What's more entertaining, Smackdown or Raw?


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I personally think Raw is the better brand, because since Smackdown has been losing the good wrestlers. like Mark Henry, Kurt Angle, and crappy wrestlers have been adding like, the great Kahli, Finlay. They gotta make things more old school, just like raw, how DX reunited..your opinion???
Raw seems to have the more distinguished wrestlers currently. Smackdown the past year has just been hammered with bad luck, whether it be injuries or ultimately losing a wrestler altogether.
it used to be i would tune into SD! for the matches and raw for the drama...i can't really say that no more until SD! gets more talent...
I enjoy all three brands. RAW is good because of DX but the mainevent spot isnt been as good as SD lately due to it been the same 2 people in the main event frame. SD has had bad luck with the loss of Orton, JBL, Benoit, Angle and Henry but JBL, Benoit are set to return soon, and Angle is rumord to be on his way back SD could soon overtake RAW. ECW has good maineents and its good 3rd brand for WWE and has some good parts to it.

SD I find the best and when I went to see WWE hows live I find SD more entertaining and they can put on a good show despite lack of star power.
Personally, I think a root canal is better than Raw and Smackdown right about now. Vince needs to re-evaluate his ideas on the new ECW project. Give Heyman and Dreamer back total creative control and watch it sky rocket. Besides that, they need to bring back the old names like Swinger, Simon Diamond, Tony DeVito and the rest of Da Baldies, all of The Dudleys (Bubba Ray, DeVon, Spike, Dudley Dudley, Sign Guy Dudley, and Dances With Dudley), Shane Douglas, Raven, Rhino, Jerry Lynn, Christian York, Tajiri, Big Sal E. Graziano and New Jack. They need to move Joey Mathews back over to ECW as well as Super Crazy, Psycosis, Kid Kash and give guys like CW Anderson and Roadkill a little more air time as they both were fairly big back in the day. And dammit, give Dreamer "Man in the Box", Sandman "Enter Sandman", Sabu "Huka Blues", RVD "Respect". Those are the songs that made them famous and that the true ECW fans can actually stand. There is definatly no other kind of feeling that watching a normal Sandman entrance, hearing the entire Bingo Hall singing along.
i think itz obvious that raw is the better brand and has been for a while, nobody wants to face it but every since eddie died, smackdown has gotten more and more terrible...it sux man
I'll say SmackDown too.. ratings don't mean shit when you're facing off with UPN. I mean honestly, who else gets UPN? McMahons don't equal entertainment anymore. I am sick of seeing DX every week, the McMahons every week, and now Hogan will probably be on TV. I'll pass. SD may have Khali, the little bastard, and others.... but they also have some better entertainment in my opinion...... although JBL is getting kind of stale on the mic.
I have to say RAW but they have been dissipointing the last 2 weeks. Didn't see SmackDow! Last week cause here it was pushed back for one day on the same time as SNME which I regret watching and would of rather watched SmackDown last week. And I did not see WWECW yesterday so I can't really speak about that either.
Raw is definately better. Anyone who thinks that Smackdown is better than Raw knows nothing of sports entertainment. Now, ECW is holding strong so far with The Big Show as the Champion, facing off big named opponents every week. But Rey Mysterio needs to drop that belt to someone and someone good. THe whole King Booker angle on smackdown is something i find very annoying. I think Booker needs to get his wife off television and start wrestling w/o anyone in his corner. If another man like Angle becomes champ of the show again, the ratings will go up
RAw is definately still the flagship show of WWE. It's live and the highest rated of their programming. Truthfully, all the shows have been kind of week compared to other booms in the business but Raw remains the most consistent product WWE has to offer.
hinkey1 said:
Raw is definately better. Anyone who thinks that Smackdown is better than Raw knows nothing of sports entertainment. Now, ECW is holding strong so far with The Big Show as the Champion, facing off big named opponents every week. But Rey Mysterio needs to drop that belt to someone and someone good. THe whole King Booker angle on smackdown is something i find very annoying. I think Booker needs to get his wife off television and start wrestling w/o anyone in his corner. If another man like Angle becomes champ of the show again, the ratings will go up

so two guys rehashing a stable from nearly 10 years ago, pulling down their pants, talking about ****s, covering people in feces, making sophomoric jokes, and crotch chopping along with a guy who has been using the evil boss gimmick over and over, and a son who has been his enemy, his sidekick, his enemy, his sidekick, over and over again is considered sports entertainment and not annoying...........

and.... a guy who had nothing to do with ECW in the first place, is keeping it strong because he's their world champion.

and the ratings won't go up if someone like Angle were champ on SmackDown, the ratings haven't been up in a long time.
I really like Raw for all the promos but SD for the wrestling.Especially
Finlay matches but yeah I agree they definetly need more talent and need to get rid of dumb gimmicks.
smackdown is terrible, it has a 170 pound masked midget as its champ for god sake, they shud have made orton the champ then he cud have had a nice tasty feud with bastista for the championship. the new wecw is crap too, the only real ecw guys 2 be pushed have been rvd and sabu, cmon test and mike knox have won all ther matches against ecw veterans. also making all the matches without extreme rules unless its put in as a stipulation is a joke. its ment 2 be EXTREME championship wrestling, not the raw B team show. Raw is the dominant brand because it has all the good up and coming talent like carlito, kenny and nitro and some of the best experienced guys like HHH and orton as well. if they wpuld just get cena out of the main event picture for 5 minutes and put someone who deserves a shot at the title like umaga or orton in. like cmon cena gets at least 50% boos in evry town the WWE goes 2 and hes ment 2 be the biggest face on raw. Raw hands down

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