The reality of the situation is that CM Punk is not as big as John Cena nor is he as big as Chris Jericho.
Cena is WWE. He doesn't need the belt to be relevant or to be the main event of every RAW. I can't stand this but it's the reality of the situation.
I like Punk as much as the next guy but you'd be a fool to think Jericho isn't a bigger name than Punk.
What was wrong about it is that they've basically admitted this and it was evident on RAW. Even if it's not reality, they should have had the championship match as the Main Event.
Show us that the belt is relevant. Show us that your champion is the most important guy on the roster.
Instead they just copped out and basically said "yeah Jericho's return and Cena's story with Kane is bigger than the WWE championship."
What they've done is devalue CM Punk but also the WWE Championship itself.
How could Punk and Ziggler wrestle with a huge hole in the ring??? I think that was the reason Cena and Kane was last.
But ratings with Punk in the main event have being poor. Punk with the IWC's other 2 goldenboys Ryder and Bryan was the worst rated in 15 years a think?!