What stables would you like to see in WWE?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Nexus are brilliant if you ask me. Just what WWE needed, although I cant stand Heath Slater, he looks so out of place and his ginger girly hair is always first on the scene in an attack - annoys me and has anyone else noticed?!

I digress. When Nexus runs out of steam, who would you wanna see form a stable? Who could benefit from leading a stable and who would benefit from being lead by a decent leader?

For me, I would wanna see the following:

Alberto Del Rio
Ted Dibiase
Chris Masters
Vladimir Kozolov

Obviously Del Rio is new, but that doesnt mean he cant lead a stable. Barret has done a good job. I really think Del Rio would do a fine job and draw decent heat as a leader of a top group. Dibiase is lost at the minute, legacy didnt propell him but maybe one last shot as part of a faction. The tie in between him and Del Rio could be money. Chris Masters is another who needs something. I like this guy, got a great look, decent matt skills, he is wasted being jobbed on Smackdown! Masters would make a great henchman for the 2 rich kids. Kovolv is another who fits this bill. He's much better as a heel.
A while back, the WWE had initially planned to do a faction involving several of the young second and third generation stars in the company. If I remember correctly, the idea was for them to be called the Fortunate Sons and the initial members would be Ted & Brett DiBiase, Cody Rhodes and Joe Hennig. It's been a long while since I last read anything about this and I believe the ideas was pushed back, probably scratched altogether at this point, due to injuries.

I like the idea of a group comprised of second or third generation wrestlers and I think it has a certain degree of logic. The four wrestlers that would've comprised this faction are the sons of some of the most popular and overall well known wrestlers of the past 40+ years. If the idea ever comes around again, I'd hope that the WWE wouldn't have them just continuously harp on who their fathers are during promos.

However, I don't expect the idea to be brought up again. Vince isn't all that wild about factions I don't think. I believe that the Straight Edge Society could've been a major faction and they hadn't even scratched the surface of its potential. The Nexus, in my view, shows how successful the WWE be in creating factions when they want to. After all, Nexus has been comprised of wrestlers that, at this time last year, hardly anybody knew existed. A big part of the success is due to Wade Barrett and the group's overall feud with John Cena, but it's a success all the same.
A while back, the WWE had initially planned to do a faction involving several of the young second and third generation stars in the company. If I remember correctly, the idea was for them to be called the Fortunate Sons and the initial members would be Ted & Brett DiBiase, Cody Rhodes and Joe Hennig. It's been a long while since I last read anything about this and I believe the ideas was pushed back, probably scratched altogether at this point, due to injuries.

I like the idea of a group comprised of second or third generation wrestlers and I think it has a certain degree of logic. The four wrestlers that would've comprised this faction are the sons of some of the most popular and overall well known wrestlers of the past 40+ years. If the idea ever comes around again, I'd hope that the WWE wouldn't have them just continuously harp on who their fathers are during promos.

However, I don't expect the idea to be brought up again. Vince isn't all that wild about factions I don't think. I believe that the Straight Edge Society could've been a major faction and they hadn't even scratched the surface of its potential. The Nexus, in my view, shows how successful the WWE be in creating factions when they want to. After all, Nexus has been comprised of wrestlers that, at this time last year, hardly anybody knew existed. A big part of the success is due to Wade Barrett and the group's overall feud with John Cena, but it's a success all the same.

I think the Fortunate Sons would still be a great idea for a stable. DiBiase is lost right now, and Hennig/McGillicutty is not going to be a big part of Nexus IMO. However with Cody doing well was "Dashing" it may not be something WWE would look at doing, as is finding is own way in singles action.

I also agree with the SES comments. I know Punk got injured, but there was no need to break up the faction. He could have remained as a mouthpiece and let Gallows etc do the dirty work for him, until his return. I thought the faction was the best thing on WWE tv during their run, and I dont think they anywhere near fulfilled their potential. Yet again, another example of WWE breaking up a good team before the time was right
I would go with this storyline

Vince fires Teddy Long and makes Vicki the new GM of Smackdown, he gives Teddy a chance to say goodbye..

Teddy comes down and instead of saying goodbye goes on a rant about being fired because of the color of his skin and if your are a minority not named Guerro or mysterio you don't stand a chance.. Then have vince come down to stop him and then MVP hits the ring taking out vince. From there they recruit the other black wrestlers to form a new nation of domination.

You could have the Nexus turn on Otunga and threaten to beat him up only to have the Nation come in and stand behind Otunga leading to a feud with the 2 groups. You can also have R truth on the fence until he is forced to join after the other wrestlers keep showing their distrust in him.

It was the Nation that was a huge stepping stone for the Rock and it could help some of todays minority wrestlers with

Teddy Long (leader/manager)
MVP Wrestling Leader
Mark Henry
E. Jackson
R Truth
Alicia Fox
I would go with this storyline

Vince fires Teddy Long and makes Vicki the new GM of Smackdown, he gives Teddy a chance to say goodbye..

Teddy comes down and instead of saying goodbye goes on a rant about being fired because of the color of his skin and if your are a minority not named Guerro or mysterio you don't stand a chance.. Then have vince come down to stop him and then MVP hits the ring taking out vince. From there they recruit the other black wrestlers to form a new nation of domination.

You could have the Nexus turn on Otunga and threaten to beat him up only to have the Nation come in and stand behind Otunga leading to a feud with the 2 groups. You can also have R truth on the fence until he is forced to join after the other wrestlers keep showing their distrust in him.

It was the Nation that was a huge stepping stone for the Rock and it could help some of todays minority wrestlers with

Teddy Long (leader/manager)
MVP Wrestling Leader
Mark Henry
E. Jackson
R Truth
Alicia Fox

ok no offense but im going to guess that ur skin color is black.i could be wrong but its just a guess.....now onto my point...the whole entire "u dont like me because of my heritage or skin color" angle has been played out in wrestling..i mean u had the nation of domination,lax,the lwo,the tag team teddy long had with mark henry and rodney mack which was based on the fact that they didnt get anywhere because of the color of their skin,muhammed hassan and davairi,any team canada faction whether it was wwe,wcw,or tna,the british invasion,the unamericans,and also that little group that eric young was the leader of in tna that had all the nonamericans.......i for one am getting sick of those kind of storylines and angles
I've always liked misfit stables like Oddities, Filthy Animals, bWo, and The Prince Justice Brotherhood, so I would have to go with a stable between Santino, Kozlov, Yoshi Tatsu, and Goldust.

Despite being mostly undercard, The four of them are pretty over already(Kozlov because of Santino) and they can lighten up a usually dead crowd. Santino is hilarious so is interesting and amusing if he lead his own stable.
I really like that idea for a new nation of domination stable but after Nexus ends I think they should wait a while before they form any new stables but I would like to see one that is an all MMA faction that is taking over the WWE. They could attack every superstar on the roster just like Nexus and say they are better than professional wrestling. SInce a lot of MMA fighters are interested in WWE, this could work out perfectly. I don't know a lot of MMA fighters so I don't know everyone who could be in the group but I would have Ken SHamrock as the leader but not an active competitor. Then I would have some former WWE superstars that went to fight MMA, like Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, Batista, Daniel Puder, and Sean O' Haire.
Guys, this is an interesting topic. Ever since Evolution disbanded, I haven't seen a credible stable. Nexus is alright, but they look more like irritants, whereas Evolution used to fill people with awe and pure hatred.
I think there are three potential stables in WWE. These stables can be a boon for WWE, especially when Nexus is starting to become stale and many wrestlers are complaining about push the younger generation is getting.
Following are my stable (just an idea):

Stable 1: Ministry of Darkness is back.
Chris Jericho
Joey Mercury
Honorary mention: Kane and Paul Bearer
Manager: Teddy Long

Stable 2: The Originals. Involves those who have got initial push, and now are unable to fit in WWE's cards. This will give them a chance to work. This can be face or heel.
Evan Bourne
Mark Henry
E. Jackson
R Truth
Jack Swagger
and other neglected wrestlers.

Stable 3: New Generation. Heel stable
Ted DiBiase
Cody Rhodes
Drew McIntyre
Alberto Di Rio
and others

What do you think?
I highly agree that stables/tag teams need to be brought back to WWE. In the 90's they were everywhere. So many great ones like Dx, NOD, Ministry of Darkness, Corporation etc... I would like to see some sort of remake to the NWO maybe not as big as WCW had it but for sure remake it. I did like at the end of WCW's days how they had a young blood vs originals group feud. Maybe have a team of four of five superstars on each side. I would like to see Kofi Kingston become heel and maybe make some kind of tag team with Justin Gabriel just because they are both from Africa. Maybe eventually form into a new nation of domination. Maybe throw Drew Mcintyre and Wade Barrett into it maybe even Sheamus and let someone like William Regal or Finaly control it..I like your ministry of darkness idea im not sure how Chris Jericho would play into it though. Anyway those are just a few of my thoughts...
To Don...something doesn't make sense to me about your stables...especially the new Ministry of Darkness...I can understand Edge and Christian being there IF they were able to successfully return to their original gimmicks they had when they first started in WWE (which won't be possible because Edge is too big of a name now)..What I don't understand is how you get Chris Jericho and Joey Mercury in there..and how you get Teddy Long as their manager. It may because I'm just focusing on their characters now in WWE, but those guys just don't make sense to me in a Ministry of Darkness group.

And when it comes to the other two stables...I do understand that if the writers put people together for a tag team or group that they will automatically get along...but your second stable has 5 guys right now that the crowd loves along with one they can't stand (Jack Swagger)...and your third stable has 4 names that are guys that are out for themselves. They all believe they are better than any other wrestler in WWE...so how do you put 4 guys who think they are better than one another together in a group and have it be successful?
I actually like the idea of Alberto Del Rio having his own stable; he is just as talented and can draw as much heat as Wade Barrett imo. In my own customization, this would be like a wealthy, mafia style gimmick stable. Check it out:

Del Rio : the cunning artist, the manipulator, and leader of this stable. He would not get involved in the all the 'dirty work' as he is wealthy and doesnt need to get involved in that. Instead, he would have bodyguards, like in any other stable.

Ricardo Rodriguez : Del Rio's ring announcer who will expand on more roles for this mafia style stable. He will be Del Rio's manager/sidekick kind of like Vincent in the NWO; but unlike Vincent, Ricardo would receive mic time, as he would be like the spokesman of the group along with Del Rio.

Maxine (NXT) : Del Rio's woman and second sidekick. She has a cocky attitude like Del Rio; and is also great on the mic. She fits in this stable aesthetically well.

Mason Ryan (FCW) : The FCW champion who would be introduced as Del Rio's powerhouse/bodyguard to do his 'dirty work.' He can debut in one of Del Rio's promos, having Del Rio say something like "the rest of the locker room should take notice" to build Mason's character from the beginning of his WWE debut.

Jimmy & Jey Uso : The other two bodyguards to join in on beatdowns. Have them cut their hair, and put on suits to acquire this corporal, wealthy look. No homo, but these guys have great smiles (Del Rio also) & this is what you need for a stable like this. People with great smiles, to portray this happy, wealthy family by false nature in the beginning, to turn villainous when it came to beatdowns and doing the 'dirty work' This would also be a great opportunity for the Usos to build on their heel characters.
I have always thought about a NEW Un-Americans. Say Nexus never came about and Sheamus never got his push. Back before they came in, WWE was unsure of what to do with Santino and the Usos are/were going nowhere...

Stable 1: The Un-Americans
Leader- Wade Barrett
The Usos
Justin Gabriel
Alberto Del Rio

Barrett is the mouthpiece and leader, Sheamus and the Usos are the muscle, Layla and Tamina dominate the womens division. Alberto, Santino, and Gabriel are the mid-carders. Make Santino into a legitimate competitor and NOT a comedy act because we all know he can wrestle.

I agree with Jack Hammer about Fortunate Sons and believe it could work...

Stable 2: Fortunate Sons
Manager(s)- Ted DiBiase Sr. and Dusty Rhodes
Cody Rhodes
Ted DiBiase
Brett DiBiase
Joe Henning
Mike Rotunda
The Usos
DH Smith
and MAYBE Goldust but as Dustin Runnels

Also think that this stable could work if done RIGHT...

Stable 3: NEW Hart Foundation
Manager- Bret Hart
DH Smith
Tyson Kidd
Teddy Hart (obviously WWE would have to give him his 3rd chance)
I would like to see midcarders such as MVP,Morrison, Kofi Kingston and etc 2 form a stable. There gimmick can be that they are very being held back and that their talents arent being utilized. Throw the Tag titles and IC belt in the stable and elevate them to main event status. Or maybe one or two of them.
A while back, the WWE had initially planned to do a faction involving several of the young second and third generation stars in the company. If I remember correctly, the idea was for them to be called the Fortunate Sons and the initial members would be Ted & Brett DiBiase, Cody Rhodes and Joe Hennig.

I think this was more wank over how in FCW Joe and Brett were in a tag team called The Fortunate Sons, and dirtsheets grasped at straws and formulated the idea of a stable. Then Joe and Brett split up and Bret got injured.

It's been a long while since I last read anything about this and I believe the ideas was pushed back, probably scratched altogether at this point, due to injuries.

Less material to go off I suppose. Brett's still injured, Joe's in Nexus, Ted's irrelevent and Cody's dashing. If it ever was going to happen the time's been and gone.

I like the idea of a group comprised of second or third generation wrestlers and I think it has a certain degree of logic.

Didn't WWE do that last year?

The four wrestlers that would've comprised this faction are the sons of some of the most popular and overall well known wrestlers of the past 40+ years. If the idea ever comes around again, I'd hope that the WWE wouldn't have them just continuously harp on who their fathers are during promos.

It's a pity that the combination of Joe, Brett and Ted are so much worse than their fathers it's unreal. We've all moaned about how Ted Jr is much worse than Sr (and Brett has the same problem). And Joe has less charisma in his entire being than his Dad did in his little finger. And on principle a stable consisting of second and third generation wrestlers will have their fathers mentioned. Especially if the stable is called the Fortunate Sons.

However, I don't expect the idea to be brought up again. Vince isn't all that wild about factions I don't think. I believe that the Straight Edge Society could've been a major faction and they hadn't even scratched the surface of its potential.

Blame Serena for getting fired, and Hg for getting injured. Also, the SES was good for what it was. A way to keep Punk doing something to earn massive heat. But once half of it had to bugger off, it was kind of screwed.

The Nexus, in my view, shows how successful the WWE be in creating factions when they want to. After all, Nexus has been comprised of wrestlers that, at this time last year, hardly anybody knew existed. A big part of the success is due to Wade Barrett and the group's overall feud with John Cena, but it's a success all the same.

Very true. Nexus has been an example of how to book a dominant stable, and Wade Barrett has been carrying the stable, largely thanks to the booking as well as his charisma (because god knows he can out promocut the entire faction).
I've had this idea for a stable for a long time ever since Riley started popping up with The Miz on Raw. They could recruit Ezekiel Jackson as the muscle and maybe a Diva like Beth Phoenix as the manager. They could call themselves 'The Axis Of Awesome' and could basically be along the lines JBL's cabinet. Have them dominate Raw for several months assisting The Miz in retaining the WWE championship, whilst Riley and Jackson became tag champs whilst phoenix becomes the womens. Eventually, Ezekiel Jackson would become the Batista/Randy Orton of the group and the next breakout star after being turned on by the rest of the stable. This would happen assuming that Nexus were already broken up.

The other idea which I like which I think someone else suggested in a previous thread, is a stable of Alberto Del Rio, his announcer and Los Aviadores as his lackeys. Los Aviadores as heels could really work well against Rey Mysterio and could be built as the new, younger better and stronger luchiadores by Del Rio whilst he basically just uses them to soften up Mysterio in aiding him to victory
a team i would like to see is like a stable made of all indy wrestlers but dont hint that. let be an inside thing where just WWE management, the performers, and the fans who would get it know. i can honestly see this a possiblity considering that cm punk claimed a few weeks back that he was scouting for new members for his new group. they can all be champions too.

cm punk (WWE Champion) -leader of the group of course. he is the best man on the mic and among the best in the buisness when it comes to in ring ability.

daniel bryan (US Champion) - the perfect technician. he is the future and this stable could really help him in the future. look at all the guys who were in groups who became world champion. Batista and orton from evolution. benoit and guererro from the radicalz. jeff hardy from team extream. i think he can really benefit from this.

evan bourne (Tag Team Champion w/ kaval) - the high flyer of the stable. he can really put people on notice.

seth rollins/ tyler black once he debuts. i see him easily beeing a future world champion. hes like a hybrid of cm punk and evan bourn. he has good mat work some great high flying menouvers and a pretty good technicial. he has it all. he would be the only one that would not hold a title. he would be the guy in the group that has the least experience witch is true and he could be the student of the group. he would still be learning but eventually think he is better then everyone else and turn on the group. leading to a fued between a heel rollins vs cm punk for the championship.

kaval (Tag Team Champion w/ bourne) - just another great superstar. with 10 years of experience comes alot of knowledge of the ring.

natalya (Womans Champion) - the diva of the stable. probobly the best womans wrestler in the wwe.

matt stryker ( The Manager) - he is an amazing announcer and great on the mic. i think he could make the perfect manager.

this could be a pretty powerful team in my opinion.
I would be happy with another HHH lead faction... He does incredibly well with groups and he is always a heel when he is in a group.... Having another evolution would guarantee more future stars... Hhh has always had a great eye to recognize great talent, i loved evolution, i loved the dx army, and he would turn heel which would be a plus
Team Tap, a group of guys that have great amateur background and/or technical skills. They're managed by, get this, Bob Backlund and the team is comprised of Jack Swagger as the World Champ that never forgets...to make you tap. Dolph Ziggler as a grappler with a checkered past and nothing left to lose and a seldom used grappler known as Daniel Bryan aka Citizen Taps.

Seriously, bs aside, I like this team as they all have great skill and they can use crazy ass Bob Backlund from the 90's as their mouthpiece since that isn't their strong suits.
If Nexus ever disbands within the near future, I would like to see another group that's heel cause without any really good stables the WWE gets pretty boring. Basically another group like Evolution consisting of just 3-4 members would be great. The main guy in the group would have to be a star. Another would have to be a future hall of famer, the next one or two would have to be upcoming rising stars. Like Evolution was, Orton and Batista came out of that group as great faces and now are big stars in the WWE. Well Orton of course. Batista is another story. Here is who I see in a group like this right now.

Leader: Randy Orton
Sideman: Dustin Rhodes
Member: Sheamus
Member: Ezekiel Jackson

Alright, the leader of course should be Randy Orton. Still young but has already proven he is a top star in the WWE. As a heel, he is unstoppable. He can lead a faction, but only if the creative team would use it in the right way. Sideman is Dustin Rhodes. Reason why is because outside of Goldust's character is Dustin Rhodes. He's a veteran and as Dustin Rhodes he would be great for this group. He has good Mic Skills and has the look. This would also be another great step in the career of Dustin to have one more run in the WWE to add to his DVD coming out soon. Member number 1 and 2 should be Sheamus and Ezekiel Jackson. Mainly because these two could turn out to be two big faces after the time of this group ending. Both have the look, and skills to lead a brand as champion. A heavyweight group like this would surely make some noise on any show SD or RAW.
I still think the SES needs to be reformed by CM Punk. It was never given the push it truely deserved- because of injuries & firings. But really it was just not given the ultimate push like Nexus got. IF SES was 100% backed, like Nexus was...it woulda been the best faction in WWE in quite a long time. Probly all the way back to NOD. SES is a movement. It serves a purpose. Cleaning up tainted individuals & turning them into viable members of society.

I feel like i've posted this same thing quite a few times here, so I dont wanna get too in-depth again rightnow.

CM Punk- leader, obvious mouthpiece
Mark Henry- muscle, complete subserviant to Punk. No titles, no smiles. Just ass kickings!
Seth Rollins- lackey, what Stevie was to Raven in the begining. Absorbing all of Punks "tough love"
Tag Team- not sure who, but as of now im thinking: Derrick Bateman & Johnny Curtis from FCW. Both seem to have a WWE future ahead of them from what I can tell
Female- I feel Serena meant alot to SES. So I'd want another female in the group. At this point- I think I want Gail Kim. Shes so good- but yet gets no love from VKM
a team i would like to see is like a stable made of all indy wrestlers but dont hint that. let be an inside thing where just WWE management, the performers, and the fans who would get it know. i can honestly see this a possiblity considering that cm punk claimed a few weeks back that he was scouting for new members for his new group. they can all be champions too.

cm punk (WWE Champion) -leader of the group of course. he is the best man on the mic and among the best in the buisness when it comes to in ring ability.

daniel bryan (US Champion) - the perfect technician. he is the future and this stable could really help him in the future. look at all the guys who were in groups who became world champion. Batista and orton from evolution. benoit and guererro from the radicalz. jeff hardy from team extream. i think he can really benefit from this.

evan bourne (Tag Team Champion w/ kaval) - the high flyer of the stable. he can really put people on notice.

seth rollins/ tyler black once he debuts. i see him easily beeing a future world champion. hes like a hybrid of cm punk and evan bourn. he has good mat work some great high flying menouvers and a pretty good technicial. he has it all. he would be the only one that would not hold a title. he would be the guy in the group that has the least experience witch is true and he could be the student of the group. he would still be learning but eventually think he is better then everyone else and turn on the group. leading to a fued between a heel rollins vs cm punk for the championship.

kaval (Tag Team Champion w/ bourne) - just another great superstar. with 10 years of experience comes alot of knowledge of the ring.

natalya (Womans Champion) - the diva of the stable. probobly the best womans wrestler in the wwe.

matt stryker ( The Manager) - he is an amazing announcer and great on the mic. i think he could make the perfect manager.

this could be a pretty powerful team in my opinion.

Out of all the ideas on this thread I like yours best. It makes sense to throw these people together. To me Natalya doesn't fit in just because she's a Hart but I could get used to it. CM Punk is awesome and has teh ability to establish the others. I think this would be great for Daniel Bryan because I want to say he is the future of wrestling but he needs more time on the mic and a stabel with PUnk could lead to that and eventually lead to a feud between the two of them which could be classic. Putting Kaval and Bourne together would be great as they are both awesome competitors. Stryker would make it interesting or maybe even Jamie Noble as he was a star in ROH as James Gibson if i remember correctly.

I've heard nothing but good things about Tyler Black but never seen him wrestle so can't say much about him. (Tyler black is however my brothers first and last name so I think it would be neat for him to be brought back as Tyler Black, won't happen though)

This idea is great as I see many titles held by the group.
Nexus-Barrett, Otunga, Gabriel, Slater, Husky Harris-Keep nexus just drop mcguillicuty
Fortunate Sons-Ted Dibiase, Brett Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, Joe Henning-None of them are doing anything (Brett's not even on main roster) Have McGuillicuty go back to his real name and form them.
New Nation of Domination-MVP, Mark Henry, Ezekiel Jackson, Michael Tarver-Only one who looks to have a bright future with WWE is Zeke. Put them together and help build Zeke even more.
The Network-CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Kaval, Seth Rollins-I heard somewhere that WWE bought rights to the name "The Network" so put a stable of all former indy wrestlers together and have them own everyone in wrestling.
Hollywood-John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Chris Masters, Melina-Similar to MNM but with Masters as muscle.
A while ago, I saw a group on camera that I felt would be an excellent stable. Not sure what show or PPV it was at, but Vince was seen on camera with The Miz, Drew McIntyre and Sheamus. The look of that group along with Vinnie Mac just looked perfect. They are three, young, rising stars and each are future (or already) top heels and guys that Vince is/was investing a lot into for guys to lead the company someday. With Miz as champ, Sheamus a former 2-time champ and Drew will probably be a future champ someday, these guys have been chosen as the future of the company. The stable name would be "The Chosen Ones". With Vince showing up on camera with guys each week could put them even more over than they already are. They could be a new age type of Evolution. I know The Miz and Sheamus do not really need it per-say, but Drew could benefit from it pretty well.
A group I would love to see is

The Miz
Chris Jericho
Alex Riley
Michael Cole

Miz would be the leader either holding the title or chasing it, Riley on the midcard, Cole as a manager of sorts. Jericho would continue to flit between mainevent and midcard, with his legendary status he would not need to be going for the WWE title but instead aid the Miz and be focused on other high profile feuds. I think these guys would compliment each other brilliantly with their look, mic skills and cockiness. I would add I think Cole is stellar on commentary but I wouldnt mind see him in a role like this.

If I were to add a diva I would think Maryse is the perfect fit, and well there is no point of her losing momentum with Dibiase any longer.
Why are all the stables so serious? I would love to see a silly comedic stable that is vain and really into grooming. The idea has already been done to death but it is fun. It would be a stable based on Cody Rhodes current gimmick, only expand it into a group thing instead of one individual.

Cody Rhodes
Zack Ryder
Husky Harris

Rhodes will be the one chasing the mid-card title while Goldust and Ryder challenge for the tag titles. Husky Harris will be the enforcer/victim of the comedic segments of the stable. The other three would attempt to groom Husky. Goldust can teach Husky how to speak to the ladies, Rhodes will teach his grooming tricks and Ryder can impart his jersey attitude to Husky. I know this would never happen and is ridiculous but if WWE need another comedy act this could be fun to watch. :lol:

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