What would happen if CM Punk never cashed in the 2nd time?


Bring the hammer down!!!
Don't kill me here, this is my first thread. I'm open to constructive criticism so feel free to give it. Anyways, we all remember back at Extreme Rules right after Edge and Jeff Hardy had one of the best ladder matches, CM Punk came in a cashed in his briefcase. We all know he gained instant heat once he used it on Hardy. So my questions are:

1. What would happen if he didn't use it on Hardy?

2. Would he be the heel he is today if he used it on Edge?

Go for it.
1. What would happen if he didn't use it on Hardy?

That's a very good question. I guess if CM Punk didn't cash in on Jeff Hardy he wouldn't be a heel. At least that would be the very first thought that would hit.

I however do believe that if CM Punk was ment to become a heel then they would've turned him in some kind of way. Be it against Jeff Hardy or someone else.

I don't see who else CM Punk could've cashed it in on if he had to turn heel. Unless he cashed it in on a RAW champion. Which wouldn't make much sense in the manner that there was no need to carry two championships over to one brand.

CM Punk would most likely have cashed it in on Jeff Hardy at some other point I could imagine. If we're sticking to Smackdown that is. CM Punk was ment to turn heel most definitely. But had it been done later he might not have gotten the same amount of heat.

He would've gotten heat don't get me wrong. But cashing it in minutes after Jeff had finally reached the "top of the pinnacle" again was what popped instant heat.

2. Would he be the heel he is today if he used it on Edge?

Perhaps. Again I believe if CM Punk is still heel today. There were plans all along to turn him heel. He could easily have cashed it in on Edge and turned heel on the popularity he gained from that. Because it's not always about who you cash it in on but about what you do afterwards.

Yes Punk would've gotten a great face reaction from cashing it in on Edge. But I don't believe that with the proper booking. The proper promos. Hell the proper opponent (Jeff Hardy again) that he wouldn't have been able to turn heel on it.
1. What would happen if he didn't use it on Hardy?

Well , easy , Edge and Jeff would have continued their feud until Edge got injured .
This may seem a little out of the line , but remember when Jeff Hardy was facing CM Punk on SD! , (I think , I don't remember to clearly) Matt Hardy came out and helped Jeff . If CM Punk never cashed it in then it would have been Edge vs Jeff Hardy on SD! and Matt would have helped Jeff .
They could have continued Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy feuding with whoever , or if someone came out and helped Edge , like Matt helped Jeff , they could of had Jeff and Matt feud with Edge and ... say, Y2J . It could have been a Hardy Boyz reunion . They could have continued feuding until Edge got injured then it could have been Hardy Boyz vs Chris Jericho . (Assuming Chris never turned on Edge , thus , Edge never turning face.)


If Edge didn't tear his achilles tendon , then Edge and Jeff feud could have continued and CM Punk could have waited until Edge got the title from Jeff and cashed it in on him .

2. Would he be the heel he is today if he used it on Edge?
Good Question.
Maybe . Maybe not . Obviously , Jeff could have always won it back from Edge and they could start a three way feud . Then , when Edge got injured , CM Punk could have feuded with Jeff only and that's where he would have gotten the "Jeff , your a druggie , you drink , smoke , ect. ect." Thus , creating the SEC .

But ,

If Jeff left WWE earlier , then Edge and CM Punk would continue their feud and CM Punk would never get his big SEC heel turn .
I'm thinking WWE management knew there was a huge heel in CM Punk and it would have eventually happened but not as quick had he cashed it on Edge..it would have taken him just a bit more time..

If he had used it on Edge instead, would he still be heel? Well who knows, it has been a year...I think he would eventually been a heel anyway, slowly, even if his matches with Taker at Breaking Point and Hell in a Cell would have happened, he would have been a heel in those matches anyway...
Great thread man! Well, CM Punk must've shown that he could play a great heel for the WWE to have this much confidence in him, because Jeff Hardy was hugely over and this made CM Punk what he is today.

Had CM not cashed it in then... He would have most likely either cashed it in on Hardy later or on Edge, because Edge could have won belt during his feud with Hardy.

I think that Punk would OBVIOUSLY NOT be the great heel he is today because of the massive heat generated by him taking/robbing Jeff Hardy (the second most over, if not the most over guy in the company) of the belt. Punk would be a good heel but not a great heel like he is today.
So if he didn't use it on Hardy, are you wondering what if Edge had won and he used it on him? If that is what you are aiming at, then it is simple. Punk stays a face, because Edge was still heel at this time. There is no elaborate "You all have turned on me!" attitude from Punk towards the fans. Punk likely defends against Edge either on Smackdown or at the next PPV.

I can guarantee he wouldn't be the same heel right now if he cashed in again on Edge. Jeff Hardy was the perfect opportunity for CM Punk to turn heel. He was the Yin to Punk's Yang. The most over face on Smackdown, if not the company at the time, being chastised for his drug and alcohol use by another face. Punk brought out his Straight Edge side and forced it upon people. With Edge that wouldn't have happened. There was nothing for Punk to turn heel with.

Punk's feud with Jeff Hardy single handedly launched Punk from decent/good face, into amazing heel, shown to the masses. Indy fans knew how good he was as a heel, but this is where a national audience could truly see it. Edge couldn't have done that.
I think the WWE wanted him to be heel,
So it would've happened sooner or later,
But going after the top face on SmackDown was the best way to do It,
Ecspessialy since it was Jeff,
A known Drugie.
He'd be the heel he was today,
But it would of taken him longer to get there

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