The Ultimate Fighter: Heavyweights

Great show last night.

Big Baby put an ass whoopin’ on Darrill. I was pretty shocked. He rag-dolled him around, completely controlled him on the ground, and eventually put him to sleep. It was a VERY impressive performance, because while Darrill doesn’t look it, the guy is tough and no joke in that octagon.

It shocks me how Dana White just grabs on Matt 'Meathead' Mitrione nuts and holds on to them. In neither fight I was impressed with the guy, but Dana talks as if this guy was legitimately the best fighter in the house. No fucking way, especially after that pitiful performance he put on against that cunt James McSweeney, However, yesterday I watched Diego Sanchez’s video blog and during a conversation between he and Lil’ Nog, they both heavily praised Meathead (Lil’ Nog just got done training with Meathead sometime before then), so maybe the guy does have something to offer, though in my opinion he didn’t show shit on the show.

I agree with Dana White however that Roy Nelson looked the best he’s looked on the show against James McSweeney. And even though I said earlier that I was hoping Nelson would get his ass kicked sometime throughout the show (I still hope he does in the finale, for the record), I still pulled for him last night because McSweeney is just an annoying prick. The guy’s arrogant, and a bully at that. It was nice to see him get his nose busted.

As far as Big Baby vs. Brendan Schaub is concerned… that was definitely the fight of the season. Sure, it was short, but it was still awesome nevertheless. Big Baby came in, threw Shaub down like he was nothing, got side control, mount, and Shaub somehow managed to get out of it, get back on the feet, and knock Big Baby clean out. My only problem with the fight was the ref letting Schaub get those extra blows in. Marcus took 3 shots that were totally unnecessary and that was completely the referee’s fault. But other than that… tremendous fight, and I’m looking forward to seeing both of these guys fight in the future.

All in all.. decent season. Not as good as I hope, or anywhere near as good as it was hyped, but it was still entertaining all throughout, with this last show being really, really, REALLY good. Even the Rashad/Rampage arguments from this episode were the best. Now, you guys know throughout the season I sided with Rashad on most things, but I can’t lie… I fucking laughed my ass off when Rampage called Rashad a frog and hit the WB Frog impersonation. I thought that was just hilarious for some reason. But yeah… awesome shit last night, and a decent season overall.

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