Did anyone else notice this?


Dark Match Winner
Ok so back in 2009 the day after Wrestlemania Mr.Mcmahon made a 6 man tag team match for backlash pitting Triple H(WWE champ at the time), Shane Mcmahon and himself (later to be replaced by a returning Batista) against Randy Orton and at the time legacy (Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr.) in a 6 man tag team match at Backlash.

Now later in the night the GM at the time Vickie Guerrero added a stipulation saying that the WWE title will be online in the match with the stipulation being that if anyone on Randy Orton's team get's the win he will win the WWE championship where if anyone on Triple H's team get's the win he retains his championship.

So my question is why did Vickie make the stipulation? She doesn't have the authority over Vince to make that call with him and his son shane in the match and I don't remember Vince stating that the title will be on the line either.
its quite simple it was wwe's way of getting heat for vickie! undermining the authority of the chairman and stacking the deck so heavly against triple h was a great way to make people hate her!!! im pretty sure around that time vickie was given power by the board of directors and would over step her boundaries of on numerous occasions. everytime she does this she gets more and more negative attention and this is a classic example of it. randy went on to win and start his legacy reign and vickie went on to screw up more things in wwe ....just like she doing know !
They did do that to get Vickie heat for sure and it worked. The other reason they got away with it is something that they have done in the past. When Vince is booked in a match, even when he is replaced, he is a wrestler and subject to the rules set forth by a GM. I don't have specific examples, but they have done this with Shane and Vince before to undermind them.
They wanted to defend the WWE title at backlash. And since that HHH was the WWE champion at the time it made sense for the title to be on the line. Plus, the WWE needed a way to get the belt back to Orton without HHH being pinned by Orton because it would make the face look week with having less than a month title reign.
They did do that to get Vickie heat for sure and it worked. The other reason they got away with it is something that they have done in the past. When Vince is booked in a match, even when he is replaced, he is a wrestler and subject to the rules set forth by a GM. I don't have specific examples, but they have done this with Shane and Vince before to undermind them.

I'll give you an example, you have to go back years but it dealt with this very matter. At the beginning of 1999, Vince made himself the number 30 in the Rumble match. However by doing so, he became a wrestler and thus HBK, who was the commissioner at the time could change Vince's spot from 30 to 2. He couldn't change Austins', as that was the only wrestler he wasn't allowed to make decisions over. Vince has been deemed a 'wrestler' ever since.

This would lead to the rule which was applied there, Vickie can make decisions over Vince, as Vince was a wrestler. If Vince is involved in any match, someone else with power can change certain aspects of it, they can't change it outright but they can add stipulations etc.
Oh I'm sorry. I couldn't notice anything with your terribly undescriptive description and header. Please take 5 seconds to add a better title for your post in the future please.

As for your question yes Vickie was a Smackdown GM and hHh being a blue man at the time was under her reign. This is not the first time McMahon has had to give in to a GM or Sheriff's rule before. It also worked in both mens favor evenly.

Have a great day.

It always seems weird to see anyone tell McMahon he has to do something. It is just a part of a storyline that they needed to even a playing field or make a little more sense, without having McMahon do it himself. As mentioned before in this thread also, it was a way to give Vickie heat as well. It was actually a smooth way to go about it.
Find'er Woo'er Ryder, theres a couple mistakes with your post. You said they did the 6 man tag match as a way to get the title from Triple H to Orton without letting Triple H get pinned by Orton. But it actually ended up beeing Orton that got the pin on Triple H to win the match in the end with an RKO then a Punt. Which eliminates that reasoning.

Plus Triple H had more like a 2 or 3 month reign, not just 1 month. He won the title at No Way Out on Feb 15th and lost it April 26th.

Not meaning any disrespect. Im just a stikler for details lol.

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