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What WWE Superstar is the most misused?


Too Sweet To Be Sour
I think there are currently three superstars that are being misused the most in the WWE right now.

Goldust: This man is clearly in great shape and has very good ring skills. He is very funny and can cut pretty good pomos, yet he is stuck on the lower mid-card teaming with a midget? What in the heck is running through Vince and creative's mind. This guy has a great gimmick and if reverted back to the sexual, Hollywood gimmick, which will probally never happen in the PG Era but it's worth a shot anyway, could get a legit IC/US title push and maybe even a World Title run if used right and he went over enough. I don't know why he is so low on the card. Maybe they should move him to ECW and Christain to RAW so he could get a chance in the ECW Title picture, just to see how he does in the title scene without it being a big risk with one of the big two. And his gimmick would fit perfectly with Sci-Fi and the land of extreme. Just do something and start him off with a mid-card or ECW Title run, he deserves it and is by far good enough for it, and needs it seeing how he is being booked now.

The Brian Kendrick: This guy is a glorified jobber with great atheletic ability, decent mic skills, and a fresh gimmick that has only been used once before and not in the last 10 years or so (Brian Pillman). Stick him in a fued with Triple H or a returning Shawn Michaels (seeing as he trained him) over respect and have him go over on them. He is a future upper mid-carder or main event player so establish him now so he won't seem such a joke in the future, only being remembered jobbing to Goldust and the horny midget when he first came to RAW. For goodness sakes, use the man right.

Kane: Okay Glen, buddy, I get it, you enjoy putting over the younger guys. But it isn't good for you. It's destroying that chance at a spot in the Hall of fame you deserve and a chance at the final title run you deserve. Geez, he is a 300-some pound 7 foot man. He can cut good promos, is funny at times, has a very good skill set and agility for a big guy, and is a deserving vetern. He should be pushed as a monster heel and as an unstopable champion. Just have him build some muscle during this off-time he's having recently. He is a Grand-Slam Champion, he has destroyed numerous opponets, set people on fire, ripped the door off the HIAC on his debut, yet he is jobbing to Rey Mysterio and, wait did he job to Kofi too? I think so. For goodness sakes use this man right, make hima monster heel, give him the title, put him on the mic more often, heck he is ten times better than Yokozuna, who was deemed one of the greatest of the 90's. So just let him have a respectable reign, it's the least you could do.

Anywhere there is my opinion, so who do you think is the most misused?
I personally couldn't agree with you more, Goldust is amazing as of late overall in the ring. He has great agility for a guy his size and is completely misunderused in everyway.

I would also say Jimmy Wang Yang, where the hell is he???
My vote goes to Matt Hardy. I don't think he should be any lower than the mid card. I am NOT saying he should be main eventing, but he shouldn't have to job week in and week out. Most will argue about his limitations about his hand, and I respond by respectfully saying bullshit. He should win more by using the cast!
My vote goes to Matt Hardy. I don't think he should be any lower than the mid card. I am NOT saying he should be main eventing, but he shouldn't have to job week in and week out. Most will argue about his limitations about his hand, and I respond by respectfully saying bullshit. He should win more by using the cast!

Yes I forgot Matt Hardy.

Matt is a very good wrestler. he has proved himself credible many times before, and puts on great matches. I think he needs to work on his mic skills a tad bit. they're okay, but he could improve a little bit. He could also work with the gimmick he has. He is supposed to be cold-blooded, right? let him attack babyfaces, especially with weapons like chairs, maybe even tables and ladders (leading to a TLC match?). have him win matches with his cast, like Edge did after his injury. Heck even let him attack a women, that will really be cold-blooded and give him some heat (controversial I know but still it'll work, remember Orton RKO'ing Stacy in his fued with Taker?). And let him give cold promos, talking about how he attacks everyone because he wants to. Have him sit in a dark room with a camera and let him talk about how he is going to end his opponets careers, just because he can, just to get to the top. After he wins matches, have him attack his opponets afterwords. Give him an IC/US title run and in a few years he'll be a top heel and Main Eventer.
I also believe that the brian kendrick is becoming misused. hes being used as a jobber for not major guys in on the roster like legacy kinda is being used for but guys like hornswoggle! itd be understandable if goldust pinned him but hornswoggle?

also william regal they should use him while he still is agile and capable of putting on decent matches.
well I think right away about Goldust, festus, kendrick, and noble. With Goldust he is athletic again and looks really good in the ring. Has nice athletic ability and looks really cool again. He's got a real additude that is appealing and he knows how to put on a fued thats great so he should be given a shot at the big dogs since he knows more about the art of putting on a good fued then 50 percent of the main event. As for festus, hes got the size and look and they need to drop that bell crap because he can flat out wrestle. With Kendrick he's the closest thing to a old school crazy nut could be a kidman like character mamby a character like raven because from what i've seen I know he can pull it off since he's got many of the right senseabilities to pull off a real odd character that could hold a crediable belt and bring prestige to it. With noble, he happens to be a real great performer, has extradonarly great in ring skill, and can execute a a great promo. All of these guys deserve more then they have right now. Kendrick is a jobber sadly and is most likely to be thrown in a dog suit and have him chase his own tail. Goldust right now has nothing, it seems like they are confused when it comes to booking him. Noble when he appears his size counts against him and he is booked as a looser who gets pushed down everytime he is really entertaining us. Festus has his bell, no purpose, and a waste of a great peformer. Hes got the size and skill to be a talent not a joke.
I've felt like Matt Hardy has been misused since his return to the company and his feud with Edge.
When he came back he was seriously getting a crowd reaction similar to John Cena. He was as over as he had ever been. Then after they ended that feud, he was sent to Smackdown and was really in no man's land. Rather than the WWE capitalizing on the popularity of Matt, they put him in some forgettable stuff.
Then he feuded with MVP in which seemed like a year long program.
ECW was their sad attempt at giving Matt a push, but to me it was more like he was sent their to help the younger guys on the show.
So now we have Matt, fresh off of a heel turn and a forgettable feud with Jeff and he is back on RAW and once again in no man's land. If I see him and MVP wrestle on more time, I'm gonna puke.
I know Matt isn't the best on the mic and he is somewhat injured but I feel like they are missing the boat on him. His in ring work is right up there with the best in the company.
My point is that after all of this time and so many botched attempts by the WWE to give him the serious push, I feel like its now a lost cause. We should all just give up on our hope that Matt Hardy will get the respect he deserves. His brother is more over because he dives off of ladders and has a new hair color every week. Not that I hate Jeff, but I do hate that he has had more success than Matt who is more loyal, a better worker, and more serious about being World Champion.

Here's hoping that the most underused guy in the company gets his real break sometime soon....
Goldust has been misused because I miss the "Shattered Dreams" finisher, not very PG but who cares.

I think the most misused Superstar is Gail Kim. I just don't get it. Why are they having Eve who it terrible in the ring wrestling instead of Gail Kim. She is far and away the most talented (wrestling wise) Diva on Smackdown.
MVP-He was a HELL of a heel on SD! Blingin, braggin, ballin, & most importantly winning(until that piss test indecent)! He was gold on the mic as well as in the ring! He showed what he could do on the mic everytime he hosted the VIP Lounge! Remember the one with the Nature Boy as his guest that led to one Ric's "career threatening matches"? Remember that match itself as well as others against Benoit, Matt Hardy, & Kofi Kingston? He should be in that fatal four way Monday night!

Everyone that you all have mentioned are clearly being misused. But I think that two superstars that are being horrificly misused are Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. When they were together as "The World's Greatest Tag Team", they clearly showed their potential. When the WWE decided that they would become singles wrestlers is where I feel they clearly dropped the ball. I know that they are now teaming up more often, but I think it may be a tad too late!
:robvandam: im gonna go with shelton benjamin. i agree with all the wrestlers above, but i think shelton is awesome. i dont understand what there doing with him, ic title, us title, ic title etc. he has been in every mitb matches (i think), but regardless, his athleticism is great, better than goldust (who i think is a big joke, always have). if shelton doesnt get the belt, at least give him a ME title run, its ridiculous what they do with him. matt hardy as well. i think jeff is pathetic as champion, matt would be perfect as a heel champ with the wwe title.
I am honestly surprised that no one has even mentioned Christian as one of the most misused wrestlers. He is pretty good on the mic and he's a good wrestler. In my opinion he should be on Smackdown in the main event scene. He would be right at home with some of the guys there. There's a few good feuds he can have with the guys from Smackdown. There's Edge vs Christian, Christian vs Jericho, Christian vs CM Punk, and there's a lot of other ones they can have. I like what they are doing with him and Swagger on ECW and I have been enjoying their program thus far but I think he is getting wasted since they have a few money feuds that are waiting to happen.

I think Christian is more than capable of holding his own against anyone and he has paid his dues so I hope that in the future we get to see some of the feuds that are waiting to happen for him on Smackdown.
Kane: Kane is without question the most misused guy in WWE. He used to dominate his opponents back in the day. Now look at him, he's jobbing to everyone. I think that if he didn't get unmasked, he would still be just as big.

Matt Hardy: I think Matt was at his best(singles wise) when he was feuding with Edge and Lita. He was so popular back then. I thought that after the feud with Edge, he would've moved up to the main event but nope.

Christian: I think he's one of the best on the mic in WWE right now. He is extremely popular right now. I don't understand why that didn't draft him over to Smackdown. On Smackdown he could've been having some nice feuds and been in the main event.
i'd have to say william regal, he is an amazing heel and was main event standard just after his king of the ring win, i would love to see him in a fued with triple h but since his return from rehab all he's done is job to kofi who is just a joke
I would have to say Matt Hardy and Christian. Matt Hardy should have been sent to Smackdown. Christian also. They both could work well on that show. Smackdown seems to have the more athletic, all around wrestlers. Both could benefit with extended runs against Edge( this time Matt might have a chance), Y2J, C.M. Punk. I'm sure Vince is keeping Christian on ECW because he chose to go to TNA and wasn't released.
matt hardy. the guy should be main eventing or at least winning. they set him up with the jeff hardy rivalry and he went over twice. that shouldve pushed him to face cena orton triple h hbk. i wouldnt mind seeing matt hardy vd hbk. or vs hhh. or even vs cena. but enough with the jobbing. he may be a sloppy wrestler, but he knows what hes doing and has been here long enough to finally be in the main event like his brother. matt is cleaner than jeff. and more of a company man than jeff.
Kane jobbing is not going to hurt his HOF chances but improve it. It shows how much of a company man he is and how unselfish he is. The fact that The Undertaker has offered to end his WM streak to Kane shows how much respect he has in the locker room. Vince must have a lot of respect for him too if he was the star of a WWE film.

Matt Hardy has been misused for so long. With the exception of him winning the ECW Title Ive felt he's been misused since his V1 gimmick. When he returned to attack Edge the WWE REALLY dropped the ball on a super hot gimmick. It would have greatly benefited Matt to beat Edge convincingly at that time and Edge would have stayed strong.

Shelton Benjamin is one of the most gifted wrestlers in WWE history but must rub management the wrong way. I am guessing he doesn't have the passion to excel and just coasts along.
I Might Be Been Bias Here But I Think That Randy Orton Is Getting Missused

Just Look What He Done

Punted Mr Mcmahon
Won Royal Rumble
Claimed He Had Ied Which Was Brilliant And Interesting
Then He Gets Put Up Against Supershane Who Makes Him Look Terrible
Beats Supershane Then Punts Him
Triple H Then Comes Into Play And Buries Orton
Rko's Stephanie Gave Him The Best Heat I Have Seen In Years
Makes Orton Run About The Building At Raw Like A Coward
Ddt's And Kisses Stephanie Gave Him The Best Heat I Have Seen In Years
Then Orton Comes Out And Tells Everyone Ied Was A Joke Which Further Messed Up The Storyline
Gets Beaten Up By Vince, Supershane And Triple H
Triple H Buries Orton At Wrestlemania 25
Have Orton Win Wwe Title In A Joke Match At Backlash
Have Orton Win By Dq At Judgement Day Make Him Look Like A Coward Again
Have Orton Loose The Wwe Title In 7 Minutes At Extreme Rules
The Next Night On Raw They Strip Batista Of Wwe Title Because Of An Injury He Had For Weeks
Triple H Comes Back And Yet Again Buries Orton

Sorry About The Rant But Wwe Is Screwing The Greatest Thing They Have Had In Years
If we are talking about most misused wrestler in WWE, I would have to say Hornswoggle. He is taking up valuable on air time that could be used to showcase and actual wrestler! They are misusing hornswoggle by actually using him at all!
There's a few that come to mind.

In my opinion, RAW is the place where mid-carders go to die. Matt Hardy was a major player on Smackdown! and is pretty good in the ring. Now he's used as a filler and in pointless angles. The same thing with Kendrick. He seemed like he mattered on the Smackdown! mid-card but now he's wasting away on RAW. Goldust is a great worker and entertainer but he's used as kiddie slapstick comedy relief. MVP still gets some good exposure on RAW, but lost the US title to Kofi Kingston, who also gets some good spots. The RAW mid-card is totally pushed aside for hasbeen and boring main-eventers like Batista, HHH, and RKO. HBK needs to come back pronto to freshen the main event.

Shelton Benjamin is being misused. People say he lacks mic skills, I don't think Morrison is that much better on the mic and Benjamin has been jobbing to him for weeks. They are really trying to get him over. Smackdown mid-carders get descent match lengths and a chance to shine with quality matches. RAW is more of a variety show than a wrestling show to me.
I have a few,
I agree with Matt Hardy and Golddust.
I'd have to say Dolph Ziggler too.
He was pretty great in his match with Batista. (I think it was Batista, either him or Cena.)
Carlito used to be big, but now he lowered himself back down to Tag Team.
Kanes being down low to, I would want to see him back into Main Event.
Yeah I'm gonna go with Shelton Benjamin. The guy truly is the Gold Standard, and I think he can out wrestle any one on todays roster! He never got his big break as well! By now he should have been a main eventer! But he ends up losing the U.S. title and going back to the totally destroyed and killed tag team scene! I don't get why Vince isn't pushing this man!
Pretty much everyone that has been mentioned here I agree with. Although, not so much with Kane (he really has lost a step in the past few years). I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that they will probably never do anything exciting with Shelton, which annoys me greatly.

Am I the only person here, though, that thinks Chris Jericho is being misused? I love his character now, but they have kind of buried him in the midcard since before Wrestlemania. I wasn't all that impressed with the whole "legends" feud, and I was hoping that by coming out ahead in that it would give him some momentum to push him into the main event picture on Smackdown. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing Jericho go at it with Mysterio, but he really should be doing something more than what he is doing right now.
To me theres a few WWE Superstars being missed used on all 3 brands...

On RAW it would defentlty be The Brian Kendrick i mean hes a great athlete and by keeping him in the crapy tag divison on RAW isnt helping him at all, slo he could be a very good mid card heel we could but him in a varity of good rivarlys buy idk what the WWE is doin to him at the moment. Also i feel like Matt Hardy is jusy bein destroyed on RAW he works a whole hell of alot better on ECW and could be ECW Champ once again haha i would even be happy to see Matt on SmackDown too. But Hornswaglle just needs to be fired already or put back on ECW and as Goldust goes he would be amazing on ECW fosho just image sum of the match ups that could be created with that character

On ECW Christan isnt doin much hes way better than ECW i mean he could be doing a great fued with Chris Jechico or CM Punk or even Jeff Hardy but i couldnt see Christan on the RAw roster he would just be pushed down to the lowest of the low on RAW... Also Evan Bourne isnt do much eather, the WWE eather needs to push him to the Main Event of ECW or move him over to SmackDown so he can fued with Chris Jericho to get the IC title b/c as long as eather Rey Mysterio or Chris Jericho as champ there bound to kill there mid card wrestlers on SmackDown

And as Smackdown goes Shelton really needs a push to the IC title hunt he isnt doin much to help his carrer at the moment and i cant see him doin any better on RAW.. But he might do good on ECW who Knos...

The biggest misuse of talent ever was the entire WCW roster that screwed horribly during the Invasion angle! Booker T. was relegated to secondary status when Stone Cold was made leader of he alliance! He should been in the ring celebrity the Inaugural Brawl victory along with Stephanie, Shane, Heyman, and Austin! Not to mentioned how he got jobbed out to the Rock. Having Booker T. do the j-o-b during the handicap for the World title instead of Shane was a travesty!

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