What Is The One Event You Would Mark Out For


Championship Contender
We as a community always seem to debate highly unlikely scenarios...maybe it's what makes wrestling fun for some of us. The 2 most common ones I see on here are obviously

1:John Cena turning heel-I wouldn't hate it but people on here absolutely love this idea. I'd probably love this but I'm not pushing for it

2. Sting v Taker-Taker is my favorite wrestler, I badmouth this match sometimes but again I'd probably enjoy it xD

Those seem to be the two biggest things we as a community would mark out for. The thing I'd probably mark out the most for would be: Taker coming back at Survivor Series attacking Lesnar after his evenly fought match with CM Punk and Seth Rollins cashing in xD completely unlikely but that's what I'm curious about. What is the one thing you'd absolutely love to see?
I would mark out for a War Games match in the WWE.

I know the Elimination Chamber is WWE's version of it, but I would have loved to have seen any of the following over the years in a War Games match:

  • The WCW/ECW Alliance vs Team WWF during the invasion
  • The NWO (Hogan, Nash, Hall) vs D-X (Michaels, HHH, X-Pac)
  • The Shield vs Evolution
  • The Shield vs The Wyatt Family (even if their match was in the Elimination Chamber, it would have been enough for me)
  • The Authority (Orton, Rollins, Kane, Triple H) vs any combination of Cena, Reigns, Ambrose, Sheamus, Ziggler, Jericho
1. Anything Stone Cold.

I will forever mark out anytime SCSA shows up. Period.

I know it won't be for a match, and honestly I don't even want to see that. I would love to see some/any guest appearances by ol' Stone Cold in any capacity that isn't scripted. I would especially love anything that was semi-regular. Not as a manager or GM or anything like that. Just anything.

I would love for that to be coupled with some behind-the-scenes involvement with a handful of other attitude stalwarts: Foley, Taker, HHH, Rock., They could train the new crop how to go unscripted and develop themselves as characters. This...is a pipe dream. I don't want the attitude era back. I do want the kind of personally developed and honed characters that defined the era.

I want to puke when I see HBK in segments like tonight's Hall of Fame Forum. So, if that's what it would be for SCSA, then I say stay away.

BUT anytime that glass breaks, I will mark out.

2. CM Punk's return, possibly involved with Heyman/Lesnar. I never thought I would even hear myself say that. I'm no Punk mark, but I do miss him. WWE TV is missing something without him. Regardless of my opinions or your opinions of Phil Brooks, WWE tV is missing something without Punk.
Definitely John Cena's eventual heel turn if it ever happens because it would shock not only the WWE universe but it would shock the whole wrestling world as a whole considering Cena's image and just how long he has been a babyface but also his heel turn would have an impact on WWE considering how Hogan's heel turn reinvigorated his career with him becoming Hollywood Hogan, a heel turn could reinvigorate Cena's career
The return of the Brand Extension. I've been watching for over 20 years and the Brand Extension made wrestling more interesting than it ever was before. Every year the WWE Draft changed up the rosters and was the most exciting night of the year next to WrestleMania for me. Two separate rosters made more time for stars to be made. Having the same guys on every show, every week, is crippling WWE's capacity for building new talent. WWE should go back to separate rosters, separate championships, and brand-exclusive PPV events.
The return of the Brand Extension. I've been watching for over 20 years and the Brand Extension made wrestling more interesting than it ever was before. Every year the WWE Draft changed up the rosters and was the most exciting night of the year next to WrestleMania for me. Two separate rosters made more time for stars to be made. Having the same guys on every show, every week, is crippling WWE's capacity for building new talent. WWE should go back to separate rosters, separate championships, and brand-exclusive PPV events.

I agree with you, but that ship has already sailed. Other than that, I think over the years I've become so jaded with the WWE I wouldn't mark out for anything they offered.

There is no one that they could bring back that I'm clambering to see in the ring. Pretty much seen every kind of match you can kind of, and yea searched my brain and nothing.

Oh I lied. Decrease the amount of PPV's we have to maybe 6-8 a year. Give each one a proper build so they aren't an expensive version of RAW. Make the matches in them count, like for example - ending an ongoing feud, not just prolonging it. That's what your TV shows are for. Make it a must see for all fans because right now, they aren't the greatest and quite honestly unless you have the network not worth the price.
I think Kurt Angle is one of the few names that can return unexpected and get a HUGE pop. I think if the angle (no pun intended) is right, his return could be a big deal. I'm thinking kind of how Undertaker returned a few years ago and HHH interrupted him leading to a WM match. I would LOVE to see a planned Daniel Bryan return on raw with an 'unplanned' interruption by Kurt Angle leading up to a WM match. They would put on an absolute clinic. Plus, depending on how long Lesnar holds the title, Angle is one of a few names that WWE can feed him as a credible opponent, as they've had a very entertaining feud in the past.
I'd seriously mark the fuck out if CM Punk ever made a surprise return. I'm a giant Punk mark and he's who got me into wrestling in the first place so I'm not ashamed to admit it. The second I hear that static I'll probably turn into a shrieking skinny fatass nerd.
Attitude era vs Now ppv

i was going to say legends vs now ppv but most legends are a bit too old where as attitude era guys are still pretty ok with age and physical ability's

maybe a ppv of it OR maybe a main event of survivor series 5 of the biggest attitude era guys vs 5 of the biggest now guys

i know people have complained about too many ppv's before BUT now they are on the network (which you can get for 9.99) sorry had to do it lol but now your nt paying for every event
I'd like to see the Royal Rumble match revert back to 2 minutes between entrances, like the early days. I still count three of the first five Rumbles, all of which were 2 minutes between entries, as three of the top 5 (2001, 1998, 1992, 1990, 1991 in that order IMO)

It gives matches a chance to develop, and less likely to have multiple wrestlers eliminated within seconds, which happens too often these days.
Sting's debut. It would be great if he had a part-time in ring role for a year or so.

A Cena heel turn as unlikely as it'll happen would open up a lot more avenues for Cena as a character.
I'd like to see the Royal Rumble match revert back to 2 minutes between entrances, like the early days. I still count three of the first five Rumbles, all of which were 2 minutes between entries, as three of the top 5 (2001, 1998, 1992, 1990, 1991 in that order IMO)

It gives matches a chance to develop, and less likely to have multiple wrestlers eliminated within seconds, which happens too often these days.

Yes the Royal Rumble needs to go back to that, 2 minute intervals between each superstar's entrance instead of 90 seconds because with that it would make the Royal Rumble Match seem longer which is what I am sure every wrestling fan including myself wants
Austin back in the ring would be a great sight. The guy is a legend and one last match could be iconic. The problem, however, is the quality of the match might not be great and it may be a sour note to end on.

Sure the return/debut of Sting, Angle, Hardy would be a mark-out moment but Austin is probably the best it can get.
Bo Dallas winning the United States title.
I don't ever see him being more than a mid card guy but if he won the United States title I would be pretty happy about it.
Opinions of him seem pretty split here and that's okay. None of us are ever all going to like the same person.
He plays his gimmick really well and I enjoy that.

If John Morrison or London and Kendrick ever came back to WWE I would totally mark out for that. Londrick vs the Uso brothers would be pretty sweet.
Sting's debut is another thing I know I would mark out for and I am sure every wrestling fan would mark out for because it would be "The Icon" in a WWE ring but also because of the fact that to see him in a WWE ring would be nothing short of extraordinary
The nWo vs. the bWo.

Hogan, Hall and Nash vs. Stevie Richards, Nova and Blue Meanie.

It'd be a squash, but it'd be an extended, entertaining, hilarious squash.

Also, I'd love to see the Million Dollar Man finally win the WWE championship. I know his body is shot to hell these days, but it's doable. Put him in an Elimination Chamber match for the title, he bought his way into the final chamber, and whoever is the last other survivor, he lies down for MDM because it turns out he was on his payroll. The next night on Raw, MDM brags about finally winning the WWE title... but then has a change of heart, and the preacher in him comes out, and he vacates the title.

Just so we could solve a horrible injustice, and be able to say that DiBiase is a former WWE champion.

Hell, Sgt. Slaughter is a former WWE champion, but he got it during a brief heel run.

And if the New Age Outlaws can come back for a brief title run...
Another mark out event would be having Rock come back for another run considering Rock has not had a run in about 2 years, his last run being 2013 so Rock coming back for at least one more run would be great
1. If the KOTR ever came back, I would mark out. Never understood why the hell they got rid of it in the first place... It was the number one way by far to get a young talent over before the MITB idea was created. So many young stars today could benefit from becoming KOTR.

2. Kurt Angle. Nuff said.

3. Well, WHEN Daniel Bryan comes back I will mark out as I am a fan of the guy, however, and I'm even surprised I'm saying this myself... I would mark out harder if CM Punk returned on the same night as a heel and began a feud with Bryan. I don't really respect CM Punk anymore after what he did, and I don't know the guy, but he seems like a dick, however you can't deny the guys skills in the ring and on the mic. Punk vs Bryan when they're both at their hottest after their returns would be gold.
Kurt Angle return, I think everyone including myself would mark out because Kurt Angle has not been in a WWE ring in over 8 or 9 years at least to see him back at home where he belongs, it would be a refreshing change to say the least
Others have said similar, but what would I mark out for?

They're having WWE fan appreciation night with HHH and Stephanie in the ring. Punk's music hits and he comes out and hits the GTS on HHH and Steph. He cuts a promo destroying the fans and talking about how they take and take and it's what drove him away and he's only here tonight to tell the fans to f*ck off. Then we hear...WHAT?! WHAT? WHAT? Stone Cold comes out and cuts a promo on a kid like Punk having no respect and thinking he's the best. STUNNER. Stone Cold points to Punk, points to the Wrestlemania sign, calls for beers, celebrates and heads to the back.

This has like a .0000000000000000000000001% chance of ever happening for many reasons, but that's what I'd mark out to.
Others have said similar, but what would I mark out for?

They're having WWE fan appreciation night with HHH and Stephanie in the ring. Punk's music hits and he comes out and hits the GTS on HHH and Steph. He cuts a promo destroying the fans and talking about how they take and take and it's what drove him away and he's only here tonight to tell the fans to f*ck off. Then we hear...WHAT?! WHAT? WHAT? Stone Cold comes out and cuts a promo on a kid like Punk having no respect and thinking he's the best. STUNNER. Stone Cold points to Punk, points to the Wrestlemania sign, calls for beers, celebrates and heads to the back.

This has like a .0000000000000000000000001% chance of ever happening for many reasons, but that's what I'd mark out to.

That would be something, a heel Punk returning only for Austin of all people to interrupt Punk and lay him out with a Stone Cold Stunner, yes people would mark out for that but even more so for a WrestleMania match between Punk and Austin because it is a dream match but the chances of it ever happening are like slim to none
Brock Lesnar VS. Ryback. I would love this match, Brock Lesnar keeps on retaining and retaining... Ryback gets the main spotlight, due to Lesnar being away so much, Ryback becomes #1 entrant of the Royal Rumble and wins it, and becomes the #1 contender to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, setting up Brock Lesnar VS Ryback.
Brock Lesnar VS. Ryback. I would love this match, Brock Lesnar keeps on retaining and retaining... Ryback gets the main spotlight, due to Lesnar being away so much, Ryback becomes #1 entrant of the Royal Rumble and wins it, and becomes the #1 contender to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, setting up Brock Lesnar VS Ryback.

Wow...for me, that's one scenario that might actually get me to quit watching wrestling, cold turkey, forever. That is potentially the worst match in the history of the universe.
Brock Lesnar VS. Ryback. I would love this match, Brock Lesnar keeps on retaining and retaining... Ryback gets the main spotlight, due to Lesnar being away so much, Ryback becomes #1 entrant of the Royal Rumble and wins it, and becomes the #1 contender to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, setting up Brock Lesnar VS Ryback.

While I don't agree particularly, this proves something. We all wanna see different things! With the proper build I could see this being a good match. Straight up power versus power. Of course one of them needs to be face, but Ryback can easily turn face in my opinion.
In today’s WWE, the one event I would completely mark out for would be a Triple Threat Unification match between the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, the Intercontinental Champion, and the United States Champion. I would care who wins the match, but just the thought of seeing a SuperStar win and hold every single Championship Title Belt would be great!! After all, I did mark out with Kurt Angle did it in TNA. Maybe this could be the storyline Angle could use when (not if) he gets back to the WWE.

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