What Next For Bryan & The Wyatt Family?

he's not going to win the Rumble..that much is clear..Also, every WM he's in a low end of the totem pole match. Pre show two years ago, tag team title match last year, and this year probably in another meaningless feud.. so much promise. All that money making potential out there for him that they squandered..Just can't wrap my brain around it. Normally they'd see all the fans cheering non stop and see dollar signs and put the title on someone, but their non interesting Authority angle, which isn't helping ratings I guess is much more important than finding the next mega star who the fans want. Jim Ross is shaking his head, Jim Cornette is shaking his head, Mark Madden is disgusted, all the former talents praise DB's work, yet Vince for some odd reason just would rather ride an injured Cena and a monotone Randy Orton to death at the top....I just don't get it.
who gives a fuck what mark madden thinks?

Thinking that DBs prior mania placement indicates where he's at in the future is silly. Again, you need to understand that the title is partially a reward for good workers, but mostly a storytelling tool. DB is more interesting without the belt.
Bryan vs. Wyatt at WM if DB loses he joins the family is where I see this going as much as that will piss off the marks its where this is headed
I'm just trying to think how the Miz and ADR are more important to the WWE than Bryan...I'm trying to wrap my head around this. The guy is a company man, carries himself well, great backstage. Awesome entertainer and wrestler, fans love him, he sells merchandise. Yet the Miz and Alberto Del Rio who barely get a reaction from the audience were allowed to hold the prestigious WWE title for months on end and not Bryan, the most over guy in the company. Explain this to me!

That's an easy question to answer. They were heels. If Bryan were a heel he'd probably be champion right now. But he's not and the audience probably wouldn't accept him as a heel at this point even though it might be what's best for him.
That's an easy question to answer. They were heels. If Bryan were a heel he'd probably be champion right now. But he's not and the audience probably wouldn't accept him as a heel at this point even though it might be what's best for him.

I disagree completely. WWE has no faith in heels to carry their product. In modern WWE, a decent heel title reign is rarer than a glimpsing a shooting star while underwater.
if he's being portrayed as an underdog, then when does that end? is he an underdog his whole career? does that mean he never wins a title? because if that's how they want to portray him, then that means that he's stuck in that role of chasing the title.

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