Jesse "The Body" Ventura needs to take over for Lawler as Raw Color Commentator

To be perfectly honest, I don't think that Ventura would turn them down if the job was offered, but it's never gonna happen. Ventura went on ESPN radio and trashed the WWE, Ventura went on about how wrestlers are treated unfairly, how they're denied benefits as "independent contractors" rather than employees and all this. Just seems kind of low class and hypocritical since Ventura didn't have any problems going onto a show that he says exploits and mistreats its employees so he could plug his little tv show in front of millions of viewers.
It would never happen.

Not only are Vince and Jesse not on the best of terms, but Jesse said himself he could never take on a full-time role with the WWE, even if he wanted to, because he enjoys retreating to Mexico. Once he gets to Mexico, he goes to his house in seclusion, surfs all day, and reads. He said he doesn't have any exposure to the real world, and that's how he likes it... being off the grid. He actually said himself that if he wasn't out plugging his new television show that he'd already be in Mexico. He doesn't use computers, and he doesn't even own a cell-phone. Jesse is not built for the WWE lifestyle.

Besides, with his political viewpoints and the fact that he's the type of guy that wears his heart on sleeve, Vince may think that the sheer prospect of hiring Jesse is too risky for him and his agenda/sponsors.

It's a shame, really. Jesse, despite not commentating in years, did a really good job on Raw a couple of weeks ago, was a natural, and was something Lawler hasn't been in at least 7-8 years... entertaining. I would kill for Jesse to rip into Michael Cole every week, but it's never going to happen.
Even if it will never happen, it would be nice. I just got around to watching the whole episode from start to finish, and Ventura was absolutely excellent in his banter with McMahon. We need more arguing, more excitement. It make me realize just ho boring commentary is nowadays. If only Cole and Lawler or Striker and Grisham would argue more, or just banter, it would be a lot more fun.
I've been waiting to decide whether or not I was going to answer this thread, but here goes.

I disagree. Hear me out though. People are complaining about how the announcers are bad now, but does that necessarily mean that the announcers THEMSELVES are bad? Or does it mean that what Vince is TELLING them to say is what's bad? I've heard many times that Vince has been telling the announcers what to say. Then it's not the announcers themselves who are making it bad. Combine the two factors of Lawler being told what to say and the nostalgia associated with memories of "better" announcers from the past, and it's painfully obvious why someone would want Ventura to take over the position again.

Ok, let's play the "what if" game for a moment. Suppose that Ventura did take over as a heel announcer again. Then suddenly Vince begins telling him what to say like he did to the other announcers. One of two things will happen. Either Ventura will get upset and quit, or his commentary will begin to sound "worse". Guys.... there is no reason to replace Lawler with Ventura or anybody else until Vince stops feeding him lines, then we'll know if Lawler is really the problem or not. It's not fair to Lawler otherwise because he and Cole are not entirely to blame for the bad announcing.
I've been waiting to decide whether or not I was going to answer this thread, but here goes.

I disagree. Hear me out though. People are complaining about how the announcers are bad now, but does that necessarily mean that the announcers THEMSELVES are bad? Or does it mean that what Vince is TELLING them to say is what's bad? I've heard many times that Vince has been telling the announcers what to say. Then it's not the announcers themselves who are making it bad. Combine the two factors of Lawler being told what to say and the nostalgia associated with memories of "better" announcers from the past, and it's painfully obvious why someone would want Ventura to take over the position again.

Ok, let's play the "what if" game for a moment. Suppose that Ventura did take over as a heel announcer again. Then suddenly Vince begins telling him what to say like he did to the other announcers. One of two things will happen. Either Ventura will get upset and quit, or his commentary will begin to sound "worse". Guys.... there is no reason to replace Lawler with Ventura or anybody else until Vince stops feeding him lines, then we'll know if Lawler is really the problem or not. It's not fair to Lawler otherwise because he and Cole are not entirely to blame for the bad announcing.

And that is an excellent point. But that is why knowing Jesse, he would only agree to do it if Vince were to give him leeway with what to say. And that is essentially what happened at Raw at Hershey, at least according to Jesse. He said "in his day things weren't scripted word for word like they were today" and "Vince basically told him what he wanted out of each segment, and Jesse went from there".

Call me crazy, but Vince worked with Jesse for several years closely on the Broadcast Booth. He knows that Ventura can deliver. And if Jesse Ventura would be offered a spot as Raw Color Commentator, I know he will be more forceful than Lawler is, who is just happy to have a job, and willing to do whatever Vince tells him to.

Ventura is better than Lawler, and Vince knows this. That is why I think Jesse has more bargaining power and influence than Lawler would in this regard. Plus, Jesse is a lot more famous now, which definitely helps.

And again, call me crazy, but I think Vince would allow Jesse to do his thing in the Booth. Jesse still has it, and he showed it that night, with just the tip of the iceberg, without being fed lines ... all while Vince sat next to him.

If Ventura can prove to Vince that he can deliver without the line-feeding, then maybe that will inspire other commentators to be half as good as Jesse is, as opposed to simply going through the motions for a paycheck.
the body ruled on raw as color commentator. he outshone jerry lawler. but only because he played the heel, jerry has to be a heel again to be god his attidude era commentery was the stuff of legends but now he seems to be a pussy........
Never mind getting Ventura. Get rid of Michael Cole and get Lawler to turn heel. Lawler was brilliant in the 90's when he was a heel.
Never mind getting Ventura. Get rid of Michael Cole and get Lawler to turn heel. Lawler was brilliant in the 90's when he was a heel.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news to you, but Jesse Ventura back when he was with the WWE was even better than Jerry Lawler was in his prime and when Lawler was a Heel.

Ventura was extremely forceful with his opinions and was the complete opposite of Lawler on the mic when it came to "whinyness". He would routinely be argumentative with Vince McMahon and Gorilla Monsoon, and wouldn't be as joke driven as Lawler was.

Lawler basically tried to duplicate Heenan's comedic style and we all know that Lawler never came close to touching Bobby Heenan as a Commentator.

But Ventura offered something different. He would take the Heel's side 95% of the time, and occasionally had something good to say about some of the Faces. Just a very forceful commentator with a much more aggressive style than Lawler's, which stood out more and made him more memorable.

Lawler's problem, other than having to be told by Vince how to act and what to say, is that he has been commentating in the WWE since 1993. Does that actually register to some of you guys? That is going on 17 YEARS!!

We need a new face, and that is why Ventura would be a better candidate.
A good way to keep McMahon off of the headsets would be to have him out there with Jesse. That would be the only way if they were doing it together, otherwise I just don't see it working. There egos would clash too much if Vince was on his headset. But those two together would is gold, and if Vince wants it done a certain way, then he should just do it himself.

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