What new Brand would you create in WWE?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
NXT will not last forever. Infact, now that Tough Enough is coming back there is a good chance that NXT has run its course as Tough Enough will be the "rookies show".

That leaves a gaping hole in WWE's programming. Now my idea is that the 1 hour slots NXT and Superstars have come together and create a kinda hybrid show (only 90 minutes though). The name of this show is Xplosion (ok, took me 30 seconds to think it up).

My idea is that Xplosion becomes a seperate brand and has it's own look, feel, announcers, commentators, roster. It runs like Smackdown and Raw do - match ups, promos, storylines, etc. However, the Roster is kinda like a holding area for new talent, and also contains underused talent who just arent getting over. This allows the superstars to build themselves up, create a fanbase and finally get bumped up to one of the bigger shows.

My show is as follows:

Show Length = 90 minutes
Commentators = Joey Styles & Josh Matthews
Xplosion GM = Matt Striker
Belts = Xplosion HW Champ, Xplosion US Champ
Roster =

Mason Ryan
Ted Dibiase Jr
The Great Khali
Skip Sheffield
Chris Masters
David Hart Smith
Jackson Andrews
Michael Tarver
Darren Young
David Hart Smith
Joey Mercury
Yoshi Tatsu

As you can see there is a nice mix there of talent which has potential, and the ones who will be future endeavoured. Mason Ryan could carry the show and build himself up before a big move. Kinda like he is now in FCW but with more exposure. The Great Khali is always good to make someone look strong as are Chris Masters and Skip Sheffield. Ted Dibiase could be in the title picture aswell, still think he has something to give. Jackson Andrews can learn the trade, have some high spots and not have the added pressure of Raw or Smackdown. Given the chance, we might see better from Tarver, Young, Smith aswell. Goldust and Finlay are there to pass on their experience.

Do you rememeber ECW?
What you're explaning is exactly what ECW was.
A brand to make young guys get some fans and move to the bigger brands when they were ready.
The name of this show is Xplosion (ok, took me 30 seconds to think it up).

My idea is that Xplosion becomes a seperate brand and has it's own look, feel, announcers, commentators, roster. It runs like Smackdown and Raw do - match ups, promos, storylines, etc.

TNA already had a show called Xplosion, so that name wouldnt be used

With Raw, Smackdown, Superstars and Tough Enough, there is more than enough WWE on TV, there is no need for another brand in my opinion. I think that they need to end the Brand Extension, not create another show that would get small ratings just like ECW and NXT have

As the poster above me said, your idea is basically ECW with a different name
I think instead of creating this whole new brand with new belts, announcers and a new GM they should just put on FCW. I feel this would help with building up a fan base for the future stars of the company by giving them a fan base so that when they get called up to the A Shows people know who they are and are already willing to cheer or boo them respectively.

Also you could have the Regal's and the Goldusts on this show doing what they do now on Superstars as well as the superstars who don't have much going on, give them a prominent role on this show in there own kind of Main Event scene ( I'm looking at you Zach Ryder)

Also as a side note I think TNA has a show called Xplosion already. EDIT: just noticed someone already pointed this out.
To be honest I would get rid of Smackdown and NXT and just keep Raw and a kind of Heat/Superstar show. You would have more big name on the show and even your lower card would consist of big names like back in the day. I think it would made for more compelling and interesting story and would help to shake the WWE fatigue away. Just my two cents.
What I think WWE should do is scrap the Brand Extension and have their main players across both RAW and Smackdown that would mean that in the long term Smackdown would get more of an audience as the storylines would be spread out over both shows.
I would then have a second brand which would be similar to the old ECW and would have a combination of veteran stars with mid-carders who are only being used on Superstars and which would also be used as a feeder group to debut new stars from FCW.
If you look at WWE's ECW it actually kick started the careers of Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Sheamus and more while John Morrison and The Miz were both repackaged and became a lot more popular than they ever were before.
On this second brand I would have maybe guys like Ted Dibiase, Primo, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder, Chris Masters, Trent Baretta, Ezekiel Jackson, Curt Hawkins, DH Smith, JTG, Tyler Reks, Husky Harris, Mike McGilligutty and William Regal who could act as both a GM character and an occasional wrestler. Then the annual roster draft would see guys from the second brand move to the top tier and those who maybe were getting lost in the shuffle could go to Brand Number Two to help out the crop of new guys.
I think a show like this would be better than a Superstars/Heat type show or an NXT contest as it would mean that everybody on the roster had some value and it would also mean that most of the matches on this brand would have some worth to them.
ECW (Heyman's, not McMahons) had much of the formula right when it came to the two primary goals a third show should aspire to. First, you not only need to showcase your younger/newer guys, but you need to highlight them as well. Excentuate and exploit their positives while hiding their weaknesses, as Paul E. has said. Second, you must take your already established/known stars and put them in roles that confirm their standing and, of course, highlight the younger guys since that's where your primary focus on a show like that should be.

Having said that, this lays the foundation for my vision of a third WWE show/brand. Unlike WWECW though, I wouldn't try to build future characters for other WWE brands necessarily. Primarily, I would let the talent be themselves and try to shine with the majority of the direction being theirs. "Who do you want to be?" "What character traits can you exhibit?" "What's your personal pathway to success?" These are the questions I would ask any prospective new talent that would walk through the door. That said, the entire roster would be on a "per appearance" basis, until they either solidified themselves and eventually moved up or fizzled out and faded away. In other words, "Get Over or Get Out." Most younger guys would kill to have an opportunity plying their craft on national TV for the biggest wrestling company in the world. This gives them the outlet to do so.

For the fans, the league would be a "try-before-you-buy" exhibition of sorts. A third show is the perfect forum for trying to determine what works with fans and what doesn't. You're not risking the integrity of your A and B level shows while simultaneously giving the Raw/Smackdown haters something different to watch. There is also very little chance that the show would get stale or boring, simply due to the volatility and constantly rotating roster. Viewers will never be quite sure what they're going to see on any given night.
I would bring back ECW cuz it was the only place there jobbers wasnt jobbers zack ryder, mark henry etc.. its was great brand for young guys wich now dont have much airtime.Send Bryan danielson to ECW and make him ECW champ or something would be great and make the show non PG TV cuz the land of extreme would not be the same at PG era.
I would bring back ECW cuz it was the only place there jobbers wasnt jobbers zack ryder, mark henry etc.. its was great brand for young guys wich now dont have much airtime.Send Bryan danielson to ECW and make him ECW champ or something would be great and make the show non PG TV cuz the land of extreme would not be the same at PG era.

The reason why they don't get air time comes down to two reasons (and neither of them have to do with the lack of shows)

1. They suck
2. The writing team suck and haven't got a clue what to do with them.

In my view I would just rid of the brand split, its virtually pointless now anyways. Cut the deadweight and go back to focusing on one roster. It benefits everyone from the top guys, to the midcard, to the tag division and the divas to the writing team themselves.
Superstars can be used for the rookies, which will feature the main roster from time to time. The likes of Goldust going up against those from FCW, allowing new stars to be developed, a bit known by the fans before coming to the main roster.

Then to bring back the one show WWE misses and thats Heat. However going back to how it was, airing right before a PPV to build that up. Have some rookies, unused talent on the show and fill the rest leading up to the PPV. A classic example of how this show would work, have someone like Tyson Kidd cut a promo saying its unfair he isn't on the PPV, after Danielson retains the US belt Kidd attacks him on the PPV. Then you have a storyline in place already for the next PPV. Easy and a much better way than the mess they did last week.
With the Royal Rumble coming up, you could use Heat to have fatal 6 way to determine who gets the last open slot in the Royal Rumble match. This way those five who haven't made it to the PPV are still being shown.

In the end you'll find those who don't get much air time, do get air time on Superstars and Heat. You make the US title the lower title (although WCW fans would slate this) so the likes of Bourne, Ryder, Henry have something to win whilst making the IC the title below the main one for those higher up like Danielson, Rey, Ziggler etc.

Its a much better system than stretching the roster to three shows to the point it just breaks apart and revert to using other brands talent to fill up slots (like they are doing with just two brands!)
WWE Acceleration

It would be a one hour intense, fast paced, in your face action. Superstars from both brands can comepete on the show but it is for cruiserweights only. It can have one title with that being the cruiserweight world title. It would replace NXT on Tuesday Nights and I would like to see it on television with these superstars....

. Evan Bourne
. Rey Mysterio
. Trent Barreta
. Curt Hawkins
. Yoshi Tatsu
. Santino Marella
. " Dashing " Cody Rhodes
. Primo
. Chavo
. Finlay
. Kofi
. Daniel Bryan
. The Usos
. Tyson Kidd
. Zack Ryder

This show would give guys like Ryder, Kidd, Barreta, Hawkins, Usos... more exposure and give them something to do. Bryan could even defend his US title on the show from time to time but the main belt would be the cruiserweight title. Superstars on the roster can still compete on there respective brands.
I think WWE acceleration would be a good concept to use, however, not the name. It should be called something else.

It doesn't have to be just for cruiserweights though, just people who are in the mid-card. This would give WWE an opportunity to change and swap brands around, and give the mid card division a title that would have a decent reputation, and give mid carders the push they need.
i think i would have a brand with all wwe and possibly a few fcw superstars who havent held a world or wwe title but not people like jomo or kofi kingston people like
3Chris masters
4fcw's titus o neil
5Drew mcintyre
6cody rhodes
7ted dibiase jr
8Dh smith
9Tyson kidd
10primo etc.....
Its all young superstars with potential but not fcw's mason ryan cause wwe wants him for a raw or SD because he is going to be like a batista cuz he looks like batista's twin so reply if you think different.

Funny you mention that on the new WWE Smackdown vs Raw game I did just that for wwe raw.. I made it all upcoming stars and youth type of show.. and wwe smackdown has all the legends and guys like cena, undertaker, HBK, etc on it...

As far as real life goes I'd tune in and watch FCW if it was on television.. I used to watch WCW Saturday night at the end of it's days when it was all WCW Powerplant guys on the show trying to make a name for themselves... With Storylines, Feuds, maybe a title belt added to the mix it'd be a show people would be interested in watching.. Def a filler show if WWE ever does get that WWE Channel moving along..
I doubt WWE needs a new brand. However, they shouldn't make a new name brand, instead use WcW. They own WcW product so the WWE can make it a brand.
WWE should just get rid of the brand extension. I have no reason to watch smackdown at all. I know im not missing out on anything. Its freaking Edge and Kane carrying the entire show and i dont care enough about either of them to tune in.

Why not do it like they did it in the past? They simply switched between matches and promos and tons more wrestlers got over. Or wrestlers would get 2 promos in a row etc. It allowed us to see all the great wrestlers every week with great matches. No one wants to watch zack ryder or yoshi tatsu or any of those no name smackdown guys.
Let me just summarise for some people: no brand split means nearly 60 plus wrestlers moving between Raw and smackdown on a weekly basis. Means for 4 titles (WWE/WHC, IC, Tag, Diva's) you have roughly somewhere like 10 ME, 4 tag teams (18 wrestler's in total), 10/12 divas (30 wrestler's in total), so youd have half the roster competing for the mid-card title?

No 3rd brand is needed. Just take everyone off their roster and start again, have the proper draft lottery.

Raw wrestler v smackdown wrestler - winner gets first pick of any Superstar or Diva from the roster. Then other brand chooses.

This would ensure, hopefully, that the two brands have similar amounts of Main event wrestler's and that the fans can't complain about the current poor main event scene on smackdown. Get the anonymous RAW GM make his pick on the laptop.

(e.g. Raw wins match, first pick - Randy Orton, Smackdown picks - John Cena)
My brand would be called, WWE Presents: Championship Wrestling.

It would be held once a month, and it would be on free television. One hour show. The premise would be to build up big matches and give them the feel like they are big matches.

Think about it this, it could be people from Raw to Smackdown! and it would be the show that ends any feud it has hosted. So, if two guys couldn't get it done on PPV or Raw or Smackdown!, then you have them come to this venue and end the thing once and for all.

Two reasons why it's called Championship Wrestling. Number one, it'd only big the championship matches. This would help give the smaller titles more value and also give credibility to the show and it's title. Also, it's to make itself look like boxing events on HBO and what have you. So that it feels like a legitimate event.

You could have the video packages that amp up the match, and a few interviews. Sometimes, it can be a three person or separate interview. Depends on how you want to work the angle. Then, you'd get 40 to 45 minutes (with commercials taking up the rest). Let's say 43. You can have 13 minutes of build up and then a half hour to actually showcase some wrestling, end a feud and probably pull some quality numbers, as well. It'd be a nice way to balance the wrestling and the angles as well.

Just my take.

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