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What would YOU do with THE Brian Kendrick?

The Palace of Wisdom

Pre-Show Stalwart
I think it's safe to say that most of us here probably like THE Brian Kendrick.

He WAS actively searching for a partner, going through some oddball teams with Goldust and Festus, and has been defeated, on TV, by a leprecaun. Now with Priceless being named #1 Contenders, who knows if we will ever get a partner for Kendrick. (I thought HBK would have been a BRILLIANT choice.)

This is a guy who was built up on Smackdown to the point where he was one of 6 wrestlers in the Championship Scramble match. And he actually won a fall in that match. He was an interim WWE Champion, technically.

So, my question is this: What would you do with THE Brian Kendrick?
I would release him. They obviously aren't going to do anything with him, so why keep him around? Personally, I think he should be a contender for the US title. A program with Kofi would probably be pretty good. Or if they keep him on the low card, why not a feud with Santino? I hope they aren't completely abandoning his tag title quest. It had me interested and I'll be pissed if they don't deliver.
Stick him in a fued with Triple H over respect. It could be an upper mid-card fured, but leave the title picture open. It would be a fresh new fued. Have it start out with Kendrick in the ring one night (maybe after beating Triple H? it's a possibility) bragging about how he is the greatest, how no one matches up to him, and how he should be in the title hunt. Then have HHH come out and tell him he needs to learn some respect for guys like him and Flair and HBK who made this business and that they are much more deserving then Kendrick for anything. Kendrick starts to agree with him then POW! he cheap shots Triple H. This starts a fued that is fresh, new, that could introduce a future main eventer (possibly) to the upper card, and develop Kendrick nicely as long as they don't have HHH bury him, which would kilkl it. And if it starts to get stale have Kendrick beating down HHH one night and suddenly HBK comes out and helps him. Which leads to a tag team fued between DX and Kendrick and his new partner, John Morrsion (HHH and HBK vs. the future HHH and future HBK?). Or it could happen another way. Let's say that one night Flair makes a special appearance to set Kendrick straight. He just won a tag match with his new partner Morrison. Then the two start a beatdown on Flair when suddenly...BREAK IT DOWN!! and DX to the rescue. Brings back a popular tag team and starts a good tag team fued. But take a risk in the end and let Kendrick or Kendric/Morrison (however it turns out) win the fued. They'll be the future anyway so it's time for the big boys to put them over. I know HBK would but the question is woul HHH do it? We could only hope.
Keep him in the mid-card where he belongs. He can serve as an anchor with Hardy/Regal/Kofi for the mid-card while creative moves Miz and MVP up. You can't just shove your entire mid-card up at once.

The only thing is, once MVP and Miz are established, I wouldn't start moving Kendrick up. Why? He couldn't handle a upper-card spot. Where's the charisma? He hops around and looks pissed. OK. That does not make you main-event worthy.
I can't really understand what the big problem WWE seems to have with Kendrick other than his size. By now, he really should be an upper middle card wrestler. I don't think he has been on a PPV since they had those "Championship Scramble" matches a while back.

Make Kendrick be really cocky because he technically was champion for about fifteen seconds. After Miz is done with his (possible) feud with Cena, have him get involved with against Kendrick to see who is the more annoying one. It could be kinda like HBK/Razor Ramon over who can really be the cockiest person on the show. Those two could have some good matches together. If not Miz, use MVP.

When HBK comes back, they can do an angle where Kendrick complains that Shawn (who trained Kendrick in real life) didn't teach him properly and they start the whole "respect" feud.

They just need to stop trying to make him a tag team guy. He is fine on his own.
As it has been said numerous times before, The Brian Kendrick has been compared to the young Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels in the Rockers. I would begin a promo with HBK and TBK to possibly give TBK a push to a single's mid-card title.

TBK comes to RAW one night, cuts a promo of being sick and tired of trying to find a tag partner; it just isn't working like it used to (referring to when he was a tag champ). After all this time, he hasn't been respected, listened to, or cared about, and all his questions have gone unanswered, and it is about time he gets some well-earned respect.

Shawn Michaels' music hits, HBK returning to RAW with spectacular pyro.
HBK gets into the ring, and questions TBK. "You want respect? You're just some young punk who got his ten minutes of fame with the tag titles. You want some more?" HBK takes a step back, and smirks. "Try to take some of mine." TBK stands there, shakes his head, and then tries to attack Michaels, HBK ducks under a near miss clothesline, and sends a quick superkick to Kendrick's chin laying him out. With a little strut to emphasize some arrogance, HBK leaves the ring.

TBK goes to the NEW GM (I'll insert Flair here being a very obvious decision by creative here), and demands a shot at HBK. Flair looks him up and down, telling him that Kendrick has no way in hell of winning against the Heart Break Kid. Flair goes into a monologue of how great HBK is in the past. Kendrick flat out tells him, "I don't care. Give me a match with him. I'll get my respect."

Therefore, HBK and TBK set for that night, and surprisingly, Kendrick comes off with a clean win (a quick roll-up from the Sweet Chin Music). Michaels can't believe it, and the next week, Michaels comes to TBK and offers to train him to be a great wrestler (even though Kendrick went through Michaels' school before).

Michaels then becomes his manager, and this is where the WWE gives TBK a big heel push towards the US title, with HBK coaching him. Kendrick soon gets a title shot with the US Champ (most likely it'll be Kofi). HBK does a bit of a distraction, and we see Kendrick "tune up the band," something that marks out HBK fans, and Kendrick nails Kofi with Sweet Chin Music and gets the pinfall.

New US Champ. TBK.
I agree that I like TBK, but I don't think he has what it takes to get caught in the US title picture. When you consider that there's already HHH/Cena/Big Show/Orton/MVP in the big picture plus HBK and Batista when they return with Kofi/Miz/Regal/Hardy/Santino in the US picture, TBK just doesn't stack up to any of them. I would put him back into tag team wrestling because I think Raw has what it takes right now for tag team wrestling. You have Priceless/Colons/Goldust and Festus. This leaves us with Noble, Sim Snuka (still listed on the roster), and Chavo (who is now without a program after Vickie's departure). Of those 3 I think Kendrick would pair up well with Snuka. Their contrast in size would make it easier for them to take on various teams plus both can do amazing ring work so I can only imagine what tandem tag team moves they could pull off.
Im a TBK fan and even more cuz i know he blazes. I think they should have never broke him up wit ej or got him a new big man on raw (which i hope they still do) and really push him as a young hbk wit diesel kinda like they were. before they released london they should have had a rockers type of thing where tbk turns on him before he really got going with the new heel gimmick cuz they were compared to them quite a bit and mostly to kinda mirror what shawns done before, he should let it be known that hbk trained him and bad mouth him saying he's gonna accomplish everything he has and more. I mean hell if there were doing something with cade kinda along those lines at one time i mean really why not kendrick. It shouldnt matter about his size or the 4:20 TBK is the shit! push him
im probably one of the only guys on here that hates burger king.( kendrick) hes stupid. he looks like an idiot, and sounds like one too. i want to send him up in space so i never have to see him again.
but, from a business standpoint, i love the idea LMaruko proposed. hkb is a young star maker, and that storyline would put kendrick where he needs to be. because hes shit now. (as always) i would do the hbk angle, and get him in the us title run. get it off of him due to something, and...even maybe...maybe...have him retire hbk at wm26. now thats a big jump. backing up, once he gets that us title, i would move matt hardy to the main event. its about time.
The Brian Kendrick is a great heel. Arrogance personified. However, he is wrestling in the WRONG place. WWE is no place for light heavyweights and The Brian Kendrick is indeed one of the very best light heavyweights in the world. He needs to go to TNA Wrestling and make an impact there (no pun intended). He would make a great addition to the TNA roster and could very well be X Division champion. Daniels, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Suicide, Jay Lethal, and Consequences Creed are fine, but the X Division needs more depth and flash, and The Brian Kendrick could very well be the saviour the X Division sorely needs.
Personally, I like Kendrick when he was the crazy high flier with London before he became an @$$hole. I would have him bring back the Cruiserweight belt, and remain champ for a while, and defend across all three shows. Then, from that maybe eventually get into a feud with an IC or US champ, and work his way up. Maybe a title vs. title match with somebody like Kofi or Mysterio for the IC or US title and the Cruiserweight title. This would at least get him into the upper-mid card.
I agree that Kendrick got the shaft. How did he got from being in one of the Main Event Scramble matches(even being WWE champ for a few moments) to jobbing out the low card on Raw. I would love to see Kendrick start up a fued with Kofi and see how well he would work with the U.S. strap(of course I'd just switch Ezekial Jackson over to Raw to be Kendrick's muscle). Kendrick is on the wrong brand period. He should have stayed on Smackdown. The new group of wrestlers on Smackdown would have been perfect for Kendrick to fued with and he could have easily gained a spot in the Upper-Mid Card with some serious steam built towards the IC title(Him vs. Mysterio/Jericho would be amazing) and the World Heavyweight Title(Since the lines between the IC and WHC are blurred on Smackdown it would have been the perfect place to be for Kendrick).

Right now since he is on this quest for the perfect partner. Hell just bring back London for a little bit. Let them have some epics with the Colons and see where it goes from there.
I'd actually keep him in the role he's currently in, getting some wins tho, make a bid for the tag titles and have him turn on his partner, only to go on into the upcoming PPV at the time and feud with him, have Kendrick win then either on RAW or the next PPV have him beat Kofi for the US Title.

The way titles change hands these days it's pretty thick and fast so it's achievable to get this feud and title change done in 2 month period in time for the Summerslam.
This isn't the mid '90s. Brian's gimmick isn't all that special anymore. If HBK goes out and wears shorts 12 years ago, its highly controversial. If a chick comes on wrestling TV and gives a lesbian kiss or wrestles half naked, it isn't all that special anymore and barely any controversial, it's actually normal.

It's better to move on.

Do you REALLY think he will end his career with a worthy world championship and give the fans something valuable to remember over the years? No. Just keep him on there to wrestle on the mid-card, where he belongs.
Kendick & London were so great on SD! before, how about a fued that leads up to a new pairing with Truth? BK likes to swagger, and those two in the ring would make me more interested in the wassup gimmick. Not sure I see Shelton as a good patner, but those 2 attacking each other would be fun. I'd even like to see BK up against Mike Knox - power vs charisma.
I think his character is great, but I think it is his size that is putting him behind the 8-ball. I did like the "I'm going to find a partner" thing, but I much rather the WWE giving a title shot to a real team (Priceless) than a thrown-together team.

Ultimately, what I'd do with THE Brian Kendrick is have him come out and announce that he's found the perfect partner to team with. He brings out someone he hasn't teamed with yet and says that they will be THE team to beat in the WWE. After a bit of hand raising and patting on the back, Kendrick goes nuts and kicks the crap out of the guy. Very Rockers-esque but they would have never teamed together, so it'd be compelling.

Then Kendrick gets back on the mic and says that he doesn't need a partner. He's THE Brian Kendrick and he doesn't need a partner.

Then a nice little feud with the disposed partner and have him be unpredictable and more of the "loose cannon" brian pillman character.

Well...that's what I'd do.
Like every other wrestler on raw they need a decent story i.e.

Have him start a tournament to find a new partner. Each weak you could have the Kendrick cup (winner receiving shot with kenderick at tag titles at major P.P.V.) he comes out and commentates during matches and then beats up the all ready beaten looser adding extra heel heat, after six or seven weeks you could crown the winner who would either tag with kenderick or turn face to start a nice little feud, it would be a great way to elevate new talent and also build up a new character .
A bit of commedy too could be used, lets say you could get kenderick to hang a matching ring atire to his own over the ring, with the winner being forced to change into it after final.
The Brian Kendrick is a great heel. Arrogance personified. However, he is wrestling in the WRONG place. WWE is no place for light heavyweights and The Brian Kendrick is indeed one of the very best light heavyweights in the world. He needs to go to TNA Wrestling and make an impact there (no pun intended). He would make a great addition to the TNA roster and could very well be X Division champion. Daniels, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Suicide, Jay Lethal, and Consequences Creed are fine, but the X Division needs more depth and flash, and The Brian Kendrick could very well be the saviour the X Division sorely needs.
Highly disagree TNA is just where the pure wrestlings at sure he'll pick up a X-division title or 2 but if he stays in the WWE he is in for a great year as a good upper mid-card heel.He can also capture the U.S and have his quarels with the main eveny once in a while.
I think Kendrick was great. But what there doing with him now is just wrong the guy is one of the best midcarders out there. He can hang with big guys, (look at the scramble) and still be a flashy high flyer. Instead he's jobbing to golddust and a midget... Really if he was going to moved in the draft (which i don't think he should have been) he should have been moved to ECW. He could of had some great matches with Tyson, and Evan Bourne. Let him move up and then move him over to raw. Or even back to Smackdown.

As it is with him on raw. Let him start a program with Kofi over the US title, winning it at summerslam. It would really help him legitimize himself on raw.
THE Brian Kendrick's gimmick is currently the best and worst thing going for him right now. Its without question the best thing for him, because it's getting him spotlight and it's keeping him current and not just complacent.

It's the worst thing for him, however, because it's a blatant rip-off of Brian Pillman, and while he's doing a good-great job of imitating him, the fact is he isn't and won't ever BE him.

Kendrick's best chance for anything right now, is to find a suitable Tag Team partner and stick it out in the Tag Team division. When he was on Smackdown, he was able to keep up with most of the top level mid-carders, lower-level Main Eventers. (guys like; M.V.P, Mysterio, R-Truth, Benjamin, etc) On Raw, he's gonna end up similar to Punk - without the attempted push. Jobbing to everyone and anyone that's bigger than him.

Jamie Noble has been recently seen teaming with him. In my opinion, thats a great Tag Team combination and one I called a while back. The only other option would've been to team him with a mis-matched, stronger, taller Superstar. (ala the Shawn Michaels/Kevin Nash aspect)

In the end, you can't do much with Kendrick ON RAW, so if I were to do anything with him.. I'd move him to E.C.W, or back to Smackdown, where he'd at least stand a much better fighting chance to become someone instead of a jobber.
I would job him to Santino, and begin a push with Santino. I don't enjoy TBK, I think he's boring and his weird walk/dance to the ring is pointless and personally, so if I had to book TBK, he would be my biggest jobber. Then I would future endeavor him.
It sucks that WWE seemingly killed the "who's TBK's partner" angle b/c it was actually good. Maybe he could keep this going til the bash for a triple-threat-tag-tittle match....I don't know who his partner could be (I was hoping for a legend like Koko B. Ware for comedy purposes) but that's what's good about it...
It seems like there are a couple of pretty common options. One, elevate him into a U.S. Title contender, or continue his quest for a Tag Team partner to feud for the unified Tag Team titles.

I think matches between he and Kofi for the U.S. title would be fantastic. They would steal the show at most PPVs, and it would really solidify both of them as players to watch out for at the mid-card. Guys like Matt Hardy and MVP (both who should be in the Main Event scene), and William Regal do not need the U.S. title. Kofi and TBK are perfect for it.

The tag team thing is more tricky, mainly because it looks like for all intents and purposes, its been shelved for the time being (with Priceless being #1 contenders). There were a few guys who would have been good partners for Kendrick. I think The Big Show would have been a good fit. He seems to be getting owned in his feud with Cena, so where does he go from there? The Miz would have been a natural fit, but they seemed intent on having him fly solo. I think Mike Knox would have worked well, but he's on Smackdown.

I guess I'll just have to realize that Kendrick probably isn't going to do much on Raw.
What would I do with Kendrick? Find him a tag team partner and have him spend the rest of his career working tag matches and curtain-jerking singles matches.

That's really all he's good for. He's not a believable worker when matched up with heavyweights, and his style doesn't mesh well with the other main-eventers. He's got a little bit of personality and some flash, so let him be the guy that opens the show hot, do a couple flashy spots to get the crowd going, and be back through the curtain in 5-8 minutes. That's really all he's needed to do.
I would partner him up with Shawn Michaels. If Legacy wins the gold at the (Great American) Bash, then whenever HBK is ready he can return and partner up with TBK, so while Legacy may be related to some wrestling greats, THE Brian Kendrick would have his "mentor" with him and backing him up. AND you could start a feud with the Hart Dynasty, since it's pretty well known that Hart and HBK weren't exactly having tea with each other every afternoon.

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