces & Eights going on a fuckin' rampage. I expect this to continue to get worse in that regard. They're gonna injure guys again. They're gonna fuck up matches and Bully, no matter who he faces, or how he faces them, is gonna hold onto that title through nefarious means until AJ has seen enough and goes at him head-on at Bound For Glory.
It seems as if the trajectory of this story line is heading towards a Hogan-Bully Ray "World's Heavyweight Title" match. I'm hoping this isn't the case. I personally wouldn't care if Hogan carried the strap one last time, but every single other wrestling fan would be pissed and probably stop watching the show.

I like the idea of AJ playing the Sting vs. NWO role, but the element of surprise will be diluted now that he appeared last night. If this is the direction they want to go in, they should not have completely booked his comeback last night.

I would have liked to seen Aces & Eights run a muck on TNA over the next 3 months causing Hogan to concede to unleashing "the animal" on them at Slammiversary. Despite all the hell he has delivered on Hogan over the last year, we see Matt Morgan stampede the ring with a sledge hammer and clean house on Aces & Eights 3-4 weeks before the PPV. The following episodes of Impact would feature Morgan jumping/taking out different members of the gang backstage and would force Bully Ray to face him with the title on the line. Morgan would eventually win and put the dagger in the Aces & Eights storyline
Mike 1215...love the avatar.

I'm confident Hogan's days of "wrestling" are behind us. Unless they go with the "finger poke of doom" angle (which is very possible), I just cannot see how anyone believes Hogan beats Bully Ray.

I also agree Bully holds the strap for awhile. No chance Hardy retains. Then he'll defend against Angle and win, Sting, James Storm, etc.

Hopefully Sting doesn't get mad again or he'll throw a water bottle. Watch out!
It looks every much like TNA is now going for the full blown nWo themed angle. Aces & Eights has generally been right on the edge of being another nWo inspired group but now, I think they've crossed over.

I'm tired of Aces & Eights and don't see how they've made TNA watchable at all. If anything, I think they've taken away from the show. Aces & Eights is a heel faction that's spent the entire 9 months of its existence getting its collective ass kicked. Bully Ray winning the title doesn't magically wipe away close to a year of mediocrity for this faction. Bully Ray doesn't need the group, never has quite frankly. He'd be every bit as over as a heel without them. If TNA doesn't change how it books the group as a whole, then all they'll do is bog Bully Ray down. I just hope TNA doesn't start booking Bully along the same lines as the rest of the group.

If TNA starts making them into a force, then I'll find them to be, at least, tolerable. But I don't see any way they can recapture my interest in the angle as a whole. It's just too little, too late.
I think it depends how TNA books Aces and Eights now. if they continue to lose matches they are going to continue to look weak. but now TNA should start booking them strong. no more losing. they need to win, either clean, or with interfering. they have the world title and the TV title, they could form a atag team and get that title too. I don't know who to team, maybe DOC and Knox, or DOC and Anderson.
this is more similar to nWo than Immortal was.
I want to see them getting involved more. run in during matches not even involving Aces and Eights, and just kick the ass of both wrestlers. last nights Rob Terry/Robbie E match would have been a good time.

someone on another site mentioned something interesting. there are now 9 members of Aces and Eights. you could look at them as 8 members for Eights and Bully being the Ace. I was wondering since they are Aces plural, could there yet be another "higher power". maybe a founder or something, someone to be the Eric Bischoff of the nWo.
AJ will be the guy to save TNA, and unseat Bully Ray for the TNA title. Get ready for 7 months of rubbish Impact until BFG happens.
Adding more members will water down the already watered down mid card look of the group. This has sucked from the get go, and now Bully has been wasted in this role.
The whole 'NWO' rip off case being put forward is something i don't get. Aces and Eights have their own distinct image/gimmick. People talking shit about them on the basis that they're a stable full of mid carders, probably also moaned about MEM because they were solely main eventers. Bully Ray is a legit main-eventer as is Ken Anderson. Knox and Gallows look like absolute savages, and Wes Briscoe has a whole X Pac/Syxx snot-nosed renegade vibe going on.

I'd like to see more development into the characters involved in Aces as i think it would further legitimize the group as with every stable we all had our favorite members, whether it was The Horsemen, DX, NWO etc.

In terms of story lines, they obviously need to continue their recent dominance and would love to see a new push for AJ styles as the Sting type character and a push for Samoa Joe (if he is willing to get into better shape) where he rediscovers the animal he was circa 2006-7. THAT Samoa Joe vs Bully Ray is absolute money, two loudmouth smash mouth bad asses kicking the crap outta each other. Also this would re-establish homegrown TNA talent (not that i feel there's anything wrong with former WWE talent, i just think it would benefit the company).
I really don't care at all what's next for Aces & Eights unless it's a quick and long needed death. I don't want to see WCW redone all over again. I don't need a very poor man's nWo. I don't need Bully Ray as a heel champion, leading a stable that has no credibility and isn't entertaining at all. I certainly don't need a darker, quieter, brooding AJ Styles pretending to be Sting's Crow. This is not making for good television, nor is it making TNA exciting, or improving the ratings in any way. This is ridiculous, and they need to end it finally and move on.

I guarantee we're going to see Eric Bischoff return and be a part of Aces & Eights. I GUARANTEE it. And then we'll have Bischoff and Hogan in the spotlight again, pushing along a rehashed angle that should've been left alone. What TNA needs is new ideas, a focus on new talent and a new vision... not pathetically clinging to the past.

All you need to do to know what's next for Aces & Eights, and this entire angle, is to go back and look at the nWo angle in WCW. Sure characters are different, things are altered, but it's all the same shit.
what's next is hopefully a resolution to the marriage of Brooke and Bully, THEN the reveal of a higher power who I hope is Jeff Jarrett who would then explain what Aces and Eights were created and made for. as for who takes the title off Bully, firstly, I hope it's not AJ. he's a great in ring performer, but I kinda want to see a new champion and someone fresh. I personally hope that Bully retains over guys like Hardy, Angle, maybe even Aries and/or Roode, THEN finally lose it to James Storm who wins the BFG Series and then the title.
They've got lots of legs where the title is concerned. Bully has challengers waiting already in Hardy and Angle. I see Joe ending up feuding with Devon to start with. At some point, I'd bank on them doing the "mystery opponent who is a former World Champ", possibly right before the former World champ PPV tournament as a way of reintroducing Jarret before that stand alone PPV. We'll get an eventual Anderson face turn to be a challenger. James Storm should get a shot along the way. I do agree that AJ will take the title at BFG.
The one mistake that the NWO made is that they eventually let too many top card wrestlers join. Hopefully A&8's don't go down that road.

I hear the comparisions to the NWO, but truly there is no comparision. There will never be another NWO; Hogan Hall and Nash were the most incredible heal faction ever and they will never be duplicated. But I don't think thats the intention of A&8's.

A&8's was a collection of low card, non drawing wrestlers until Bully was unvealed. This was a good way to distiguish their heirarchy because a faction made up of the best top level talent doesnt work as there will always be questions to who is in control. Here there is no question, 100% its Bully. Makes it more believeable.

I may be in the minority, but would like to see something very different for this story line. I'm not into the whole AJ dark side thing in relation to being the TNA savior. I love the nasty Matt Morgan character - he should eventually be the unbeatable beast that Hogan was back in the day.

But for now, something different for me would be have A&8's evolve into a long term heal faction that tells a continous story. If Bully drops the title, how are they going to get it back? I would love to see Austin Aries beat Bully with Bobbie Roode's help, and then watch Aries and Roode feud for the belt while A&8's plots their revenge. If they kick out one member, they replace him with only one. Give Mr. Anderson more of a strategic voice. Have the faction reinvent itself; maybe kick Bully Ray and Devon out if and after they both drop the belts.

If done right this can be a long term angle.
I was talking this over with my brother last night and saying how it looks a lot like Sting vs the nWo. I don't mind this being the case so long as Aces & 8s stick around with their main motive to be to keep Bully Ray on top. That could make some compelling TV as they try to stop Styles winning BFG to get the shot at Bully Ray.

Like I say I was happy about this until my brother pointed out that Hogan was again making noises during the week about getting a shot at the world title and I realised that it wouldn't be beyond Hogan's realms of impossibilities to enter himself into BFG and steal Style's storyline.
someone got fired!

D'Lo Brown.

Dixie had this tweet.
Dixie Carter ‏@TNADixie
This "smart" move of yours has cost you your job. Congrats. RT @dlobrown75: Good morning to all of @TheAcesAnd8s supporters out there.

D'Lo reply.
D'Lo Brown ‏@dlobrown75
@TNADixie @TheAcesAnd8s It's ok I got a better offer anyway.

D'Lo back to wrestling?
D'Lo Brown ‏@dlobrown75
Now that I don't have to worry about those damn office responsibles. Maybe it time I focus on restarting my previous career. #FoodForThought

I think I like this. but I don't think i like it being done over twitter. I think it would have been better done on TV during Impact.
Please don't bring back d-lo. Please don't tell me the brain behinds the 8s is really bully ray. Boo. I hate this story kinda. Double J as the boss would make this story worth while I guess. Bischoff? Please not him, keep him gone, yet I do expect to see him again unfortunately. Hogan should stay on the outside of the ring not in it. Aj takes the belt at bfg? OK I guess, but I'd rather see Morgan crush everyone in his path. Hell let's just have the lawyer character abyss plays win the belt from bully... I mean y not? Yes my friends "wrestling matters" but not when a terrible story ruins it...
Well if this week is anything to go by, then I expect to see Aces and Eight's run riot on Impact for the next four or five months with Bully retaining the title during this period. At some point i expect to see a rival stable form to take on Aces and Eights, with both faction's finally meeting at BFG in a five on five elimination type match to battle it out for control of TNA and it is at this point that I believe you will see the end of the Aces and Eights storyline.
I really don't care at all what's next for Aces & Eights unless it's a quick and long needed death. I don't want to see WCW redone all over again. I don't need a very poor man's nWo. I don't need Bully Ray as a heel champion, leading a stable that has no credibility and isn't entertaining at all. I certainly don't need a darker, quieter, brooding AJ Styles pretending to be Sting's Crow. This is not making for good television, nor is it making TNA exciting, or improving the ratings in any way. This is ridiculous, and they need to end it finally and move on.

I guarantee we're going to see Eric Bischoff return and be a part of Aces & Eights. I GUARANTEE it. And then we'll have Bischoff and Hogan in the spotlight again, pushing along a rehashed angle that should've been left alone. What TNA needs is new ideas, a focus on new talent and a new vision... not pathetically clinging to the past.

All you need to do to know what's next for Aces & Eights, and this entire angle, is to go back and look at the nWo angle in WCW. Sure characters are different, things are altered, but it's all the same shit.

Completly agree. You know what, I'd rather Bully would have been on his own as heel champ, beating people up. He was stellar at doing just that all throughout 2012. Hell he made it to the final of the BFG series without any help.

If I were TNA what I would do is this: Have Aces & 8s do something pretty horrible like say they could have Bully and Devon put Brooke Hogan through a table. That would make Hogan so mad and he would say, "allright everybody in Aces & 8s is fired. Except the champ. Everything is going to go my way from now on". You have Bully be his own jerk self and so forth but now guys are gunning for him. You could have maybe DOC and Knox coming back on their own after a while as a tag-team. Then Hogan becomes mad with powers and start associating with Ray and so forth and AJ comes back as the savior.
The one mistake that the NWO made is that they eventually let too many top card wrestlers join. Hopefully A&8's don't go down that road.

I hear the comparisions to the NWO, but truly there is no comparision. There will never be another NWO; Hogan Hall and Nash were the most incredible heal faction ever and they will never be duplicated. But I don't think thats the intention of A&8's.

A&8's was a collection of low card, non drawing wrestlers until Bully was unvealed. This was a good way to distiguish their heirarchy because a faction made up of the best top level talent doesnt work as there will always be questions to who is in control. Here there is no question, 100% its Bully. Makes it more believeable.

I may be in the minority, but would like to see something very different for this story line. I'm not into the whole AJ dark side thing in relation to being the TNA savior. I love the nasty Matt Morgan character - he should eventually be the unbeatable beast that Hogan was back in the day.

But for now, something different for me would be have A&8's evolve into a long term heal faction that tells a continous story. If Bully drops the title, how are they going to get it back? I would love to see Austin Aries beat Bully with Bobbie Roode's help, and then watch Aries and Roode feud for the belt while A&8's plots their revenge. If they kick out one member, they replace him with only one. Give Mr. Anderson more of a strategic voice. Have the faction reinvent itself; maybe kick Bully Ray and Devon out if and after they both drop the belts.

If done right this can be a long term angle.

You could have the faction reinvent itself or drop them for a better faction. Let's face it Aces & 8s was a flawed concept the moment they first attacked Sting in a awkward manner and filled the group with jobbers. But I think changing the line-up for Bully, Doc, Knox and Morgan would go a long into making them better and tougher and more threatening.

But I would like to see a feud between Aces & 8s and Aries/Roode. You could have a match between Aries/Roode vs Bully and Devon, tag titles vs tv title and World title. Aries and Roode wish they would have all the belts, it could be a great way to accomplish that. Maybe A/8 could have other guys joining their group.
I don't want it, but I have a feeling a Hogan vs. Bully Ray match will take place. They should run around destroying things for the next few months, maybe some new characters that are more interesting than Festus,hairy Mike Knox and Devon Dudley. Have Wes Brisco and maybe Garrett Bischoff shine a little. Make it seem like a takeover. In the last 2 or 3 months, have a huge character come in for TNA (Jarett,Abyss etc.). Aces and Eights starts to look weaker and weaker until BFG. Bully Ray loses to that person. The Aces and Eights are over. Or you can just kill them off. Next week, Team Impact destroys them and none of them are ever seen again (I'm kidding).
I suppose a heel Hulk Hogan could have done better without creating a heel stable nWo. please, no.

Aces and Eights at the beginning was BRILLIANT! the concept of unknown wrestlers attacking an icon, was great. at the time there was so much buzz. nobody knew who it was, it could have been anyone. people were excited to know who was behind the masks.

now yes there has been some let downs here and there with who has been revealed, but seriously.. who were you expecting? it's not like there was a "Scott Hall and/or Kevin Nash" out there for TNA to bring in brand new.
I never saw "DOC" when he was in WWE, so I don't have a predetermined opinion on him prior to his TNA work. but in TNA with Aces and Eights I think he has been good. he has a big tough bad ass look. he beat the shit out of Sting with a hammer. he's fine.
Devon reveal at the time was a surprise, unexpected. it ties in now because his brother Bully is the leader.
Wes and Garrett aren't exactly much good, but this turn also works because they (more so Wes) were being helped along by Angle.

who outside of TNA brand new could have "seriously" been brought in?
I would have loved to see someone like Bautista or Goldberg, but I doubt they were a serious option.

of other guys in TNA, who else could have been used?
someone like Matt Morgan I don't think fits in with their biker gang type look.

the biggest problem I have is Aces and Eights have lost too many matches, especially considering they had the numbers of guys on their side. but I think going forward TNA can build them better by having them win more often along with being more bad ass. the beat downs on this past Impact were great!
story line wise IMO a heel stable like Aces and Eights together is a lot better than individual heels.

IMO the greatest time in wrestling history was the early days of nWo. something even close to that is good for TV.
the thing that TNA are going to have to explain are... when Kurt Angle unveiled The Aces&8s VP how could it have been Bully Ray when he was in the ring moments before hand having just finished a Match when Kurt Angle was seen backstage heading The Club House after Bully Rays Match to attack Brisco, Garrett, Anderson and a dude who was taller only a few inch's taller than Kurt...

also they are gonna have to explain how moments before Bully Rays Match the night of the Aces&8s VP Unveil how Kurt Angle was seen hiding out backstage watching Aces&8s walk past him backstage before Bully Ray came out for his match...and then Kurt was seen after the match inside Aces&8s Club House attacking Members of The Club.

also IF you check out this Picture pic.twitter.com/ra2EJhAsrn from Aces&8s Twitter of The VP of Aces&8s the eyes if you look carefully as they pop out of the bandana you see it looks like Samoa Joe.

The Big Dude that Kurt Angle attacks in the Club House the night of the Aces&8s VP Unveil sounds like Joseph Parks{a.k.s Abyss} as the guy screams ''Ouch, Ouch Ouch''{the same way Abyss used to say it} as Kurt is attacking him.

also apparently a few weeks back now someone who was at Impact said that one of the Aces&8s Members had their Bandana pulled down from over their eyebrows in front of them at ringside and apparently the guy had ginger eyebrows which means that would be TNA Talent Crimson who is currently in a Army Military Faction on OVW Wrestling TV.

this feud is making The TNA Television Title{Devon Holds} & The TNA World Title{Bully Ray Holds} meaningless and The Aces&8s feud is to be entirely focused on & around Hulk/Sting/Bully & Brooke.

if you remember Bully Ray has been controlling Booke on screen for a while now he dragged her by the arm up the ramp on Impact when She & Him got Suspended by Hulk.
Bully Ray controlled Brooke again when he got hold of her hand backstage to to walk to the ring the night that his Suspension got lifted on UK 7th March 2013 Episode.
Bully Ray dragged her by the arm into the Impact Zone building when TNA ReAction Cameras were trying to Interview Brooke about Hulk's Aces&8s Attack Injury backstage on Impact Wrestling Episode 28th February 2013 Episode. there must be something in that.

also The Bully Ray Phone call to Brooke on recent Impact Episode didn't make any sense when they knew from twitter that Brooke had filed Divorce Paper to divorce Bully{even though they are NOT Married on Screen}, TNA Writers could have simply had Bully find out that Brooke has filed divorce papers instead of the whole Phone Call to Brooke Angle.

also this week if you check out Impact Wrestling . com you will see a Picture of Bully Ray with the Caption ''Bully Ray will speak out about how he fooled & coned everyone, but in the picture he's wearing the Wedding Ring that Brooke nagged him to put on during their Backstage Segment on 14th February 2013 Impact Wrestling Episode.

also if you listened to Bully Ray Brandon Braxton Jonesboro Radio Interview after Lethal Lockdown you hear Bully Ray acting as a Baby Face plugging Impact coming to Jonesboro and he also says he loves working with Brooke on screen and then being able to go Home with Brooke to the Hogan Home and have Dinner with Her & The Hogan Family every night, he also goes on to say he loves working with Sting & Hulk every night.
the Vice President (VP) is D'Lo Brown. Bully is the president.

Bully was "controlling" Brooke because at the time they were "married" and he was the man. he was controlling his wife.

any interviews done by Bully prior to Lockdown would have him being face because that's what he was at the time, being face to fool everyone.

many different wrestlers have been used behind the masks that were not actually revealed to be in the group. fans aren't supposed to know which specific wrestler was in the mask.
the thing that TNA are going to have to explain are... when Kurt Angle unveiled The Aces&8s VP how could it have been Bully Ray when he was in the ring moments before hand having just finished a Match

Do you even watch Impact? lol that was D'Lo the VP means VICE President. Bully is THE President. D'Lo was the man that Angle attacked. Prior to Bully being revealed, the President was only seen once on TV and that was before Bound for Glory when Hogan and Sting were captured.

Looking back at this segment, I suppose he DOES look like Ray somewhat, with the ears and the backwards cap which Bully would often wear that way.
I suppose a heel Hulk Hogan could have done better without creating a heel stable nWo. please, no.

Aces and Eights at the beginning was BRILLIANT! the concept of unknown wrestlers attacking an icon, was great. at the time there was so much buzz. nobody knew who it was, it could have been anyone. people were excited to know who was behind the masks.

now yes there has been some let downs here and there with who has been revealed, but seriously.. who were you expecting? it's not like there was a "Scott Hall and/or Kevin Nash" out there for TNA to bring in brand new.
I never saw "DOC" when he was in WWE, so I don't have a predetermined opinion on him prior to his TNA work. but in TNA with Aces and Eights I think he has been good. he has a big tough bad ass look. he beat the shit out of Sting with a hammer. he's fine.
Devon reveal at the time was a surprise, unexpected. it ties in now because his brother Bully is the leader.
Wes and Garrett aren't exactly much good, but this turn also works because they (more so Wes) were being helped along by Angle.

who outside of TNA brand new could have "seriously" been brought in?
I would have loved to see someone like Bautista or Goldberg, but I doubt they were a serious option.

of other guys in TNA, who else could have been used?
someone like Matt Morgan I don't think fits in with their biker gang type look.

the biggest problem I have is Aces and Eights have lost too many matches, especially considering they had the numbers of guys on their side. but I think going forward TNA can build them better by having them win more often along with being more bad ass. the beat downs on this past Impact were great!
story line wise IMO a heel stable like Aces and Eights together is a lot better than individual heels.

IMO the greatest time in wrestling history was the early days of nWo. something even close to that is good for TV.

Biggest flaw of Aces & 8s was that they created this whole mystery and gave them masks even though nobody really knew who they were. The point in wrestling of giving people masks that will be unmasked later it's to hide someone important that is known to the fans. That's the whole point! And not only the people that became unmasked were not magor players but most of them were known by the internet who they were. It took weeks for people to know it was Gallows as the hammer guy. Compare that to the nWo where most new arrivals, most turns were always shocking even after Hogan turned be it Syxx or Giant or Rick Rude, etc...nobody were expecting it.

I think TNA created a concept on paper without having the horses to back it up. I can just see them saying "hey guys we should have an invading group for our first live show!" Others:"But who should be in it?". First guy:"that's not important...". It's the opposite of the nWo where Biscoff had just done a big coup getting two big WWF stars in Razor Ramon and Diesel FIRST then when he had the firepower, he came up with a concept.

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