What would make you mark out??

the last time i "marked out" was when raven wrestled on raw on the monday then turned up at the next NWA-TNA taping (back when it was the weekly ppvs) and stole the title from jarrett. I don't think he even got a future endeavours notice on wwe.com at the time.

so in running with that theme I would go nuts if JR quit mid broadcast (and told vince to go fuck himself on air) then showed up as the new commentator on Impact
1 post in this thread fails. Do you remember a day when you would watch matches like Bret Hart vs that guy no one has ever heard from who is from around town, some jobber who gets beat in 2-5 minutes.

Hate to hear why people cry because they watch a star Goldust vs a star Matt Hardy. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if this was 1990 that match would headline a SNME almost, or would be on the Wrestlemania or Summerslam card, let alone something you watch on Raw or SD. Which is superstars vs superstars.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but its not 1990 and the Goldust character is a fucking washed up has been and the shit was boring as hell to watch. People would walk out of the building if a random match such as Goldust vs Matt Hardy was a PPV match....are you serious with your response? This is not 20 years ago and there is 6 hours of wrestling a week including a PPV a month. Do you think Matt Hardy vs Goldust is going to improve ratings or even satisfy fans who follow the WWE weekly? Hell to the no. It was a filler throw in match, and Goldust is a jobber now.

The only way I would mark out for Goldust is if he broke kayfabe and lit himself on fire on live television.

Now when UT/HBK @ WM 25 went down, I marked out the whole match.
- The New Hart Foundation begin assaulting Shawn Michaels repeatedly for Shawn's treating of Bret Hart. Then, in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match, just as Shawn Michaels is "tuning up the band" Bret Hart runs in (with no knowledge of it on the internet) and nails HBK straight in the balls, becoming the Hart Foundation's manager.(What a rub that would be) Even better if in a Canadian arena.
- Cena goes Hollywood, Batista goes schizophrenic.
- Edge & Christian reform, turning Edge face (finally).
- Christian goes heel, goes to SmackDown, wins the MITB briefcase from Punk (with help from Edge) and then nails Edge in the head with the case and uses the case there and then to steal the WHC, turning either face/heel in the process
- Triple H (unfortunately) gets to World title number 15, and as he gets set to get 16, Ric Flair wants to manage the Game one more time. Then, as Triple H is about to make the finish, Ric low blows Hunter, protecting his legacy in the process.
- Triple H suffers a career-debilitating injury, forcing him out of business, saving us from seeing him as World Champion as 65.
- Stephanie divorces HHH, and the McMahon family discard him, and fire him.
- Cena and Orton have a WWE Championship match at the end of the year, and a newly resigned Kurt Angle comes down and beats the crap out of both of them ala-late 2005 heel (which I think is the best Angle was at, character-wise, when he was going after Cena and was all "You will realize that I am THE toughest son-of-a-bitch in the WWE!!").
- New faces get their shot at the top of the ladder e.g. Swagger, Matt Hardy, Morrison, Bourne, MVP and Benjamin (who has been well overdue).
- Kennedy comes back and in the same night gets injured. Again. (Seriously, how much of a riot would that be?!)
- Cena and The Roc- I mean, Dwayne Johnson finally have their face-off in the ring (Fuck, they've been talking enough shit about each other, it's about time they stop teasing each other and actually do something).
- Sting comes to WWE.
- Orton punts Linda McMahon.
- Orton punts one of the McMahon grand-children (lol).
- Orton punts Barack Obama. (lmao).
- J.R and Kevin Dunn/Michael Cole/Vince McMahon have an on-air shoot scuffle.
- Hulk Hogan & O.J. Simpson form a tag team. (ROFLMAO)
- ShockMaster takes his triumphant return to the ring... by losing to Santino Marella.
- Santino gets a Mini-Me.

That's me...
Sorry to burst your bubble, but its not 1990 and the Goldust character is a fucking washed up has been and the shit was boring as hell to watch. People would walk out of the building if a random match such as Goldust vs Matt Hardy was a PPV match....are you serious with your response? This is not 20 years ago and there is 6 hours of wrestling a week including a PPV a month. Do you think Matt Hardy vs Goldust is going to improve ratings or even satisfy fans who follow the WWE weekly? Hell to the no. It was a filler throw in match, and Goldust is a jobber now.

The only way I would mark out for Goldust is if he broke kayfabe and lit himself on fire on live television.

Now when UT/HBK @ WM 25 went down, I marked out the whole match.

Even though you didn't address this to me, I'm going to chime in.

Matt Hardy vs the current Goldust would draw nothing.

However, do I think that the ORIGINAL Goldust would produce ratings and capture people's attentions more, which was what the person you were responding to was implying? Absolutely.

I'm going to make a bold statement, so people can feel free to agree or disagree. But it is the characters that actually are the ones that produce the ratings, as well as good angles and stories that appeal to the viewers. Not the quality of wrestling itself.

The quality of WWE wrestling is the highest it has ever been in the history of the company. And they are still putting a ridiculous amount of stress on the students in their Developmental League. However, it isn't the quality of wrestling that needs WWE's attention. It's the Creative Department that needs the attention.

Today's modern fans got what they wanted and the wrestling has improved two-fold from a decade ago. Great (sarcastic). So what does WWE get as the finished result? Lower ratings, lower attendance, and lower PPV buyrates compared to a decade ago. That should tell WWE and its modern day fans that are loyal to the company that it IS NOT the quality of wrestling that draws people in to watch the product. It is the quality of the story-writing and the creativity of the characters that do. And to modern day fans who like today's product, I am sorry .... no offense to you .... today's storytelling, today's angles, and today's characters absolutely suck, for the most part.

With that being said, could the Goldust of today wrestle a 4 star match? No, it's not going to happen. However, the real question is ... "in the big scheme of things, is that even important?" Or is a 2 or 2 1/2 star match from him good enough? I think someone who wrestles a 2 or a 2 1/2 star match as the norm, is good enough, AS LONG as he has a good character that can draw.

He could, however, by returning to his original character and working a successful program with a key fan favorite produce ratings. Absolutely.
I would mark out really hardcore if I saw some consistently great story-telling done through the use of actual wrestling and utilization of ring psychology. Particularly on Raw, the product is just so far off from being a good wrestling show that a good change in direction could do it some good, anyway. It is a WRESTLING show at its core...so while it is exploring other forms of entertainment...it needs to remember how it got to where it is...because of wrestling.
I'd mark out for something that feels real.

I think the last time I *legitimately* marked out was during an episode of SmackDown, years ago, when Stone Cold ran in to help Vince McMahon win the WWF Title from Triple H. Remember that, the agony of poor Vinnie Mac being beaten almost half to death, taunted, and the genius that was the heel Triple H? And how *real* it felt?

Yeah; I'd mark out for anything remotely resembling such an investment of emotion this day in age.
1. More whining from Matt Hardy. At Backlash i saw a whole different side to Matt. While i always considered him the better Hardy on the mic, i still found him pretty bland. Till Backlash. When i saw him strapped to that table begging Jeff to not jump on him cause he loves him and their parents would be heart broken, i marked the fuck out. More whining like that and i would definitely mark out.

2. Vickie Guerrero becomes GM of all three brands. When i see her roll up in her wheel chair and start speaking, i get a little excited. Why? Cause of the deafening Boos this women gets. It helps that she has her catchphrase "excuse me" to get the crowd even more pissed off, but the women can literally just stand there and probably hear boos. I would mark the fuck out to hear that heat across all three brands.

3. Bret Hart manages the new Hart Foundation. I would mark out at any appearance that Bret Hart makes in the WWE, but to see him make a full time return as the new Hart Foundation manager, is just epic. I would mark out even harder if the new Hart Foundation reforms as a pro Canada stable.

4. Miz wins world title. Not much i can say here. Hes probably my favorite current wrestler. So of course i would mark out if he achieves such heights of success.
1. Shawn Michaels, Kane, Undertaker, and Rey Mysterio all getting the fuck out, and Jeff Hardy leaves like reported. I’d add HHH here, but everyone knows he’ll be around for a lot longer. I’m sick and fucking tired of these scrubs, seriously. Attitude leftovers are all they are, and they’ve had their time. It’s up. Move on, the business will live, and likely be better off considering you all are so incredibly stale, old and beyond boring now. I want new. ASAP.

2. MVP/Kennedy feud. Give it to me already and let the feud push them.

3. CM Punk’s next title reign succeeding. I’m not a fan of Punk, but I possibly could be if he kept improving and showed me something during the next reign. I want him to succeed because it'll equal a fresh main eventer, thank Christ.
There have only been three events of the past decade I've hardcore marked out for: Lord Voldemort's title win at WMXX, Punk cashing in and winning the belt last year, and Chris Jericho's return two years ago.

That being said, with the internet, it's hard to be spoiled by anything anymore. I'm sure tons of people have listed Cena returning at the Rumble last year as one of those moments...which kudos to Vince for keeping that one a secret. But still, he can't hide everything, and for the most part, things just aren't surprising anymore.

However, I think a sort of coupe, such as Sting signing with WWE or a MAJOR star jumping to TNA (I'm thinking Batista, especially if he gets hurt again anytime soon) would surprise everyone.
"First off I'd go crazy if Shelton went ape, beat CM Punk for his MITB, cashed it in, and won the World Title. He then cuts a promo berating WWE for holding down African American wrestlers. He's then joined by Mark Henry, Cryme Tyme, and R-Truth. He names his faction the New Nation.

Through weeks of people trying to get at this group, Kofi tries to be the good guy that faces this group constantly. And Teddy Long comes out and turns heel! But a guy can dream..."

Man Mark Henry, Cryme Tyme, R-Truth, Shelton, MVP, Kofi, and the big dude that rollled with The Brian Kendrick (E-Jack....lol!) all under Teddy Long in The New Nation.....Thug Nation, whatever u call it they would be SICK!!!!

"They don't even have to reform E&C...if they just did the pose one time, it'd be hilarious!"

They should have worked a 5 Second pose into that backstage segment at Backlash.....Everybody would mark out for a 5 second pose, or what about a 1 time only Con-Chairto!!! Edge turns face, and they Con-Chairto Vickie....lmao! EVERYone would mark out for that!
Here's my list:

1. Sting jumps ship to WWE in a major surprise (ie, kept secret and not spoiled by the internet). Challenges the Undertaker at WM26 to end his undefeated streak, descending from the rafters on an episode of Raw leading up to WM. And of course, fails in his bid to end the streak, keeping Taker undefeated at WM's. But with Sting now on the roster, we see lots of great new feuds (HBK, HHH, Cena, etc.,).

2. Bret Hart and Jim the Anvil Neidhart both appear in a one-shot deal only to introduce the New Hart Foundation. These guys can't wrestle anymore, and likely don't want to be on WWE TV for an ongoing period of time. A one time deal only to establish the group, and let them take it from there.

3. Angle returns to WWE, again without being spoiled by the internet. He supposedly retires from TNA due to back issues, disappears for several months, then returns unexpectedly to challenge Orton on Raw some night. He returns because Vince has promised him the sun moon and stars to get him back. But like the infamous Montreal screwjob, Vince double crosses him and gives him nothing. He languishes in the mid-card for a while, gets pissed off, and either retires again for real this time, or returns to TNA with his tail between his legs. Just to prove that the universe indeed does not revolve around Kurt Angle.

4. Mr. Kennedy wins a major title on some PPV, then injures himself the next night on Raw, and is out of action again for an extended period of time. Vince gets pissed off and FINALLY releases him. He goes to TNA and fades into oblivion like the others before him who have jumped ship.

5. Some upper mid-carder gets a title shot on Raw, and while we all expect a squash match or a no decision like with MVP last week, the match actually goes long, and the mid-carder wins a clean decision to win the title. Part of the problem with Raw is people tune out because nothing significant ever happens anymore. Titles rarely change hands on regular TV anymore, unless there's been an injury or a suspension. A scenario like this might get people watching again, because they may feel if they don't watch, they may miss something important. Which is the mindset I take into PPV's. I realize that most PPV's will ultimately be disappointing but I feel if I skip one, just my luck some scenario like above will happen and I'll miss it. Like the Montreal Screwjob. I didn't watch this PPV and i regret it ever since because I missed the event that transformed wrestling. We need to get Raw and SD back to this status, or ratings will continue to suffer.
Ratings are going down, and I think its because its too damn predictable, and they are running the same stories over and over. Batista/HHH/Orton, Cena/Show/Edge, and then the same stale matches on RAW/SD! or the same stale predictable matches. Chavo/Noble vs The Colons....gee I wonder who the hell is going to win that one? Matt Hardy vs Goldust? Wow I'm creaming in my pants with excitement because I just don't know what's going to happen. Well I guess you see my sarcasm.....

Now I'm not talking about Stone Cold or The Rock coming back unexpectedly, or any other current non-active WWE wrestler. I'm talking about a good old fashioned "Oh Shit!" moment that would genuinely make you excited. What would completely make you mark out? Because WWE has forgotten how to make us do that apparently. CM Punk MITB win? Hell no! Randy Orton winning at Backlash? Who the hell didn't see it coming...it should've been at Mania. Oh yeah, and what was the point of Edge losing the title at 'Mania? No point at all, Cena didn't even defend the title in the 3 weeks he had it.

What would make me mark out right now, is if Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect lost his cool finally and acknowledged the boos by the fans, and turned FULL fledged heel. If he came out in a suit, with shades, and became Hollywood Cena....Oh my God I would mark the hell out with excitement off of this fresh angle and gimmick for Cena's stale character.

There are many more I can think of but I want to hear what would make everyone else mark out. What can the current WWE Roster do that would make you completely mark out like you were a kid again....if anything at all???? We need a huge swerve to get us excited again, what should that swerve be?

I would start new feuds. For instance you could have MVP and Randy Orton feud, John Cena and Mr. Kennedy feud (once he returns) and Batista and Matt Hardy feud on Raw.

On Smackdown you could hace CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio Edge vs Chris Jericho
John Morrison vs. Shelton Benjamin and Umaga vs Undertaker to name a few.

Also bring back the cruiserweight title (non-brand specific) and give the divas some storylines. Don't get me wrong I like the Cena/Edge Triple H/Randy Orton feuds, but its time to give them a rest for the time being and start new feuds.
Well, to be honest, Taker vs HBK at WM25 had me marking out a little, but a HUGE mark-out moment would be if, on some show, all of a sudden Bret Hart's theme hit the speakers and he really comes out and takes on a manager-role or something like that for a time. And eventually, he sorts his differences with HBK and inducts him into the HoF. That I guess would make my entire wrestling experience come full circle.

I guess a return of The Rock would also be pretty amazing; however not Stone Cold. Stone Cold just doesn't do anything anymore except drinking beer, and we all know his body is just not holding up. But Rock could still go I suppose, even if he returned for only a year or so, it could still be awesome. Won't happen, I know, but would definitely rock.

And yeah, I guess an appearance of Sting would also make me mark out, even though I kind of hope it never happens just so Sting remains the guy that Vince never got, hehe.
Well for one i wouldnt keep on making the smae old storylines orton/HHH edge/cena and i get WWE a little extreme like for judgement day when theres edge vs. hardy make it a TLC and on RAW instead of having the same old pattern which goes like this:
*champion comes out does segment hypes up crowd
*have a single mormal match
*womens regular match
*regular singles match
*tag match regular
*regular singles match
*MAIN event
i mean thats getting real annoying seeing the same pattern every time i watch RAW gets me really mad. And the storylines are so pointless for example when orton kicked MR.mcmahon in the head and triple h got all mad which doesnt make sense because i remember in 2006 D-X had a rivalry with the mcmahons. and jeff hardy vs. matt hardy? whats up with that whoever thought of that is a total idiot. raw is just really stale and the segments are really boring and predictible RAW would always say there unpredictible and exciting and now its the total opposite but its a matter of time until the writers realize this and change the rating and actually get me pumped up for RAW
I think Priceless should win the Tag Titles and proclaim themselves the best of all time. They congratulate themselves on being better than their father's could ever be. Then Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes could come down and challenge them to teach them some "respect." Dusty and Ted could beat them down and make it look aweful, and then Dustin (Golddust) would run down and give this speech about how their family, and how their legends, and it's just not right. He says if they were really the best, and if they were men, they would do what's right... Orton would come down and Goldust would tell them again to do what's right. Priceless would lock up Orton in the ropes and get chairs. It would look like they're going to take him out...and then they turn and bust up Ted DiBiase and Dusty Rhodes. Priceles holds Goldust and Orton hits the RKO on him and then goes for a punt. Cody stops him, but then punts him himself.

I would mark for this. It would cement them as true heels and as guys who would do anything...
I would mark for that.

Honestly, I would probably mark for the return of the American Badass, but I don't really want that to happen, nor do I think it ever will again.
I would mark for Kurt Angle if he returned, and if the Dudley Boys ever came back.
I mark for heels a lot. If Jericho, Edge, or Orton really destroy their opponents and make themselves look good...I'd mark.
I also mark for Christian. I think he deserves a good push.
Kennedy causing Cena his match at Judgment Day would make me mark out for sure. He has all of the talent in the world and like HHH he is a natural heel. The guy scowled at the audience during Tribute to the Troops 07 for crying out loud, and Cena needs an opponent to occupy his time untill HHH/Orton is over. A feud with Cena would push Kennedy into a Main Event talent and he is already miles ahead or Porter and Matt Hardy (injuries aside). I just hope he stays healthy after his return.
I like the Bret and Anvil introducing the New Hart Foundation idea.
Have them Fued with the 207th reunion of DX and have the foundation win, Id go nuts.

Have Kennedy return and suffer {another} career threatening injury in his return match[ think Sid at WCW SIN] and all the Kennedy marks FINALLY admitting they were wrong.
I would mark the fuck out over that.

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