What if Savage had never left the WWF and he had stayed

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
You know when Savage left in 94 to go to WCW what if Savage had stayed in the WWF in 94 and beyond 94 then where would Savage's career went from there?

How would Savage have fit into the New Generation (1994 to 1996)?

How would have Savage fit into the Attitude Era in the WWF (1997 to 2001)?
Reality: He would've been an announcer. Plain and simple. Savage didn't fit in with the New Gen. He was from the "Hogan Era" and anyone associated with that era was either A) Released B) Moved to manager or announcer.

Savage wanted to have one more run with the I-C strap before "passing the torch" to Shawn Michaels at WM 10. I think that would've been interesting considering Savage could still "go" at the time. Savage and Shawn were considered two of the best of their size.

While he didn't fit in with New Gen he DEFINITELY would've fit in with Attitude. He had changed his look DRASTICALLY in 1999. He came back with an attitude that would've fit in perfectly with the likes of Stone Cold the Rock and HHH.
While I understand the intrigue behind one of the greatest of all-time staying in the biggest wrestling company ever, the answer to the OP's question is very boring. Savage wouldn't have done shit, and I'm pretty sure that's the only reason he even left all. By 1993 Vince was completely over the idea of Savage wrestling, and would've remained to use him in the light that Jerry Lawler was used until either A) Savage quit/retired/died or B) He did something that caused WWE to terminate his contract. Color commentator/interviewer and nothing more throughout the New Generation and Attitude Era, with probably the occasional match on RAW against a midcarder much like Lawler has had over the years
I agree, he seemed passe for the New Generation years but his 1999 look/attitude would have been awesome to see in programs with Austin, Rock, Michaels, Triple H and Ministry Undertaker.
Savage in Attitude Era like 97 to 99 he would have fit in perfectly in programs with Austin, Rock, Angle, Jericho, HHH, Kane, Taker or even Foley
If Savage wanted to wrestle, he needed to leave WWF, period. VKM wanted him as an announcer. That would not have changed. If Savage pushed the point, he would have been jobbed like others before him. Hell, if they could pay him, Savage would have been the King in ECW. But, his WWF wrestling days were finished.
Vince would have eventually allowed Savage to wrestle, but it would have been much later on. After Hall and Nash left, WWF needed top guys. You have on sitting there in the Macho Man.

Macho vs Mankind, Undertaker, Triple H, Kane, Austin and even The Rock all could have been possible. Savage's skill as a wrestler had depleted in the late 90s. We're also talking about a timeline where Savage may have primarily been an announcer from 1994 to 1996/97. That's about two to three extra years of inactivity.

Savage would have likely been involved in the Corporation angle. I doubt he would have joined DX at any given time. Macho Man would have been a heel mouthpiece in the group, eventually feuding with Stone Cold.

It's unlikely Macho Man ever would have recaptured the WWF title had he stayed, but IC, tag, and European titles would have been possible. I doubt he would have held the hardcore title.

Macho Man might have stayed with WWF through to his death in 2011. He would have likely replaced Jerry Lawler for much of the late 90s as colour commentary. Imagine Macho working with JR calling the Mankind Hell in a Cell dive.

Macho likely would have permanently retired not long after the Invasion. Jerry Lawler would have been a secondary commentator to him. During the first brand extension in 2002, Macho would have stayed on Raw while Lawler would have gone to Smackdown with Cole. Taz never would have become a commentator.

Macho would have called nWo matches, while never having interacted with them in WCW. Macho would have been on the mic when Punk won his first title, same for Batista and others.

One would have to wonder if Macho Man would have died in 2011. What if he had his heart attack on air like Jerry Lawler did? Or somewhere on the road with WWE medical staff nearby.

It's interesting to think what could have been. I think Macho would have made a great corporate heel before turning face during the Invasion. He would have been around for a lot of those classic moments like Hell in a Cell, Austin, and DX. The truth is though Randy Savage wanted to be the Macho Man, and the Macho Man doesn't just sit there calling the action. He is the action, oh-yeah.
Vince really did screw up in regards to Randy Savage. For some reason, he was intent on keeping the Macho Man out of the ring at a time when Savage still had the ability and drive to add some much needed depth to a roster in transition. Honestly, I think it's tough to answer this question. If Randy had stayed, would he have been fine with remaining an announcer? Because that's ultimately what would have ended up happening. He would have remained a commentator and had the odd feud here and there, at least for a couple of years. Vince probably would have gotten desperate around 96 and brought him back as a full-time wrestler, but who knows where his mind would have been after 3 years on the shelf?

One thing I do know, watching the Macho Man in all his psychotic glory feud with 98 Stone Cold would have been a spectacle to see.
Like almost everyone else that's commented, I'd say Randy Savage would have been in the commentary box with very little else happening.

He probably would have been used sparingly in the ring, perhaps Savage would have taken Jake Roberts spot in the KOTR 1996 to get Austin over and have a short feud after it and then the odd appearance in the Royal Rumble match.

Savage had to leave WWF to continue his in-ring career, and he showed that he could still go during his run in WCW before the injuries started to take over.
That all being said. I would've loved to see Savage get just due inside a WWF/E ring, in front of HIS fans, chanting his name one more time a la Hogan and Warrior. Savage was one of the more popular and recognizable stars in WWE history and the fact that the WWE allowed 10 years to pass without getting Savage into the HOF is one of the travesties and injustices of all time. I'm surprised HHH didn't take a more active role in this. According to Lanny, the WWE made overtures to Savage about the HOF but Savage wanted the entire Poffo family inducted a la the Von Erichs. My question is so what?!? If that is what it took to get Randy Savage in front of his fans again than so be it. I never understood the hard line Vince took when I came to Randy Savage.

But I for one am GLAD he didn't take Vince's offer to be a full time announcer and the "Babe Ruth" of the WWE. We had 5 more GREAT years of Randy Savage matches in WCW!!

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