What would you trade the streak for

The Fabulous Rougeau's

Championship Contender
I think this could be a chance to have a long, fun thread about totally hypothetical situations. I envision this thread having someone call out the scenario, and then have the next person/persons answer with the ability to give as much detail as possible. Then the answering person can come up with their own situation and so on. So lets get to it.

Would you trade the streak for the Montreal Screwjob not occuring?

Under this scenario, Vince is able to keep Bret in the WWF and thus Bret's role is to keep the title until which time Austin beats him for it at WrestleMania XIV. From there Bret would take a few months off before coming back for his last full time run (something between a year and a half to two years time) and once he finishes that he transitions to a role behind the scenes while possibly being GM at some point and maybe a few matches a year if there is a good story behind it.

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