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The Brian Kendrick's Future Partner

Festus has been mentioned a couple times, mostly people doubting it will be him, but I sincerely think it'll be him. I'm willing to bet that the Colons are going to hold onto those belts for a little while longer to make them look more credible before they drop those belts to Priceless.

Having a one time match with TBK and Festus would be great. I could so picture TBK coming to the ring with Festus dressed like TBK, and Kendrick would be trying to do his crazy dance thing, but Festus would keep stopping and he'd have to drag him to the ring. There might be some good verbal jousting, both Carlito and TBK could have some good back and forth full of jokes at poor Festus' expense, and then they'd put on a decent match, of course with Carlito and Primo going over. After the match, the Colons would do their celebration thing and we'd see TBK yelling at Festus, giving him a hard time, and then the Colons would take the ring bell and ring it again and Festus could chase TBK out of the ring and up the ramp. It'd be a good match for a ppv or RAW, whenever they're planning on having this thing go down.
While to be honest I don't see the WWE doing either of these... this is what could happen...

We could have them play it like TBK's partner is running late but they can't start the match... midway through TBK is "hurt" on the outside or in the ring... we see a guy on the titantron in a mask walking to the ring. The colons stop to look for him coming. Just before he comes out... he unmasks revealing himself to be none other than TBK himself!! This leads to a quick rollup win for TBK.

We then have him cut a promo saying that no one is worthy of being his partner and the only person who he can trust is the man who is THE partner... himself. Which can lead to some interesting storylines and freshen up the tag division, if for only a month.

Also, I never read anywhere that the challengers had to both be on the same show. For instance, TBK and Burchill are the challengers. They win, but if they lose Burchill is still on ECW and Kendrick is still on RAW... something different that could REALLY bring the division back to life...

And also, Miz wasn't the only guy seperated in the draft... Hawkins and Ryder were split as well... and I think that maybe pairing TBK with Curt Hawkins in my little dual-show team idea would work big time...

But again, neither idea will happen and it will turn into some stupid comedy skit and hopefully WWE will let Kendrick go soon so he can go back to kicking all kinds of ass on the indies. Much the way I feel about James "Jamie Noble" Gibson... but if wishes were fishes we'd be living in the ocean
I want it to be Kennedy and they would basically form hollywood blondes v2.0 but i dont think its gonna be that. Most likely it'll be the miz or the big show but i hope its the problem solver and tomko gets brought in for the role.
Everyone seems to be thinking that "the" partner may be the miz or kennedy. I'm gonna go on a stretch and guess none other then... Joe Hennig. Hes been quite successful in FCW as hes captured the fcw heavyweight championship however had to give it up due to injury. I think the time is now to call him up seeing as wwe needs to create new stars. Just like his father curt he could be "the perfect" partner and make a big impact on raw as yet another third generation talent who has potential to be great.
I think it will defently be goldust since he finnally did something on superstars, chavo since he might want the gm's influence, and possibly THE BIG Show since he made refrence to the word THE and Cena is leaving fo the movie soon. If its not these three it will be one of the FCW guys possibly shamous.
I think it'd be great if it was none other then the problem solver himself Tyson Tomko from what i've been reading on here is that WWE is trying to resign him. I think he could do wonders for TBK and could do for him what Diesal did for HBK and who knows ten years from now we could possibly see TBK headlining Wrestlemania 35 :D
Think about it, the WWE isnt going to pair him up with someone the crowd doesnt care about already. I think, its going to be someone new. Have TBK and "the new guy" have some success for a while and then have "the new guy" go over Kendrick and become a singles star. Kind of like Jeff Hardy, just not going to be as popular.
I think it'd be great if it was none other then the problem solver himself Tyson Tomko from what i've been reading on here is that WWE is trying to resign him. I think he could do wonders for TBK and could do for him what Diesal did for HBK and who knows ten years from now we could possibly see TBK headlining Wrestlemania 35 :D
There's a rumor flying around now that it may actually be Joe Hennig, the son of Curt "Mr. Perfect" Hennig. I could see that happening. It keeps him away from Legacy but it still gives him something to do, and if he's bigger than TBK it would work. I don't know much about Hennig as I haven't seen any pictures or matches of his, but if he's anywhere near as good as his father was, I'd love to see him called up to the roster.
Damn it. You know, I was so excited that Brian Kendrick may actually get a decent push on RAW. He would make a great IC champion. He could work a great program with Kofi Kingston.

Alas, it does appear that Kendrick will be returning to the tag team division. Honestly, I have no idea who he might be paired up with. Reading through the previous posts, there are some decent names you guys have thrown out. However, I think the Miz would be the best fit. It would be very sad to see Miz removed from one tag team just to be paired up with someone else, but his gimmick fits wells with Kendrick's.
I would like to have seen Kendrick in the U.S. Title hunt but this will work for the time being. If it isn't going to be Joe Hennig, it could be Tomko if he is coming back to the WWE. I don't think Miz will be his partner because I believe they are going to let him stay a singles competitior. RAW does need one more tag team to compete with the Colons so I'm curious to see where this will lead to.
As a matter of fact, It will be none other... than the SHOW STOPPA, Mr. WrestleMania himself... The Heart Break Kid, SHAWN MICHEALS!
Shawn Michaels trained Brian Kendrick so this could well be a possibility.
Its unlikely because many would consider HBK to be above tag team wrestling.
But the main event scene is looking to push younger stars now and HBK certainly (As sad as this will make one certain poster on the forums feel if she saw I said this) isn't no spring chicken.

I think that'd be a brilliant idea. There'd be a natural chemistry I would hope and HBK could do with a refreshed character change, being heel can bring out the best of his cocky persona once more :)
Kendrick has teamed with Low Ki on the indy circuit, and Ki, of course, is now in FCW. Low Ki did suffer an injury recently, as was reported some time ago, but I don't know if he's healthy now or not. If he is, he's a great fit - Kendrick and he wrestle very well together, it'd be a great way to get Low Ki (an exceptional talent) onto the roster, and would make a hell of a new tag team. None of his other indy partners really fit the bill.

I'm really doubting the Miz - he seems like he's more in line for an upper midcarder push as a singles guy, possibly feuding with MVP soon. He might even get the Swagger treatment and get a great match on Raw with Cena.

Him busting out a new monster bodyguard is an option, of course. Tomko was mentioned, and he's on the board. Festus seems to be going comedy, joy. It might be completely out there, but Billy Kidman is working for the WWE and would fit well with Kendrick. There's a couple big guys in FCW that could be moved up if WWE so chose - Kafu, Lawrence Knight, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, or Sweet Papi Sanchez. I'd pick Sheamus out of the lot, as he's a former FCW champion (defeated Swagger).

So really, I'm expecting pulling someone out of FCW. Low Ki is my first choice, and if not, I'd go for a big man out of FCW.
This is my first thread, so be gentle.

Last Monday, The Brian Kendrick began his search for a new tag team partner. His first candidate was Goldust. Obviously this tag team failed as TBK and Goldust lost to The Colons.

I am assuming that they're gonna experiment TBK with some different partners for the time being. So if that's the case, who do you think will end up becoming TBK's next tag team partner?

I really wanna say The Miz primarily because they both have "The" in their ring name. It also kind of helps that in a promo, TBK said he was searching for "The" tag team partner, so that could be a major hint. Although I would love to see The Miz continue to pursue a singles career, he would probably be the best candidate to be The Brian Kendrick's partner in my opinion.

What do y'all think?
i'm personaly hoping it will be paul london. (even though it more than likley won't happen) i mean these guys were great together. there speed, chemistry, and in ring ability just went together so well. maybe i'm hoping for something that imo probably is just a dream but it would be really cool if it did happen.
I've looked over the rosters for all three brands, and come to the conclusion that it could very well be one of the four following individuals. (Yes, all 3 brands - indicating someone could jump from E.C.W or Smackdown, to Raw - especially since the Unified Tag Team Championships aren't exclusive to Raw and thus could be defended on any of the three brands.) So, first up..

Festus: While I felt the W.W.E missed a huge opportunity with Jesse and Festus, the fact is Festus has talent and size. He's just stuck with a stupid gimmick, and they need to fix that. Kendrick is small, quick and agile. He needs a replacement to match what his former bodyguard, Jackson, gave him.

Festus would be a great fit. I think the one thing holding Festus back, ironically was Jesse. At least with Kendrick, you could play off the dumb gimmick and have Kendrick "mind-fuck" Festus into thinking Kendrick can help him get better, instead of that idiot Jesse who just let it be.

This could fit well into a senerio in which after the team has run it's course, Festus can turn on Kendrick and "heal" all at the same time. Festus could be told of how to cure himself, unknown to Kendrick, and suddenly one day.. bell rings, Festus doesn't stop being aggressive - Kendrick is fucked.

Jamie Noble: If you're looking for a similar sized partner, kinda like Paul London was to him. Instead of bringing Londrick back together (for the dumbest of reasons, least of which the one that'd require killing "THE" Brian Kendrick off in favor of repeating what's ran it's course in Londrick) why not go for an alternative version of attitude?

Noble and Kid Kash formed a Tag Team that was a rip-off of sorts. They called themselves "The Pit Bulls". To this day, Noble still wears trunks that say Pitbull on them. He's called "The Pit Bull". So why not just add Kendrick to the mix, and run with a new version of this unit? They're small enough to be similar, yet talented enough to be dangerous. It'd also give Noble a reason to be seen - which, honestly, is a good thing - because he's talented.

Curt Hawkins: Kinda based off what NorCal & I were discussing in our Book This discussion thread. Ryder is playing off this new gimmick in which he's happy-go-lucky, and hip. Why not repackage Hawkins as Kendrick's new partner?

I wouldn't know exactly what to say, other than perhaps you could give Hawkins some attitude, similar to Stunning Steve Austin. And bam, we have ourselves the *New* Hollywood Blondes. You KNOW you like it.

Ezekiel Jackson: If all else fails, just have him rejoin up with Jackson. I can't give a great reason for why other than it's worked in the months previous. I also don't feel like Jackson is going to have any type of "go" in E.C.W, since it's filled with all the "tall guys" they need. David Hart Smith, Kozlov, Mark Henry.. Jackson is the outcast of that group.. so why not replace him with Kendrick.
It'll be Seaumus O Seaunnesy... Who is currently working dark matches...

He's another Monster who can back Kendrick up and add a "little and large" team.
i would like to see london they were a great team but i dont think it will be him

festus will team up with him but that will fail

how about sim sunka?? just a thought that just lookin at raw roster



ortiz (heel turn)


they wont team him up with jackson again

bourne might b a good fit
I'm putting my money on Mike Knox. When the WWE were touring europe recently they were teaming him with Charlie Haas, so they're pushing him for tag competition. Not too sure how good this tag team will be though.

I reckon Sheamus O'Shaunessy will be teaming with Finlay sometime soon in ECW due to the obvious and stereotypical Irish link, and the fact that Finlay will need someone to help him fend off the Hart Trilogy or whatever they're calling it...

Also on Jackson I reckon they'll work him in on an angle with either Mark Henry or Vladimir Kozlov, either feud or tag team. Or is that a little too obvious?
i would really want it to be Paul London, they worked together so well! held the tag team titles for about a year or over a year. maybe have Paul return as a heel? that might work...or they could both turn face and be like the old days
i agree with noble,hawkins or sheamus but the most suitable person to join TBK is the miz...just likeit was mentioned before they both have "the" in theis names and they both have a similar character...they show off and thing are greater than everyone, they would make a good tag team...they could call themselves "THE tag team"...it would be nice
I really don't want to The Miz go from one tag team to another as that really killed the John Morrison push in my opinion. Sure it was a great team, but Morrison was ECW champion and a major star player on the rise in the WWE and pretty much spent a year getting the The Miz over. So Miz should stay on his own.

I really would love to see TBK stay on his own, but since he is a HBK rip-off in some form, I just see him either getting another big guy from FCW like Sheamus or even Sabastian Slater or if the WWE brings him back, Tomko.
The Miz isnt going to tag with Kendrick. They are seriously trying to work Miz up and give him a good rub from Cena, and putting him with Kendrick would not only kill Miz's momentum, but drop all the credibility he's earned over the last year w/ Morrison into the toilet.

Just because he has "The" in his name, doesnt mean he's going to be his partner...come guys put a little more thought into it then that.

It'll be some oversized big guy that nobody ever heard of that Kendrick can "hide" behind and bark orders, much like he did w/ Jackson. That is Kendrick gimmick, and the only way his gimmick is going to continue to work is if he has some big stiff in his corner with him.

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