What Is The One Event You Would Mark Out For

I'd mark out for a couple of things

The Undertaker Vs Sting. Say what you want, but it's still a dream match.

CM Punks return, and in a perfect world he would reunite with Heyman.

Hulk Hogan vs Austin/Cena. Either would work and I know most don't want to Hogan have one more match but the nostalgia would make it a great moment. He's Hulk Hogan

Jake "The Snake" Roberts being in the 2015 Royal Rumble. It's well known he wanted to be in the rumble this year and I was really disappointed WWE didn't find him a spot. He deserves it.
You know I'm not really the biggest fan of his, but if Orton brought back the legend killer gimmick that would make me mark out hard. They mentioned it on raw and I thought that is what he needs right now. Pissed at HHH and he snaps and says he's back. Great way to say good bye to Jericho for a while, RVD. Just an idea to make him relevant.
Obviously Punk if it wasn't leaked on here a week before it happens haha
OBVIOUSLY STING Taker.. And let Bray interrupt them
Only if the Cena turn is done the right way. . And I don't know what that is, but it would be wild if they went all in.

I would mark out if going into Rumble Batista came out to challenge Brock.. even tho the croud wasn't giving him any love a couple months ago.. I would like him to get that shot
And most importantly if Steen Devitt Neville KENTA and Zain show up to crash RAW letting Steen run his mouth haha
Have to agree that nothing induces a hard mark like hearing the glass shatter and seeing the Rattlesnake power walking down the ramp. The segment with SCSA/Rock/Hogan to kick off WM30 was awesome, I'd love to see Stone Cold involved in more promo type segments like that, he's just so busy with movies and TV that its pretty unlikely to see him at a WWE event more often than once every couple of years.

A surprise Punk return would make me mark, although its nearly impossible to keep something of that magnitude a secret these days.

Probably the only other thing I'd mark for would be something down the road equivalent to the "end of an era" match between HHH/Taker with Shawn as the referee. If they did something similar to this with the great tag teams of the Attitude era (Hardyz, Dudleyz, New Age Outlaws) I'd mark out. Not completely out of the realm of possibility considering all 6 guys are still actively wrestling in some capacity (or at least capable of actively wrestling) but still, a pipe dream.
I would mark out for Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan and a match that would be the match to end all matches: A Ring of Fire match. Similar to the legendary Carlos Colon vs. Hercules Ayala match in Puerto Rico in 1989. That is a match that will truly separate the men from the boys. Yes, Trips, Killer would be smiling from up there if you did it.
I would like to see them completely redo smackdown. I've always hated that name anyway.
They should either replace smackdown with A show called "WWE: Attitude" or just add a 3rd show.
WWE: Attitude would be dropping the PG stuff. One show, once a week that is not kid friendly. It could be done like the brand extension was, or just be an edgier show.
A show for everyone, then a show for folks like 16 and up. Bring back Crash TV like in the attitude era. When you watch WWE: Attitude, you would see, more hardcore matches, more blood, more sexual stuff, and hear more colorful language.

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