What roles will Austin, The Rock and Hogan play in WM30?

Hulk Hogan: guest host of WrestleMania XXX I could see happening e.g. The Rock at WM27.

The Rock: don't think he'll be there, don't see any reason for it and not really interested in seeing him return again unless it's to face Brock Lesnar.

Stone Cold: probably make an appearance leading up to Mania but don't see him wrestling.

In conclusion, I don't think either guy will wrestle a match. I think all will make atleast one appearance either leading up to or at WrestleMania.
This is WM30 the biggest in the industry and history of pro wrestling. 30 Years of Wrestlemania think about that for a moment for those old enough to remember WM1. Its amazing in itself that this mark will be reached. As far as who is gonna appear i think the list is endless.

I often and very much agree that pulling off a 4 hour PPV is next to impossible. Whether its peoples attention span and well if the content is interesting then i think a 4 hour PPV is not out of the question. As far as the legends go lets discuss.

Austin: SCSA always has done whats best for business and the industry. He is not in it for himself he really loves the business. I dont see him though,playing second fiddle to anyone he has done too much to take a backseat to anyone IMO. I see him maybe being a special guest REF for the Supposed Title for Title Match at WM.

Hogan: Hogan is a genius no doubt and is the one of the main reasons why WM30 is happening. WM cant honestly be WM without this man involved somehow. But in all honesty,when hasnt hogan wanted the biggest piece of the pie? I really dont know what can happen at WM for him but he deserves more than just a mere spot here and there. He needs to be involved IMO

Rock: This is a toss up IMO. Getting Injured last year has made him think twice about stepping in a WWE ring. I know its early and things can change,but as I see it right now,i dont see him involved in any shape at all. The Rock brings in shitloads of money and is great for business but i think last year was a wake up call for him.

HBK: Well now,its eventually gonna happen that he is going to have a one more match i think we all can smell it in the air. Why not,have his one more match at WM! He is mister WM and possibly the greatest performer of all time. Shawn looks good looks like he is still in shape and I think one more match is not out of the realm of possibility.

Naitch: It cant be WM without Naitch cant it? What to do with him though,backstage moment here and there. Please lord dont let him wrestle at all he has minus zero business wrestling God no offense and i dont mean to bash but please stay out of the ring Ric!

Piper:Backstage skit
Yo some of these matches are crazy...Rock vs Roman ?? Really?? Mixed tag matches? Highly unlikely. If he wrestles, he's going to be in a mega match. Same goes for Austin. No way in hell he makes his first Mania match in ages a mixed tag match. People are really downplaying the WM30 significance....thinking the Rock won't be there to wrestle because of a previous injury is nuts, or that other legends won't show is equally crazy.

I like the idea of HBK's "one more match"...I always wanted to see him vs The Rock...I think WWE has that listed as one of their top 3 dream matches ever that never happened.

I forgot about Taker vs Brock too.

Hogan HAS to wrestle his last match ever at the 30th Anniversary...seems like the consensus is against Cena.

My revised top matchups after reading some others like JackRabbit's...

Austin vs Punk (WWE Title)
Hogan vs Cena
Rock vs HBK
Taker vs Brock (Cage Match maybe? similar to the Octagon)
HHH vs Bryan (No DQ)
Jericho vs Orton (World Title)
Big Show vs Ryback
Rey Mysterio vs Del Rio
Ziggler vs Cody (for the MIB Briefcase?)
Barrett vs Sheamus (Bare knuckle street fight)
Shield vs Wyatts (6 man tag)
The only one of the three I'd want to see involved in Wrestlemania 30 is Brock Lesnar. Rock had quite a nice little run with the last three Wrestlemania's, but no sense in it becoming a stale attraction.

I honestly think Austin can be done with pro wrestling, and that's just fine. His contributions are immeasurable, and unless there he has something he wants to do for himself or the fans, there's no need for him to appear.

All three would be taking time and a spot away from a current, possibly up and coming superstar. I'd be okay with that, if Lesnar is involved, if only because he has been weaved in and out of the WWE over the last two years, beyond just one off's at Wrestlemania.
I don't see all 3 of them actually wrestling, I think there's just too much ego over who would go where on the card.

My guess is that Rock will be the main inductee into the HOF and come out and cut a promo at Mania 30 as he has another movies set to film around that time and I doubt he risks another injury. Someone will interrupt him and get a Rock Bottom and People's Elbow.

If Stone Cold is involved I think it will be as the ref for the power struggle match between Triple H and Vince's representative. Austin's career is so intertwined with the McMahons he's the ideal guy for this role.

Oddly enough despite being by far the most broken down Hogan is the one I expect to wrestle. Despite what some think my guess is it will be a tag match so Hogan can do his little finishing routine (minus the Leg-drop) while someone else does the rest of the work. I'd love to see Piper involved as well.
Personally, I'm not so sure we are going to see the Rock at WM30 in any capacity. For sure, I don't anticipate him wrestling a match, and certainly not against a monster like Brock Lesnar. And because he has appeared at the last three wrestlemanias, I don't think a simple cameo appearance for appearance sake will suffice. Dwayne's career is back in high gear in Hollywood, and if I were to guess, I'd surmise he will take a pass on WM30.

I'm not anticipating seeing Stone Cold at Wrestlemania either. I hope I'm wrong about that as I'd love to see him square off against Punk. While I have no doubt that SCSA physically does have another match left in him, for some reason, I don't ever expect him to wrestle again. I think the commitment and training it would take to put off a match that would meet his personal expectations is more than he's prepared to do at this stage of his life. And I'm not so sure he is going to be too delighted about sharing the spotlight with the allegedly returning Hulk Hogan.

Speaking of which, we probably will see Hulk Hogan re-emerge from obscurity at WM30, but in a non-wrestling capacity. I expect him to come out to a tremendous pop in support of someone such as Daniel Bryan. I do not, however, see him participating in a match or getting involved physically as I simply don't think he is able.

And for those of you who expect to see HBK come out of retirement to compete in a match at WM30, I think you are wrong. He will likely be there, probably to right the wrong he did to Daniel Bryan. But I think his days of match competition are over as well.

Now Sting on the other hand, here's a guy who we could see at WM30. After all, it wouldn't be Wrestlemania season without the annual Sting versus Undertaker rumours.
Maybe we get the most awkward Mania moment ever. A Piper's Pit segment with special guests Hogan and Warrior.
In my dream world I'd like to see Wrestlemania XXX shape up to be:

Cena vs Orton (World Title vs WWE Title)
CM Punk vs Stone Cold
Triple H vs Daniel Bryan - HBK Ringside Enforcer
Brock Lesnar vs The Rock
Undertaker vs Sting
Jericho vs Dean Ambrose (US Title)
Cody Rhodes vs Goldust (IC Title)
Ryback vs Goldberg or Sheamus
Shield vs Wyatt Family (Tag Titles)
Big Show vs Matt Morgan (Heyman in Morgan's corner)
Piper's Pit with Hogan (Miz interupts and gets beat down)

Obviously Stone Cold and Rock would be in matches. Hogan is too old to wrestle and just not viewed as a credible threat. Something like him in Cena corner and a Roddy Piper and/or Bob Orton in Orton's could be fun but also take away from the match. A Piper's Pit with Hogan would be the ideal situation where Miz interupts and he claims he's better than Piper etc and gets beat down.

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