What was the best season of The Ultimate Fighter?


Warrior Forever
I became a fan of the UFC and MMA right before the first Ultimate Fighter, and I have watched every season since that historic 1st. The 12 seasons we've had have been entertaining and have produced some greats including Forrest Griffin,Rashad Evans,Josh Koscheck,Michael Bisping and more. What was your favorite season and why? It can be the most entertaining season or one that produced the best fighters,or anything you want. explain and discuss :)
I liked season 6, which was Matt Hughes vs. Matt Serra.

There was obvious tension between the two, and it showed throughout the season. There really aren't any AMAZING fighters (maybe George Sotiropoulos) that came out of that season, but it was really fun/dramatic. The funniest part of the season in my opinion was Mac Danzig (eventual winner) constantly making fun of Richie Hightower (some really goofy looking guy) and he just didn't like him, and I found that really funny. Matt Serra's first overall pick (and very good friend) lost to Danzig in the first fight of the season, and eventually the guy, Joe Scarola ended up quitting on Serra. Danzig dominated the whole competition; beating everyone who he faced in the first round.

I also really liked this season because it was the first season of TUF where I completely followed everything on it.
Season 5, without a doubt.

Season 5 had everything you could ever want from the show... two coaches feuding, the house filled with complete nutjobs, and AWESOME fights. Plus, I've kept it no secrete... I've always been a huge fan of BJ Penn and Nick Diaz, so with BJ as a coach and Nick's little brother as the star of the show... it was the perfect season for a fan such as myself.

But yeah... so many great moments that season. BJ's raise your hand picking process, Cory Hill's barking and talking to himself, Gabe not being able to cut the weight, Andy Wang's crying, The Marine and cocky guy fighting in the yard, Joe Lauzon being the awesome dude he is, and Nate Diaz nearly coming to blows with Karo Parisyan... the show had everything you could ask for and more. Great season. The only thing that could have made it better is if Lauzon hadn't got lay 'n prayed on by Manny Gamburyan, since that would have given us a Nate Diaz vs. Joe Lauzon finale, which would have been one epic fucking fight.
Season 1, by far. I liked season 5 a lot as well but season 1 was something special to me. It was obviously the first season and something new to watch but it also introduced me to the ways in which the fighters trained and a peak into their everyday lives. Both the good and the bad. I also became a huge fan of some of the guys on the show such as Forrest and Koscheck. The fights were fairly solid, especially the incredible finale between Forrest and Bonnar. It had some awesome TV moments such as Leben pissing on Strange Brews bed and Kos and Bobby fucking with Leben to the point that Leben punched a window out. It showed that fighters are just as immature as real people, but it also showed that they aren't as barbaric as they were being presented by the media either. I have to watch TUF season 1 every 6 months without fail because I love it so much.
Season 1 was definitely my favorite, mainly because it gave us Chris Leben and he is one of my favorite fighters. But not only did that season give us Leben, but it gave us Forrest Griffin, Josh Koscheck, and Stephen Bonnar. Forrest is another one of my favorites and Stephen Bonnar is just a funny guy and I love listening to him talk.

Second favorite is season 7 and that was mostly because Rampage was hilarious! I loved the way he coached. Although I was not a fan of any of the fighters and they kind of killed it for me.

I have a feeling, though, that season 14 (if the fighters are any good), will take the spot as my favorite season. I can't wait to see Mayhem coach.
Season 1 had the best overall talent. Forrest, Diego, Bonnar, Leben, Koscheck, Swick, Ken Flo and Nate Quarry all went on to have decent career in the UFC, and Alex Karalexis wasn't a bum by any means in the WEC. As far as overall season however, I really enjoyed Season 5. I thought the beef between B.J. and Pulver was good and there was some good talent on the show.

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