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What now for John Cena and Darren Young?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I see the calls from people on here for Cena to turn heel. AINT GUNNA HAPPEN! While the 16+ are sick of Super Cena and his stale act, the kids absolutely adore this guy. His merchandise sales are much larger than anyone else and as long as he is selling gear, drawing crowds and getting viewers WWE wont turn him heel! From a business stand point it makes no sense at all! Oh and Cena got a new DVD out in November. Again, he isnt turning heel anytime soon!

Now for Darren Young. He was the weakest link and has been expelled from Nexus. I was never a fan of him in the first place, however, there is some residual sympathy for the guy. Losing his main event spot (as part of Nexus) and given his in ring talent and awful mic skills I smell a future endeavour on the horizon!

But I have a solution! WWE/Young/Cena make no secret of the fact Young and Cena lookalike. How about Young becomes "The Black Cena". Ok, it has probably been mentioned before and hardly innovative but I think it would work. They could be the odd couple like Booker T and Goldust was (comedy gold btw) or like Foley and Rock.

Young could dress, act, look like Cena and follow him everywhere before Cena finally caves in and they become a stable. I'm not Cenas biggest fan but Young would benefit from his experience and I just think this gimmick could get over with the fans. As long as Young improves his mic skills it would work (he wouldnt need to improve in the ring, hes already on par with Cena lol). I also think you could maybe turn Cena into a "tweener". A few beatdowns and putdowns of Young before giving in (ala Rock/Mankind).

We have seen 2 Takers, 2 Kanes, Charlie Haas, Black Machismo...its not unheard of this "gimmick infrigement"!

Wow...I gotta give you some credit, this is actually a really good idea. I could see it playing in so many different way's but it would be entertaining nonetheless. Darren copying everything cena does, Annoying Cena non-stop until cena finally caves in, like you said it reminds me a lot of Goldust and Booker T.

I really don't think WWE will do it though, seeing as though you thought of it before them, lol.
Yeh, I like that, he could follow around him, dressing like him and maybe after a month of stalking, they team up...the tag team may not work or will be short-lived but it will give Darren Young something to do, I don't think he will be future endevoured, the worst option would be to get him back at FCW shows and have him improve a bit more and maybe have him work on his promos...I think we may see him trying to prove himself to Nexus...But i'm glad they have cut down Nexus, as much as I like large groups, I think they should have at least 5 members left by Survivor Series..as it could be the traditional 5-5 match, also why end there..Sorry I'f i've been blabbing on..
His merchandise sales are much larger than anyone else and as long as he is selling gear, drawing crowds and getting viewers WWE wont turn him heel! From a business stand point it makes no sense at all!

That does make perfect sense from a business standpoint. Merchandising is a part of business the last time I checked. And if it isn't broke, why fix it. Its making them tons of money, and getting viewers. Perfect business plan to me.

Now to the topic at hand. That would be a great Idea to make Young a John Cena lookalike. Copy his mannerisms and everything else he does. And then see where it goes from them. I know last night watching them wrestle. It was like looking in a mirror.
It won't work, due to simple math. You see, when Cena does something funny, he'll also do something three things that are not funny but tries to be. Thats a 25% chance of Cena actually landing a joke. However the joke thats landed only has about a 5% of being extremely hilarious, 80% of the time it will merely make you chuckle while the remaining 15% might make you smile again. Throw in Darren Young who is unintentionally funny 100% of the time, and you have a 125% of being funny. BUT WAIT, Darren Young is only UNintentionally funny, meaning that his hilarity works in opposite when he's actually trying. So thats actually a NEGATIVE 100% of funny meaning that Cena and Young together is -75% unfunny. On top of that the -75% of being funny will drop to -15% since you have to divide it by the chance of John Cena being truly hilarious.

John Cena and Darren Young would contribute to -15% hilarity.
WWE/Young/Cena make no secret of the fact Young and Cena lookalike. How about Young becomes "The Black Cena". Ok, it has probably been mentioned before and hardly innovative but I think it would work. They could be the odd couple like Booker T and Goldust was (comedy gold btw) or like Foley and Rock.

Young could dress, act, look like Cena and follow him everywhere before Cena finally caves in and they become a stable.

Wow...I gotta give you some credit, this is actually a really good idea. I could see it playing in so many different way's but it would be entertaining nonetheless. Darren copying everything cena does, Annoying Cena non-stop until cena finally caves in, like you said it reminds me a lot of Goldust and Booker T.

I really don't think WWE will do it though, seeing as though you thought of it before them, lol.

Yeh, I like that, he could follow around him, dressing like him and maybe after a month of stalking, they team up...




Let me start by saying that I'm just so sick and tired of the "What's next for _______" threads that everyone keeps creating. Get an original idea, for cryin' out loud!

Anyway, this idea is so bad that I don't even know where to begin with it.

First of all, Darren Young was just involved in one of the most powerful stables in the history of the WWE. Even though there hasn't been a ton of effort put into his individual character, he's still got the persona of being a part of the Nexus. Why, on God's green Earth, would the WWE want to team him up with Cena as a "black Cena wannabe?" It just makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever.

For starters, it would destroy any credibility that Young gained while being a part of the Nexus. Secondly, Young would be lost once the feud is over. Thirdly, why does Cena need a stable? He's the most over babyface on the roster... why team him up with a nobody? And what sense is there to having Young act as a "stalker" type?

Guys, please start using the other half of your brains. Cena only mentioned the "resemblance" between himself and Young on Raw last night because Cena's been playing up to the internet chatter lately. In a way, when he does this, he's making fun of all of us and our stupid ideas (like the one above). There is no way that the WWE would run with this idea.
I personally think if the WWE did this it'd be corny & cheapen Cena a ting. Yeah, it could be funny to a certain degree, but what good would it do for either man? At the end of the day, Darren Young would still be Darren Young, former Nexus Member, the first to go (I'm not mentioning Bryan Danielson) turned mid-carder who BTW became John Cena's buddy...The SAME John Cena that anyone over the age of 15 cannot stand.

Unless he did this as a way to get all chummy with Cena in an attempt to turn against him in a massive way where he puts Cena on the DL list for a while, I don't think it'd work.

I've been a fan of wrestling since the early 1980s and have always enjoyed screwjobs i.e. The Big Turn of 1980 featuring Ole Anderson turning on Dusty Rhodes, so I'd love to see Cena turned against IF Cena isn't going to turn heel himself. This way, it also keeps Nexus fresh and evolving. If they pair these two up, at some point they have to dupe Cena, especially if they're silently making him Hulk Hogan 2.0 (no pun intended) because everyone from Andre to Paul Orndorff has at some point turned on him.
i dont know why some people think that young has no in ring talent. he had one of the best showings in his single match against cena compare to the other nexus single matches that night and you have to admit that he can wrestle a hell of alot better than david otunga. I will agree that his mic skills need to improve though. But his look is so unique that im surprise that peolpe havent notice something else about young besides his cena resemblance. Now if you look at his match on monday very carefully his body movements, HIS BODY TYPE, and to a small degree his mannerism, kinda resembles a 1998 version of The Rock. Before people start freaking out and become childish cause I reference Young and The Rock in the same sentence. STOP. I AM NOT COMPARING YOUNG TO THE ROCK OTHER THAN HIS BODY TYPE, THATS IT! Ok so yes young needs alot of work over all but if used right he could at least earn a spot on raw with or without nexus
Like i said on twitter, with the holidays around the corner Cena stuff will be selling more then ever. All the kids love Cena and want to run around in his gear and want's his DVD's. If he turns heel now do you think they will still want his stuff? no Kids think wrestling is real and heel's are bad guys to them and kids dont like bad guy's. Maybe the will want orton merch if he turns but orton wont get as much sales as Cena. Cena is the #1 seller among kids. So if we want to see a John Cena heel turn we will have to wait till atleast wwe.

UNLESS they want to throw in the shock value.
His merchandise sales are much larger than anyone else and as long as he is selling gear, drawing crowds and getting viewers WWE wont turn him heel! From a business stand point it makes no sense at all!

That does make perfect sense from a business standpoint. Merchandising is a part of business the last time I checked. And if it isn't broke, why fix it. Its making them tons of money, and getting viewers. Perfect business plan to me.

Now to the topic at hand. That would be a great Idea to make Young a John Cena lookalike. Copy his mannerisms and everything else he does. And then see where it goes from them. I know last night watching them wrestle. It was like looking in a mirror.

You know he meant that it didn't make sense to turn him heel since he was selling merchandise?

I think it would be a good idea. Cena is out of the title picture so I would like to see him in a tag team run with Young. Instead of black Cena he could even be the Young Cena lol.
It won't work, due to simple math. You see, when Cena does something funny, he'll also do something three things that are not funny but tries to be. Thats a 25% chance of Cena actually landing a joke. However the joke thats landed only has about a 5% of being extremely hilarious, 80% of the time it will merely make you chuckle while the remaining 15% might make you smile again. Throw in Darren Young who is unintentionally funny 100% of the time, and you have a 125% of being funny. BUT WAIT, Darren Young is only UNintentionally funny, meaning that his hilarity works in opposite when he's actually trying. So thats actually a NEGATIVE 100% of funny meaning that Cena and Young together is -75% unfunny. On top of that the -75% of being funny will drop to -15% since you have to divide it by the chance of John Cena being truly hilarious.

John Cena and Darren Young would contribute to -15% hilarity.

This might just be one of the most amusing things I have ever read.....Anyways I disagree with most of you guys here(Respectfully)
I think Young has the look and granite he has been a little shaky on the mic, he has also been real solid at times. I think his work in the ring is on par with other up and comers and he really hasn't had too much time to showcase his talent in singles competition besides a few matches on NXT. Young and Cena would be a great Team it could get Cena out of the title picture since he is always in it and he could give the rub to Young. I think that is genius. I like the idea of the whole NXT concept with pro's but these guys should all stay paired with there pro when they make the move that way these guys can gain some instant credibility. It gives them more of an opportunity to showcase themselves rather than hang in the shadows of a faction such as Nexus. Justin Gabriel, Micheal Tarver, Heath Slater, Skip Sheffield....These guys need something to get over Nexus isnt doing it. I liked the interaction between Slater and edge. Imagine them against young and Cena. That is a fun tag match where these 2 can be pushed and what not. Anyways im rambling ....All in all I like Young and think he has potential.
First off, i think Darren Young is decent on the mic, not good and his in ring skills, i can live with. Personally, i hope he stays on RAW for a little bit, then moves on to Smackdown where he can be seen more.
Quite simple if you ask me, I'll go ahead and tell you the most likely agenda for both men after this week's RAW. Darren Young who was given the boot from Nexus will most likely go back down to developmental and will be off of television. Now John Cena on the other hand now that he thinks he has slowed Nexus down enough I'm sure he will try and put his focus back on the WWE title. Cena did lose it due to Nexus, and Nexus cost him his rematches. Therefore now that Cena thinks Nexus isn't as strong as it was I'm sure he will try to win back the WWE title. That's pretty much all I have to say regarding these two men. Young will not be on television anymore and Cena will most likely begin his journey to try and reclaim the WWE title.
I don't think Darren Young is that bad in the ring. He performed more moves than anybody else in the Nexus did last night and I thought he looked strong in defeat. Yeah, he could probably use a little more seasoning in FCW, but so could Otunga, Tarver, and Slater for that matter.
That idea is so completely fucking stupid and illogical and ridiculous that I won't even discuss it. The fact that you people actually think this is a good idea is quite disturbing.

As for what's next for Darren Young...well before last night I would've said, "fire the bastard" but he actually gave a very very impressive showing last night against the face of the company, John Cena. I'd say keep him around for the nexus angle. Young could defect to the WWE side and maybe fight the Nexus at Survivor series alongside Bryan and a few others.Young would come out of the feud a face and would be more over with the crowd than he ever was. After the Nexus angle, I'd say keep him for some midcard feuds...he sucks on the mic but he can work on that. He has good in ring skills so I can see him staying around.
hee hee have young come out to cenas old thuganomics gimmick, chain, padlock, throwback jumpers.. would be a funny way to backhand compliment cena, and to be honest it would be a lil slap at the IWC too. I've noticed a few digs at the fans and the IWC over the last while on wwe. Even down to king calling cena superman on raw.

Cenas old Word life music, the titantron video, Young out with a haircut, the entrance, the hand sign.. now i wait 4 wwe to track me down n offer me a spot on creative...
So basically your idea is to turn Darren Young into Slam Masta J? As you may remember, Jesse became Slam Masta J and followed around Cryme Tyme, copying their mannerisms in an attempt to become part of their crew. The rub from John Cena is usually good enough to push someone into the spotlight or make them credible, but I'm not so sure even he could keep that ship from sinking.

As for everyone bashing the idea of Cena being heel...it is possible. Yes, merchandise is a big part of the WWE, but so is viewership/ratings and PPV buys. If Cena turns heel, he will probably sell less merch, but it's possible the buzz his heel turn generates could lead to higher ratings. I can't say for certain, but there has to be some people out there who no longer watch Raw consistently simply because they have become bored with Cena, the storylines, or both. Perhaps a huge twist like a Cena heel turn would rope them back in. Am I saying it will happen? No -- just saying it is always a possibility. Stone Cold was a huge crowd favorite who sold a lot of merch and the WWE turned him heel. Sometimes, compelling television does win out.

Lastly, does anyone have actual sales numbers for Cena's merch in comparison to other superstars? Would be curious to see just how much he is selling and if he truly is number one.
John Cena and Darren Young will go on to do their thing really. They most likely won't collide ever again, and if they will, there'll be quite a while for it to happen.

And quite frankly, that's all there needs to be said. Darren Young is in no way supposed to be related to John Cena storyline wise, feud or friendship. It doesn't matter, John is above Darren, even if he just has the momentum from Nexus, he still was the only guy to loose his match. Darren Young will most likely either be somewhere in the mid-card, or lower mid-card. Or he will be kicked back to FCW, either way I don't really care.

I can live with watching Darren in the mid-card, and I can live with him being repackaged or something in FCW. But around John Cena, you won't find him.
Young needs a haircut, His in ring skills on RAW were surprising to me,
I was very impressed, he put a whoopin on Cena for a good time in that match.
And he seems to have a nice technical base.

In a perfect world... NXT 3, Which would be in a while i hope like 1-2 months. As the last pairing introduced we see a newer darren young with no troll doll hair.
and he's paired with JOHN CENA LOL.
Not only would that be amusing but imagine all of there interactions?
Cena in the real world could help him on the microphone so much.
I would love to see Darren Young as a nice US title/ WWE Tag title champion in the future.
Not a big fan of the idea, mostly because Cena has something that Darren Young doesn't, and that's TALENT. Honestly though I'm a little surprised that the space time continuum didn't rip in half during the Cena/Young match last night.

Frankly I say good riddance to Darren Young as he was definitely the weak link of Nexus.

I think it would be funny if Cena had a match with Barrett and they cut Young's hair and made him look Caucasian so he actually DID look like Cena and have him and Cena do the old switcharoo during the match and screw Barrett out of his match (this would be especially funny if Barrett was champ during the match).

Messing around and bad ideas aside I don't think its a good idea for Young to copy Cena and try to imitate him. Personally I never like these doppelganger storylines (maybe the Undertaker vs. Undertaker), I just could never get into them, and the doppelganger never gets that over with the crowd (only exception would be Jay Lethal, but he is good and has a real talent for imitating people), look at Kane vs. Kane, that was an abomination from day one. Not only that I think people can only handle so much Cena every week, if we have ANOTHER that looks just like him and acts like him that would be overkill. Doppelganger storylines only ever work if the guy they are copying is never around (in the Undertaker storyline, the real undertaker was only around for the 1 match, Macho Man hasn't been on TNA since Jay Lethal did his gimmick) but when its a situation like Kane vs. Kane it doesn't work because its overkill, and its also pretty cheesy. If Cena is gone for a long period of time then it might be worth trying (although all it would do is give Young heat until he actually faces Cena) but right now it would just be a waste.

Lastly, like I said I don't see much in Darren Young so don't waste time with him on the camera, give that time to someone else like Evan Bourne or John Morrison.
LMAO sorry this is too funny. Tell me how is that Writing For Russo 101 class treating you? I got an idea for your first random revision the day of airing:

Young comes back attacking Cena backstage. He says he's tired of the preferential treatment Cena has been getting... by their mother! Yes, they are actually brothers. He claims that their mother raised Cena but left Young to be reared by Buckwheat. This left him without a mother figure making him callous and unintentionally comical. But ever since he saw how big Cena has gotten in WWE he has been training in order to come take his spot. That time is now!

Really though, Spoodbeest is right. Cena is going back to the WWE title picture (yet agane) while Young will probably head back down to FCW having the rub of main-eventing WWE's flagship show Monday Night Raw against WWE's golden boy John Cena. That should be more than enough to put him on the top of their ladder.
i see a barrett cena match coming up. im not sure but i think night of campions is the next ppv but i highly doubt cena will be in the title picture..i love the cena barrett fued. i sometimes forgde is still a rookie cause he plays a villian effing well and he and cena have this chemistry that is so right. i thin the wwe have found thier next big fued.idc what you say about cena when hes facing wade hes on top of his game not saying hes been off his game but like i sid one on one those two would be perfect.

as for young....im not sure ive never paid attention to him like that so i would have tosay he needs to keep the heel hing going. something tells me this whole being kicked out of nexus was a ploy to make cena think hes winning so youg would join team wwe then turn onthem..thus bringing young up and hell be making an impact...just a thought
As funny as I think it would be for Young to copy Cena (especially as the Thuganomics Cena) I just don't realistically see it happening. And to me, it seems very similar to what they're doing with Jay Lethal in TNA. But even that wouldn't matter, because I doubt that the casual RAW viewers even knows who Jay Lethal is. Honestly, I just see Darren Young being quietly released in a few weeks. He's nothing special and the only thing that makes him stand out is his hair. He was always the jobber of Nexus and it's not suprising that he was the first one to go. Not all developmental talent go on to become huge successes. Releasing the less over superstars has always been a part of the business. Darren Young should be happy that he got the chance to perform in the most popular wrestling organization in the world. Now it's time for him to move on to something new. The red haired guy (I can't even remember his name) is another that I think will be gone within the next few months.
John Cena is going to continue being John Cena. No need for any discussion on this point.

As for Darren Young, I don't know what they'll do. Most likely, they'll keep him restricted in the developmental to work on abilities, which quite frankly he needs to do. He's just an average professional wrestler and doesn't have anything that stands out (unless you count his hair). If they do this, whatever name they made out of Darren Young would be completely diminished... but they could always build him back up, right? For some reason, I get this vision in my head that he will tag up with Percy Watson on one of the main shows and cause a ruckus there. Despite the fact that Young is a heel who has been associated with one of the biggest heel stables for a long time, it gives both of them something to do in a division that needs people whilst allowing them to perform a "gimmick" they've done before, bringing them into their comfort zones and hopefully their optimum performances.

Honestly, I don't care what they do with Darren Young. They could "future endeavour" him or they could push him to the top... as long as if he entertains me (whilst he remains with the company, of course).

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