What Next For Bryan & The Wyatt Family?


As expected, Bryan & The Wyatt Family pulled out an entertaining 3 on 1 handicap match at the TLC ppv. Also, as expected, Bryan ultimately wound up losing the match. Unlike The Shield these days, who are moving ever more towards the inevitable break up, the Family were able to gel as a cohesive unit and ultimately wore Bryan down with Bray scoring the pin. So what's next for these four?

I'm thinking that this feud will continue for a bit longer, possibly culminating at the Royal Rumble. During the match, Wyatt continued to scream at Bryan to join them, so I don't think they're finished trying to recruit him. Bryan has scored wins over Harper & Rowan in both singles and tag team matches, but he's yet to face Wyatt himself 1 on 1. I'd say that the feud will continue long enough for them to have a couple of singles matches so that each of them can claim a victory and ultimately end the feud in a stalemate. While I think Harper & Rowan will still have a presence in this program with Wyatt & Bryan, I think most of their attention will be focused on the WWE Tag Team Championship. If WWE sticks with the notion of Goldust turning on Cody, or vice versa, in order to have a match at WrestleMania, then it's a pretty good bet that Harper & Rowan will be the next tag champs.

Bryan becoming a member of the Family is intriguing, but I don't think it's the right move. I think he could bring something unique to the stable, make it more well rounded, but Bryan's popularity as a face is good business for WWE. His merchandise looks to sell really well and he's someone that fans WANT to cheer for. Also, this will give Bryan something to do between now & the Royal Rumble, after which we'll have a better picture as to what plans WWE has for him concerning WrestleMania.
Can't see Bryan joining the Wyatts, even as a short term thing. You'd essentially be booking your most over star to play second fiddle in a midcard act. Doesn't make any sense.

I think the blow off will actually come at the Rumble with Bryan eliminating Bray Wyatt and possibly Rowan and Harper as well. I have a feeling Bryan will be winning the Rumble and facing Orton at Wrestlemania so the feud needs to end soon to allow that to be Bryan's sole focus.
DB joining the Wyatts is definitely not "best for business." His merch sells much to well for that. Plus, as stated by the OP, he's somebody every single person in the building WANTS to cheer for on a nightly basis. That's a very unique accomplishment in the world of professional wrestling today where all the "smart fans" want to cheer the cool heels and boo the Cenas of the day and all the casual fans basically do what they're supposed to do.

I would expect the blow-off of the feud to be on Raw some night. I just can't see Bray/Bryan being a singles match at the Rumble unless there's some sort of stipulation involved where if DB loses, he has to join the Wyatts. But those stipulation matches always lead to a predictable match. Plus, I think you need to start setting Bryan up to win the Rumble and go to Mania to face Punk for the title(s). At least that's where I think things are going.

I would see the Wyatt's going on to feud with other high mid-card talent. I don't know why... but Big Show/Mysterio and the Wyatts intrigue me. Something to keep them all busy until Mania. There's lots of 1 on 1 options there for matches on Raw to keep them entertained for a bit. Plus, they can go over Mysterio if he stays healthy. Big Show, who knows where he fits in there but that's kind of all that makes sense to me.
Bryan joining the Wyatt's is the wrong move at the wrong time. Bryan needs to be involved in the WWEWHC championship picture come WrestleMania. They have to come full circle with the Bryan/HHH/Orton storyline. Which means, to me, Bryan has to win the Rumble.

It would be interesting to see him eliminate Bray to win the Rumble match, though, to keep that feud going. And then, in an attempt to stack the deck against Bryan, the Authority puts Bryan's Royal Rumble WrestleMania title shot on the line at Elimination Chamber in the Chamber. One of the other five men involved is Wyatt.

If they want to make it extra interesting, with just Punk, Bryan and Wyatt left, the Wyatts collectively could attempt to cheat by getting involved in the match even though Harper and Rowan aren't officially in it. Punk sacrifices himself in order to save Bryan and winds up getting destroyed and pinned by Bray. But as Bray gets up, Bryan hits the knee to the face and the pin to keep his match at Mania.

That would serve the purpose of keeping Bryan's feud with Bray alive, and giving HHH a reason to go after Punk for sticking his nose in business that wasn't his. It also keeps the Punk/Bryan "friendship" alive. Or just replace Punk with Cena. That gives Cena something to do on the grand stage as well.


Just thinking out loud. But I don't think this Wyatts/Bryan thing is over by a long shot. If Bryan wins the WWEWHC at Mania, I'd guess Wyatt will challenge him for the belt by the end of the calendar year.
Hopefully Bryan's feud with the Wyatts will end sometime soon, with a decisive victory for Bryan. He needs to put these nobodies behind him and move on to better things.
I actually dig the Bryan-Wyatt feud. It's the most interesting storyline in the WWE at the current time, and is doing wonders to build the Wyatt Family. I'm sure it'll be coming to a close soon, and that bums me out a little. It probably is time to wrap it up (maybe even as soon as tonight), though, because much longer and interesting feud will become rather stale.

That said, I don't know that DB ever really needs to get a decisive victory to end the feud. It doesn't serve the build of the Wyatts in any way, shape, or form. And keeping the loss won't hurt Bryan's star at all. He's going to stay over regardless. He's reached that point where wins and losses don't matter, so using him to build other stars is the smart play.

DB will soon get his time to shine at or near the top again, likely at the Rumble.
No way Bryan turns heel. The dude finally has to get his title shot, guarantee a Bryan/Orton feud is in the making.
I actually dig the Bryan-Wyatt feud. It's the most interesting storyline in the WWE at the current time, and is doing wonders to build the Wyatt Family. I'm sure it'll be coming to a close soon, and that bums me out a little. It probably is time to wrap it up (maybe even as soon as tonight), though, because much longer and interesting feud will become rather stale.

That said, I don't know that DB ever really needs to get a decisive victory to end the feud. It doesn't serve the build of the Wyatts in any way, shape, or form. And keeping the loss won't hurt Bryan's star at all. He's going to stay over regardless. He's reached that point where wins and losses don't matter, so using him to build other stars is the smart play.

DB will soon get his time to shine at or near the top again, likely at the Rumble.

WWE shouldn't be focusing on building the Wyatts, they're a nothing team with no future. The Spirit Squad had more potential than they do. The only thing they should be doing with the Wyatts is releasing Harper and Rowan, and sending Bray Wyatt/Husky Harris/whatever back down to developmental to come up with a better gimmick for him.
I see this feud having legs until the Royal Rumble. However, having Bryan join them could be bad for WWE as he is too over with the fans to do as such. Probably, a short term flirtation is as much as they can do.
Loved Bray Wyatts performance last night, great on the mic for sure, but last night showed he can do a good job in the ring as well.
WWE shouldn't be focusing on building the Wyatts, they're a nothing team with no future. The Spirit Squad had more potential than they do. The only thing they should be doing with the Wyatts is releasing Harper and Rowan, and sending Bray Wyatt/Husky Harris/whatever back down to developmental to come up with a better gimmick for him.

You are absolutely delusional.

Your obsessive love for Daneil Bryan is embarassing. It's foolish garbage like your posts in this thread that end up being classified as IWC garbage from fat virgins who live in their mother's basement. And if you ever tried booking a wrestling fed, even your family wouldn't suppport the utter garbage it is destined to be.
lol @ DB fans who can't be entertained by anything DB does if it's not for the WWE title. It's almost as if Daniel Bryan is an extension of his fans' own inferiority complexes. Aquaman6686 is a perfect example of this.
You are absolutely delusional.

Your obsessive love for Daneil Bryan is embarassing. It's foolish garbage like your posts in this thread that end up being classified as IWC garbage from fat virgins who live in their mother's basement. And if you ever tried booking a wrestling fed, even your family wouldn't suppport the utter garbage it is destined to be.

Shows how much you know, I'm not a big Daniel Bryan fan. I don't see Bryan as the future of the company like so many do, I see him as a Chris Jericho/Kane type who can occasionally main event but will spend most of his time in the upper midcard.

But I think The Wyatts are among the worst gimmicks in WWE history. right up there with Mantaur, Kizarny, Fandango, and Mordecai. The Wyatts have no future in WWE. They have not a drop of talent or charisma between the lot of them, and there is nothing even remotely interesting about them. You're the one with the obsessive love here, if you think the Wyatts are worth investing time and money into.
I'm just trying to think how the Miz and ADR are more important to the WWE than Bryan...I'm trying to wrap my head around this. The guy is a company man, carries himself well, great backstage. Awesome entertainer and wrestler, fans love him, he sells merchandise. Yet the Miz and Alberto Del Rio who barely get a reaction from the audience were allowed to hold the prestigious WWE title for months on end and not Bryan, the most over guy in the company. Explain this to me!
Unlike some others, as a D/B fan I don't mind that he didn't hold the title for any length of time. The problem was that his program with both Orton and The Authority was unceremoniously dropped with the bad guys never getting any significant comeuppance from Bryan. That was the big problem. He was never allowed to "redeem" (from a story-telling position) himself with regards to all the HHH/Steph/McMahon trash-talking and beat downs. That was the big problem and the major red flag that told me Vince and Co really don't have faith in him and thus dropped him quickly from the main event.

The final nail in the coffin will be if:

1) they turn Daniel heel, having him side with the Wyatts. No one thinks that's a smart idea, business-wise, right now because he is so popular. If creative takes this route it will prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that Vince/HHH don't want Daniel as a top face in the company.

2) they don't allow him to win the RR. I know some say CM Punk needs to win, but after him defeating the Shield last night he's sky-high and can get a title shot at any time. Bryan is the one who needs to win the Rumble in order to get back into the main event scene. If he's not allowed to win it, I'll know for sure all the conjecture about Vince not being sold on him is absolutely true in every sense.

My preference would be for the Wyatt angle to be dropped tonight on Raw, maybe with Daniel going over Bray in a match. Anything that either states, or even hints, that Daniel will join the Wyatts this evening is a bad move and not a good sign for his future in the main event, imho.
I'm just trying to think how the Miz and ADR are more important to the WWE than Bryan...I'm trying to wrap my head around this. The guy is a company man, carries himself well, great backstage. Awesome entertainer and wrestler, fans love him, he sells merchandise. Yet the Miz and Alberto Del Rio who barely get a reaction from the audience were allowed to hold the prestigious WWE title for months on end and not Bryan, the most over guy in the company. Explain this to me!

Bryan's reign as World Heavyweight Champion was longer than both of Del Rio's WWE Championship reigns combined, and longer than Del Rio's first reign as World Heavyweight Champion. He was given plenty of time to prove himself, and he'll be a top champion again one day. He's not needed at the top of the card right now, and upper midcard is where he's better suited.
First off, Bray was excellent last night - he sold his role perfectly and the spiderwalk was something special.

At some point they have to have Bray recruit someone and while Bryan seems to be the target I wouldn't be shocked if tonight someone else joins the fold. It's wrong for Bray to lose to Bryan right now but equally wrong for Bryan to join them. I can see an "injury" to Bryan where his place in the Rumble is threatened, making his eventual #1 entry to win more special.

Now the "Best for Business" story seems to be over, I think Kane could be revealed tonight as the inside man for the Wyatts.
he's not going to win the Rumble..that much is clear..Also, every WM he's in a low end of the totem pole match. Pre show two years ago, tag team title match last year, and this year probably in another meaningless feud.. so much promise. All that money making potential out there for him that they squandered..Just can't wrap my brain around it. Normally they'd see all the fans cheering non stop and see dollar signs and put the title on someone, but their non interesting Authority angle, which isn't helping ratings I guess is much more important than finding the next mega star who the fans want. Jim Ross is shaking his head, Jim Cornette is shaking his head, Mark Madden is disgusted, all the former talents praise DB's work, yet Vince for some odd reason just would rather ride an injured Cena and a monotone Randy Orton to death at the top....I just don't get it.
he's not going to win the Rumble..that much is clear..Also, every WM he's in a low end of the totem pole match. Pre show two years ago, tag team title match last year, and this year probably in another meaningless feud.. so much promise. All that money making potential out there for him that they squandered..Just can't wrap my brain around it. Normally they'd see all the fans cheering non stop and see dollar signs and put the title on someone, but their non interesting Authority angle, which isn't helping ratings I guess is much more important than finding the next mega star who the fans want. Jim Ross is shaking his head, Jim Cornette is shaking his head, Mark Madden is disgusted, all the former talents praise DB's work, yet Vince for some odd reason just would rather ride an injured Cena and a monotone Randy Orton to death at the top....I just don't get it.

I don't get how Daniel Bryan is low end of the totem pole at WrestleMania every year. His very first WrestleMania he was in one of the main events as the World Heavyweight Champion. Despite how the match went, it was still a main event match and he had the honor of defending a World title at the biggest show in the world. Last year he successfully defended a championship at WrestleMania. Why is that a problem? Just because he's not in the last match of the night, the other matches aren't important? That's absurd.
It looks like so far everyone that has posted on this topic is against DB joining The Wyatt Family so I'll give an idea how DB could be with The Wyatts while staying face. I bet that a lot in 97 might have thought Stone Cold teaming with Mankind for awhile could have hurt Austins push but it didnt. Now Im not comparing those two storylines except for the fact Im sure most fans at the time would have prefered Austin to stay by himself but I think by the time they did team it turned out fine. Now how to have DB join The Wyatt Family. In the upcoming weeks you could have DB constantly turning the offer down. You can have The Authority mess or do something to DB with The Wyatts helping by doing something to The Authority to help DB. Now Daniel Bryan doesnt have to change just aknowledge their help and occassionaly tag or have backstage segments. Imagine the Wyatts grabbing one of the Authority hostage and torturing them until they give in or DB trying to teach Harper someting with Harper saying "Yeah Yeah Yeah" and DB shouting back "No No No."If the WWE did this they would need to turn Wyatts face even if its a short time before they turn on DB and go back to heels. I dont expect a lot to agree just give a different idea and viewpoint. If ya like it but have a different scenerio Id like to hear that.
DB gets reactions like Austin, yet the WWE clearly doesn't see him as the next Austin...don't know why, but hey that's life..that's their choice. I think they're wrong but its their company. Anyone turning the channel onto Raw seeing how over a guy like that is, they'd probably think right away he's the champion, nope, not the case.
I could see this being a TV feud over the next few weeks before Bryan branches off into the Rumble match build. For some reason I just a see a big Bray vs Bryan cage match ending this one on Raw early next year.
He's not going to join because if he did that would be a stupid business move because DB is so darn popular! They dont' want that to go away you'd think...Also, what is the purpose of this feud? why couldn't they just have had the Wyatts face the Shield? imagine the promo potential and the great matches..instead, the audience is given no hope once again that DB can succeed just like his role in the Authority angle. We're left thinking its only a matter of time until he loses or gets beaten down which is what keeps happening to him non stop. So this feud with Wyatt just will damage him further, is that their intention?
WWE shouldn't be focusing on building the Wyatts, they're a nothing team with no future. The Spirit Squad had more potential than they do. The only thing they should be doing with the Wyatts is releasing Harper and Rowan, and sending Bray Wyatt/Husky Harris/whatever back down to developmental to come up with a better gimmick for him.
Is this a joke? Bray is the best character guy in the game. If his in ring work (which isn't bad) ever catches up to his creativity, charisma, and character development you're looking at Mick Foley part 2.

I think DB eventually wins this and the strap. The feud is probably temporarily over but I get he gets revenge somehow.
I'm just trying to think how the Miz and ADR are more important to the WWE than Bryan...I'm trying to wrap my head around this. The guy is a company man, carries himself well, great backstage. Awesome entertainer and wrestler, fans love him, he sells merchandise. Yet the Miz and Alberto Del Rio who barely get a reaction from the audience were allowed to hold the prestigious WWE title for months on end and not Bryan, the most over guy in the company. Explain this to me!
The title is a story telling device. Miz and ADR are heels. The appeal is them cheating and winning for months and then finally getting their ass kicked. DB is an underdog babyface. If he has the strap for months...he's not an underdog, he's a superman babyface. If the dark knight rises was 2 1/2 hours of batman whipping Bane's ass, no one wants to watch. Instead Batman gets beat down, back broke, and thrown in an inescapable hole while Gotham is about to blow up. Then he overcomes it all.
Just watchong RAW now what if during the main event you have The Authority try to interfer then the lights go out and The Wyatts are here and stop the Authority from interfering with Daniel Bryan nodding and pinning Orton. The Wyatts could serve to make sure no one interfering in his matches with DB making a deal for a later date.

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