What would you like to see from Hogan in TNA now?

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I don't wanna know if you think its a good move or a bad move for TNA or the company. I just wanna know now that he's there what would you like to see from him??

First off I was suprised, but I guess this is a good move for Hogan personally. And it makes TNA look more legit. More people will start talking about it. Clearly Hogan won't be the #1 heel or babyface of the company, but we will give some things to the company. Like a more stable foundation and richer history.

Heres what I'd like to see:

-Hogan and Sting in the ring together one last time as a tag team.
These two in a singles match wouldn't be interesting. Yea they're both icons but they're old too. And a singles match seems beyond irrelevant at this point. The tag match could even be on Impact, just as long as it happens.

-Them put to rest the Jarrett/Hogan feud that barely got started in Japan.
I could see a good storyline for this: Jarrett shows up PISSED off because NOW Hogan signs with TNA now that he isn't owner anymore. Jarrett will call him out on it. And maybe even say "Hogans ego is too big to even allow him to work underneath me. And he waited til I was out of the picture completely to come in." He could taunt Hogan by speculating that he was too afraid to come in at the time cause of what he did to him in Japan. And it could culminate with one decent ppv match.

-Eric Bishoff and Hogan as a comedy duo.
Let's face it, they're long-time business partners and by now pretty good friends. I'd like to see them as some type of on-screen duo. Not comedy like "haha, they're worthless jackasses." or anything gimmicky atr all. But a genuine comedy duo. Not overly comedic or anything. And definintely not the megaheel group they were in WCW/nWo. Just something warm, upbeat, and nostalgic to ride Hogan through the older wonder years.

Things I would not like to see:

-Hogan vs. AJ
Are you kidding?? Hogan would look so terrible in that match. AJ already carries like 85% of the TNA roster when he's in a match with them. This wouldn't work at all.
I'd like to see him fight SOME of the younger talent just cause it wopuld be interesting. But it would seem too forced w/ AJ. And i'm looking forward to some new matches in general, they probably won't be classics but they wo9uld still be interesting. And who knows maybe they will, I'm open to a suprise. ^_^

-Hogan vs. Angle

We've already seen this, so whats the big deal? Plus Hogan might be too slow for a decent match with Angle these days.

-Hogan winning the TNA Championship
I know they might throw it at him anyway, just to give their belt credibility. But I say it gives the belt less credibility actually giving it to him. Imagine if TNA held off on giving him the belt simply because he isn't the best athlete anymore even when they could have given it to him. That would be a big statement and in itself would give the belt credibility. Because clearly Hogan can't work a match as good as he use to, so if he won the belt he'd be winning it just because of who he is.
I wouldn't mine seeing him get the Legends Championship or MAYBE the tag team championship.

You know that IF Hogan is going to wrestle you can bet he will win some championship of TNA's. What I would like to see is get rid of the 6 sided ring that just bugged me from day 1. I've watched TNA rarely but what is keeping me from watching them is everytime I watch them the air moves and just the action in the 6 sided ring seems to rehersed or something its tough to say.

I know WWE is the same but WWE goes about it differently I think. I am a true WWF/E fan through and through but back in the day I could stand to watch WCW but when it comes to watching TNA I just can't stand it. So I think TNA needs to become WCW like to get my attention but I am just not a TNA fan even though I enjoy seeing Nash & Sting sometimes but I will not really watch TNA I usually flip by it. I've really never ordered a TNA PPV either I mean I think I ordered a TNA PPV at the begining of TNA's company.
Okay. Since the question is "What would I LIKE to see from Hogan in TNA now?" thats easy. X-Division Championship gold. If he could somehow reinvent himself again as a high flyer, that would be something to see. Him in Ultimate X, wow! Maybe he can steal the move set of Blitzkrieg or Ultimo Dragon.

Having said that, I know he's not ever been capable of such feats and for me to expect that now is absurd. So what can he do that actually is possible? Hold the door open for guys like Flair (Flair v Sting 1 more time - come on!) & Ken Anderson. Get some people and programs we actually have interest in. Don't try to put himself over as the man. That would be as believable as Micheal Jordan coming in a dominating again. I want to see TNA and WWE flourish, but NOT Hogan. Bischoff being there could be great. Hogan...not so sure.
I think we would all like to see Hogan put over the young guys and hopefully he will, but I doubt he will right away. He has a history of not doing that, so why should we expect anything different.

I'm sure in Hogan's mind, the young guys have to prove to him that they are worthy of being in the same ring with him. Hogan doesn't seem to work well with smaller guys, the only significant feud I can recall with someone small was with Kidman and I don't think he put him over.

Hogan has a history with Morgan from both being on American Gladiators, so I think he is the young guy who is most likely to benefit from Hogan being there.

If you turn him heel, a re-formation of the Main Event Mafia would seem the most logical. It would also be a change for Hogan having him come out in a suit instead of a t-shirt and jeans.

However, I think the most logical angle for him coming in is to bring back Jarrett. There is history there dating back to WCW and you could even involve Russo as an on-air character. You have Hogan (with or without Bischoff) come out and call out Jarrett and Russo saying that he came to TNA (Jarrett's company) to get back at the both of them for what they did to him at Bash at the Beach. It's just too bad that Vince owns all the footage of that event.

I think it would be interesting because of the backstory involved and it's a way to re-introduce Jarrett (which may or may not be a good thing). It could be drawn out a couple of months to build interest and have the payoff at a PPV.
Lot of wrestlers should of put over other people. Hogan has done his job pretty well and has proven he is still a draw and will do whats right for the business. I still think he was right to not put over Double J cause in what world should Jeff Jarrett beat Hulk Hogan?

This is very true however Hogan blatently slighted Hart I mean com' on Yokozuna Bret should've been next. I never felt Yokozuna deserved to be champ i always looked at him as a gimmicky WWF mid carder who they gave the rub to just to see what would happen. I don't wanna dwell on the whole Bret Hart thing because all true fans still appreciate his contribution to the industry. But Hogan always put over whoever the biggest chump was at the time so he could take time off to make some movie. Lets go over the list Ultimate Warrior, The Undertaker, Yokozuna, Goldberg, Brock Lesner and out of these guys only the Undertaker really ran with the ball. Maybe he intentionally put these guys over because they didn't have what it takes (except Taker') and everyone would be clammering for Hulkamania again.
Quite frankly, I'd like to see Hogan not do the things that Foley has done during his tenure at TNA. I do NOT want him to win titles. I do NOT want him wrestling. I do NOT want him to be some crazy shareholder. There just aren't enough words to describe how much I do NOT want Hogan doing the same things Foley has done.

On the other hand, I think Hogan... no. No. I keep trying to think of the good that can come out of this and I can't think of any. He can't put anyone over. Maybe he'll buy out Foley so that Foley can finally go back to the cave he's been in. That would be the only good Hogan can do, maybe being the "owner" that doesn't wrestle. Sure he'll have his own agenda, but no wrestling. No adding to his collection of title reigns. PLEASE GOD NO.
I would like to see an old school heel version of Hogan. Not necessarily NWO or Hollywood Hogan, but Hogan as an evil boss that puts down younger talent. He could be involved from ringside causing AJ Styles and Matt Morgan matches. I think ultimately him and Morgan could have a little feud and maybe even a match down the road.

These two could have a series of matches considering Hogan's condition. I think later on Morgan could get the ultimate win over Hogan. It's too bad Hogan wasn't in TNA a year ago when the MEM was formed. I don't want to see MEM resurrected, but I would like to see Hogan in some kind of heel authority role.
Best case scenario:

1. Hogan doesn't wrestle.

2. Ok you know Hogan's gonna wrestle, but please give him the self-control to only wrestle Nash, Sting, Flair (if he comes), Foley, Steiner anyone over 40. Those could bring decent PPV buys.

3. No world tittle on Hogan. I wouldnt mind seeing him with the TNA Legends title. He could make it worth something.

Worst case scenario:

1. Hogan/Bischoff exert control over all storyline, de-push the young guys and start pushing himself, Nash, etc.

2. Hogan ends up with a financial stake in TNA. In which case, Vince will own it in 5 years.

3. Hogan with the TNA title (I could live with it if he put over a young guy clean, but he won't)
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