What would YOU do with THE Brian Kendrick?

Id honestly fire him, but if i was forced to actually use him in a storyline, Id have him win the money in the bank match, somehow beat the champ at the time ( id cm punk can do it...anyone can. sure edge was the ultimate opportunist. but to me...i think hornswoggle can give cm punk for his money. go ahead...call me hater.) and then have him hold the title for a couple months by winning the matches by a hair. (eddie guerrero "lied, cheated, and stealed" im pretty sure TBK can get away with it somehow.) I honestly dont like TBK at all but I think something like this would be something that no one would see coming.
I say fire him. His gimmick is makes him look like an idiot. He cant get over as a Face OR a Heel on his own. He looks like a slightly larger Collin Delaney. I really dont see what people see in TBK.
How about giving him the US title in a solid feud with Kofi, and giving him some mic time. Fuck this tag team scene, and I'm still not sure why they just don't have Zeke come out with TBK anyway. Think about it. Zeke is to imposing of a man to be told that he must stay on ECW without TBK. This would add to both of them going against the grain like they originally did in the first place.

It would really impress me if the WWE gave that right to Zeke creatively. They were a solid duo, and some of their backstage mic segements were interesting. I never expected Zeke to be so humble sounding. Kendrick with Zeke at his side should either conquer the tag team division, or the mid card division. I'm not sure about any of you, but Kendrick is way more entertaining than Kofi, or Matt Hardy.
Really WOW guy i would think just make him cm punk sidekick/groupie when punk turns heel , give kendrick the mic and let him talk! that's it , everybody know that he is the second coming of brain pillman ,so if they want him to be big let he talk ,and hanging around punk is good look and brings more heat to punks turn and kendrick rise a future star
I'd change his gimmick, the way he plays the cocky heel is just plain irritating, the Miz plays the role much better and theres only room for one of them per show IMO. The gimmick change and move to Raw was a big mistake.
What would I do with Kendrick? Find him a tag team partner and have him spend the rest of his career working tag matches and curtain-jerking singles matches.

That's really all he's good for. He's not a believable worker when matched up with heavyweights, and his style doesn't mesh well with the other main-eventers. He's got a little bit of personality and some flash, so let him be the guy that opens the show hot, do a couple flashy spots to get the crowd going, and be back through the curtain in 5-8 minutes. That's really all he's needed to do.

Have to agree with that. Kendrick just doesn't have it in him to be something big in the WWE. Granted, the guy has some character, and he's cut some decent promos in the past, but overall, he's got too many things going against him to be taken seriously.

First, his size limits him. Nothing bothers me more than what they do with Mysterio 24/7. "Biggest little man, oh but his heart wins the fights for him", and for some reason you can be 6'3 kicking a giant and it does nothing, but if you're 5'2 and you wear a mask, your kicks can knock down the goddamn Eiffel Tower? Lol. Kendrick runs into that same scenario. Too small for his own good, because if you're gonna pick someone to be the little guy in the fight who still gets the win, you've got your future golden boy on ECW.....Evan Bourne.

Second, he has an attitude and marijuana problem. Supposedly he keeps getting fined because he refuses to stop smoking weed. Really want to reward disobedient behavior like that? Don't think so.

Third, he's not THAT special in the ring. He's entertaining in his short matches and when he's up with someone who can help him out, and I certainly wouldn't fire the guy, but he's not absolutely amazing.

Fourth, he's not a draw. Ever hear the crowd go apeshit with boos when they hear his music? Nope.

So what would I do with Kendrick? I'd use him as a midcarder that can take the fall. When Kofi gets done beating the piss out of William Regal, he should feud with Kendrick next. Kingston and Kendrick could have some decent matches together that would wake the crowd up after having to sit through their 8th Raw Rewind per that episode.
I would move him to Ecw in a trade for Christian. He could put on some decent matches with Evan Bourne and form an alliance with Mark Henry.
The guy is a solid performer but he is too small to get anywhere on one of the big two shows, however he could really increase his visibility on the smaller roster.
Either let him have a run with the U.S. Title or stick him with a partner and compete in the tag team division. His size limits him and his attitude problems backstage isn't working in his favor as well. Kendrick has charisma and I don't think the WWE is going to release him anytime soon. I would buy a Kendrick/Noble tag team. They could be like 2 Cool: one of the lower tag teams but found some way to win tag team titles.
Drop the leather jacket and super gay intro. Is he dancing? skipping? prancing? is he a fairy? I cant tell. We know the kids got talent, let him use it, quit trying to push him in thrown together tag teams, and use him in the US title picture. I bet him and Kingston could put on a hell of a match, but I doubt well get to see it.
I'd release him. There's no reason to having him there anymore. I like him to a certain extent but I would rather see Matt Hardy, Kofi, MVP, Regal etc in the mid card and Kendrick is far from a main eventer so there really isn't much for him to do. The tag devision.... maybe.... but even then I would still prefer to watch Rhodes & DiBiase and the Colons hmmmmm.... he's a tough one cause I really don't mind him but he just seems out of his depth nowa days.

Fire him so he can be X Division Champ on TNA.

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