The Ultimate Fighter Season 12: "I Don't Like Losing, Especially to a French Guy!"

I absolutely disagreed with the decision to give Marc Stevens that final wild card spot. Stevens might have a great "skill set," but he got his ass destroyed in his fight. Why should he get a fight over Dane Sayers, when Sayers fought his ass off and went to a decision against someone nobody thought he had any chance of defeating? Moreover, Dane vs. Wilkinson would be a slugfest, whereas Stevens I'm sure will look to lay and pray both rounds. Terrible, terrible decision by Dana White here. And an unfair one at that.

Anyways, the rest of the show was decent. The coaches challenge was a disappointment, seeing Kos dominate. But whatever... he won't dominate in the octagon like that; that's for sure.

And Koscheck being his usual douchey self, picking on a medic for no reason other than to be a douchebag. Kos is just so fucking lame, and I'm sure next week he'll humiliate himself once again by being the dumb ass that he is. That'll be fun to watch though.
Just an Okay episode last night.

At the house the fighters are talking on who should get the wildcard fight. Spencer Paige walks in fresh out of surgery and says he can't do anything for 3 months. Lentz is talking on how bad he wants it, saying he doesn't think that England should get it, because he has stitches above his eye and his leg is messed up. As he is busy drinking some Crown and chewing tobacco, England and him bicker about fighting in the wildcard fight. We get a surprise to see Jean Charles still there, instead of beating the shit out of the fighters this week, he is helping Sayers train for the last elimination fight. Next we see Kos start being a douche bag to someone else besides GSP and Cody, this time he is trying to pick on this huge black guy, which we find out is just a medic, that Kos keeps calling a "male nurse" questioning him why he is there, with the constant name calling. Saying since he isn't a fighter there is no need for him to be there. Just Kos being Kos. Sako goes into his training session, tells us about his background.

Next up is the coaches challenge. Kos crushes GSP in the homerun derby, winning by like 24 points. GSP says he never played baseball, watching him swing a bat it definitely showed. At least Koscheck can win at something since his fighters didn't fare to well.

The fight wasn't that impressive, at least for Sako. Sako wins by unanimous decision. Sayers almost finished it very early with a Guillotine choke. There was a lot of clinching in this fight. I give Sayers a lot of credit for trying his hardest. Sako fights like that again, we won't make it any farther.

GSP,Kos, and Dana go into a room to determine who should get the wildcard fight. It ends up going to England and Marc Stevens. Now I completely agree with England getting a spot, but Marc Stevens hell no. He had an impressive fight to get into the house with a 15 second KO, but lost his elimination fight in almost the same time, falling to Cody's deadly Guillotine. Sayers got screwed there, he might not have been the most technical out of the guys, put he would've fought his ass off during the fight. Hell I would've been happy if Lentz got the fight over Stevens. Hopefully they'll give Sayers a fight on the finale, since he got the shaft for the wildcard.
I liked the fight. Dane showed a lot of heart. He took the fight to Sako and I absolutely believe he should have gotten one of the Wildcard spots. GSP was dead on when he said that Sayers would only keep improving. It was just a damn shame that they had to give the final spot to Stevens. English deserved the wildcard and Sayers as well, but not Stevens.

The fight itself was okay. Sako used his gameplan perfectly. I wish he would have displayed more of his skills, but he got the job done. As I said, Sayers looked good, especially since no one really gave him a shot. He has some good striking but he just forgot to let his hands loose.

Fuck Lentz for talking shit. That guy is a douche bag who is in serious need of an ass whooping, oops I forgot, Bruce Leroy already gave him one. I hope Lentz does get a fight on the finale just so I can see him get destroyed.

The coaches challenge was awesome. I had no idea Kos or GSP could swing a bat and actually make contact pretty cool. Of course I was happy to see Kos win, but once again there was no need for him to start shit with the male medic. And I can already tell I won't be happy with Kos either. It was hilarious hearing Sevak yell from the stands, he reminds me of Andre Arlovski so much it isn't even funny. If he wasn't Armenian they would be like identical twins I swear.
I enjoyed tonight's episode for the most part. The fight was not all that exciting but the rest of the show was fun to watch. I like Koscheck, I really do, hell I may be his biggest supporter on this forum behind only IC, but my god he needs to stop talking so much. He is starting to sound like a whacked out of his head idiot. For him to honestly assume that GSP hired that medic for the purpose of trolling Kos is just ludicrous, but also genius if true. However, I also disagree with the medics self promotion so far on the show. There is no reason why he should be talking to Kos like that in any way either. The simple solution obviously is to remove the medic from any televised segments seeing as he is distracting from the fighters.

As for the brawl, stupid by all guys involved. It really showed how Kos can dish it out but can't take it at all. He obviously lost his cool and went into a blind rage of sorts. He should never have put his hands on Dane Sayers, that wasn't cool and I don't fault Dane for being pissed. I thought it was good that Kos did go an apologize, even if he was or was not sincere about it, he did do the right thing by apologizing. Now they all just need to move the fuck on. I will say that Kos pushing the plunger in the medics face had me laughing pretty hard. I can honestly say I never though I would hear Josh Koscheck ask a male nurse to give him his plunger back.

The fight didn't interest me all that much. I was pulling for English seeing as his Grandma had just died. I thought he deserved the win and he sure as hell got it. The first round was boring. Dana was right about Nam Phan being the worst corner man ever. If I had to hear him say "smash" one more time I was going to smash my TV. I still like Nam though. It is hilarious that Marc Stevens got caught in another guillotine. It reminds me of when Amir tapped CB Dollaway by armbar twice. You would think these guys would learn from their mistakes and learn to defend such submissions.

The quarterfinals are set and I like the match ups. Jon Brookens and Michael Johnson are probably the deadliest fighters left. Nam Phan should do some damage as well. I am not sold on Sako quiet yet. Leroy has a tough test in front of him and the rest of the guys don't really stand out to me all that much.

On a final note, fuck Lentz. I hate that mother fucker and hope I get to see him get his ass whooped at some point. That bitch has it coming.
Great show last night.

Koscheck, as expected, was his usual douchey self. The guy is fucking ridiculous. He can dish it, but he can't take it; your typical whiney douchebag. And the thing is... nothing the medic was saying was infuriating. He didn't cross a line, yet Kos still got mad enough to attack. Why? Because it was a medic running his mouth, not a professional fighter. If that was GSP... Kos wouldn't have done a damn thing. Fuck, if it were Chris Leben, Kos wouldn't have done anything. But since it's a regular person, Kos attacks. What a fucking punk.

Dana White also kind of pissed me off last night. He was being such a Marc Stevens dick rider. Marc Stevens did NOT "dominate" that first round. When Nam was saying English was winning, it was when English was on top, which was for a good 2 minutes. Also, I didn't think Nam did that bad of job cornering, either. He was the only voice you could hear throughout the fight, and I thought he helped English on the ground when the fight first made its way there in the first round.

The fact is, Marc Stevens shouldn't have been in that fight to begin with. Dana White fucked up. It shouldn't have been about the two best guys, but instead the two most DESERVING guys. And by choosing the "best," Dana took an opportunity away from a more deserving person. He does the same with title shots sometimes. It can be quite sickening (and don't get me wrong, I am a Dana White supporter, but damn he can rub me the wrong way sometimes).

Anyways, love the match-ups. I actually agree with GSP that Bruce Leroy vs. Michael Johnson isn't as one-sided as it seems. Leroy's a scraper and as shown in his first fight, he's very good off his back. He could easily catch Johnson in a submission, BUT if I were a betting man, my money would be on Johnson via decision.

Cody Mckenzie vs. Nam Phan is interesting. I don't see Mckenzie catching Nam in a Guillotine in this one though. Nam Phan is too experienced on the ground to get caught in something as elementary as a Guillotine. Cody still has a shot though. The dude obviously goes in there to bang, a fighter like that always has a chance.

Kyle Watson vs. Aaron Wilkinson.... I like English, but Watson should be able to take down and submit him. No doubt about it.

And Jonathan Brookins vs. Sako Chivitchian should go very much the same as Brookins vs. Sevak. Brookins is just too good, and Sako didn't impress me at all in the Dane Sayers fight.
Once again we're showed how much of an asshole Koscheck is. Who the hell is Koscheck to question why someone is there? If Brad Tate was asked to be there by GSP, then so be it. I recall just about in every instance Koscheck was the one who instigated the interactions with Tate. At least Kos apologized to both Sayers and Tate, when it was all over.

Dana White also kind of pissed me off last night. He was being such a Marc Stevens dick rider.

I agree with this 100%. I think Dana still had Stevens elimination fight to get into the house, still in his head to be so high on him. Maybe Dana should be at the training sessions, so he can see for himself who is deserving of wildcard spots.

Man was that the quietest fight I ever heard on the show, mainly because it wasn't GSP and his "EHHHHHHHH's" throughout the fight. I was glad to see Stevens lose, especially by another Guillotine. Other than wanting Stevens to lose because he shouldn't have been fighting in the wildcard in the first place, I was happy for English, since he just found out his Gram just passed away, plus Lentz was talking shit about English being to hurt to fight, that just proved Lentz was wrong.

I like the announced quarterfinal match ups. Was loving when Dana stuck with Johnson/Bruce Leroy, just to hear Kos whine about it. Watson should beat English as he has the far superior ground game. If Sako had trouble putting away Sayers, then Brookins should be able to roll him. The only chance team Kos has a chance in advancing is in Phan when he squares off with Cody.
Koscheck is such a little bitch. There is nothing worse that the type of person who talks a big game, but once it comes back at him, can't handle it and back himself up. Once again, Brad Tate proved Koscheck is this type of person.

Koscheck attempts at running his mouth always fail as the best he can come up with against Tate is "You're a male nurse." Tate always was able to once again get the best of Koscheck and Koscheck bitched out by physically attacking him.

I remember watching one season of The Ultimate Fighter with Tito and Shamrock as the two coaches. I went into the season thinking Tito was nothing but a arrogant ass, but his coaching ability and how he cared for his team proved me wrong and he was able to gain alot of respect from me.

This season Koscheck has lost alot of my respect for acting the way that he does. I have zero issue with trash-talk, but if you want to give it out, you better be able to take it back. And you definately better not blame others for your error in judgement like Koscheck blamed GPS.
So, in light of some things stemming from the most recent episode of The Ultimate Fighter, I feel like this video should be shared with you guys. It actually has made me look at the melee from this previous episode differently, a little bit.

Now, I already said that I didn't agree with Koscheck's actions, and I still do not. However, the magic of video editing is astounding sometimes. I have come to really hate Tate and I commend Kos on defending his guys. It is completely inappropriate that some ass clown who isn't even a fighter is talking shit to the fighters on the show. I think Kos is completely in the right for defending his boys. I also think a lot of people took this as Kos being able to dish it out but not take it, I now think differently. He didn't get pissed at anything the medic said to him but to his team. He even said that the medic can talk as much shit to Kos, but to leave his team alone. I thought that was cool of Kos. Also, he apologized for his actions, which is right of him to do, but I also feel like that douche bag Tate should apologize for being such an attention ****e. This show isn't about him and he has no business starting shit with any of the fighters on it. If the coaches want to involve him then so be it, but to start shit with one of the competitors, fuck off Tate. I really hope we don't see him on anymore episodes because he is clearly out to get himself some attention and the show is not about him.
So, in light of some things stemming from the most recent episode of The Ultimate Fighter, I feel like this video should be shared with you guys. It actually has made me look at the melee from this previous episode differently, a little bit.

Now, I already said that I didn't agree with Koscheck's actions, and I still do not. However, the magic of video editing is astounding sometimes. I have come to really hate Tate and I commend Kos on defending his guys. It is completely inappropriate that some ass clown who isn't even a fighter is talking shit to the fighters on the show. I think Kos is completely in the right for defending his boys. I also think a lot of people took this as Kos being able to dish it out but not take it, I now think differently. He didn't get pissed at anything the medic said to him but to his team. He even said that the medic can talk as much shit to Kos, but to leave his team alone. I thought that was cool of Kos. Also, he apologized for his actions, which is right of him to do, but I also feel like that douche bag Tate should apologize for being such an attention ****e. This show isn't about him and he has no business starting shit with any of the fighters on it. If the coaches want to involve him then so be it, but to start shit with one of the competitors, fuck off Tate. I really hope we don't see him on anymore episodes because he is clearly out to get himself some attention and the show is not about him.

Shouldn't Kos man up, and not let someone like that get to him so much? Whatever he was making fun of some guys, let him sound like a douche. Your only making matters worse by showing him you get offended so easily. There is no point letting someone like that get such a rise out of you, and it's ridiculous he would resort to fighting. "i'm gonna fuck you up in about 2 minutes bro." Real mature. Why not laugh it off, and make him look like a dumbass? Seriously fighting was the worst thing Kos can do, and if he gets that heated i'd hate to see what would happen if he was at say a bar.

Than he started pushing a guy on GSP's team who was trying to separate the guys? What the fuck was that? Sure he apologized, but he acted like a little insecure kid. Do I agree with what Tate did? No. Do I think he should apologize? Yes, but Kos really needs to take the higher ground being someone who is on TV, and who will be fighting for a title soon.
I have really loved this season thus far, and last week's episode was the first I missed part of as a result of being out much of the day. But I caught the end, and I enjoyed watching Marc Stevens lose again. He's 'mini-Kos.' I have a co-worker who used to wrestle with Marc and told me he's always been a real cock. Score one for English, and here's to seeing Kos's #1 pick (whom GSP conned him into selecting, which now looks like genius) go down.

INDYJon mentioned that he and I are likely the only big Koscheck fans on the boards. True though that may be, I've really gotten sick of him this season. He's lost a lot of my respect the way Ken Shamrock did in season 3. He talks WAY too much, and he's classless. When he won ONE FIGHT, he and his team pounded on the wall to raz him. Kos had no regard for how that made the fighter feel. Just awful.

I started the year really liking Bruce Leroy, but he's obnoxious and has no self-control. My wife and I are really behind Brookins at this point, though Michael Johnson is a beast in his own right.
Well it isn't really a matter of me condoning Koschecks actions at all, which I do not. He had no right to put his hands on anybody, no matter how dickish they acted. That was stupid and made Kos look very bad, not that he needed to look bad because he is making himself look bad on a weekly basis at this point. More or less the video just made me hate Tate all that more. I think Tate is a big piece of trash for talking to Sevak that way, maybe I missed it on the show but I had not realized Tate was talking to shit to Sevak until I saw that video. My point is Kos has been a major dick, but personally I hate that bitch Tate as well.

Also, IC, I agree. I love Kos to death, he makes me laugh and is one of my favorite fighters in the UFC. However, he has been a major douche on the show and has been getting on my nerves. I think it was obvious when Kos and his team did the whole banging on the wall bullshit that it became apparent Kos was wearing on me. I still like the guy, but hopefully after Wednesday's blowup, he will shut the fuck up for the rest of the season.
Two very good fights tonight. First of Sako vs. Brookins went about as well as I thought it would. Brookins looks like the best fighter left and has to be the odds on favorite. A fight between Brookins and Johnson would be very interesting to see. Sako, I like the guy and I think he will learn from this loss. Cody looked very good in the first half of the first round and then Nam Pham remembered that he is the better fighter. Nam showed some decent heart and showed how good his hands really are. His striking looked its best. Overall, the fights were fun for the most part and I can't wait to see Leroy vs. Johnson next week.
I missed the first 10 or so minutes of last nights episode, when I finally tuned in it was the start of the Brookins/Sako fight. Man did Brookins look good again. Literally took no damage in the 2 1/2 minutes the fight lasted. He used the game plan he had against the other Armenian Sevak, jumped on his back and choked him out with a RNC. The other fight Phan/McKenzie was pretty good also. Cody controlled most of the first round by doing exactly what GSP prepared him for, in getting Phan against the cage, take it to the ground and use GnP on him. Phan came on strong towards the end of the round, when they broke apart and used his superior striking to score some nice shots on Cody. Second round Phan was a lot more alert and wasn't letting Cody get the takedown, instead kept it standing and out struck him, until he threw a nice body shot the hurt Cody and continued to punch him until Rosenthal stopped the fight. Cody just needs to really work on his punches, they look like they have no power behind them, his kicks look good, but those punches look like shit. I definitely could see Phan in the finals, bout the only hope Team Kos has to make it.

I hope next week Michael Johnson beats the shit out of Bruce Leroy. I used to like Leroy at the beginning of the season, but he turned out to be an annoying cunt on the show.
Damn, I should have been posting in this thread, but I usually DVR it, so I was way behind. All caught up now, so here are some (long winded) thoughts on the show so far.....

Last nights episode was awesome, the Armenian guys piss me the fuck off, they think they're hot shit, and that people actually give two shits about what they've been through. LeRoy pissing him off in (i think) the second episode was epic, "I VEEL DO EEET!!!".

I love Brookins, seems like a very chill dude, and I was estatic when he beat the Armenian guy (random note: I didn't even realize there where two Armenians until the first one fought, and they spoke to eachother, I was fucking baffled.) Brookins' ground game is very good, it seems like it's damn near impossible to prevent him from taking your back and tapping you out. I'd love to see this guy win it.

Nam Phan vs. Cody McKenzie was awesome, I enjoyed every second of that fight. I like both guys, so I didn't have a favorite coming in, but during the fight I found myself cheering for Nam, and actually said "he's gonna drop him with a body shot" after he kept landing body blows in the first. Phan is another guy I'd like to see win, as is Johnson or LeRoy. So many cool guys this season.

As far as Koscheck actions so far in the season.... He is a douchebag, he really comes across a dumb jock, he would be cool if he was half as witty as he thinks he is. That skirmish with the black dude was hillarious, that guy was verbally raping Koscheck every time they interacted, and all Koscheck had was "You're a male nurse, bro". And the dude that got hit in the face had me ROLLING. A fucking professional fighter, crying like a little bitch, I had a good time seeing that one, glad that dude got eliminated.

Next weeks fights should be great, I forget who the Brit dude is fighting, but I am thrilled with the Johnson/LeRoy fight, that shit'll be some great TV. I'm torn on who I want to win, Johnson is a very laid back dude, and a great fighter as well, I could definitley see him fighting in the UFC. Also, aside from Brookins, the Brit, Nam, and maybe a few others, he's one of the guys in the house who hasn't made a complete fool out of himself.

But I find LeRoy to be hillarious, I have a close friend who acts JUST like him, fucks with you to the point of utter frustration, but when you take a step back and anaylze the situation, you realize he's just being a fucking hillarious punk, and forgive him immediatly.

So yea, pretty damn good season so far, I don't even remember last season's coaches, or any of the fighters, so I'm assuming it was fucking awful.
Brookins is not only the best fighter in the house, but also easily the most likable. The guy is such a free spirit, and embodies everything a true Martial Artist is supposed to be. He's quickly becoming one of my favorite Lightweights, and I definitely rooting for him to win the whole show.

The fight against Sako... incredible how Brookins was able to pull off the exact same victory he did against Sevak. Not only does he get the back like it's nothing, but he works to get that beautiful RNC like it's nothing, too. Like Dana White said after Brookins win against Sevak, that's some serious Jiu-Jitsu. He's not supposed to make it look that easy.

And Cody McKenzie vs. Nam Phan was a nice little fight. McKenzie fought his ass off and showed he was more than just someone who can apply a Guillotine Choke. Unfortunately though, his lifestyle caught up to him. All that drinking and tobacco chewing cost him this fight, easily. He had the skills and coaching from GSP to defeat Nam Phan, but not the gas tank. Hopefully he learns from it though and comes to the finale better than ever.
Regarding the altercation that occurred between Koscheck and Tate, and after seeing the video that INDYjon posted earlier, I sometimes forget that producers have the ability to severely edit and alter how something can come across on television, and in turn don't always provide the viewer with the full picture.

I still think that Koscheck was out of line to get physical with a paramedic, even though Tate was provoking both Koscheck and his team. However, Koscheck did do the right think in the end and explained his reasoning and apologized in a calm, collected and civil manner.

Like everyone else, I’m quickly becoming a big fan of Brookins. He has demonstrated his fantastic ability and talent in the ring and appears to be a genuine, level headed, well mannered, stand up guy.

It was nice to have an episode without Bruce LeeRoy being a focus. While I did enjoy him for the first couple of episodes, his cocky attitude and disrespect for others, had me quickly lose faith in him as a person.

I think it’s important that in the Mixed Martial Arts world, a world that while continuing to grow quickly is still not fully accepted and understood by the general public, for fighters to show professionalism and respect as well as demonstrate their talent in the octagon for it to gain its full potential with the public. Brookins continues to display why he would be a good reprehensive for the MMA community, while LeeRoy would potentially turn the public away.
I don't buy Koscheck's petty excuse for a second.

I mean, have you guys seen the members of Koscheck's team? With the exception of English and Nam Phan, they're all a bunch of loud mouth, hard headed buffoons. You think for a second they would actually let an overweight paramedic bag on them and not fire back? Really? Because I'm not buying that for an instance.

Koscheck is full of shit on this one, and unless I see video proof that suggest otherwise, I'm not thinking any different about this any time soon.
Man I fucking hate Kos. I don't care how much you try and defend him Indy he is a fucking DICK. He hates when the fucking nurse picks on his teammates, but when Cody got beat he fucking laughed in his face. Fuck him. He is easily the most unlikable person I have ever seen.

That said i'm really pulling for Brookins or Johnson. I think right now Brookins can beat everybody in the house. He is fucking good. That being said Johnson is a beast in his own right, and I can't wait to see him rip a fucking hole in that bitch Leroy. I also don't like Nam Pham. Good fighter, but I find him annoying.
Man I fucking hate Kos. I don't care how much you try and defend him Indy he is a fucking DICK. He hates when the fucking nurse picks on his teammates, but when Cody got beat he fucking laughed in his face. Fuck him. He is easily the most unlikable person I have ever seen.

That said i'm really pulling for Brookins or Johnson. I think right now Brookins can beat everybody in the house. He is fucking good. That being said Johnson is a beast in his own right, and I can't wait to see him rip a fucking hole in that bitch Leroy. I also don't like Nam Pham. Good fighter, but I find him annoying.

Nah man, I am not trying to sway anyone on Kos. He is a prick, but I like him regardless. Trust me, he has worn on me this season, but that is another reason while I loved this last episode of TUF so much. Kos was not the focus and we really did not see a whole lot of him until the end. Of course, he did act like an asshole about Cody losing, and once again I thought that was wrong. I think it is incredibly douchey to rub it in the face of someone who just lost, but it does happen (Shinya Aoki ;p).

But, yeah Brookins is a beast, Johnson (if he gets through Leroy) is a beast, but my personal favorite is definitely Nam Pham. He just seems like a cool dude, who turns into an animal come fight time. This has really been a very good season.
Decent episode. Another rear naked choke. This season has got to be nearing the record for most rear naked chokes in the shows history. I feel for English, seeing as his Grandma died a couple episodes ago, but to be honest I could not care less about this fight. Nice showing from GSP's most random member.

As for the Alex vs. Michael fight. I liked it. I found it interesting that no matter what Alex threw at Michael, Michael appeared to walk right through it with no real issues. I don't know if that is a testament to how tough Johnson is, or how weak Alex's strikes are. I will be hopeful and chalk it up to Johnson's toughness. Nice sportsmanship by both guys after the fight. It was nice to see them bury the hatchet and hopefully we will get to see Alex fight on the finale.

The semifinals looks very nice. I love the match up of Michael Johnson vs. Nam Pham. It has awesome fight written all over it, hopefully it lives up to it. Both guys are tough as hell and could easily win, I guess I give the advantage to Johnson but just barely. As for the Brookins vs. Watson I see as one sided. I haven't been incredibly impressed by Watson on the show and really think he has had the easiest road to the semis. Brookins is arguably the best fighter in the tournament and should have no issue off setting Watson's great grappling. And if this fight becomes a standing fight I have no doubt that Brookins will destroy Watson. These semis should be very fun to watch.
I'm totally with INDYJon. What killed me is the fact that I accidentally fell asleep during both fights last night (thanks to 9 mgs of Melatonin) and just caughts bits and peices.

I liked Alex Caceras a lot after his initial fight, then soured on him as he drunkenly wasted his long lag time before the semis and alienated himself in the house. When the fight with Michael came around, he refocused. This guy just needs some discipline between fights.

Johnson was so focused last night, he was like a laser. Caceras still had fun, and good for him still smiling after the fight. He's not a guy who takes a loss like a crushing defeat. Hopefully he parlays that into more training for his next fight. I'd love to see more from the kid.

As for next week, I'm so jazzed it's ridiculous. Usually I go out on the night before Thanksgiving, but the fact that TUF is on for 2 hours from 9 pm - 11 pm, I may nix those plans and stay in to watch. Or maybe go somewhere they're showing it, like Dave & Busters.

Nam Pham has imrpessed the hell out of me, and he's so technically sound that he may actually give Michael Johnson a tough run.

Brookins has dominated EVERYBODY, and this upcoming fight will be no different. Even the preview of next week struggled to find clips of whats-his-name getting offense in, whereras clips showed Brookings practically piledriving the-other-guy to the mat.

I think we're heading straight for a Michael Johnson vs Jonathan Brookins finale. I would say Brookins beats he-who-cannot-be-recalled in round one next week, and that Johnson beats Nam by decision.

From there, I take Brookins to beat Johnson on the finale.

I'd also LOVE to see Nam Pham (if he loses to Johnson) face Alex Caceras on the undercard of the Ultimate Finale.

As jacked as I am, I hate to see this season end. It's been one of my 2 or 3 favorites in the show's history.
Correction from IC's post, the last episode of this Season's TUF isn't until December 1st, which is the Wednesday after next, so don't make any special plans to tune in next week, otherwise you're going to be sorely disappointed, lol.

Anyways, Kos is still a dipshit. How was the fight between Bruce Leroy and Michael Johnson not great? It was easily in the top 3 of best fights we've seen this season. Back and forth action with both guys, with neither ever giving an inch. Fortunately for Johnson he had the takedowns to lead him to victory, but Leroy was great with his scrambling, which made it an entertaining fight, instead of a lay and pray fest.

English vs. Matt Hughes' Jiu-Jitsu coach went as expected. While I was rooting for as many GSP fighters to make it to the Semis as possible, I still felt bad for English. Crappy, crappy way for him to go out. Regardless, good showing from whats-his-face. He stuck to the game plan and it worked out for him.

Brookins vs. Hughes' Jiu-Jitsu coach is interesting. I don't think Brookins is going to be able to submit a guy like that, so he might look to keep the fight standing, where he should have the advantage with his experience and reach. If the fight does go to the ground, then Brookins should look to stay on top and not take any huge risks that'll end up costing him.

Nan Pham vs. Michael Johnson is gonna be interesting as well, but I think Johnson will dominate for 3 straight rounds and win a decision. If Cody McKenzie could take Pham down and control him for a round, then Michael Johnson should be able to do it for 3; there's no doubt in my mind about that. Nan Pham is well-rounded, but wrestling is obviously his weak point and it'll end up costing him in this competition.

So, yeah... like IC, I see a Brookins vs. Michael Johnson finale, which I will fully expect to end up being the best finale fight we've seen since Ed Herman vs. Kendall Grove in the TUF 3 finale.
Damn, last nights episode was awesome. I wanted English to win against that boring dude (the fuck is his name?), but I doubted he would. Brookins will tee that ass in their fight though, no doubt about that. The Lee Roy/Johnson fight was awesome, I don't know if Kosh was joking, or if he was all butthurt becuase Alex lost, but that fight was pure excitment.

If Alex could've actually stopped Michael's takedown (like he claimed he could) then that would have been a whole nuther fight, but Johnson had his way for both rounds, and short of KO'ing, TKO'ing or submitting Johnson, Lee Roy had not chance to win the fight.

I got Johsnon winning the fight against Nam, Nam doesn't look to throw combos, and is kinda passive, while Johnson is just pressure pressure pressure pressure, he doesn't relent and throws lots of fucking punches. I honestly don't know much about the boring guy, but Brookins is damn good, I predict he wins and takes on Johnson in the finals, which should be a helluva fight.
I didn't catch last nights episode, but here is my opinions on the semi's. Johnson should beat Nam. His strengths play into Nam's weaknesses. Nam is a very well rounded fighter. His striking has impressed me, and he is no joke on the ground. That being said he is susceptible to the takedown which is Johnson's specialty. If he can watch the subs than Johnson should win. As for Hughes BJJ coach vs Brookins. Brookins should fucking dominate. Hughes BJJ coach is nothing special. Only think Brookins has to watch is subs, and he has shown that he is no slouch on the ground. That would make Johnson vs Brookins for the finale which would be a fucking amazing ass fight. Let's hope it happens.
Decent episode last night. Thought it was funny when Michael blamed Bruce Leroy for the prank with the water, and for once it wasn't even him. Cool to see Freddie Roach train with GSP's team, definitely can learn from Freddie.

The first fight between English and Watson, wasn't that surprising. Anyone who watched the show this season knew exactly what Watson would do in this fight. Like you guys, I felt bad for English too, with his Gram passing and him being just a likeable guy sucked to see him lose. If he works on his ground game he will be alright, hopefully they'll give him a spot on the finale.

Johnson/Leroy was a damn exciting fight. Fuck Koscheck with his theory on GSP wanting the fight to further Johnson in the show, and saying that the fight sucked. Did find it funny that the douche picked the other douche to win, go figure. Back to the fight, Johnson was just to strong for Alex. I'll give Alex credit for taking some hard punches from Johnson and not being bothered by them.

It was weird to see Dana, GSP, and Kos all quickly agree on the semifinal fights. I thought for sure Kos and GSP would argue with the match ups, well at least Kos because thats all he does, is moan and groan over just about everything. But as for the fights Phan/Johnson should be exciting just like the fight he just had with Alex. Johnson just has to make sure he paces himself a little better, as both fights he fought he came into the second round a little tired. The Brookins/Watson fight, Brookins should win with ease. I think he will be to much for Watson to handle. With Watson's background in BJJ I'd be surprised if Brookins subs him, but if he grabs his back as quick as he did his two previous fights,m it could be over fairly quick.

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