What legend would you want to see most at Wrestlemania?


Getting Noticed By Management
I'm excluding Austin, since a lot of people would say him and He's more than likely gonna be there. There are plaenty of other that would be great.

1. Hogan: No explaination needed.
2. Rock: Would it really hurt his acting career? 50% of the people that watch his movies are probably wrestling fans. It would be awesome.
3. Savage: He's got a dvd coming out, if hes at least talking to Vince, he has to be there.
4. Jesse Ventura: Guest Commentator? He was great as a heel commentator for Sat. Night Main Event, and Wrestlemania.
5. Bruno Sammartino: The greatest champ ever. Madden mentioned him as the one who should fight Jericho. Most of us have never seen him wrestle, it would be a treat for us all.

Then you have guys like Piper, Flair, Snuka, but we've seen these guys, and personally, they've satisfied me with how they ended there careers. Some of the above never officially retired, the 1st 3 I guess. Its a hard choice for me. I would say Hogan, but theres also a chance he could show, so of the impossible ones, I'll say Savage.
Austin would make the most sense, but since you have taken him out, the Rock. From my generation of wrestling he was the biggest superstar. Bigger than Austin. I think a surprise return from him would get a bigger pop than Hogan, and a much better show would be put on. Never going to happen, but we can dream.
I really want to say Stone Cold. But if not then Hogan or The Rock obviously would also be a very nice treat for all of us to see. It probably will be Hogan wrestling Y2J at WM25 and Austin being a referee somewhere (I'd much rather see that reversed) and as for The Rock, well I doubt he'll ever be back.
Being my selfish self, I'd go with The Rock. Don't get me wrong, I know it's not going to happen. But we'd all love to see him in the ring once more. I didn't choose Austin because it's a given that he's going to appear, so I thought I'd leave him out. But yeah, The Rock has numerous wrestlers that he could face and do well against. A match against Chris Jericho would be perfect with the legends storyline that has been happening at the moment. But like I said, it won't happen.
We've had Austin make an appearance, Hogan make an appearance, The Rock had his last match there at Mania 20. Sammartino's 79 years old for goodness sake. That leaves one man...


Ignore the fact that this won't happen, ignore the fact that him and Vince apparently hate each other. The fact of the matter is Mach Man Randy Savage is a legend, a legend who does not receive enough praise which he should have. Imagine Pom & Circumstance hitting the sound system at Mania 25...I for one would be very excited to see that happen.
I would like to see The Rock return more than any other WWE legend, but I think it is very unlikely. My main reasons are that I have never been a fan of the other superstars you listed, and I believe that he would by far have the greatest wrestling skills and would be the more agile of the lot. For example, isn't Hulk Hogan unable to do his signature Leg Drop anymore? I could be wrong about that, but there's no way he can wrestle anymore. I feel that The Rock would be able to put on the best match easily, while still creating incredible hype. If he does come back sometime, I would actually love to see him as a heel again.
The Rock, just think about it. Hogan's comeback already, and is just too damn old. Savage is way over the hill. Austin is already going to be there, and has returned numerous times. So think about it with The Rock, he could be there, and actually put on a good match.
Macho Man. Without a doubt.

Yea, Vince and him hate each other, but that doesn't mean he can't make an appearance, only to get pummeled and cash a check, so that Hogan can come out 5 seconds later and save his ass. Having the Mega Powers at Wrestlemania 25 would be perfect, but hopefully not in a wrestling capacity.

Hogan has had his time, and then some. Let him cut a promo, or be given some sort of award, but don't put him in the ring.
Being only 18 years of age, when I started watching wrestling, The Rock was my favorite. My parents bought the PPVs just so I'd shut up and be dazzled when the Rock came out and put on a show. The Rock coming back at Wrestlemania would probably be the best thing for the WWE to have happen in any of their history. I think It won't happen but the WWE fans crave seeing him in just one more match. Maybe have him in the WWE Title match with Cena/Edge. The top face and Heel from the company (IMO) today facing off with The Great One? There would be one word to describe it, electrifying. I hope that he smells what the fans are cookin and comes back just for one match.
Well my obvious first pick would be Stone Cold but I think its pretty much a given that most people would like to see him back in the ring, and plus he will be at Wrestlemania anyway.

I would love love love The Rock to make an appearance at Wrestlemania at Lay the Smackdown one more time, but face it, its not going to happen.

Hogan? No thanks. Flair ? Keep the hell away!

Like a couple of people in this thread I would like to see the Macho Man make an appearance. Wont happen but would be great.
no no no! I dont want to see Hogan. I think its time WWE moved on without Hogan and I'll be happy enough if he doesnt come back. Same with Flair. His time was WM24 and that should be it. I hate seeing wrestlers showing their flabby chests and embarassing themselves.

Of course, I'd like to see the Rock (sorry...Dwayne Johnson) but that will never happen. I think I'll be happy seeing Austin once more this WM. Even though its the 25th anniversary, Im not expecting much out of it, legends wise..
Being my selfish self, I'd go with The Rock. Don't get me wrong, I know it's not going to happen. But we'd all love to see him in the ring once more. I didn't choose Austin because it's a given that he's going to appear, so I thought I'd leave him out. But yeah, The Rock has numerous wrestlers that he could face and do well against. A match against Chris Jericho would be perfect with the legends storyline that has been happening at the moment. But like I said, it won't happen.

Thats actually a good idea, but switch it up. Rock won't wrestle, but imagine him as a guest ref in a match with Austin/Jericho. Jericho brags about how he beat both guys in 1 night, they could screw him over for bragging since he cheated to beat him. That would be great.
Without a doubt, it has to be Sting. My favorite wrestler of all-time, showing up at the greatest event of all time. How awesome would it be to hear his old theme music, and have him come out with bright colors and blond spikey hair. Surfer Sting rules.
I'd love to see Bret Hart return, and help Orton and Legacy. Afterall, he is the son of Stu Hart, so he'd fit in perfectly with the whole Legacy idea.

That would cause me to go insane, as Bret is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, I know it would never happen but how great would it be to see him come out and take out the McMahons and cost HHH the title? He would get payback on McMahon and that would be fantastic, and since i'm greedy i'd like to see him stay and participate on a few RAW's as well afterwords with the Legacy.

I can see it now, Bret Hart, Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase Jr, Cody Rhodes. All holding each others hands high in the air, with Randy having the title around his waist. Now that, would be an amazing sight.
i think it would be fantastic to see randy savage at wrestle mania, however since we all know this won't happen there is really no one else that would be a huge or anticipated return. the rock would be great, austin will be there. the only other thing i can think of would be if bret hart actually showed up to the big event and had a promo in the ring. that would be amazing.
it would be nice to see The Rock shit i was in DC march 12 07 when he came on the titantron and predicted lashley to beat umaga and trust that was the biggest pop ive heard in quite sometime

and theres alot he could do at WM25 for one induct his bitter rival into the Hall ( plus i dont believe it fucks with his filming schedule he was doing tooth fairy and planet 51 but i think there wrapped or will be by then )

2. i know yall remembered he called Christian his favorite wrestler hence his peeps and the new peoples champ lol its far fetched but an option

3. a long history with Jericho with jericho always braggin about his undisputed title win ( both guys he beat will be there lol )

4. hes the first ever 3rd generation superstar if u smell what im cooking

5. and Cenas been jawwing off in the media bout Rocks acting and hatred for the wrasslin business

6. hes and actor and he could defend Rourke or just show up in support

7. Legends of wrestlemania needs some of the faces to be there to push the game ( flair hogan Austin ROCK )

Its the fucking 25th anniversary Vince has to pull out the big stars not just one i mean all in the last 2 years had on trump shaved his head spent millions on Floyd for a big show match and Spent over a mill in entrances ( like 200 grand on cena and Flairs alone from last year ) .... hes got to top all that times alot.... I mean go all out to were some of the wrestling is secondary even if the rock doesnt wrestle have him there an visable maybe do a run in, but every face thats been on wrestlemania thats relevant and still alive has to be there ... im talking from the litas and trishs to the mr T's and pipers plain and simple Vince should be coming out of his socks for this event just by name alone its the biggest wrestling pay per view in history

Wrestlemania the silver anniversary
I think it would be a nice suprise to see savage return , I would imagine he'd get one hell of a pop
Bret Hart !!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn why can't they do something different. You guys remember back in the ECW days where we don't know whos fighting until the PPV actually happen? But I can't see that happening at Wrestlemania...people need to know the matches before they can attend the event or order the PPV. Especially in this economy.

I was thinking that since Jericho is attacking all of these hall of famers, that Jericho can be in the ring talking and then out of sudden, Hulk Hogan music hits but he doesn't come out...and then Macho Man music hits and then he doesn't come out...Bret Hart music hits !!!...he doesn't come out and then Stone Cold music hits...while Jericho making laughing because nobody hasn't came out yet...but Stone Cold actually comes out and reveals that he will be facing him at Wrestlemania.
Savage. I mean his DVD with WWE is coming out soon, and He is one of the greatest legends that doesnt get any props from Vince McMahon. Seeing A Macho Man return would be incredible.
Even though he isn't finished with his career, I am going with Kurt Angle. I miss seeing Kurt in his home, WWE. I hope he resigns with WWE. He always put on great Mania matches. Kurt is need in the WWE. Ok maybe I took it too far with that, but man did he put on some great matches.

A more realist one would be RVD. After the Royal Rumble, I really wanted to see him in the ring for one last match. He can put one hell of a show.
I'm gonna go with SCSA. I KNOW he's got one good match left in him, and why not have it at the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania? Put Stone Cold up against Chris Jericho, and lets have it out! Someone else I wouldn't mind watching put on a 'Mania match, would be Jerry "The King" Lawler. He's never had one, and he'd do an awesome job, I think. He's been very vocal in his distaste for Jericho's treatment of the Legends as of late, so it wouldn't be a surprise, either way!
I really hope its not Jerry Lawler. I absolutely do not have anything against him, it's just that I think we deserve someone bigger than King. Again, nothing against him, but Jericho himself deserves to have a better opponent. But now that I think about it, I think we are gonna get him. The only names I think would fit this match are Austin or Hogan. Randy Savage is a looong shot but him too. And quite frankly, I see neither of those three competing :icon_sad:
I wouldnt be suprised if it is King, unlike most of the legends of today, he has kept in shape, and can actually make a decent contest out of a match. Personally i'd like The Honky Tonk Man....im serious...No, it would make sense if it was the King, seeing as he has apparently been voicing his disdain over Jericho's actions, but i cant see it helping the card at all, would you pay to see Chris Jericho vs a 54 year old Jerry Lawler, even if he is still capable of competing. Im sure people would rather see Jericho vs Hulk Hogan or Jericho vs Stone Cold, those of whic would draw great mainstream attention, not only from the wrestling world, but from the Entertainment world, seeing as their star has grown after retirement from Professional Wrestling, and it would make the match more of a hit, no matter if Hogan stinks it up
Bruno no doubt, if im not mistakenhe held the title for 8 yrs, lost it, and then held it for
another 4 yrs...Other then Hulk Hogan, and HHH, Samartino is the greatest wrestler ever.
The impossible but (possible).... Sting since he'll be at the Booker T event... But that will never happen...

Hogan vs Jericho (austin guest referee).... have jericho screw hogan out of the win...austin and hogan have their infamous wrestlemania brawl.... then rourke sneaks in behind a laughing jericho and knocks him out...then flair, piper, snuka, hacksaw, and steamboat come out and celebrate with him....

thats what they should do.

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