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The Brian Kendrick's Future Partner

Ok people need to stop proposing cross-brand partners like Mike Knox, Ezekiel etc and they definitely need to stop saying Paul London. He will never work for the WWE ever again, Vince hates the ground he walks on for smiling during the death scene and being stubborn and doing shooting star presses at house shows after Bourne started with the company. London hates the WWE just as much and is happier working the indies for a while. By the way YouTube Paul London Bryan Danielson and look for a recent PWG promo. HILARIOUS.

As for his partner... well I doubt it will be anyone that the WWE has plans for i.e. The Miz. They just got that guy out of a two year tag team where he held both belts, he has nothing more to do in the tag division. Hell winning the belts once in the WWE is quite rare these days, gone are the multiple reigns. So I doubt they'd take Miz out of one team and put him straight into another. I mean on paper that team would be pretty good in my eyes, they're cocky and they're called THE.

There's a chance it could be Matt Hardy. It would be a way to keep him in the ring and in the audience's mind without him having to strain himself. They're both bitter and and cocky. Matt could say he's going to form a team better then the Hardyz ever were, a way to one-up Jeff, say he can eclipse everything they did together. Kendrick can do most of the leg work and Hardy can keep healing that hand. Then once he's better he slowly feels he's outgrown the team and they go their separate ways... and let's face it... Kendrick probably gets dropped down to FCW or something. I love the guy but they've clearly given up on him already.
Why are people naming off guys who are on ECW and SD!? Paul London is a bad choice as well because Vince doesn't like him and all it'd do is destroy the new character Brian has been creating for the last year.

Kendrick needs to pick someone who has singles potential so once this angle runs its course both guys can go back to singles competition. Miz is the most common answer and I have to agree. Kendrick will try out different partners for a few weeks. Let's be honest. As much as we would like to see Miz get a big rub from him mini feud with Cena there's a greater chance that Cena will squash him. Miz will need to fall back on something. The tag titles wouldn't be the worst thing.
how about "The" Big Show you are infatuated by the big little combo, is there a bigger/littler combo then Show and TBK, or since you all loe the "The" miz combo because they both have "The" starting there name. i do not think they would take miz from a great tag team to put him in a bad one, and big show will end his cena program after this ppv. in addition, can someone take the belts off the colons,, it was fine when they had one set while on smackdown, but they look like they dont belong on raw.
i think it might be low ki from fcw as they are both good heels, they are both same ish height and have similiar wrestling styles
DDPK7 is on the right track with a tna star... Cause I think his partner will be someone who is not on the roster yet.. Its going to be a former tna superstar whose in FCW and someone whose been in plenty of top tag teams... I'm talking about Lance Hoyt.. He's got that look as a body guard and can wrestle like the briand kendrick.. They can probably put on some great matches together and him and the primose can wrestle similar to each other and this can make Hoyt into a top wrestler in the WWE... Just a wild guess.. But it won't be neone from the rosters cause WWE wants to make names and they will start throwin on some new guys to make names
the reason people are say guys from ecw and sd is the tag belts are to be defended on all shows they and not locked to raw
Lance Hoyt's a good idea, he's been in teams with Jimmy Rave and Kid Kash back in the day so is not a stranger to working with little guys.

I dont think it'll be someone from the current roster because I cant really think of anyone who isnt busy that isnt a complete jobber at the moment.
What did this gers09 just say??? I don't get it.

Anyways, I think that it will probably wind up being Festus... good angle for TBK to act like a real dick to him, and have Festus win all of the matches for him. Just like proposed above, this could lead to changes in the Festus character (oh, and I don't mean having him sing freaking Annie songs), and some improvements in the tag division. I have always liked Festus... and I have been wondering (since he had a great match with 'Taker last year), when they were going to start using him again. GO FESTUS!
Matt Hardy,

That is who he'll be paired with, Matt is freshly turned heel, had a stint with his brother now something new/fresh, the US Title/MVP was done 2007/08 so they won't rehash that one anytime soon and Matt dropped the US Title fairly quickly if I remember correctly.

Kendrick is a heel, and looking for THE tag team partner who better then a multiple time tag team champion, along with 2 singles titles runs in the last year?

As pointed out Hardy being injured this takes some of the ring time off his hands so he doesn't do anything drastic and injure his hand more.. AND gives him 3-4 months with Kendrick then they can split and maybe feud into Summer Slam over the US Title (along with who ever is the US Champ.. much like Miz/Morrison/Punk Survivor Series 2007)
the reason people are say guys from ecw and sd is the tag belts are to be defended on all shows they and not locked to raw

That's genius!!! You are (almost) the first person (or the third) to point out that the Colons can work all three shows. Way to go!

Of course, this thread is about who would be TBK's partner, and TBK is exclusive to RAW, so that answer is pointless.

Just because the Colons can appear on all three shows does not mean that TBK can go find partners on ECW and SD! to challenge him. So we pretty much need to look to the RAW roster, or possibly FCW, to find his partner.

I like the ideas presented above, specifically Festus and Jamie Noble, but I don't see either of those guys being the long term answer. You build a tag team for one of three reasons.

1) The two individuals have amazing chemistry, styles that complement each other, and a believable gimmick as a tag-team. (see The Hart Foundation, The Road Warriors, The Colons, even Cryme Tyme (yes, I said it))

2) The two individuals have a common enemy that they team up short term to defeat. (see Rated RKO, 75% of RAW main events, etc)

3) The two individuals are paired together in advance of the inevitable split and feud that everyone sees coming down the road. This reason shall hereafter be referred to as the HBK Gambit. (see Shawn Michaels/Diesel, Shawn Michaels/Psycho Sid, Shawn Michaels/anyone he has ever teamed with except Triple H)

Looking over the RAW roster, I don't see anyone that fits reason 1. The closest fit would be Jamie Noble, but I don't see these two as a long-term combination. And the HBK Gambit doesn't work here because a feud between TBK and Noble would be so...meh.

The Miz fits fairly well into reason 2. He just came out of a long program with the Colons, they are a common enemy...but wait, he has his phantom program with John Cena. This would be a huge step backwards (or at least sideways) for The Miz, and it really doesn't fit with how they are using him right now anyway.

So that brings us to reason 3. Again I peruse the RAW roster, looking for someone that could fit into this category. Someone that could do a believable job teaming with Kendrick, someone that could generate interest in a possible feud, someone that doesn't already have an ongoing program with someone else. It has to be someone that we could believe as both a heel and a face, someone whose ego would both fit with TBK's and eventually clash with Kendricks enough to create a believable feud...

Wait...did I just say ego?

Of course!!!

One person fits the bill right now. He has the ego, he has the ability to pull off decent matches both with and against Kendrick, he isn't in a program with anyone else right now, and the time is ripe for his return.



Damn...and I don't even like this guy...
Well initially, I was thinking the Miz, which I hope doesn't happen, but it still could. The miz is getting over well on his own, he doesn't need to be built up through the tag division anymore. So let's analyze the choices that have been laid out so far.

1. Festus: Probably mkes the most sense, since he's on Raw and they have absolutely zero idea on what to do with him. I would say he'll at least be one of the partners Kendrick goes through in the next few weeks, if not the one he settles on.

2. Jamie Noble: Good idea, he's great at making himself unlikable in a hurry and his ring skills are vastly unerappreciated. I would love to see him get this chance to shine.

3. The Big Show: No, no, no, no, no, no...well, maybe if it keeps him away from the main event. I'd have little to know interest in watching show clog up the tag division and weigh down the talented preformers in it. But if it gives him something to do that doesn't involve Cena or him talking or him sitting on people to make it look like he's a master of submission holds, i'm all for this idea.

4. Matt Hardy: Given they have pretty much rendered him lost now that MVP beat him cleanly and Jeff has been booked to wrestle Edge again. I would say this is a good move. Of course the cast could be they're go to heat source and Kendrick can do all the dirty work in the ring while Matt's hand recovers.

5. Sim Snuka: I don't know about him, he's been all but fired by the WWE and the likely won't have a damn clue who he is when he does show his face again. Could work if he's menacing enough, but I don't know if he is.

6. William Regal: Why not? Regal is a more than capable preformer and would bring a nice contrast in style to kendrick's. I know they are tossing him into a silly program with Santino but that can't last more than a week or two.
So again, why not? Regal has been in singles competition long enough.
His teaming with Paul Burchill didn't work because Burchill had no personality, Kendrick had that, albeit an annoying personality, this could be a solid heel tandem.

7. Chavo Guererro: An answer very similar to the Jamie Noble answer. The guy has the ability and is already disliked by the crowd, what better trump card could that tag team have than having "Aunt Vickie" in they're corner?

And now for my longshot.

8. Kofi Kingston: Kofi is wasting away right now, creative seems to have painted themselves into a corner with him and a heel turn could help rectify all of it. Take him from the care free Jamaican and display the more vicious side of a man coming from an impoverished country. The man that will destroy anything and anyone in the name of survival. all it would take is a short Kofi losing streak or TBK getting into his ear and telling him he needs to get vicious if he wants to survive here. His in-ring style can easily be tailored into this and I think it would be a good way to revive Kofi's stagnant character.

This guy has amazing in ring ability and I hope creative does not fail him for much longer. Hell come to think of it, was he even on the show last week?
I know goldust and hornswoggle were, as well as Santino (TWICE!). C'mon creative, this is one of you're best preformers, why would you leave him off the show?

Anyhow, Those are my thoughts on you're guesses and I tossed in a few guesses of my own.
well in my opinion, Does anyone really give a shit? The Brian Kendrick is so gay and horrible in the ring. Anyone they team him with will be a failure, they need to just fire his ass and cut their losses!!!!!!!
Incase anyone didn't notice mr.kennedy is coming back on monday night raw (may 25) which hint hint is the fifth person in the 5 on 5 tag match, and i think that he and TBK are going to team up because they are both different wrestlers so it might work anyway's thx.
I know it's a longshot but how about bringing back Paul London. I know it'S a longshot because he'S always injured or so he says but how surprise would everybody be if it would happen.

The way i see it, they could continue to bring a new tag team partner for Brian Kendrick every 2 weeks on raw and in between you could see him backstage trying to find somebody else and could go on until Night of Champions in july. Then just before the Raw before the PPV we learn that nobody wants to be Kendrick'S partner for his title match at Night of Champions because of how rude he'S been to everybody on the roster, so KEndrick said he had to go get somebody outside of the WWE to be is partner on Sunday and wouldn't reveal it until Sunday. Then come Night of champions and Kendrick introduce his tag team partner, The Paul London and they win the belt from The colons.
First off, I want to clear my mind on a couple of things. If Carlito and Primo defend the championship and lose, do they automatically lose both the WWE and World Tag Team Championships to the winner? Or will the challenger decide which tag title they want, if not both? Please tell me. Also, how will the tag titles be eligible to be won by members of any brand, if WWE wants to keep the brands seperate and Carlito and Primo are not featured in any other show since the draft?

Ok, so back on topic. There are a number of different people The Brian Kendrick can choose as his tag team partner. You can think the possibilities are endless. They don't all have to make sense, similar to Miz and Morrison not making sense in the beginning, but WWE can have fun with it.

I would say that a great choice for The Brian Kendrick's tag team partner would be William Regal. Since winning the Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender battle royal, winning the title itself, defending it three times to C.M. Punk and later losing it, Regal hasn't really been consistent. Since losing the IC Title, you haven't seen much of him. Two weeks ago, William Regal cost United States Champion M.V.P. his match with Cody Rhodes. I thought that this would lead to a U.S. Championship feud with M.V.P., which probably would have been pretty good.

Unfortunately, the next week all we had was a tag team match with Regal and Matt Hardy against M.V.P. and Kofi Kingston. Even worse, we saw Regal get pinned by M.V.P. and that was the end of it. This week's Raw, we saw Regal cost Santina her Miss Wrestlemania crown. This will either lead to a Regal/Santino fued that could have happened last Fall, but both were heels. This could lead to Vickie awarding him a United States Championship match. Or this could lead to Vickie appointing Regal as the Assistant General Manager.

Really though, will any of those really help William Regal's character? A tag team with The Brian Kendrick could be just what he needs. It can really help both of these superstars. Both have a bit of a vicious side to them and can really gain a lot of credibility by being only the 2nd Unified WWE Tag Team Champions. I don't know if Regal would be the best choice for Kendrick's partner, but maybe it could really work and work wonders for Regal and Kendrick... and possibly Carlito and Primo, too.
well in my opinion, Does anyone really give a shit? The Brian Kendrick is so gay and horrible in the ring. Anyone they team him with will be a failure, they need to just fire his ass and cut their losses!!!!!!!

i agree with this right here.. i really could care less who the partner is, i've never liked Kendrick, even when he was with London.. hated that tag team and this new gimmick is very gay..
How about a repackaged Ray Gordy, son of Bamm Bamm Gordy. I'm not sure what show he was drafted or even if he still contracted but it could work. After he makes a return, he turns on Festus by constantly beating Festus in the head with the bell. Having Festus gone for a while and repackaged as well could lead to an attitude adjustment for both. Gordy could then be a modern day type Freebird like Michael PS Hayes. His promos should take place in Atlanta and since his father was the muscle he would have to be sneaky and underhanded like PS and Buddy Jack Roberts. He could even have vignittes and come out to the Freebird music. I am stuck in the old school but it could work given the right amount of thought, planning, timing, and execution.
I think that Taka Michinoku will be TBK's partner. They are both small guys and could create a great tag team. Funaki would end up comming over from SD, and they would form "2 Asians and THE Caucasian." They would go on to feud with Kofi Kingston, who would enlist the help of Essa Rios to even the odds. This in turn would resurrect the Cruiserweight Division.
This will probably get called for Spam but hey... several people have said that it will be someone from another show because the titles are defended on all three. Have the WWE actually ever said that? All they said was that the titles would be unified, they never said that the champions will defend them on all three shows. Think about it, Cryme Tyme are the only team on Smackdown and they only do comedy sections, and the Hart Trilogy are the only team on ECW and will likely move to Raw in a few months. The Colons are Raw exclusive as are there belts. WHICH IS WHY HIS PARTNER WILL BE A RAW STAR OR A YET TO DEBUT ON RAW STAR.

Matt Hardy is my frontrunner still because of what I said earlier, keeps him present without him having to wrestle too much.

Second choices would be anyone like Tomko or Sheamus. It won't be Lance Hoyt because he's yet to actually debut for FCW and they will never put someone who hasn't worked extensively for the WWE before straight onto TV.

Third choice: Low Ki but I don't know, something tells me no.
You know what would be great, if they bring back Paul London to team with TBK. However, with Kendrick's name change, London could the become "A Paul London." Seriously though, my pick is going to have to be Sheamus. After watching RAW this week, I realized that TBk could start a mini-feud (no pun intended) with Hornswoggle and Goldust. To get back at Hornswoggle, he can bring in his own Irishman. Don't get me wrong the angle would suck massive Blarney Stones, but at least it would get Sheamus properly introduced.
It's irrelevant. The tag titles are dead. The US Title is on life support. The Intercontinental Title is awake and being fed with intravenous fluids. Point being, there's only 2 titles in WWE. Personally, I think whoever writes WWE should be kicked in the fucking nuts and/or ovaries.

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