What to do with The Fallen Angel

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dboy1373 said:
i say dump tna and go to wwe
then you will get a better paycheck and the midcard which he is in tna would be better
+4.5 ratings

Daniels was in WWE. And they like him so much they got rid of him after, I think, two matches. And if he went there now, the same thing would happen. That is if he ever graduated from OVW or DSW. Why in the hell would he jump to the WWE. In TNA he has had the longest X-Division title run of anyone, he has won the tag-team titles god knows how many times, he is allowed to go out there and do his thing and gets a lot of love from TNA fans.

Going to WWE would kill him. He would get jobbed, and thrown into the card as a last minute thing to act as filler. And when he did perform (if he ever got that far) the WWE fans would shit all over him like they do any other true talent in the WWE. Yeah sure, Paul London and Kendrick and tag champs, but does any WWE fan give a fuck. Answer: Hell motherfucking no. In fact they are treated to chants of "boring" during their incredible, best fight on the card matches. Daniels will be NWA champion one day its just a matter of getting over this initial hump that TNA want to jump over in order to become mainstream. Do you really think TNA has lost its senses and is giving Sting the title coz they think he has talent?

TNA actually has wrestling minds working its booking. They know Sting cant wrestle, and they know that Styles and Killings can, which is why they were champs in the past. But right now TNA wants primetime, and I guess Sting is their best bet. We just have to be a little patient for the time being.
You are a freaking idiot first of all lol. Secondly that was in ROH, we're talking about stuff in TNA. Triple T!!!
christoper daniels is just great...he deserves a heavyweight title run but if u read spoilers, he wins the x-division title from aj styles
For Christmas I'd like to chip in and get vlad a lump of coal for his stocking and a Bob Holly dropkick for his head. As for the topic at hand, I think Daniels should be allowed to turn heel and have a run for the X-division title. Within 1-2 years, though, I want him to have a run for the World belt while he's still in his athletic prime and before he gets too over the hill for it to mean anything. I mean, this guy has arguably been involved in a heap of TNA's best matches, ever. He has great mic skills, and anyone who's not a braindead vegetable can see that the man is loaded with in-ring ability. It'd be an insult to the business as a whole for him not to be pushed extensively.
vlad said:
christoper daniels is just great...he deserves a heavyweight title run but if u read spoilers, he wins the x-division title from aj styles

Well since you like to spoil results for people.. Ill spoil something for you.. Your banned.
PauLwaLL said:
Well since you like to spoil results for people.. Ill spoil something for you.. Your banned.
Thank you that dude was a Dipshit, at least he didn't tell us when and where or else I'd have to hunt him down and gut him lioke a peice of dead cattle...drity motherfucker

Anyway, I'd like to see Daniels win the heavyweight title, maybe win it in a Fatel Fourway match, I'm thinking Daniels vs. Angle vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sting
what do you all think?
justinsayne said:
Anyway, I'd like to see Daniels win the heavyweight title, maybe win it in a Fatel Fourway match, I'm thinking Daniels vs. Angle vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sting
what do you all think?
Daniels would be amazing in almost any situation, but a fatal four way match with some other capable workers would be amazing. Just look at the Ultimate X encounters he's been in. Solid matches, and he has one of the coolest movesets around. Daniels vs. Angle or Sting I think would be a solid contest. Especially against Angle as Kurt would suplex him into next week while, Daniels would take to the air, I think.
When Daniels wins the World Title it should be a BIG deal. I have always been of the opinion that Joe should win the title whilst still undefeated and should drop it to Chris Daniels in his first ever loss in TNA.

By Daniels being the one to end Joe's win streak, you instantly create another huge star in Chris and don't waste the opportunity on someone like Angle who is already a made man. And I agree that Daniels v. Angle/Abyss etc. would be awesome matches but they won't have the impact that a win over Joe would have. And I think Chris deserves to make it in a big way. Wins over Angle and company can be achieved leading up to the encounter with Joe or in defence of his NWA title once he has it. This will add to the "legend" of Daniels, but a win over Joe will create that "legend". IMO Daniels needs to be focused on as the main heel in TNA (he plays a heel to absolute perfection) and I believe they should start building towards just that over the coming months.

Daniels v. Joe for the title at BFG would be crazy. I'm thinking the match goes to its alloted hour with Daniels getting a pinfall win in the dying seconds of the match. Which brings me to another point. Who else thinks BFG should be four hours like WM?
attila said:
When Daniels wins the World Title it should be a BIG deal. I have always been of the opinion that Joe should win the title whilst still undefeated and should drop it to Chris Daniels in his first ever loss in TNA.

By Daniels being the one to end Joe's win streak, you instantly create another huge star in Chris and don't waste the opportunity on someone like Angle who is already a made man. And I agree that Daniels v. Angle/Abyss etc. would be awesome matches but they won't have the impact that a win over Joe would have. And I think Chris deserves to make it in a big way. Wins over Angle and company can be achieved leading up to the encounter with Joe or in defence of his NWA title once he has it. This will add to the "legend" of Daniels, but a win over Joe will create that "legend". IMO Daniels needs to be focused on as the main heel in TNA (he plays a heel to absolute perfection) and I believe they should start building towards just that over the coming months.
Pretty solid line of thinking. This was the kind of thing that made boxing so great in the 70's. You had Ali who lost to Frazier initially, and got a title shot against Foreman, who decimated Frazier. By all logical reasoning Ali wasn't supposed to win the fight against ol' George, but we know how that ended. It was the air of unpredictability and genuine competition that made the whole thing special. This is the kind of thing that needs to be done with regards to wrestling promotions. Watching a match is no fun for me if I know exactly what spots are used in sequence every time, and I can easily call out who the winner will be in a match. You're spot on about Daniels needing to focused on as a heel. He has that same aura that Flair and Michaels possessed once upon a time. They weren't the biggest men in the business, but they won, won often, and were extremely believable in their practices to do so. He's the kind of performer that can bring prestige to any feud because of how well-rounded he is. He's also the kind of performer that'll help keep the NWA title special.
attila said:
Daniels v. Joe for the title at BFG would be crazy. I'm thinking the match goes to its alloted hour with Daniels getting a pinfall win in the dying seconds of the match. Which brings me to another point. Who else thinks BFG should be four hours like WM?
Sure, why not? I've missed the kind of wrestling that can carry a match that length, and if anyone can pace correctly, it'd gotta be Daniels. BFG could very well be four hours. Although, I think they'd have to have a lot of the matches built up for a while with clearly defined angles, or have some sort of tournament or something crazy to justify that many matches. The worst thing that could happen at the flagship PPV is audience burnout, but what the hell, it's their big one, right?
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