Trade Taker for Orton

Orton to Smackdown is a good idea imo, it would freshen things up greatly with new feuds etc, but not in a trade for the undertaker. RKO is the top heel on the red brand currently and if you take him away he should be replaced with a heel not a face like Taker. My choice for the trade would have been Edge but hes not out long term and said to be coming back as a face so that renders that as pointless as trading for Taker. Theres not really anyone who could step up from the Midcard either, Swagger, Show, Miz and TBK are the only real heels in the Raw Midcard and none of them could fill the gap left by Orton right now.

Keep RKO on Raw for now but in the future trading him to Smackdown could be a very good move, but only if theres a heel to step up and take his place on Raw.
Here is the reasons why it wouldn't work:

Raw is live, while Smackdown! isn't and taped on Tuesdays. Do you know on Smackdown when the lights go out for about 2-3 seconds and The Undertaker is in the ring? Well if you went to a live event that would be about 15-20 seconds. They edit for TV to give The Undertaker a more supernatural character.

If Orton came to Raw, it would spell the end of legacy. Legacy should eventually blow apart, like evolution did making Cody and Ted stars, like Evolution did for Orton and Batista.

Shawn Michaels won't move to smackdown! either because he goes to church on Wednesday mornings. That is the reason he turned down the chance to be champion on smackdown when Batista was injured and forefitted the title and Kurt Angle got the title years ago.

Equally a move to smackdown! by either Triple H, John Cena or Batista would ruin the momentum of the likes of Punk and Morrison. The WWE seems to feel these three should always be involved in title matches, whereas the likes of 'Taker and Jericho can be over without being involved and will happily work non-title feuds.

Over on Raw, they have no choice but to start pushing the likes of Swagger, MVP, Rhodes, Dibase because the running out of things that haven't been done to death in the endless loop of HHH-Cena-Batista-Orton-HBK. I think the current line-ups alright until the draft after WM then they could trade once they've made established main event stars.
I don't think it'll work very well. Why would you trade your best heel to Smackdown which they don't need for Undertaker which RAW doesn't need because they have Cena, HHH, Batista, and HBK as faces. If I wanted to bring Orton to Smackdown, I don't see anybody that I would send to RAW. I don't think RAW suits CM Punk and who knows how long Jeff Hardy will be around. Orton on Smackdown would be great but Smackdown doesn't have the suitable personnel to be sent over to RAW.
That is the worst possible trade that could happen.
If Orton leaves Raw, the main event will be taken up by Triple H, Cena and Batista. 3 huge faces. They could bring up an upper midcard heel like The Miz or someone, but that heel would be probably buried deeper than a dinosaur bone if he was on the same show as Trips, Tista, Cena and Taker. Even if you took that line up and turned Triple H heel, the faces would still outnumber the heels. And when Trips is the only main event heel on a show, he tends to dominate it to no end.
Taker is desperately needed on Smackdown for when Hardy leaves. Punk will be the super heel of SD. Punk vs Morrison wouldn't be big enough to headline Survivor Series, and Edge won't be back till some time in 2010 as a face. We need Undertaker to make Punk look awesome from November till January so he might be actually be ready for a world title match at Wrestlemania just in case Edge isn't back and if another main event star gets injured.
If Orton went to SD he would completely dominate the show. Punk's heat is just as big, if not bigger, than Orton's. But Orton is the bigger star so the writers would make him instantly take the title from Punk/Hardy. And with Hardy gone, Orton would just spend a few months burying Punk. And of course, they'd have to turn Punk face again, eliminating all the progress Punk has made as a heel.

So basically, that is the worst possible trade that could be done right now.
If that would happen,John Cena would have to turn heel.John Cena makes alot of money with the T-shirts and stuff.If John Cena turns heel,most of the smaller kids would stop watching RAW or stop watching all.
I not really sure bout trading taker for orton, i would prefer to see cena get traded for taker, anything to freshen up the main event scene on raw, i for one am sick of seeing the same 3 guys continuously in the raw main event. 4 if u include batista. if taker comes to raw then he could feud with swagger,mvp, hhh i would love 2 see a decent feud with those 2, dibiase, there are a few new feuds 4 taker, altho there r still a couple of feuds i would like to see taker in on smackdown, cm punk, jericho, even jeff hardy. so there is still stuff for taker on smackdown. altho some one has gotta be switched over to break up the monotonous and borin ppv on raw where someone screws hhh out of a couple of ppvs then eventually we all know hhh wins. it is gettin boring and quite frankly shit, pleses wwe use some of the new stars, dibiase, swagger, mvp, evan bourne and do somethin with them, jus to create new matches.
Sorry, i just want to highlight this first.


While i'm sure it wasn't intentional, this made me lol. I'm gonna have to start using 'Snackdown' in my vocab.

Anyway, while i don't really see a problem with Taker going to Raw, Orton going to SD wouldn't be a smart decision right now. If they split Legacy up, Rhodes and Dibiase will end up taking the Cade & Murdoch road of fueding with each other, and then one gets a semi push and the other gets released before creative even TRY to make use of him. They don't do shit now in the stable, so they won't last long outside of it, especially if the leader just gets drafted. You only get over on your own if you rebel against the stable leader, not if he just up and left.

Some people said a Taker heel turn wouldn't work as well, because the fans will always cheer him? The fans always cheer Kane and he's heel more often than face these days. Jericho has been the top heel in WWE for almost a full year now (and Punk is NOT SD's top heel. Jeez, just because he's pickin' on Meth Hardy, he's suddenly the top heel? Bullshit), and yet he still gets Y2J chants everywhere he goes. With guys like that there's no point in worrying whether people cheer them as heels or not. They are legends. They are the guys most of us grew up watching, and they're the ones who've given us some of the fondest memories. We will always cheer.

You're only suggesting this should happen because you're sick of Orton/HHH/Cena matches. If Orton left Raw and Taker came over, Taker wud just drop the title to one of them near enough straight away (because it's forbidden for Taker to have a long title reign), and you'd just go straight back to that situation anyway.

Wouldn't have a problem with seeing either of those guys on different brands, but not now. It'd fuck up what already is a pretty messed up roster on both brands.

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