What will be the next era ??


Dark Match Winner
Ok people we've had the
The New Generation(1994-1997)
The Attitude Era(1997-Present)
What do think will be the next era?
How will it be different from other era's?
When do you think it will all start, or has it already started?
Here's my opinion of what COULD happen.. i think like most trends WWE will go full circle and come back to the style of wrestling like it was in the teratorial days (70s-early 80s).. with a little touch of the attitude era.. which would mean going back to the days of 30-45 minute matches with perhaps shoter promos.. it'll go back to very technical wrestling that will keep the crowd more hooked during matches.. things where u would only see a moonsault every once in a while and the crowd will go crazy.. I also think because of the growing intrest in UFC the WWE may have a more MMA fighter feel about it but be way more entertaining style
This is just MY opinion so dont slaughter me on this..its just an idea.
What do u think peeps ??
The attitude era officially ended years ago. Anyway what you said "could" happen but it would take a massive amount of change to condition fans to accept it. Fans these days are accepted to expect most things to happen as fast as possible Someone debuts and instantly there's talk about how far they'll get, what title they should win first, etc. Vince's focus is moreso on the entertainment than that "wrestling." The wrestling is part of the entertainment but the aspects involved in it are moreso gearred towards sports entertainment, not "sport." Therefore I doubt that the days of consistently longer matches is feasible at all, nor do I think that it would be that widely accepted, not with todays increasingly impatient fans. (When I say impatient I refer to the majority of fans, the ones who expect the setup, buildup, and outcome of things to come as fast as possible in order to be good enough)

As for what the next era will be and how it will be different...that really isn't something that I can even guess upon. Chances are that things will remain fairly similar until Vince starts to have less of a say but that could be a long time. Based on what we can determine from the programs, Vince seems to be pretty comfortable with how things are at the moment. There's no knowing what philosophies Stephanie (Triple H as well), or Shane when it's their chance to do more. Heck, we don't even know what positions they'll have. Will one have Vince's and one Lindas? Will they both have a similar one?
Dysturbed said:
The attitude era officially ended years ago. Anyway what you said "could" happen but it would take a massive amount of change to condition fans to accept it. Fans these days are accepted to expect most things to happen as fast as possible Someone debuts and instantly there's talk about how far they'll get, what title they should win first, etc. Vince's focus is moreso on the entertainment than that "wrestling." The wrestling is part of the entertainment but the aspects involved in it are moreso gearred towards sports entertainment, not "sport." Therefore I doubt that the days of consistently longer matches is feasible at all, nor do I think that it would be that widely accepted, not with todays increasingly impatient fans. (When I say impatient I refer to the majority of fans, the ones who expect the setup, buildup, and outcome of things to come as fast as possible in order to be good enough)

As for what the next era will be and how it will be different...that really isn't something that I can even guess upon. Chances are that things will remain fairly similar until Vince starts to have less of a say but that could be a long time. Based on what we can determine from the programs, Vince seems to be pretty comfortable with how things are at the moment. There's no knowing what philosophies Stephanie (Triple H as well), or Shane when it's their chance to do more. Heck, we don't even know what positions they'll have. Will one have Vince's and one Lindas? Will they both have a similar one?

Dont you think that something drastic has to happen.. you cant deny wrestling has hit a bit of a slump.. what would u think could happen my friend ??
It doesn't have to happen. It probably should, but it doesn't have to. As for the slump, that's to be expected. Things are going well overall though. Ratings aren't what they were years ago, but why would they be? What show creates 104 programs a year? (now 156) plus ppvs without becoming repetetive or losing it's edge? WWE is in a unique situation. There's no other scripted primtime American program that has this many new shows per year. Once shows lose their edge they all end up going off the air or going off the air before they lose their edge. WWE keeps on going though and has maintained fairly consistent ratings for years. The old ones were never going to last forever. Anyone who expeted that wasn't being realistic.

So if anything drastic does happen, it won't likely change much for ratings, at least for long. Nothing seems to. If WWE were to make a drastic change, would the impatient fans that I speak of truly accept it? Knowing that fans in general nitpick whatever they can, drastic changes have to involve more than just what WWE does, but also how fans are wiling to perceive it.

So what do I think will happen? Not much for quite some time.
Fuck All The Mods Dysturbed Peopleschamps Advocate Your All Assholes Screw You Fucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spam This Fucking Forum !!!!!!!!!!
i have no idea what the next one will be, but hopefully it will be much better than the current bullshit era that's been going on since the wcw buyout
you are totally wrong wotto... Atitutde Era : Present!!! Wtf are you on! This is like the crap years of WWE... NOT THE BEST! I was like 6 - 7 when it was the Attitude Era and with everything that went on then and just now... And This Is Not It!
wrestling today seems to me a lot like it was from say 1992-1996...the rock n wrestling era of the 80's had passed, yet a lot of the names from that era were still relevant ( Savage, Hogan, Piper to name a few)...but a new crop of stars were on the rise, trying to make names for themselves ( Micheals, Hart, Nash, Hall, HHH, Foley, Austin to name a few...this period produced some of the lamest storys, and lamer gimmicks...but it had its moments, enough to keep a fan coming back for more...i see today as the same...the Attitude era has passed ( i would say it was gone once the WCW merger fell flat)...some of those stars are still relevent today, but we have anew breed of stars on the rise ( Cena, Carlito, Punk, etc.) ...wrestling comes and goes in cycles kind of...its hot for a few years, and then it isnt for a few...something will spark it again, but its anybody's guess what that will be...magic happens on its own its not manufactured...so, just sit back, take the good with the bad, and enjoy the ride
i totally agree with you. i think this will initially appeal to only the die-hard fans through the showcasing of more competitive and entertaining matches, which i think we deserve. however, with proper promotion and maybe a few shoot-style matches, it could catch on with non-fans.
A lot of people that I talk to seem too think that WWE are trying too bring back the Attitude Era right now.:wwf:

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