What was the WORST WWE PPV ever?

For economic reasons only, I'm gonna say In Your House: Beware of Dog. I remember there being a storm in their area n they completely blacked out. Only 1 match was shown n if you wanted to watch the rest of the pay per view you had to order another one the following Tuesday.
I dont remember the year, but, the PPV was Summerslam.

The main event was Diesel vs. Mabel for the World title, why the hell would you make this the main event? I remember that, the ending came when, Diesel did a shoulder block off the middle rope(ugh).

Some other matches in this show, Alundra Blayze vs. Bertha Faye(again ugh), Barry Horowitz vs. Skip(no reason to go any further here), Bret Hart vs. Isaac Yankem(Kane, when he clearly wasnt ready)

There was just so many people on one of the "big 4" that had no reason being on here.

It was 1995 and Mabel was getting a big push even though he sucked which in turn helped make Diesel's reign less than memorable. 1995 was not a good year for WWE period but KOTR & Summerslam took crappy PPV's to another level. In my opinion the only good PPV that year was Survivor Series(Diesel/Bret,Wild Card Elimination Match)
[QUOTE="Stone Cold" John Hogan;2832854]The definition of the word worst is: the least favorable outcome (according to Google.) Becuase of that, I'm gonna go with Over the Edge 1999. If you want a PPV that is remembered for the worst possible reason, it was Over the Edge.

Oh, and I'd change what happened to Owen.[/QUOTE]
Take away the PPV above I'd have to say this list.

No Mercy 2003 - I'm a big fan of the pre-survivor series PPV however No Mercy 2003 was booked terribly and unfortunately there is nothing about the card I found/find appealing, I've only ever watched the tape I borrowed from a friend and I skipped most of the card, Cena/Angle was and is the only decent match of the card but still not enough to save it.

December to dismember 2006 - Not much to say that most haven't or wouldn't, this was a ONE week after Survivor Series 2006 and they didn't even try and build the card, WWE's reasoning, they were testing waters to see if they could sell a one match PPV and the rest would be fillers (like MMA/Boxing).

However the last PPV's I've shelled out for are WrestleMania 26 & Summerslam 2010 and apart from them it's 2009 when I last bought any, if I can get a feed I will if not I'll borrow a tape/dvd.

For a long time I personally felt like I'd wasted my money after I ordered x PPV (same for SummerSlam 2010 actually) creative need to get back on track, problem is WWE are more concerned with ratings and keeping kids happy and cutting out some of the more risqué stuff or eliminating the more edgy matches.
Agree with anyone saying December To Dismember 2006. I mean, just look at it:

Match 1: The Hardys vs MNM - This was the only match that was watchable on this lame event.

Match 2: Balls Mahoney vs Matt Striker - Striker can be a decent wrestler, but Balls on the other hand is more of a hardcore guy. His wrestling skills are terrible to say the least. Well we see Striker in the beginning make his own match rules and stating that this match will be held under 'Striker's Rules'. Well Striker the truth it that we would rather see 'Extreme Rules'. Balls in the end fights off all of Striker's rules to pick up the win in the end.

Match 3: Sylvester Terkay & Elijah Burke vs The Full Blooded Italians - Nunzio and Tony Mamaluke just fell into this crap squash match. Tremendously lame match.

Match 4: Daivari with The Great Khali vs Tommy Dreamer - Since Khali is on the card, the quality speaks for itself.

Match 5: Kevin Thorn & Ariel vs Mike Knox & Kelly Kelly - The worst match of the night and possibly second worst of 2006, just right after Undertaker vs Mark Henry at WM 22. These four have absolutely no wrestling ability. Knox and Thorn really stunk it up for most of the match with lame, botched maneuvers. Kelly Kelly and Ariel are hot, but they didn't do anything exciting when they took their turn in the ring. In the end Thorn & Ariel get the win. I can't believe at one point, IWC labels Thorn as 'The Next Undertaker'.

Match 6: Big Show (c) vs Rob Van Dam vs Test vs CM Punk vs Bobby Lashley vs Hardcore Holly in the Extreme Elimination Chamber Match for the ECW Championship - Sadly this was a horrible main event. Entertaining guys like Rob Van Dam and CM Punk left way to early in my book and that really made the fans turn their head. Test is a crap wrestler and so is Hardcore Holly, who shouldn't even have been in this match. They shot a poor promo showing Sabu being taken out backstage. So basically Heyman awards Hardcore Holly with Sabu's spot. That was complete crap, Sabu would have ruled this match. Poorly booked match and PPV overall.

The event had an attendance of 4,800 and received about 90,000 pay-per-view buys, with 55,000 of them domestic buys—the lowest buyrate in WWE history.

Less than 24 hours after the pay-per-view, WWE announced on their official website that Vince McMahon had sent Heyman home, citing "slumping television ratings and a disgruntled talent roster as causes for Mr. Heyman’s dismissal". Heyman and McMahon clashed on the plane to the North Charleston Coliseum. After a producers' meeting, Heyman was escorted from the Coliseum and sent home. Heyman was also immediately pulled from ECW's creative team. McMahon was attempting to put the blame on Heyman for the poorly received pay-per-view, and after a meeting with Vince and Stephanie McMahon, Heyman legitimately left World Wrestling Entertainment but remained under contract. Heyman was against Lashley being booked to win the ECW Championship, however, McMahon stated that fans would be happy to see a new champion and a 10-minute celebration. In an early 2008 interview with The Sun, Heyman stated how he would have booked the Elimination Chamber main-event, which included having Punk enter first and quickly eliminating the Big Show via submission. According to the interview, McMahon disliked the idea, but Big Show liked the direction Heyman was heading, and was eager for the opportunity to "make" a rising star like Punk. Heyman also stated that he kept going to McMahon on the night of the pay-per-view to say that "The people are going to throw this back in our face".

Critics and fans had a negative reaction to the pay-per-view. Slam! Sports rated the pay-per-view 4 out of 10 stars, stating, "the two matches that were promoted saved this thing from being a debacle". In the 2006 Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards, the event was voted the "worst major wrestling show of the year".
Please, ask this in May so I can say WM27!!! Del Rio vs Edge doesn't appeal at all to me, and I'm a big fan of ADR. Miz vs Cena? Really? (sorry, had to be done lol) Definatley not a title match at the biggest PPV of the year.
No plans for Undertaker........
Or the US Title.......
Or the IC Title.........
Or the Tag Titles........
Or the Divas Title........

I've never seen a more poorly booked WM Card......

dude... its february.... do you expect them to announce the entire card at the royal rumble? as for the Miz vs Cena match, the fact that u through "really?" out there shows that the miz is doing a great job, I dont remember quoting a wrestler like that since Kurt Angle was in WWE, oh its true, its damn true
Wrestlemania XI - The first PPV that my mother finally agreed to buy. This is the one with Bam Bam- Lawrence Taylor as the main event. Michaels-Diesel for the Championship w/ Jenny McCarthy and Pam Anderson by their side. A forgettable match between Bret Hart and Bob Backlund. Alot of ppl say '95 was a bad year for WWE and this was proof.
Yep gotta go with December to Dismember here.

I actually got in my Monte Carlo with two buddies, and drove to Savannah, GA from south Florida to stay with my old man. Then I made the trip to a piss poor excuse of a city named "Augusta".

I get to the show and first thing I noticed is that the place was small. Really small. I think the original ECW could of sold this place out.

Anyways, the best part of the show was the Hardy's match and Ariel bouncing on the ropes spread eagle before her match.

They took Sabu out of the main event for no apparent reason, and the two most over guys in he main event were eliminated first (RVD and CM Punk).

This show sucked so much I would never go to Augusta GA again lol.

Some bright spots from the show?

Outside Sabu was legimately pissed, went across the street into a parking lot and threw his luggage around.

Some of the signs:

"I hate this town"
"Id rather be at the Ft.Lauderdale War Memorial" -Yours Truly
"If Test wins we RIOT"

I seen Test do an elbow drop off one of the cells.

The crowd sucked, definitely not an ECW crowd.
I would have to say December to Dismember too. It was a fucking embarassment, both to the WWE and the memory of ECW. Taking Sabu out of the match when he could have put on a great show was such a poor decision, and the main event went down hill from there.

Punk and RVD should have remained in the match much longer than they did, and as the poster above me mentioned, just seeing Ariel was the only positive about the show other than the Hardys who at this point could still entertain and hadn't become the ego-maniacs we see today.

Also, Paul Heyman was blamed for the poor PPV buy-rates when he had almost nothing to do with the PPV itself, and ended up leaving the WWE shortly after, and has yet to return to the business.

All in all, it was definitely a PPV that should not have happened, ECW wasnt a strong enough brand to carry a PPV at that point, and WWE learned their lesson by not promoting any more ECW PPV's after this one.
I'm going to go old school and say WrestleMania 2. The premise was interesting as it was held in three different locations, but this premise came off as a complete failure. Not only that, but there's nothing on the card that stands out as a WrestleMania moment aside from the first, and, thus far, only (traditional) steel cage match in WrestleMania history. And that match sucked as it featured Hulk Hogan and King Kong Bundy. The majority of matches were squashes, it had a terribly booked boxing match between Roddy Piper and Mr. T, and commentary featured celebrities that, for the most part, did a terrible job.
For me it's King of the Ring '95. A huge wasted opprotunity for some of the top babyfaces in the company. The matches were crap, everything was just way out of order. Showed how the company desperately needed the Monday Night Wars to HAPPEN!

So here's the format they got for the PPV in the Tournament:
The Undertaker vs. Mabel.
Shawn Michaels vs. Kama.
Razor Ramon vs. Yokozuna.
Bob Holly vs. The Roadie.

Ok, so for the actual tourney you have, three immensly popular babyfaces during the era, Shawn riding a whole new wave of momentum in his career. And of course you got Bob Holly to roundout the babyface side....I'll let the crickets chirp for a few seconds....ok then, where were we. So we look at the Heels, Mabel (aka Black Barney), a lifetime tag team wrestler, who had appeal as a face, but nobody wanted to see him main event. Kama, who if not for 'Taker wouldn't have ANY Heel heat in the slightest. Yokozuna, once a top heel now a tag wrestler. The Roadie, basically a green lackey. So looking at the whole thing, it would be clear that a babyface would have to win. It's perfectly logical!

Also on the card, you had the culmination of the Bret Hart/Jerry Lawler feud, and a main event tag match pitting Diesel & Bam Bam Bigelow against Sid & Tatanka..the whole feud sucked between Sid & Diesel, and Tatanka? Main eventing? How can anyone be that dumb, that's like putting Drew McIntyre in a....oooohhhh....right.

Anyway, of course, bit of a problem a week leading up to the show. Razor gets hurt.....so what do they do! They have to fill the spot of course! So what would they do? Have a Battle Royal for the final spot? I mean, the roster was thin as it was, if they're going to put anyone interesting in the spot, that's what they should do! And not on the card? The British Bulldog, Lex Luger, Adam Bomb, Bob Backlund, Jeff Jarrett & Chris Candido/Skip (1-2-3 Kid was injured). But what do they do? They give it to Savio Vega! Yes, we all know who he is now, but back then people were like "heh?" He defeated I.R.S. during the countdown show. But oh well...it didn't matter anyway right? Clearly Shawn or 'Taker were winning the whole thing!

Well, the tourney gets underway, Savio beats Yokozuna by count-out, with Razor by his side, so all he's doing is playing off of Razor's reactions, but the Philly crowd didn't buy it. The match was terrible, with not one iota of anything remotley interesting. They already started playing up the whole "Rocky" storyline, being in Philly and all.

Next up came Bob Holly vs. The Roadie...just imagine how the Philly crowd took THAT one. Anyway, for what it was it could've been much worse, and it was about as good as it could get. That said however, it was merely generic and just went through the motions, despite an odd final sequence, where the Roadie won.

So then came Shawn Michaels vs. Kama...and of course the dreaded Catch-22 came into play. This match was not good at all, because it went to a 15-minute draw, and they didn't tell any kind of a story here, they were merely eating up time. Snorrrre! So now Shawn was out, and the crowd was starting to really turn on the show. What do I mean by Catch-22? As I said before, Shawn was really riding high as a red hot babyface, after being a heel in the upper echelon for 3 years, so there not just going to kill his momentum....but Kama needs to be protected to face The Undertaker in there blowoff which had been stretched out 4589343 months.

So with the Philly crowd pissed, they had one last hope...The Deadman! He was taking on Mabel...the Undertaker (not counting Rumbles) had only been beaten twice on PPV, and only once by pinfall and that was back in '91. So after having Mabel beat, Kama comes in, (you can actually hear the crowd GROANING at this point), and of course, cost him the match! WTF?

So by the end of the first round, nobody cared about the damn thing anymore!

So when we get to the 2nd round...we got Savio Vega vs. The Roadie...and Mabel getting a bye. Give credit to Vince trying to sell Savio as the plucky underdog. Only problem is, nobody cared.

The match was meh, and Savio won......

So we got Savio Vega vs. Mabel for the finals.....yes, a tournament with Shawn Michaels & The Undertaker in it, ended with finals of THESE two! A year later, Savio was in the same spot he was at this point...Mabel wasn't even WITH the company.

Anyway, Bret Hart, alas, the glorious hero of the company, was coming out to finally avenge two years of misery at the hands of Jerry "The King" Lawler in a Kiss My Foot match. The hatred these two had for one another always made there matches seem epic. But this was anything but....it was good to see Bret make Lawler submit in a televised match, and keep the win...but it just felt like something you'd see on "RAW' on any given week back then. The crowd woke up a bit...but even a tiny piece of crap, can float for awhile before being flushed for good.

Anyway, then came the finals. Savio Vega vs. Mabel. During a boring match which contained one of the worst bearhugs I've ever seen. The fans started chanting E-C-W, E-C-W (and at least history is made here, because this is the first incident where Vince's curiosity of the beloved indie outfit, came into play). So mercifuly, after close to 9 minutes, Mabel wins it...hooray!.

So the Philly fans thank Mabel and the WWF by pelting him with a bit of garbage....no this isn't the kind of rich money garbage that the nWo would draw with. The kind of garbage as if to say..."You are what the fans throw at you" kind of garbage.

Anyway, this was all a feeble attempt to build up a new heel for Diesel, who at this point was a lost cause anyway. I don't understand why they did this with unknown, uncharismatic Savio. My assumption is, Razor was supposed to go to the finals, and Mabel was supposed to beat him there, which would make perfect sense, that was Mabel beats two top babyfaces to win the thing. But how's this supposed to make Mabel look credible? He needed someone elses help to beat The Undertaker, and yes, I understand heels cheat, but let us remember, 'Taker had Mabel BEAT! If it was during a regular sequence, say Taker ducks a corner charge, but before he can capitalize, Kama hits the ring apron, 'Taker nails him, but it allows Mabel to recover, and get the win. Semi-Clean win over 'Taker...still a big thing back then. So Vince builds this monster heel up, who had no hand in beating The Undertaker, gets a bye, and beats a guy who's been around a month (under that charachter, I'm aware he was Kwang).

If Mabel REALLY was to be built up properly....here's what should've happened.....the Mabel/'Taker match goes BEFORE Kama/Shawn.....they do the ending I talked about with the distraction. Then during Shawn/Kama....'Taker comes down and distracts Kama, allowing Shawn to get the kick and the win. Works well enough....Shawn puts up a fight against Mabel, but ultimately loses. Then Mabel can be plucky Savio....simple, that's how you buildup a new heel...have him beat two of your top faces, then squash the underdog, and voila (imagine how well it would've worked with Razor in that concept, beatign 'Taker, Shawn & Razor?? Beating the other top faces (sans Bret), and now he's ready for the champ.

And if they wanted to go with the Cinderella story thing, why not use someone else? For example, just mere weeks after this show, Barry Horowitz's shocking win occured. It was clearly in the cards, as the tapings took place shortly after this show. So, why not build anticipation for the show. Have Horowitz beat Skip on the countdown show, and the crowd's shock will definitely be present. Horowitz is familiar with Philly fans, they know he's a guy who's been jobbing for years, and I believe they'd get behind him. Have him beat Yokozuna via count out, and Barry beating Yoko by count-out would be much more different than Savio, because Savio's a mid-carder at least winning matches, Barry never wins, and all of the sudden he goes from upsetting a pushed mid-carder, to beating a guy who should've squashed him like a grape. Beats the Roadie, and I believe by then, even the Philly crowd would be into him, but of course comes up short against Mabel, but looks great because of his valiant effort. I'm not guaranteeing it would work...but who knows.

Anyway, I digress, back to the show...yes we're not done yet...we still had the Tag Team Main Event between Diesel & Bam Bam Bigelow taking on Sid & Tatanka. Yes, after all that crap, the crowd doesen't even get a title match on a PPV crowd. Anyawy, after an eternity of kicking and punching, Sid backs away from Diesel, after killing Tatanka, setting up a rematch at the next In Your House PPV because one horrendous match between the two of them isn't enough. Anyway, yes the faces win, the crowd cheers and hoorays (sort of), and go home counting down the days until the next ECW show.

WWF was clearly a shambles at this point....Mabel got his main event, in a horrid match against Diesel as Summerslam '95, and the show tanked heavily in the PPV buys department (setting a record low at the time). But never fear....Uncle Eric was here....and the war began!
I registered just to mention this, and might be a one shot posting;

How can you guys have NOT said IN YOUR HOUSE: DX

In your house dx:


# Matches Stipulations Times
1 Taka Michinoku defeated Brian Christopher Singles match for the new WWF Light Heavyweight Championship 12:02

2 Los Boricuas (Miguel Pérez, Jr., Jesus Castillo, Jr., and Jose Estrada, Jr.) defeated the Disciples of Apocalypse (Chainz, Skull, and 8-Ball) Six-man tag team match 07:57

3 Butterbean defeated Marc Mero by disqualification "Toughman match" 4th round: 0:10

4 The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg) (c) defeated The Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal) by disqualification Tag team match for the WWF Tag Team Championship 10:33

5 Hunter Hearst Helmsley (with Chyna) defeated Sgt. Slaughter Boot Camp match17:39

6 Jeff Jarrett defeated The Undertaker by disqualification Singles match 06:56

7 Steve Austin (c) defeated The Rock Singles match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship 05:37

8 Ken Shamrock defeated Shawn Michaels (c) (with Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Chyna) by disqualification

So...it included a brawl for all match, almost every match including the main event was a dq, AUSTIN VS ROCK WENT FIVE MINUTES and was for a belt, and they gave sgt slaughter 17 minutes

Only december to dismember is close...ihy:dx was got awful
There were some bad early In Your House events, and Wrestlemania 11 was one of the worst besides the Michaels-Diesel match. In the mid-1990s when Bret Hart took time off and Michaels was champ, the only legit main-event wrestlers on the roster were Shawn and Undertaker. Some of those cards were pretty bad. There was one where Michaels was champ and he was the dark match. I never understood why they would have the champ wrestle a dark match on a PPV.
yeah, I gotta agree. Tuesday in Texas was pretty bad. But according to whatever source you wanna believe, apparently Vince just did that as an experiment to see if a Tuesday PPV could cut it.

Needless to say that was in 1991, and Taboo Tuesday didn't come around for more than a decade after that one. (2002 I believe?)

But as far as big name PPV and the biggest bust of all time in WWF history has to go to Wrestlemania 7. That card just stunk it up to new levels of pathetic.

2 things and only 2 things saved that one. The commentary which had Heenan and Monsoon, and the Warrior - Savage match.

Savage by the way, coincidentaly was in the only good match on the T.I.T. PPV (great acronym there Vince) was the Savage - Jake match.

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