So, is D-Lo Out of Aces & Eights?

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If you watched IMPACT last night, Kurt Angle made an open challenge to anyone from Aces and Eights in a one-on-one match. Bully Ray, in response, challenged his own gang, asking who was going to step up and "take care of business". D-Lo ended up being the one to step up and even accelerated things by telling Kurt once he hit the ring that he was going to beat him in an "I Quit" match. He of course didn't, but the kicker is that he bet his "colors" to the club guaranteeing he'd beat Angle.

Anderson was ring side with most of the club watching the match and didn't look too pleased either, and the club actually walked away after without helping D-Lo. Couple that with what Bully said about "dealing with" D-Lo next week and you gotta imagine we're gonna see our first exile, no?
I say yes. D'Lo was only needed to gain access to the Impact Zone in the first place. He was the inside man. And when the Aces won access at BFG as well as Bully and Devon winning titles, the gang no longer need D'Lo.

I was actually impressed with D'Lo's showing last night, but he won't be missed. I expect Bully to do a great promo about how D'Lo let the club down and how his services are no longer needed.

Then I hope Bully leaves the VP spot open and offers it to Styles. Even though the Aces want AJ, Bully himself has said nothing on the matter, all the talking about recruiting AJ has been by Anderson. I'd like Bully to address the issue himself by offering Styles the VP spot.
I might have not noticed right, but it looked like some of the lesser guys wanted to get beyond the guardrail, but Anderson held them back.
it's kind of surprising I guess that Aces and Eights did not help D'Lo. it was an I quit match, meaning there were no rules. all of Aces and Eights could have beat the hell out of Angle. but none chose to get involved at all.

I can't help but to feel like this is going to be the exit of D'Lo. probably for the best anyway. he doesn't have a use anymore. doubt he would be missed.

I wonder how they exit him out. Bully said he will take care of him. but I think it would be good for the entire gang to beat the hell out of him.
I think it would have been better had Bully said he will deal with D'Lo next week. just next week have D'Lo in the clubhouse saying he's sorry to Bully, and maybe have Bully at first seem sympathetic. but then Bully and the entire gang just jump him and beat his ass.
Id have to say yes as well. D'Lo, at best, was a stop-gap measure. He's not a guy you look at within a faction and say 'Having him in a position of power makes me take them more seriously', not if one want to be taken seriously. And for so long, TNA has made Aces and Eights out to look like a joke within the ring that they need to distance themselves from anyone who makes them look like a joke. Be it through interference or otherwise, it's been some time since Kurt Angle lost a match. So what does D'Lo Brown do? He challenges Kurt Angle to a glorified submission match. If that isn't making the club look weak and not very bright in the process, I'm not sure what is.

I think, symbolically, the way Anderson, D.O.C and the others walked away was essentially their way of distancing themselves from D'Lo as well. When Ray discussed "dealing" with Brown next week, one can only assume that his intention is to expel Brown, and perhaps more. Bully Ray brings an element, along with the World Title, that is legitimacy to the group. While perhaps he 'conceded' hiring decisions to D'Lo in the past regarding who they let in, him being out in the open as the president of A & 8 means he can call the shots now.

I'd put money on Brown going, but Bischoff Jr. and Brisco as well. Ray doesn't seem like the type who's going to let in-fighting ruin "his" faction, and the seeds were planted of that with Bischoff and Brisco complaining of being disrespected. Ray has been as no-nonsense as one can be, as shown in picking his partners for next way. Direct, forceful, and in-charge.

It wouldn't surprise me to see Brown's 'putting his colors up' lead to Ray doing the opposite: Making members earn their place in matches, losing their colors if they fail. He'll make an example of Brown as motivation, and throw those to the wolves who could potentially hold the group back in return. Slimming the gang and cutting the weak links in the process. Brown will be first, Brisco and Bischoff next.
Id say yes as well. D-Lo did step up and guarantee a win but as we all say Bubba said to D-Lo you bet your colors on guaranteeing a win and of course he said yes. D-Lo did up the match though by issuing a I Quit. D-Lo did fight his ass off though probably the best match i have ever seen D-Lo in btw. Anderson did keep the lesser known guys at bay to keep them from interfering.

Bubba is pissed no doubt in my mind D-Lo is out in the aces and eights. My only question is who replaces the VP? Seems like to me it would be Anderson the asshole VP nice ring to it dont you think
I am all for Anderson being the new VP of A&8, but I mark out for Anderson. However, based on my brief time in the IWC, I'm guessing not as many people share my feelings on this.
At least having Anderson as the VP of Aces & Eights would make sense. He's a wrestler who is still relevant and could step up in a major way. I never understood why D'Lo was revealed as the VP in the first place. I would have rather had Matt Morgan or Crimson revealed before D'Lo Brown. No casual fan is going to care about D'Lo to be quite honest. But, this whole storyline could be a good thing. Bully Ray could start getting rid of the deadweight in the group by having them win or exiled out. Next up, Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco!
I am all for Anderson being the new VP of A&8, but I mark out for Anderson. However, based on my brief time in the IWC, I'm guessing not as many people share my feelings on this.

I'm a huge fan of Anderson as well. He does a lot of the talking for Aces N' Eights and is one of Bully Ray's "Go to guys", so why not? He'd be great as the VP. Better than A.J. Styles in that role, because Anderson is the better talker, IMO. As for select members of the IWC that still rag on Anderson for being "injury prone" and "being unsafe in the ring" four years after he got released from WWE, well....they should shut the hell up. He's been injured like once since joining TNA (Hardy's fault, BTW.) and Kurt Angle has wrestled him several times so obviously he has no objections to working with him. Just goes to show you what a joke some IWC members are. Around 2006-2007, most of them loved him. Then by 2009, a lot of them started hating on him and calling him lame shit like "Mr. Injury.....Injury." Some of the idiots on the comment sections of this site seem to hate him just because he's with TNA. The hatred is unexplainable and stupid. Rant over.

As for whether D'Lo is out of the group, it would seem that way. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what happens next week. So I guess after this, D'Lo will go back to doing behind the scenes work. Shame. I would've loved to have seen him do the "Sky High" or "Low Down" once more. I just hope they don't let Aces N' Eights lose too many members. D'Lo will probably be exiled and some people think Brisco and Bischoff will go soon. If it happens, I hope they're replaced with bigger names to make the group seem stronger. Bully Ray, D-Von and Anderson are the strongest forces in that group by a fair margin.
Seems like a no-brainer. As it's already been said, D'Lo isn't a necessary part of A&8s anymore. He's no longer a member of TNA management, so his TV role is essentially done. He can go back to working behind the scenes, and kayfabe-wise D'Lo will never work for TNA again. I suppose it's possible that D'Lo could go to Hogan to beg for his job back, so he could "exact his revenge" on the group...but that doesn't seem very likely.

Removing A&8s vice president makes for a good story arc, as well. If someone (most likely Mr. Anderson) is just named the new VP in a backstage "clubhouse" segment, TNA would be missing out on storyline gold. Whatever happens, we're going to see some holes getting poked in A&8s over the next month or so. Either Bully will give D'Lo another shot, causing the rest of the group to think less of Bully's leadership style (not very likely), or D'Lo will be kicked to the curb and the group will start politicking to "elect" (or have Bully appoint) a new VP.

If everyone in the group tries to work for the position, it could make for some compelling TV. This would also cause an inner-conflict, which could tease the group's inevitable break-up. Instead of "never walking alone", A&8 members would start stabbing their own "brothers" in the back...just to earn Bully's confidence, and further themselves in the running to become the new VP. The group might then see more members defecting, but a smaller more cohesive A&8s stable would seem more dangerous.
I'm guessing D'lo is about to be ousted. The whole betting his colors was the kicker. Truthfully I didn't expect D'Lo to step back in the ring. He still has a few moves, but it's not what folks wanna see. He was a background guy in A&8's, nothing more. But if they wanna keep the stable strong, such as it were, then perhaps they shouldn't put their "colors" on the line in the near future.
D Lo Brown is exiting as he was useless and meaningless to Aces & 8's I see them bringing in Crimson cause as you can now see Matt Morgan is a threat to Bully Ray so I see Aces and Eights bringing in Crimson cause of their heated battle they had a long time ago and I see Jeff Jarrett as VP
not looking at anyone else's posts i'm gonna say no, Bully will use him to push home a point to the other people in A&8, he will get beaten and bloodied and will eventually be welcomed back.
as to the other bits i did see, if D'Lo was so useless what does that say for everyone else barring Team 3D and maybe Mr Andersaon who's done nothing in the last 2 years in the group, they have all done absolutely nothing, least D'Lo put on a half decent match and at one point he was a big player in the most notible era in pro wrestling.
not looking at anyone else's posts i'm gonna say no, Bully will use him to push home a point to the other people in A&8, he will get beaten and bloodied and will eventually be welcomed back.
as to the other bits i did see, if D'Lo was so useless what does that say for everyone else barring Team 3D and maybe Mr Andersaon who's done nothing in the last 2 years in the group, they have all done absolutely nothing, least D'Lo put on a half decent match and at one point he was a big player in the most notible era in pro wrestling.

I said Deep Low Brown was useless and meaningless cause he had no business being in part of this deadly faction if they want to suceed as nWo resurrection factor they need to some tweaking . DLo Brown is in charge of talent relations and has no business in this Aces and Eights! I agree Anderson will be next to go he is also useless and Garret Bischoff is too much of Marcus Bagwell follower . They need to bring some talent in like Batista,SID , Chris Masters some recognizeable major stars who can increase the ratings
cause Knox and Feces are not getting anyone
Deadly faction? in what century, they've done nothing except beat people with weapons, they barely win if they win anything at all, they only own 2 titles one of which never gets defended and none of them bar Bully Ray has any talking skills whatsoever.

Least nWo was full of talented guys that could go it alone and they won alot more then they lost. and the talent you talk of that they need will never happen bar maybe Chris Masters, noone out there in indy land or WWE rejects is gonna do anything to save it.
If you watched IMPACT last night, Kurt Angle made an open challenge to anyone from Aces and Eights in a one-on-one match. Bully Ray, in response, challenged his own gang, asking who was going to step up and "take care of business". D-Lo ended up being the one to step up and even accelerated things by telling Kurt once he hit the ring that he was going to beat him in an "I Quit" match. He of course didn't, but the kicker is that he bet his "colors" to the club guaranteeing he'd beat Angle.

Anderson was ring side with most of the club watching the match and didn't look too pleased either, and the club actually walked away after without helping D-Lo. Couple that with what Bully said about "dealing with" D-Lo next week and you gotta imagine we're gonna see our first exile, no?

Don't knoow, don't care. Stopped following when they were still all faceless, and the idea of a has barely been like Dlo(that' short for de blows, right?) being high up in the gang really finished any interest I had in them.

As for them walking away, that doesn't neccessarily mean he's out. He could just drop down the ranks, but that doesn't mean as much since there have been amny times in the past with people in groups or factions not really taking care of each other if there was a chance the group as a whole could be affected.

Scene 1:
they rush angle and considering what happened earlier with sting and hogan, likely they come out. Morgan likely comes out to try and prove he's the man to hogan instead of sting. so instead of what 5 on 1 it's 5 on 4 and sting has his bat, hogan likely brings something (maybe his walker)

Scene 2:
they rush angle and AJ comes out to stop them going with the idea that he respects angles work and career, and since they are trying to recruit AJ, this could show them as the pathetic jackals who aren't worth his time (could be played as AJ face with angle's side, or AJ heel but taking a higher road and not wanting to be associated with fools who can't even handle a broken down old has been like angle)

That's just two ways things could have gone aside from the obvious and thankfully avoided situation of them rushing the ring and taking out angle. That would smack too much of Mexus and mid NWO when they had like 15-20 people and would can rush everyone who wasn't in the faction no matter what since so few of them can carry or even pass as mediocre in a true 1-1 face off, especially against someone like Angle.
Deadly faction? in what century, they've done nothing except beat people with weapons, they barely win if they win anything at all, they only own 2 titles one of which never gets defended and none of them bar Bully Ray has any talking skills whatsoever.

Least nWo was full of talented guys that could go it alone and they won alot more then they lost. and the talent you talk of that they need will never happen bar maybe Chris Masters, noone out there in indy land or WWE rejects is gonna do anything to save it.

NWO was full of talented guys? When was this? Did I miss an episode of Nitro? NWO was midcarders hyped beyond their actual skills since it started as a group of guys who came from WWE when WWE was kicking WCW ass, and WCW was able to harp that they stole them from WWE and made them stars. As for WWE rejects not saving you have that right since most of them are already wwe rejects and one or more rejects added to the looser pile won't make them look any brighter.
I think Hugh nailed it. In storyline, Brown was only useful to the Aces & Eights because he worked backstage and served as the faction's inside man. Ever since he was fired by Dixie Carter though, it doesn't seem like Aces & Eights really have a use for him anymore. Add to his loss to Angle and now he's simply dead weight. I'd wager he's getting booted out next week and his position going to Anderson. Something about him holding back giving assistance to Brown on Thursday makes me further believe that's what will happen. He takes the VP role at Brown's expense.

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