The Ultimate Fighter: Heavyweights

Rampage is coming off like a jerk and a bad coach. And hes team really sucks But i seriously doubt hes that bad of a person. I mean Rashad is coming off to be a great guy and his team of atheles. But I doubt Jacksons that bad real talk...Idk but i think Dana might have something to do with this. Since the lil beef Dana has with him. Editing can make someone look bad after takin out the good.

And why is Kimbo getting so much attention still!!??
I mean he looks like a cool cat and shit, but dang does UFC want ratings that badly.
I found previous seasons of The Ultimate Fighter on sale at my local Hastings for around $13, and I just finished the second season.

I have every season on DVD myself, save for Season 7 and Season 9. Season 5 is definitely my favorite and by far the most entertaining in my opinion, and Seasons 1, 3, and 6 are really, really good as well. Season 4 has its moments, but it's perhaps the worst Season from the series history. But yeah... I hope you enjoy them. You got them at a great price.

Anyway, tonight's episode was perhaps the best so far this season. The Rampage/Darrill confrontation was fun to watch (plus Rashad playing mediator), and the fight itself between Darrill and Zak was perhaps the best fight thus far this season as well. I was happy to see Darrill win too, so he could shut Rampage's ass up.

Rampage, man... I used to love this dude, but he's been such a fucking ******* this season and tonight he just continued his douchiness. I loved how he continued to poke fun at Darrill, and when Darrill finally had enough of it, Rampage is the one who gets offended, just like a child. Ridiculous.

Anyway, the preview for next week's show is hyping it up as "The Fight of the Season", so hopefully we get something really good with that. It's probably Marcus' fight.

Also, it looks like next week is the show where Rampage tears apart that Wooden Door (though, that shit looks like cardboard if you ask me), so that'll be interesting. Seeing that makes me think Rampage could very well lose both his next fights, and he just throws a hissy fit over it. So, it'll be fun to see whether or not that's the case.
I thought this was a really good episode. Rampage may suck at coaching, but he sure as hell is entertaining. He's obviously gotten to the point where he just doesn't know what to do anymore, so he resorts to saying "titties" a hundred times before the match starts.

It was a pretty good match, for being the "worst" in the house, Jensen put up a pretty good fight. Darril was obviously the better fighter, but it was entertaining and Jensen looked like he had a chance at one point. He did handle that triangle for a pretty long time.

Looking forward to the upcoming weeks. The only fighters left are Marcus and Junk on Rampage and Mitrione and Wessel on Rashad. From the looks of it, Rampage should have a chance to win one or both of those fights, but the way things are going, I doubt it.
Interesting episode tonight. Seeing Matt get up in Rashad's face had me laughing. Who the fuck does he think he is, really? Flexing at Rashad, you think that's supposed to scare him or something? It was almost as funny as seeing Rashad and Rampage get in each other's faces early in the episode. At this point though it's just a tease because we know the fight isn't going to happen between those two. What an epic fucking letdown that is.

The fight quite frankly was the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in the UFC. It started off great, and Matt was scoring some great shots. It looked like he was highly motivated for what might have been the first time and I thought he might just put the fight away right then and there. Then both men got sluggish, and I mean literally sluggish, they looked like two fat slugs in the ring trying to paw at each other. Matt started throwing some of the weakest punches I've ever seen, the kind you'd see your body give you if he was joking around or something. Both men got sloppy and by the end of the first round both of them were so tired that they both looked like they had come to a nonverbal agreement to just wait until the end of the round. The last 20 seconds they basically just sat there looking at each other, hugging eachother, trying to kill the round. I'm not about to criticize these guys because I know it takes a whole lot of energy to goe ven one round in there, but my god if they can't make it through the first round neither of them stands a chance in hell in this sport. The second round was a bit better, but at one point both men literally just turned and walked away from each other---what the fuck is that?! I hope they don't think they'll be able to do that in the UFC.

Dana must have been high, "both men threw BOMBS!"...ahh, no, not really. Maybe one or two good punches, the rest were softer than jello. I was glad to see Matt get the decision win though, though he is an absolute moron with a capital M I like him for some reason.

Without a doubt the best part of the episode and probably the best part of the season though was seeing Rampage flip out after the fight. First he throws his water bottle across the gym, then he slams a door and literally kicks a hole through it, then punches a hole through it, then literally tears this fucking door into shreds and pieces right off it's hinges and tosses the remnants away like he was tearing up a strip of toilet paper. Holy shit it was hilarious!

Good episode. Rampage's freakout at the end might just be the highlight of my week. Jeez, next week is already the last fight of the first rounds huh? Damn, time sure has flown by.
Man... if that's the fight they hyped up as the best fight of the season, Jesus am I disappointed. No fucking wonder TUF has been avoiding a Heavyweight Season. These guys are fucking TERRIBLE.

The fight tonight started off well enough, but after 3 fucking minutes, both guys were winded. What the fuck is that shit? These guys actually TRAIN to be fighters. Practice has to be hard and tiring, doesn't? I mean, if you work your ass off training, how in the World can you get tired in a fight after only a couple of minutes? It's truly pathetic.

Nevertheless, Matt won the fight. There was no need for a 3rd Round. Scott got one takedown, but that was it. He barely even tried the entire fight to get inside of Matt and use some dirty boxing. Instead, he just kept taking and taking everything Matt threw at him. And even then he couldn't block the guy's punches. What the fuck? Also, that clinch for Matt was there all day and he just wouldn't do it. He could have easily finished Junk off a couple of times, but he fought like a bitch as well.

As far as the rest of the show.... at least THAT was entertaining. Rashad and Rampage jawing at each other was great (though I agree with X that it's a real shame we won't get a fight between these two after all this), and once again Rampage got completely owned by Rashad. Matt acting like a psycho was funny, and 'Shad showed again with how he handled Matt just how great of a coach he truly is. And I guess that's all I have for now.

I'll just say that while Rampage doesn't deserve to win a single fight this season, I'll still be rooting for Marcus next week. Hopefully he does well, unlike pretty much the rest of ALL his teammates.
This is why I fucking hate the heavyweight TUF season. They all suck. Winded before the first round is over and these guys are aspiring to be champs in the sport? Fucking pathetic. They both couldn't even put their hands up in the second round. It's stupid as hell.

Rashad again showed how great a coach he is by the way he talked to Matt when he flipped. It shows he really cares about how well these guys actually do in the show. Rampage again just plain fucking sucks. Nothing more needs to be said.
Marcus Jones was awesome tonight. He really, really impressed me. He didn't look too hot on the feet, but I loved how right when it went to the ground, he looked for a submission. And when it didn't work out, every time his opponent Wessel would make a tiny fucking movement, Marcus went for a transition to fin something else to lock Wessel in. And it worked because he got that armbar out of fucking NOWHERE. Never have I seen someone on their back, having another fighter in their guard, lock in an armbar that quickly. Never. It usually would take about half a minute to set yourself up, but as soon as Wessel got on top, Marcus put it on him. Very, very impressive.

As far as the rest of the show... it was okay. I laughed my ass off at Marcus being scared of the bug (especially when they threw it at him and he got up and ran), but other than that.... nothing special.

Here are my picks, by the way, for the Semi-Finals:

Roy Nelson
Jon Madsen
James McSweeney (if the fight against Mitrione stays intact, that is)
Marcus Jones

Now, out of those picks, next week's fight between Roy Nelson and Justin Wren is the one I'm least confident on. While Wren may be a lot smaller than Nelson, Wren is perhaps the best wrestler in the house and as he showed in his fight against Wes Sims, he's no slouch on the ground, either. However, I just can't pick against Nelson right now, no matter how much I can't stand him, but if Wren pulls it off, I will not be surprised in the least bit. But for now I'm thinking Nelson wins by decision.
Not a bad episode tonight by any means, but yeah, not particularly exciting either. I too have grown fond of Marcus Jones, he's an emotional guy but he seems just like a really good guy who genuinely loves MMA. He made really quick work of Wessel.

Have I mentioned how much I dislike Roy Nelson? Such a jackass. I hope he gets destroyed.

Rampage continued to prove he's an immature child. Nothing new really in this episode, just figuring out the next round's match-ups.
All I wanna know is what the fuck is a "tenter tandrom" Rampage was talking about in the beginning when he was talking about destroying the door??
Marcus Jones, I think had the most impressive win all season yet. I thought if he got him down it would be his ground n pound to get the win. How funny would it be if Rampage's last fighter wins the whole show, providing Kimbo doesn't take Mitrione's spot. I'd rather see McSweeney fight Mitrione since theres that bad blood there and McSweeney wil be able to do what Junk couldn't and finish him off!
Roy Nelson did make sense on hows he keeping pace to last to the finals but he's making himself look like a fool in front of the cameras. Nelson's fat belly I think is once again gonna be a factor in him winning a fight, I think its gonna be hard for Wren to get him to the ground with that gut on Nelson. Wren's endurance will also play a factor in this too since his fights rarely go past the first round. This is definitely Wren's toughest fight yet, I also think he stands a chance too, buts its gonna be hard for him!
Tonights confrontation at the end when Rashad called Rampage a "sucka" and Rampage said, "If I'm a sucka treat me like one, come lick on me then" (while graping his dick)! I thought was gonna get real ugly, but of course it was a let down just like the fight between them!
I watched some parts of the episode last night, but it seemed like an alrigth episode.

I did watch Marcus' fight and wow. I never got the impression that he would be the submission type as he was being booked as a powerhouse. I thought he would win by KO or ground and pound, but I was extremely impressed with his performance. Jones is a huge force to reckon with, he has the power and the skills. Jones is my favorite and I hope he wins the whole show.

The next fight is Roy vs Justin. I'll give it to Justin on account that Roy is douche. I just want him to loose. Also, Justin has proven that he can beat guys with a lot of experience. I think he can manage.

Rampage may be an ass, but I still laugh at his comments. I can't help it.
I love Marcus, definetly rooting for him to win the whole show. He just seems like a genuine guy and definetly is big enough, strong enough, and skilled enough to go far.

I agree with jmt and all of his picks for the next round as well. The Titties v. Marcus fight should be pretty interesting with Rampage being a douche leading up to it. Speaking of Rampage, all of his fighting with Rashad is just stupid to watch now after his retirement. Just seems so pointless.

Also, another tease about Kimbo coming back. I really doubt that will actually happen, but anytime someone gets even a twisted ankle, they're going to go all out making us think Kimbo will be coming back, only for it never to happen.

Anyway, looking forward to see how the rest of the season plays out here.
I completely agree with everything Dana White had to say about the fight between Roy Nelson and Justin Wren tonight. Wren won the first round without a doubt, and Nelson won the 2nd; however, even though it should have gone to a third (seriously, MMA judges are ******ed), the outcome was still given some justice since there's no way Wren would have ever won the 3rd Round. He was tired, his punches in the 2nd looked like shit, and Roy wasn't tired at all. We would've gotten the 2nd round all over again if it went to a 3rd round, except maybe Roy would have gotten a takedown sometime during it.

Anyway, the 1st round of the fight was the only entertaining part. It was nice seeing Roy get his face pounded a little bit. The 2nd round was pretty boring though since Roy's punches are just taps, basically. But oh well... it'll be interesting to see who Roy Nelson fights next and how he does against him.

As far as the rest of the show... nothing really to speak on. I highly doubt Kimbo returns, and if he doesn't, it's lame to me how they keep teasing it. But whatever.

Oh, and Rashad showed once again just how cool he is. I can't believe he didn't get pissed tonight. Most guys I know would have thrown a shit fit. Men just don't like it when you fuck with their car, but 'Shad seems too cool and down to Earth to get heated over something like that. I also dug how he was nice to the chickens, instead of fucking with them like you would expect most meathead MMA fighters to do, lol.
Ya, that decision was complete and utter bullshit. When they said it was over after round 2, I was sure that it was Wren who was the winner, not Nelson. Wrent clearly won the 1st round and while I thought Roy won the second round, it was much closer. How in the hell did 2 judges judges give Roy the first round?!?!? I don't understand it. Even though Nelson probably would've won anyway, that's just bullshit. Seriously.

Matt Mitrione may be ******ed and possibly have brain damage, but I doubt he'll pull out. We will get a few more weeks of Kimbo hype though, which is quite annoying. Rampage should just give up on the pranks, seriously, Rashad isn't going to get pissed about anything. He should just stick to talking about how Machida knocked him out.

Next weeks fight should be pretty good, I'm thinking Madsen will win, but it's really a toss up.
It was a good fight in my opinion. Like it has been said already, Wren dominated the first round and Nelson squeaked out the second round. The fight should have gone to a third round but when they said it was a decision I totally saw it being for Wren. I may have predicted Nelson winning it all but I sure as shit dont want him to. He is such as jackass and thinks way to highly of himself. Just cause hes fought big fights and was the IFL champion. Who the fuck has he beat? Got the shit knocked out of him by Arlovski and beat by Rothwell. I thught Wren should have got the decision and was uber pissed about it.

Next week should be an interesting fight though. Wrestling specialist Jon Madsen against relative unknown Brandon Schaub. I got Schaub winning that one via some sort of choke. As good as Madeson is a wrestler I just see him getting caught much like Demeco did against Schaub.

I also like Big Baby, probably the best jiu jitsu in the house and he is deff. going to the next round. Schoon might have power but not as much as Big Baby.
So... Dana really does hate Roy Nelson. I mean, he REALLY does.



You know, I'm a big Dana White fan, but I still find it ironic him calling someone else a crybaby. Dana can be the biggest crybaby in sports sometimes, lol.

Nevertheless, I still agree with him. Nearly every fighter in that house had an agenda against Kimbo from day one, and now that the show is over and he's the one getting all the attention, they want to cry foul and spread all this nonsense around about the guy. It's complete bullshit, if you ask me.

And as far as Roy Nelson is concerned... I do think he's full of shit as well. And also... I think Dana talking so much trash about the guy could possibly end up meaning that Roy Nelson doesn't win his next fight and make it to the finals. The reason I think that is because if Roy Nelson was fighting in the finale of The Ultimate Fighter, Dana White would have no problem remembering his name, lol. And that felt genuine too, not just Dana trying to be an ass. Moreover, why would Dana continue to trash the person who could possibly end up winning the entire show? Dana didn't like Rashad Evans at first in the 2nd Season of the Ultimate Fighter, but when the finale rolled around, he was doing nothing but singing praises about the guy. So, I think if Roy Nelson would have made it all the way to the finals, Dana would be singing a completely different tune right about now.
I'm not usually one to agree with Dana White (he's a bit of a mad genius), but I completely agree with his disdain for Roy Nelson. I used to never really think much of him, outside of the fact that he always seemed far too out of shape to be in MMA, but now that he's on t he show and we actually get to know the what a jackass he is. His fight with Kimbo had to be one of the worst fights I've ever seen, and that was pretty much solely because of Nelson and his punches that looked about as painful as a tap on the shoulder by a librarian. Literally the single worst punches I've ever seen in my life, in MMA or street fighting or anything. Then he goes and acts like he just knocked out Fedor and Randy Couture at the same time, it was sad. Few things piss me off like someone with a raging ego who truly does not deserve to think so highly of themselves.
Totally agree with Dana that Roy Nelson is an idiot and a jackass. He may be my pick but I hope to god that whoever he fights next knocks his ass out. I had no clue he was so stupid and cocky before the show started. Now whenever I go to my cp and see the clip that JMT sent me of Arlovski knocking Nelson out is that much better. The dude has skills but he just talks to much and really doesnt show any of that skill off. He needs to talk less and he then he may do better in the long haul for his career.
I didn't get a chance to watch the entire episode but did get to see the fight this week. No surprise, Jon Madisen came out wanting to wrestle and Brendan Shaub didnt. Madisen is a great wrestler but his style just doesn't do anything for me. I know he tries to ground and pound but he is honestly not good at it, yet. After being fairly dominated in the first round Schaub did make a very impressive come back and knock Madisen out. Probably the nicest KO of the season and Brendan Schaub is begining to make me a believer. He won his first fight via submission and his second one by KO. The dude has some serious skill and a future in this sport.

As for Mitrione once again no real surprise here. The guys heart us obviously not in it and Dana needs to get him the fuck off the show. I don't think there has been any fighter I have hated more in TUF history besides Junie Browning, then my hatred for Matt Mitrione. If he does by some miracle fight I hope McSweeney destroys him.
I thought Jon Madsen fought like a bitch last night. There were countless times this guy could have got the mount on Brendan Schaub and finish him, but all he wanted to do was lay there on top of him and wait for the bell to ring. Hell, one time Madsen had side control and PURPOSELY moved into Schaub's half guard. WHAT THE FUCK? Seriously, why would anyone ever do that?

Nevertheless, I still got to give some credit to Schaub. He hung in there, didn't gas, and ended up getting a beautiful knockout. Also, props to James McSweeney, because I thought he did a tremendous job cornering Schaub and had he not been there, I'm not so sure if Schaub would have pulled it off.

Other than that, decent episode. It was nice to see Rashad win the Volleyball game, as he and his team deserved that money. But other than that, there's nothing to comment on, other than I would bet everything I own that Kimbo does not fight next week.
Madsen should've at leat tried to do something after he got his takedowns, he just layed on Shaub and didn't do anything, it was weird. Shaub was clearly the more well rounded fighter and had a really impressive KO. Personally, I don't really like the guy at all. Not sure why, just something about him. He's pretty athletic though and has a chance to make some noise in this thing.

Mitrione is a little odd, but in a way you can't blame him. He had swelling in his brain, obviously he's going to be apprehensive about going back into fight. Would you want to continue to do something that gives you brain swelling? I think he'll fight and lose against McSweeney though, Kimbo ain't coming back.

The final 4 should be Roy, Shaub, McSweeney, and Marcus. Not sure how the matchups work out, but I'm definetly pulling for either Marcus or McSweeney to win the whole thing.
What the happened with the new episode? I was all ampted up to see the final two fights before the semi-finals and all I got was a replay of a boring fight that had a cool KO at the end. Did I miss something, like was the day of the episode changed or did they just put the wrong episode on? Shit, nevermind, I just saw the ending of the episode where it said that it was a two hour finale. I am still pretty excited for next weeks episode though. It should be really good with 4 fights and all.
What the happened with the new episode? I was all ampted up to see the final two fights before the semi-finals and all I got was a replay of a boring fight that had a cool KO at the end. Did I miss something, like was the day of the episode changed or did they just put the wrong episode on?

Yeah, that bummed me out as well, but I don't think it was a mistake. I guess Spike thought it would be better ratings-wise to wait until next week, rather than air the episode the day before Thanksgiving.

Nevertheless, still disappointing. But whatever. I'm sure the episode(s) aren't that good anyway. It's the Finale I'm really pumped up for.
Wow, really good episode, in my opinion. I was a little skeptical about having 4 fights in one episode but it was not so bad. We now know the finals of TUF 10. It will be "Big Country" Roy Nelson facing off against Brendan Schaub. But it sure as hell wasn't easy for either man.

Nelson went through James McSweeney in a decent fight. I can actually say that I was somewhat impressed by Nelson in this fight. He took some hard shots from James and kept coming and he actually caught James with a great punch that almost put him out. Even though some will say that Nelson put his jelly belly on McSweeney and held him I think you have to look at those punches he was throwing from on top. They were a lot harder then the ones he hit Kimbo with.

Brendan Schaub had to go through Marcus Jones in what was a pretty exciting fight. Davis looked like he was gonna win decisively again but Schaub kept it together and stayed alive. He got back to his feet from having Marcus in mount and managed to take the big man down and finish him. Very, VERY, impressive win for Schaub.

As for the show itself, it was one of the best I have seen in a long time. Marcus calling out Mitrione for injuring Junk's eye was intense as hell. I legitamatly thought he was going to try and kill Mitrione. Big Baby is such an emotional dude, he needs to just chill out sometimes and realize injuries happen in this sport. Then there was McSweeney being a dousche to Zach Jensen again. FINALLY, Jensen had enough, I am glad he tried to knock that smug little bitches lights out. I would have done the exact same thing if someone locked me in a bathroom and I was claustraphobic. Glad McSweeney got beat. I wanna see Jensen beat James ass now. Very intense episode with some grear drama. And who would have thought that Kimbo would actually turn down a fight? Just shows that Kimbo is smart about his career and not get hurt badly and not be able to provide for his family.

Overall, I am pretty stoked for the finale this saturday. It should be a rocketbuster with some great fights. Matt Hamill vs. Jon Jones, Roy Nelson vs. Brendan Schaub, Kimbo vs. Houston Alexander, and Marcus Jones vs. Matt Mitrion. Should be a good card.
Not a bad show, Rampage painting Rashads room pink was hilarious, the smack talk they were doing back and forth was pretty funny as well. "Treat me like a bitch then" lol

Dammit I was pissed when Mcsweeny lost to Nelson. I know nobody likes Mcsweeny because frankly, he is an asshole, but Il be damned if he wasn't my pick to win it, but Im glad he is being brought back to fight Titties on the Finale according to Wikipedia.

Schaub is the fucking man though, for real, I had him losing in every fight since Demico Rodgers, and I have been made a fool each time, so I am going to go ahead and say that Brendan Schaub wins. I don't know how he will or how long it will take but I will never bet against this kid again. He is a very well rounded fellow, that could KO big country if he keeps off the ground. I think I heard that Nelson has never been KO'd before(Correct me if I am wrong) but there is a first time for everything. Plus Shaubs last two KO W's were over people who were better on the ground then they were at stand up. (Jones, and Madsen).

You know, I just realized in the last episode that Marcus Jones nickname is "The Darkness" and not "Big Baby" who would thought? Anyways I wanted this guy to advance to the finals so bad. I think he really deserved it man, nobody on the show convinced me that they love the great sport of Martial Arts more then this man. I also think that there is more then enough room in UFC's cursed HW division to bring in a few guys from the show that didn't make it to the finals. He just needs to work on that stand up, and Marcus Jones could possibly be a name one day. He already was one of the most popular fighters on the show, and on sherdog was the golden boy that everybody wanted to win.

I hate Titties, I don't really know why, just can't stand the man, maybe its his constant boasting of his previously undefeated record, maybe its the moobs. Who knows? All I know was I was glad he was made to look like a bitch to Big Baby. Even though I hear he his getting brought back to the Finale with, Madsen, Wren, Meathead, and Mcsweeny. I heard a rumor though that he had to go back to the army, so I wonder how that plays into his fighting career.

As far as Roy Nelson goes, At the begging of the season he was my very first pick on who I thought was going to win, not who I want to win, but I didn't really mind him either, by the end of the season though, I was praying someone would prove me wrong and beat the cockiness out of that cup cake loving mother fucker.

All in All, good season, maybe not as good as some other seasons, but solid in its own right. Looking forward to the finale for sure.

ALSO, to JMT: Do you want us to post our TUF 10 finale predictions in here or create a thread for it? Wasn't sure so I took the safe route, and just asked.
Rizza Ric, Roy Nelson was koncked out by Andrei Arlovski around a year ago or so. But yeah overall it was a good show and a good season. I am hype for the finale this saturday, should be a good one. Roy Nelson was my pick as well and still is. He may be boring but the dude does win and Brendan Schaub is a great mtachup for him as well. Nelson is more well rounded and odds are in his favor this weekend. McSweeney trains with Schaub and if he couldn't beat Nelson I doubt Schaub can, but we shall see.

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