What would you change about Wrestlemania?


Renegade at Heart
Ok so, if you had the option of basically changing one item on each of the 30 WrestleMania cards, be it a specific match, its ending, or even a promo or the location of the event itself, what would you change? Here's my list:

WrestleMania 1: This one did what it needed to do, but I would have given it more purpose, instead of feeling like a bunch of random matches strewn together, until the main event actually came along.

WrestleMania 2: Having an event take place from 3 different locations was just stupid. Keep Mania in 1 arena from start to finish.

WrestleMania 3: Healed Andre of all his injuries. The main event would have been so much better.

WrestleMania 4: Would have had the first round matches of the tournament play out beforehand, so that the card would not feel so cluttered. Like they used to do with KOTR.

WrestleMania 5: Macho over Hogan, always hated the fact that Hogan went over.

WrestleMania 6: Given Macho a better match on the card instead of that god-awful mixed tag match.

WrestleMania 7: The Blindfold match would have never existed.

WrestleMania 8: Have Flair-Savage main event instead of Hogan-Sid. As you can tell, I am a big Savage fan :P

WrestleMania 9: Oh what to change from this one? Since I can only change one thing, have Yokozuna leave with the title. Hogan never comes out to steal the spotlight.

WrestleMania 10: This card was actually really good so I'll go with the match I liked the least. Bam Bam and Luna vs Doink and Dink would have never happened.

WrestleMania 11: Celebrities should never main event the granddaddy of them all. Diesel vs HBK should have been the main event.

WrestleMania 12: Would have had Hart and Michaels score falls over one another, whilst keeping the draw. Always feels like the 60 minutes were a waste without any falls taking place.

WrestleMania 13: Given Rocky a stronger opponent for his title defence.

WrestleMania 14: Healed HBK's back! Main event would have been off the charts.

WrestleMania 15: Butterbean and Bart Gunn? Still never got the point of this.

WrestleMania 16: Would have had Rock win the title. Ironically, Rock has never won or successfully defended the WWF/E title at WrestleMania.

WrestleMania 17: Nothing I would change here. A perfect card, exciting from start to finish, with a shocking heel turn to cap it all off.

WrestleMania 18: Rock and Hogan should have main evented this one.

WrestleMania 19: Booker T should have beaten Triple H considering the storyline they were working.

WrestleMania 20: Goldberg-Lesnar could have been a classic. But with both guys leaving right after, this was a mess from start to finish. So just go ahead and do away with this.

WrestleMania 21: *Time to be a smark* Cena shouldn't have been in the WWE title match.

WrestleMania 22: No Candice vs Torrie. Absolutely horrible.

WrestleMania 23: Khali vs Kane. No thanks.

WrestleMania 24: Kane vs Chavo ... at least make the match longer.

WrestleMania 25: Orton should have gone over Triple H, especially considering Orton would go over just a month later but whatever...

WrestleMania 26: 10 Diva Tag Match go away.

WrestleMania 27: Miz main eventing WrestleMania? Ironically that wasn't the worst part of the show. Cole should have never even been in the ring let alone win...

WrestleMania 28: The opening match could have been something special. Give them at least 10 minutes to work with.

WrestleMania 29: Still can't figure out why they put the title on Rock. Punk should have been in the main event here and put over an upcoming star. No better way than to end a reign like that.

WrestleMania 30: This one is going to make some eyes roll, but Lesnar should have never ended the streak, especially considering how his reign has turned out.

Looking forward to seeing what you guys think :)
The main thing I would have changed was not having Rock vs Orton as The Rock's original retirement match at WrestleMania 21 since both Cena and Batista had world title matches. But off topic this should be in Old School Wrestling I believe
Ok so, if you had the option of basically changing one item on each of the 30 WrestleMania cards, be it a specific match, its ending, or even a promo or the location of the event itself, what would you change? Here's my list:

WrestleMania 1: This one did what it needed to do, but I would have given it more purpose, instead of feeling like a bunch of random matches strewn together, until the main event actually came along.

WrestleMania 2: Having an event take place from 3 different locations was just stupid. Keep Mania in 1 arena from start to finish.

WrestleMania 3: Healed Andre of all his injuries. The main event would have been so much better.

WrestleMania 4: Would have had the first round matches of the tournament play out beforehand, so that the card would not feel so cluttered. Like they used to do with KOTR.

WrestleMania 5: Macho over Hogan, always hated the fact that Hogan went over.

WrestleMania 6: Given Macho a better match on the card instead of that god-awful mixed tag match.

WrestleMania 7: The Blindfold match would have never existed.

WrestleMania 8: Have Flair-Savage main event instead of Hogan-Sid. As you can tell, I am a big Savage fan :P

WrestleMania 9: Oh what to change from this one? Since I can only change one thing, have Yokozuna leave with the title. Hogan never comes out to steal the spotlight.

WrestleMania 10: This card was actually really good so I'll go with the match I liked the least. Bam Bam and Luna vs Doink and Dink would have never happened.

WrestleMania 11: Celebrities should never main event the granddaddy of them all. Diesel vs HBK should have been the main event.

WrestleMania 12: Would have had Hart and Michaels score falls over one another, whilst keeping the draw. Always feels like the 60 minutes were a waste without any falls taking place.

WrestleMania 13: Given Rocky a stronger opponent for his title defence.

WrestleMania 14: Healed HBK's back! Main event would have been off the charts.

WrestleMania 15: Butterbean and Bart Gunn? Still never got the point of this.

WrestleMania 16: Would have had Rock win the title. Ironically, Rock has never won or successfully defended the WWF/E title at WrestleMania.

WrestleMania 17: Nothing I would change here. A perfect card, exciting from start to finish, with a shocking heel turn to cap it all off.

WrestleMania 18: Rock and Hogan should have main evented this one.

WrestleMania 19: Booker T should have beaten Triple H considering the storyline they were working.

WrestleMania 20: Goldberg-Lesnar could have been a classic. But with both guys leaving right after, this was a mess from start to finish. So just go ahead and do away with this.

WrestleMania 21: *Time to be a smark* Cena shouldn't have been in the WWE title match.

WrestleMania 22: No Candice vs Torrie. Absolutely horrible.

WrestleMania 23: Khali vs Kane. No thanks.

WrestleMania 24: Kane vs Chavo ... at least make the match longer.

WrestleMania 25: Orton should have gone over Triple H, especially considering Orton would go over just a month later but whatever...

WrestleMania 26: 10 Diva Tag Match go away.

WrestleMania 27: Miz main eventing WrestleMania? Ironically that wasn't the worst part of the show. Cole should have never even been in the ring let alone win...

WrestleMania 28: The opening match could have been something special. Give them at least 10 minutes to work with.

WrestleMania 29: Still can't figure out why they put the title on Rock. Punk should have been in the main event here and put over an upcoming star. No better way than to end a reign like that.

WrestleMania 30: This one is going to make some eyes roll, but Lesnar should have never ended the streak, especially considering how his reign has turned out.

Looking forward to seeing what you guys think :)

Sorry, but this thread is just stupid. You would heal Andre of his injuries? Really, don't you think they tried that? This isn't Clumsy Ninja or something, you can't just magically heal someone. "Considering how Reigns turned out"... if only the people at WWE had the power to see injuries before they happened lol. These are real people, not cartoon characters. This thread is clearly written by someone that does 0 training. Have fun with this mental *********ion but maybe you should just realize they do the best they can with what's going on at the time. Simple as that. You can look for a reason to complain or enjoy the show, choice is yours.
@newfnshow715, what is stupid was you quoting the OP. Did you think other member would be lost without it?

Cut the first poster a break. They tried starting a convo. Swing and a miss but no harm no foul.
The Streak ending comes to mind. Or rather, the streak ending in the shittiest way possible. When HBK lost to 'Taker for the second time at WrestleMania 26, I was absolutely sure 'Taker would retire with that record unblemished. Man, was I wrong...

The main thing I would have changed was not having Rock vs Orton as The Rock's original retirement match at WrestleMania 21 since both Cena and Batista had world title matches. But off topic this should be in Old School Wrestling I believe

I could just be misinterpreting your post, but The Rock never had a "retirement match" against Randy Orton at WrestleMania 21. Perhaps you are referring to their handicap match that occurred a year earlier (which was, in a way, indeed Rock's swansong match although it was never billed as such).
"Considering how Reigns turned out"... if only the people at WWE had the power to see injuries before they happened lol. These are real people, not cartoon characters.

He was talking about Brock Lesnar's title reign, NOT Roman Reigns, so please read the post properly before having a go at a poster...who in my opinion has made an interesting thread.

There is nothing wrong with a person making a thread like this, talking about what they would like to see differently in WWE history. Most of the suggestions made by the OP are pretty good in my opinion- he isn't stupid. He knows that things like "healing Shawn or Andre's injuries" weren't a possibility- it's just his opinion on what would make the card better, which I agree with.

I am only going to post a selection for every Wrestlemania, but these are things I'd like to have been able to change:

WrestleMania 2: Stick to just one arena, rather than 3. It just seemed unneccesary and lessened the WM experience for the fans, when they have to watch 2/3 of the show on a screen.

WrestleMania 8: Hogan v Flair as the main event- what a missed opportunity that was. WWE should have promoted the hell out of a first match between the 2 and have had it occur at WM.

WrestleMania 9: Bret beats Yoko, and if Hogan HAD to return (which I would prefer not to see)- just have him challenge The Hitman after the match.

WrestleMania 11: Diesel vs Michaels should have been the main event, not a bullshit celebrity match.

WrestleMania 12: Again, I agree with the OP. I don't think the Iron Man match should have been 0-0 after an hour. 2-2 or even 1-1 would have been so much better and entertaining for the fans, alot of whom were bored by a hour long 0-0 draw.

WrestleMania 13: I hate double count out finishes, so I'd change the end of the Tag Team Title match, to have Mankind and Vader win the titles- I'd like to have seen those 2 have a good run as Champions.

WrestleMania 15: Butterbean and Bart Gunn should never have happened.

WrestleMania 17: As a big Raven fan, I'd have liked to have seen him defend the Hardcore Title in the Triple Threat- just personal preference though. There isn't much I'd change on the card though.

WrestleMania 18: Rock and Hogan should have been the main event, no way could any match follow that one, it was easily the biggest on the card.

WrestleMania 19: Booker T should have beaten Triple H - it made no sense for Hunter to win.

WrestleMania 21: Get rid of the Sumo match. What a waste of time that was.

WrestleMania 24: The Kane vs Chavo match was an insult- things like that shouldn't happen at WM. It made the ECW title look worthless.

WrestleMania 25: Santino winning the "Miss Wrestlemania" match. I hate stuff like that, scrap it. It wasn't funny. I was going to say get rid of the Rey v JBL 30 second match, but I think Bradshaw was injured wasn't he and wasn't able to compete properly.

WrestleMania 27: It still annoys me that Miz won a WM main event. That shouldn't have happened.

WrestleMania 28: A World Heavyweight Title match ending in seconds was a joke, I still can't believe that WWE booked the Bryan v Sheamus match to end that way.

WrestleMania 30: Bray Wyatt should have gone over Cena. The whole story of trying to get Cena to "become a monster" should have led to Cena snapping, and Wyatt capitalising with a huge win which could have really benefitted him. Cena beating another rising star was pointless.
Just focusing on the main events:

WrestleMania 4: If they could, I would have had a #1 contenders match tournament on TV, or maybe even as a separate PPV leading into WM after Andre beats Hogan. Andre screws Hogan, so you have Andre/Hogan 3 at WrestleMania. And DiBiase vs Savage for the title.

WrestleMania 7: Warrior/Savage for the title. Title vs Career. Hogan/Slaughter could have still happened but without the belt.

WrestleMania 8: Maybe yea Flair/Savage goes last. But I'd rather have seen Flair/Hogan for the title. Similar ending though. Psycho Sid interferes against Hogan. Hogan wins by DQ. Beatdown. Cue Warrior for the save. Vince's guy is still booked strong vs NWA's guy, but you don't have to put the belt on him due to the scandal.

WrestleMania 9: Bret Hart vs Randy Savage for the title. Way bigger main event. Would have also helped Bret establish himself, successfully going over. Have Yoko squash someone else, and then do the Fuji screwjob thing at King of the Ring for the title win. Keep Hogan out of it.

WrestleMania 2000: Yes, I also would have had The Rock win the title - probably with interference from Austin, just like at Backlash the following month.

WrestleMania 18: I'd have had Austin/Triple H for the title, sorry Jericho. Pay-off to the Two Man Power Trip is better than Triple H and Stephanie feuding with Jericho in the background.

I didn't watch WrestleMania 22 - 27 so I don't really know.

WrestleMania 29: CM Punk/Undertaker. Title vs Streak. Or CM Punk/Rock/Cena as a triple threat.
done many times on here before. Have to reme,ber booking at the time of the actual Mania was different to current day. How on earth could you say Mania 1 needed feuds all over the card?? The whole purpose of the card was the main event. Mania 2 was 3 venues so Vince could 1 up NWA who ran 2 city ppvs previously. Mania 3 was always going to be Vince dream coming to life, Andre vs Hogan on the grandest stage. Mania, 11 shouldnt have happened at all, worse than a Raw show
I have a few changes. They are mostly having Champions defend their Championship Titles.

WrestleMania – I would change the main event to Hulk Hogan w/ Mr. T vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper w/ Cowboy Bob Orton for the WWF World Championship Title. I’m not sure what to do about SuperFly and Mr. Wonderful, but I’m thinking maybe putting them in a singles match against each other would work.

WrestleMania 2 – I would make the Macho Man Randy Savage vs. George the Animal Steel match for the Intercontinental Championship the main event in the Nassau Coliseum, instead of the Mr. T. vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper match.

WrestleMania III – I would change the six-man tag team match to a WWF World Tag Team Championship Title match and if the British Bulldogs win the Titles, Tito Santana gets Danny Davis in the ring for 5 minutes.

WrestleMania IV – I would have asked my parents to get me tickets.

WrestleMania V – I would have asked my parents to get me tickets again.

WrestleMania VI – No change.

WrestleMania VII – No change.

WrestleMania VIII – I would either have Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan for the WWF World Championship Title and have Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Sid Justice or have Ric Flair vs. Macho Man for the WWF World Championship Title go on to close the show. Either way, the WWF World Championship Title Belt should always be the last thing you see on any Pay Per View, but especially on the Pay Per View of Pay Per Views.

WrestleMania IX – I would have the Mega Maniacs win the WWF World Tag Team Championship over Money Inc. By doing that, I wouldn’t have Hulk Hogan show his face in the main event at all.

WrestleMania X – I would change the main event to Yokozuna vs. Bret the Hitman Hart vs. Lex Luger vs. Owen Hart in a Fatal Four Way Elimination match for the WWF World Championship. The results would still be the same. Bret eliminates Owen, Yokozuna eliminates Lex Luger, and Bret eliminates Yokozuna.

WrestleMania XI – I would have Diesel vs. Shawn Michaels close the show, because the WWF World Championship Title Belt should always be the last thing you see on any Pay Per View, but especially on the Pay Per View of Pay Per Views…I just can say that enough.

WrestleMania XII – I would make the Hollywood Backlot Brawl for the Intercontinental Championship Title.

WrestleMania 13 – I would have the British Bulldog defend the European Championship against Owen Hart, Vader and Mankind after they defended the WWF World Tag Team Championship against Vader and Mankind, since it ended in a double countout.

WrestleMania XIV – I would have had Mike Tyson count the 1-2-3 a tad slower and actually rip the DX shirt and reveal a Stone Cold Steve Austin shirt underneath.

WrestleMania XV – I would have Gillberg defend the Light Heavyweight Championship Title against Christian.

WrestleMania 2000 – I would have Dean Malenko defend the Light Heavyweight Championship Title against Funaki or Crash Holly, Stephanie McMahon defend the Women’s Championship against Chyna, and make Too Cool vs. the Radicalz (Eddie Guerrero and Perry Saturn) a tag team match.

WrestleMania X7 – I would have Crash Holly defend the Light Heavyweight Championship Title against Justin Credible or X-Pac and have Albert replace whoever is in the Light Heavyweight Championship Title match for the tag team match against Steve Blackman and Grand Master Sexay.

WrestleMania X8 – I would have Chris Jericho defeat Triple H. I would have Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock in an Icon vs. Icon vs. Icon vs. Icon Fatal Four Way match. I would have the Brothers of Destruction (Undertaker and Kane) vs. the nWo (Kevin Nash and Scott Hall). I would have Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Perfect, which in turn would make the Sunday Night Heat match a tag team match instead of a six-man tag team match, leaving Rikishi off the card.

WrestleMania XIX – I would shorten the 5 main events to fit the World Tag Team Championship Title match on the show, instead of it being a dark match. Other than that, WM XIX is the greatest WrestleMania in history.

WrestleMania XX – I would have Randy Orton defend the Intercontinental Championship against Mick Foley, The Rock and Batista in a Fatal Four Way match and keep Ric Flair as a manager for both Evolution members.

WrestleMania 21 – I would have Tyson Tomko take Shelton Benjamin’s spot in the first ever Money In The Bank Ladder match. I would have Shelton Benjamin defend the Intercontinental Championship Title against Chris Masters for being the last Raw SuperStar in the inter-promotional Battle Royal earlier in the evening. I would have Orlando Jordan defend the United States Championship Title against Booker T for winning the inter-promotional Battle Royal earlier in the evening. I would have William Regal and Tajiri defend the World Tag Team Championship Titles against La Resistance (Robert Conway and Sylvain Grenier). I would have Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio defend the WWE Tag Team Championship Titles against the Basham Brothers.

WrestleMania 22 – I would once again pull Shelton Benjamin out of the Money In The Bank Ladder match and have him defend the Intercontinental Championship, this time against Ric Flair. I would have MNM (Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury) defend the WWE Tag Team Championship against the Mexicools (Psicosis and Super Crazy). I would have had Gregory Helms stripped of the Cruiserweight Championship Title and have a match for the vacated Belt between Kid Kash, Jamie Noble, Funaki, Nunzio, and Paul London.

WrestleMania 23 – I would have John Cena and Shawn Michaels defend the World Tag Team Championship Titles against the Hardy Boyz in a dark match and insert Ric Flair and Carlito in the Money In The Bank Ladder match in place of the Hardyz. I would have Paul London and Brian Kendrick defend the WWE Tag Team Championship Titles against Deuce ‘n Domino in a dark match as well. I would have Chavo Guerrero defend the Cruiserweight Championship Title against Gregory Helms. I would make the Hair vs. Hair match a Title vs. Title match as well putting Lashley’s ECW Championship Title and Umaga’s Intercontinental Championship Title on the line.

WrestleMania XXIV – I would have Chris Jericho defend the Intercontinental Championship Title against Kofi Kingston. I would have MVP defend the United States Championship Title against Matt Hardy. I would have Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes defend the World Tag Team Championship Titles against Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. I would have John Morrison and the Miz defend the WWE Tag Team Championship Titles against Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder. I would have Mark Henry, Snitsky, and Tommy Dreamer replace Chris Jericho, MVP, and John Morrison in the Money In The Bank Ladder match.

WrestleMania XXV – I would have Jack Swagger defend the ECW Championship Title against Christian. I would have MVP defend the United States Championship Title against Kofi Kingston. I would replace Christian, MVP and Kofi Kingston with the Great Khali, Tommy Dreamer, and Dolph Ziggler in the Money In The Bank Ladder match. I would not have the Miss WM Battle Royal. Instead, I would have Melina defend the Women’s Championship Title against Michelle McCool and have Maryse defend the Divas Championship Title against Mickie James.

WrestleMania XXVI – I would have Drew McIntyre defend the Intercontinental Championship Title against Kofi Kingston. I would have the Miz defend the United States Championship Title against Yoshi Tatsu. I would have Michelle McCool defend the Women’s Championship Title against Mickie James. I would have Maryse defend the Divas Championship Title against Gail Kim.

WrestleMania XXVII – I would change the eight-man tag team match to Wade Barrett defending the Intercontinental Championship against Kofi Kingston, the Corre (Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel) defending the Unified WWE World Tag Team Championship against Kane and Big Show, and Ezekiel Jackson cause a DQ finish in both matches. I would have Eve defend the Divas Championship Title against Natalya.

WrestleMania XXVIII – I would have Santino Marella defend the United States Championship Title against Jack Swagger and make the twelve-man tag team match and ten-man tag team match. I would have Beth Phoenix defend the Divas Championship Title against Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, and Maria Menounos in a Fatal Four Way match...with Maria winning the Butterfly Belt.

WrestleMania 29 – I would have Antonio Cesaro defend the United States Championship Title against Kofi Kingston. I would have Kaitlyn defend the Divas Championship Title against A. J. Lee.

WrestleMania XXX – I would have Big E defend the Intercontinental Championship Title against Jack Swagger, removing the Real Americans from the WWE Tag Team Championship Title match. I would have Dean Ambrose defend the United States Championship against Kane, which would then create the Shield (Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns) vs. the New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg and Billy Gunn).
Interesting thread..A few things I'd change about a couple Wrestlemanias...

Wrestlemania 9-Instead of completely wasting Randy Savage by having him as a commentator on a Wrestlemania in Las fucking Vegas, I'd have put Savage against The Undertaker in a violent, memorable Casket match. They would've been feuding since the Royal Rumble and their Wrestlemania 9 match would've been a close match with Savage hitting his Flying Elbowdrop on Taker who's already in the casket as a false finish. After a couple more false finishes and Taker sitting up when Savage flies off the top rope again, attempting another Elbowdrop, Taker hits 2 Tombstones on Savage and rolls him into the casket. Also, if Taker and Savage feuded, the Taker vs Giant Gonzalez feud wouldn't have happened..

Instead of The Megamaniacs going against Money Inc, I'd have added Money Inc to the Steiners vs Headshrinkers tag team match which was already on the card as a triple threat elimination tag title match.

That also means that since Hogan isn't in a tag match and Gonzalez isn't feuding with Taker, that Hogan and Gonzalez can have a match..Hogan vs Gonzalez in a 50,000$ Body Slam Challenge match would've been interesting to see...

Wrestlemania 20-I would've had The Rock vs Ric Flair as a highly promoted "Once in a lifetime in the MSG" singles match instead of them briefly wrestling each other in the Evolution vs Rock and Sock Connection tag match.
WrestleMania X – I would change the main event to Yokozuna vs. Bret the Hitman Hart vs. Lex Luger vs. Owen Hart in a Fatal Four Way Elimination match for the WWF World Championship. The results would still be the same. Bret eliminates Owen, Yokozuna eliminates Lex Luger, and Bret eliminates Yokozuna.

They weren't doing Four Way's back then I believe so I think that option would have been realistic at the time.

I often thought about if Bret Hart vs. Savage happened at WMIX and of course I would be all for that. Though I often ask myself what role will Yokozuna play at WMIX, I was thinking that maybe Taker vs. Yoko would happen and I can only assume Yoko would go over. So in hindsight if WWE did a Savage/Hart match it's possible the streak would never have happened.
2- piper as champion defending against hogan, maybe have bundy help piper win it mid 85 so hogan calls T to be in his corner to help him regain the belt

9- savage vs bret main event, bret wins and is established, yoko can win at kotr

15- Austin vs McMahon, rock doesn't lose the belt after rumble and defends against foley in the main event

16- rock vs hhh main event of backlash happens here, show can face Kane

23 - hard ts fave rated rko for the tag titles that they won't have lost prior to this

27- cena vs orton main event in a big face vs face encounter, then punk can face Barrett in nexus vs corre elimination match

29- cena vs punk main event rock can face a heel orton, lesnar vs ryback, hhh can be the man to form a team to face shield

30- Wyatt vs taker, lesnar can face cena
I like so many other fans would have loved to see Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat in the a rare face vs face matchup in the second round of World Title Tournament at Wrestlemania 4.

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