New Era on the way?


Dark Match Winner
Having a look back throughout WrestleMania and particularly as it's portrayed on the 2K14 game, there is a pattern of sorts as to when new era's are introduced.

For instance WM10 was when the New Generation was in full swing and the first WM was introduced, WM14 saw the first Attitude era, WM19 was the first under Ruthless Aggression (I believe anyway), and in the game itself they present WM25 as the "Universe Era."

I know it could all be coincidence, but following that sort of pattern it seems plausible to think that between WM30 and 31 we could see a new era of the WWE being introduced to us in my opinion. Could be an exciting year ahead, depending on the direction or era they go for.

Thoughts? Agree? No?
Get ready for the Network Era. We will get more "insider" information, super stars in real life, WWE movies and a lot more that moves the company away from pro wrestling.
More like the Reality era.

Eh...I really dont care. As long as its entertaining and the storylines makes sense. Im really interested to see what Wrestlemania season has in store for us.
You don't create a new era, something must have happened for the direction of the company to change in order to usher in a new era. The so called 'Hogan Era' was only ever ended due to him leaving the company with many of the top names, forcing Vince to use new talent and henceforth the 'New Generation Era'. WCW started kicking WWF to the ground and this forced the change and became the 'Attitude Era.

WCW was then brought, there was no need for Attitude anymore but a more middle ground and born was the 'Ruthless Aggression Era'. After the Eddie, Benoit incidents, the company was forced to change direction (plus with Linda's politicial career too) and so the era as we are in now, the 'Cena Era' was born. The only way this era is to emerge into another one is the disapperance and lack of focus on Cena and I don't see that happening yet. We can't call any new era the 'Reality Era' as in fact elements of what would be deem 'reality' appear in every era since the Attitude Era and as such the company direction is the same on that front, just on a larger scale (see Taboo Tuesday, Cyber Sunday and from previous eras 'Tough Enough', 'Diva Search, 'Confidential' and so forth.

If anything the next big change in the WWE will come either from three following events: Cena retires, HHH takes majority control of the company or the more likely on WM31.
toon 126 your full of $#!+ No new era is on its way! Vampirek is right for the most part but he is wrong about todays era being the "cena era"....its the PG era you nitwit! Now know your role...AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH! IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLL WHAT DARK RAIN...IS POURING!
We'll really have to wait and see once Wrestlemania 30 is over. It seems that WM is the end for most wrestling stories in the WWE, and the episode of Raw the night after WM is when new ones begin. If the WWE starts to focus more on newer stars, then maybe we could say a new era is beginning. As of right now, the same guys are in the title picture that have been for the last few years. Daniel Bryan was elevated in 2013, but he was the only one by my account.

If anything, combining the two World Titles has been a step back - rather than a step forward (in regard to a "new" era). Seems like we're back to an older era, where only the veterans will get title shots. They tried with some new blood over the past few years, but almost all of the newer contenders (for either World Title) have been kicked back to the mid-card. As long as they keep Cena, Orton, CM Punk & Lesnar (along with other part-timers) at the top of the card, it doesn't feel much like a new era to me. Hell, they even put Big Show in a title match not too long ago. If I were you, I'd wait & see who wins the Royal Rumble before you start making too many bold "new era" predictions...but maybe that's just me.
We've been in the John Cena Era since WrestleMania 21.

Ratings may have gone downhill, the product may have become PG, most of the main-eventers may have been replaced, most of the titles may have been unified, there may no longer be a brand split, the third show may have gone from ECW to NXT to Main Event, social media may have become prevalent, and the entire landscape and 75% of the roster changed... by all intents and purposes, we should've been in a new era by now, and it's a sign of trouble for WWE that we aren't. 2011 was the year it should've happened, and the fans have been chanting for CM Punk and/or Daniel Bryan to take over the throne for 3 years now.

But as long as John Cena is the face of the WWE, we are STILL in the same era.
We've been in the John Cena Era since WrestleMania 21.

Ratings may have gone downhill, the product may have become PG, most of the main-eventers may have been replaced, most of the titles may have been unified, there may no longer be a brand split, the third show may have gone from ECW to NXT to Main Event, social media may have become prevalent, and the entire landscape and 75% of the roster changed... by all intents and purposes, we should've been in a new era by now, and it's a sign of trouble for WWE that we aren't. 2011 was the year it should've happened, and the fans have been chanting for CM Punk and/or Daniel Bryan to take over the throne for 3 years now.

But as long as John Cena is the face of the WWE, we are STILL in the same era.

Agreed, we all want the Bryan/Punk way of wrestling to come back and bring us to those sweet late 90's memories.
Agreed, we all want the Bryan/Punk way of wrestling to come back and bring us to those sweet late 90's memories.

Glad you brought up the late 90s, because make no mistake about it, Punk's pipe bomb in mid-2011 was supposed to have been the Austin 3:16 moment to a new era...and WWE flat-out refused to change course. The fanbase's "Yes!" backlash to Bryan getting squashed by Sheamus could be seen as another opportunity for WWE to usher in something new...and they still haven't done it. It's still the same Cena-led shit, but a different year. I'm not really a fan of Punk OR Bryan, but I'm smart enough to see that they should be the two guys leading the company right now, not Cena and Orton.
You know I think we are coming towards a new era. Whether its right after Wrestlemania or shortly after you're going to see a lot of good wrestling. Look at your roster: CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, The Shield members, The Wyatt members, Big E, Orton, Cena, etc. Plus don't forget your part timers Jericho, RVD, Lesnar, etc. You have a lot of potential good feuds and matches if done properly. Hopefully we'll get a variety but a lot more good wrestling.
The WWE has no reason to move into a new era because business is better than it has ever been and there is no other real alternative for disgruntled fans to turn to. Which is why it's a shame TNA is so poorly managed and booked.

Like the guy up there said, it takes an event that jeopardizes the WWE's ability to profit for a new era to come in.

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