What you think of the new WWE 13 game so far??


CM Perfection
After hearing what the new WWE13 game is going to be like Im excited to see what the Attitude Era Mode is going to be like 32 Attitude wrestlers and the old .Raw is War and old Smackdown as well. Im just hoping owen hart is going to be in it. So heres my question (What Attitude Wrsstlers you think is going to be in the new WWE13game and do you think it could be up there with the past WWE games like smackdown know your role. Rr
I'm not to sure about Owen Hart being in the game. I thought his wife didn't want his name associated with WWE anymore... While I enjoy having legends in the game I don't like using them in WWE universe unlike most people. I actually would have a full roster of current stars even the guys who seem to be jobbing and full divas roster (really only 7?) Then add the legends. I like the idea of the attitude era mode but I also hope that doesn't take away from a story mode for regular superstars. If the Attitude era is the only story mode I will be highly disappointed because WWE universe does not count as a story mode to me. Unlike a lot of people I seem to want more current stars then legends. But either way the initial looks of the game seems good and I can't wait to hear more about it.
I've just saw the trailer on youtube, great graphics, attitude era is what i'm mostly exciting about.
WWE Live: is that not the same as the 'Road to Wrestlemania' mode??
Yeah thats the only reason why im getting WWE13 is to play the attitude era mode im just hoping its going to live up to the hype and not be a big let down. Like alot WWE storylines today
Yeah thats the only reason why im getting WWE13 is to play the attitude era mode im just hoping its going to live up to the hype and not be a big let down. Like alot WWE storylines today

True, i've read here that Owen Hart is in the game, that alone would be awesome, full attitude era roster, i don't know.
I'm interested in it and I don't really care about wrestling games.

Also the problem with add Attitude Era stars later is if they are hoping the Attitude Era story line will help sell the game you can't have it only start with 12 superstars. You can get away with having with having a smaller current roaster as long as you have enough to run the game story lines. Then have enough to run the AE stories. You can always add other current roaster wrestlers with DLC. You need to make sure they have enough to run both current and AE story lines.
Well from what I have heard there bringing in 32 attitude wrestlers in the game so I would say that would be half the Attitude Era wrestlers but im just happy they brought it in heres hoping it turns out to be a sucess. :)
WWE '13 is looking good in my eyes.

32 Attitude Era stars is going to be fun, especially for those who grew up in that era or enjoy going back to that time. With Stone Cold, Undertaker, and Mankind already shown, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, and X-Pac already claiming to have been asked to be in the game, and obvious inclusions such as The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Bret Hart, the roster should be stacked.

I do have 2 hopes for the game, however...

One: Don't give Attitude Era stars that are still around today two roster spots. I don't want Triple H on the roster twice. Make Attitude Era and Present Day attires. If this doesn't happen, expect Taker, Big Show, Kane, etc. to be on the roster twice and take up valuable space.

Two: Improve the controls and physics. WWE '12 was a let-down control-wise. Smackdown vs Raw '11 had some goofy physics at times, but was fun. WWE '12's physics seemed stiff and filled with glitches. I was highly disappointed with how less fun it was to play matches in '12, and that was a big factor toward me not playing nearly as much. I hope '13 can fix this.

Overall, I have high hopes for WWE '13, but I'm not going to call the game "revolutionary" just yet.
Well they have already confirmed Austin, Foley, and Ministry Undertaker as 3 of the 32. I expect the following guys to round out the 32:

Austin, Foley, Taker, HHH(DX), Xpac, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, The Rock, Faarooq, Bradshaw, Viscera, Mideon, Ken Shamrock, Big Bossman, Test, Original Kane, Bulldog, Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Edge, Christian, Bubba Ray, Devon, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Goldust, Vince, Shane, Godfather, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, and HBK.

Those names are probably the most associated with that period of time so it makes sense to me. Some probably won't be there for TNA reasons but who knows. Maybe they will include Owen Hart and maybe a few others but none that come to mind immediately. Maybe like Hardcore Holly and Al Snow but whatevers.
These new inclusions sound good on paper, but if the game suffers from more collision detection issues and glitches, then it won't matter. WWE 12 was a huge letdown, so I'm very cautious with this one.
It's had a pretty cool trailer - honestly I understand why they push hard to try to sell it but a lot of people have already decided if they're gonna buy it or not a long time ago.

The details so far sound good but I'm not a fan of their reliance on legends to pad out the roster. They have around 50 full time roster members right now, why do they need to skip out a third of them to include nearly 40 legends half of whom no-one cares about? Also the fact that they have arbitrarily chosen seven divas when there are only nine on the roster that wrestle regularly baffles me no end. It smacks of exclusion for DLC for no compelling other reason.
as much as i like having legends on the game i hope the guys like curt hawkins,tyler reks and other low carders make the game still i still think its stupid theres only 7 divas on the game but then again i can just do what i did last year and create most of the knockouts divison i saw that punk has original best in the world shirt and jericho has the light up jacket...nice to see somebody besides cena has a shirt or jacket as enterance attire without wearing it in the match that annoys me so much.

im still waiting for fighting in the crowd,gm mode and tournament mode to return to the game i loved those 3 things.
So far seems like smoke and mirrors and hiding that the game hasn't improved at all and will suffer from the same problems it always has done and things like the online mode will still be dodgy.

Also their focus is on the Attitude Era using the name WWE13, which would show the game should be focused on the WWE in the year 2012/2013. Seems to me like THQ are getting desperate for games to sell, realising their games are stale and lack of new names that nostalgia is the only way forward.

Thats not to mention the huge amount of current wrestlers who will be missing in the game and the fact key wrestlers from the Attitude Era will also be missing (Dudleyz, Hardyz, Angle, Owen and so forth). Also be interesting to see what they do with the likes of Bret and HBK, considering one was highly screwed (if you count it as being apart of the Era) and the other one was mostly retired for the whole Attitude Era.
I'm willing to bet that all the attitude era wrestlers will obviously be Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho, Mark Henry, Mankind, Mick Foley, Dude Love, Cactus Jack, Edge, Christian, Eddie Guerrero, Big Show, Goldust, Road Dogg, X-Pac, Stone Cold, The Rock, Vince McMahon, Gangrel, Viscera, Bradshaw, Faarooq, Godfather...there's 26 of them.

Basically only the attitude era wrestlers still signed to WWE or on good terms with WWE with their 90s attire, moveset and entrance.

Also,I'm hoping that Booker T is the Smackdown commentator. JR mentioned that there will be several commentators instead of just Cole & King.
I don't really care about the rosters as long as the online creations thing actually works this time....any guy who isn't on the game roster, somebody will create them, its a pain when the server never works though....
I want to be excited for it, but it's hard after the last few years. Revolutionary? Doubt that. WWE 12 had a lot of hype surrounding it, claiming to be a major change but for the most part ended up being very much the same game that THQ releases every year. I got sucked in myself by these promises, plus a pretty sweet roster. Most of the old bugs and glitches were intact (as well as some new ones), and the online mode was barely functional for months after release. They already scrapped that very non-interactive story mode, good move there. I loved the Attitude era, but I really don't know if I feel like giving them my money again until they make a better game. Not sure if they are able to use the old AKI engine, but that would be the best place to start imho.
I always get so excited by the WWE games. I can't contain my excitement before it comes out then I barely play it. The trailers and content make it sound good but after i blast through the Road to Wrestlemania mode I am basically done with the game and very rarely touch it.

Hopefully, they do something this year that changes that system and I will be able to play the game a bit more and enjoy it for longer. I like the idea of the attitude era being included.

Owen will never be in the game. There are too many unresolved issues involving his wife that would mean it would be impossible.
It's bigger, badder and better than ever. Again.


Right, WWE '13 has finally been announced. CM Punk interrupted Big Johnny's celebration of being on the cover to finally reveal that he'll be the man gracing the cover of this years video game, which will consist of a "Revolution", we'll get to that later. Here's the official game Trailer though, starring Punk, some wars, gameplay and an exploding/imploding ring.


So, like every year, THQ says that this game will be better than last year. What makes it so this year?

Improved Predator Tech/Physics

So, the Predator Tech that was introduced last year has been reported as being "improved". Rey Mysterio would not be able to even think of lifting Big Show or Mark Henry and the bigger guys now have a new frame to make them really look their size.

OMG!! Moments

You may have been excited when you saw Big Show and Mark Henry break the ring last year, or you may love it when two superstars break through into the crowd and fight right in front of your eyes, yes? Well now, you can do it yourself! With the "OMG!" moment, you can take advantage of the match and the area/situation you're in by possibly putting your opponent into a predicament that makes you come out on top. You could even catch a finisher in mid-air, like good old Randy Orton does like... all the time.


It says "Slightly tweaked" for this years WWE '13 Graphics, but looking at them, they look pretty damn impressive so far. It won't let me share them here, but if you go to the IGN Exclusive, which I have linked in these brackets (http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/05/29/igns-exclusive-debut-of-wwe-13), you can see what I mean.

Road To Wrestlemania? Dead.

Yep, THQ have finally seen sense with the ever-dying RtWM mode, where you take a character and play through his "Wrestlemania Season", which in the end, suffers no purpose. You could call it something under a different name, it just still falls a bit flat, especially with the amount of situations you get put it that were just awful. So what do we have this year to keep us occupied?

Attitude Era Mode

Hell yes. You are now going to be able to play through the entire Attitude Era as 8 different Wrestlers from that period of time. Relive WWE's eventual victory in the "Monday Night Wars", playing through matches with simple and more advanced objectives as you reach the end of the story, unlocking bonuses that benefit the game you're playing. With a game roster that consists of just under half Attitude Era stars, this is a fucking good idea. Talking about the Roster...

WWE '13 Roster. Who Made The Cut?

Here's an "unfinished" list of the superstar who are rumoured to have made the list for the WWE '13 Roster so far.

WWE Current Superstars

Alberto Del Rio
Big Show
Booker T
Brock Lesnar
Brodus Clay
CM Punk
Chris Jericho
Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan
David Otunga
Dolph Ziggler
Heath Slater
Jack Swagger
Jinder Maha
John Cena
Justin Gabriel
Kevin Nash
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Santino Marella
Sin Cara
Ted DiBiase,
The Great Khali
The Miz
The Rock
Wade Barrett
Zack Ryder

WWE Divas

Alicia Fox
Beth Phoenix
The Bella Twins
Eve Torres
Kelly Kelly

Attitude Era Superstars

Steve Austin
The Rock
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Bret Hart
Eddie Guerrero
Edge & Christian
New Age Outlaws
Road Warriors
Vince McMahon
Shane McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
Mankind, Dude Love
Cactus Jack
Trish Stratus
Big Show
Davey Boy Smith
Mark Henry
Ken Shamrock
Big Bossman

Not a shabby Roster there and this is where I wrap up my ramblings on the Game. What do I think of it? I think it looks fricking awesome so far and I cannot wait for it. But my questions to you are;

Are you looking forward to WWE 13?
Are you disappointed in the loss of the RtWM?
What are your thoughts on Attitude Era mode?
OMG Moments. Good or Bad?
Is the Roster decent, or is the Attitude Era taking over too much of it?
I'd rather have the full WWE roster and some FCW wrestlers before I get legends. I play the universe mode and don't even use them..It pisses me off because games like nba 2k12 have the full roster and still has some room for legends but THQ can't seem to do that.

They also need to fix the bugs in the game, I remember watching a match between Bryan and Jericho and punk came out to distract the ref which he did successfully but the ref wouldn't "catch" him therefor Punk stayed out for an eternity and the match wouldn't finish so I had to restart. Just stupid Sh#t thats been a problem since they introduced universe mode.
Im looking forward for WWE '13, I cannot wait! I liked the the RTWM but im much happier that they are replacing it with the Attitude Era mode. The Attitude Era mode is a great idea, I wish they did it years ago. OMG moments can be pretty cool, It would be cool to suplex your opponet on the top rope and break the ring. The Roster is awesome, I love it! I wish that they can add some WCW guys in the game.
I'm looking forward to WWE 13. Graphic look great, hopefully the gameplay will be much more fluid than WWE 12. I will go on to say that WWE 12 is the smoothest wrestling game I've ever played before, and that includes HCTP, SvR 06, SYM, etc... The matches in WWE 12 look just as real as the matches on TV. Where they can make improvements on is on collision detection, and breaking up moves. I can barely play triple threat matches because of this. As for the roster, I'm scared that the low card in the current WWE won't be in the game. Hopefully the game focuses on the Attitude Era, and the 2011-2012 wrestling year. The number of legends in the game is awesome. Right now there doesn't need to be an engine change for WWE games, but a dream come true would be if the Euphoria engine is ever used in a wrestling game. Also the physics system needs to get fixed, as it worsened from 2011. Otherwise I'm looking forward to WWE 13.

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