What is the more believable way for a small person to beat a big guy?

What is the more believable way for a high flyer to beat a big guy?

  • Technical

  • High Flying

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Fucking Hostile
As we all know for the most part Vince likes to push bigger guys, but on the odd occasion something out of the ordinary goes on and a small guy gets a push what is the better and more believable way for it to happen. Is it though giving him a technical style like Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho or Daniel Bryan or is for him to be a more stereotypical small guy and be a high flyer like Rey Mysterio. Keep in mind this is assuming that they are getting a main event push and will be facing and defeating mainly bigger men, what is the more believable way for this to happen.

If they are given a technical style they can use submission holds and strikes to ground a big guy and hopefully keep him down. THe downside though is if they manage to get up and get their hands on the smaller guy the match should be all over in theory. This style has worked very well in the past for a guy like Dean Malenko and is currently working for Daniel Bryan.

On the other hand a high flyer can use speed to evade a big guy and get in shots here and there and run. The problem with this is even though it is fun to watch if the big gets his hands on the high flyer it is all but over. However this style has worked for Rey Mysterio who has won two world titles with it, however many do complain that him beating big guys just isn't believable.

So what is the more believable way for a small guy to beat a big guy, is is through a technical style or a high flying style?

Since I can't edit this could a mod please edit the poll so it says "What is the more believable way for a small person to beat a big guy?" Thank you.
Depending on who the wrestlers is that is trying to make it to the Main Event scene.

When I hear or read about small wrestlers that was pretty much half of the WCW roster back in the day. Only a few of those smaller wrestlers has moved up into the Main Event scene. To name a few would be Eddie G, Benoit, Jericho, and Rey M.

Theirs a few over in TNA but their small wrestler fits fine in the small promotion because if you used any of those guys in the Main Event in the WWE scenes then things won't go as well as it did in TNA. It just the way things are but if they did in ECW then yes. WCW and WWE are two of the biggest promotion and only a select few of the small wrestlers makes it. Its sad sometimes but its the truth.

Talking about the current WWE talent then theirs only a few that haven't yet made it that I believe will and the rest will just be mid carders or jobbers.

Daniel Bryan- If he keeps things going the way he is maybe in the next five or so years he might be ready.
John Morrison- More work on the mic skills and in a few years he be ready.
R-Truth*- He should already be their but some reason nothing is clicking for him to actually make it so he may be jobber until he retires.
Mike Mizanin- I'm really surpise he is the champ right now but they have no one else at this time. As much as I don't like he's decent.
Ted DiBiase Jr.- Still something is missing and needs more work in all areas before getting his shot. I say at least another three years or so.
Rey Mysterio- He deserves what he is getting but the truth to be told it was kind of beacuse of Eddie. No disrespect on anyone but its the truth. I'm a huge fan of Rey's. I think he needs to step down back in the Upper card and just help get people over thats it.
Cody Rhodes- Pretty much the same thing I said about Ted.
Chavo Guerrero- He deserves it just like Rey did but he is no way near the main event. Maybe its the gimmicks or the size but something is missing. If he would be at the top it would be another five or so years before that'll happen.
Christian- Same as Chavo and Rey. He did fine in TNA beacuse it was a small promotion. I say another few years or so and if he keeps approving he'll finally make it.

The guys that I don't see them making it or maybe WWE just does it for the heck of it like they'll doing it with the Miz. These are the guys that I don't will make it to the Main Event anytime soon.

Santino Marella, Yoshi Tatsu, Alex Riley, Tyson Kidd, Zack Ryder, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Primo Colon, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Darren Young, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, JTG, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Tyler Reks, Trent Barreta, Curt Hawkins, and Joey Mercury.

I don't see much from those guys but maybe five or ten years or so they might change my mind but it'll be awhile.

Guys like Eddie, Jericho, Benoit, Rey, Jeff H, and AJ S had guys to help develop them into the Main Event status. They all grow but some still was great in certain area but they had help to get them where they are today.

For Rey he had the WCW guys like Bam Bam, Scott N and Nash to help get him over facing big guys. He went to WWE guys like Big Show, Undertaker, Kane, Brock L, and few others helped him.

Jericho just grew up from WCW to WWE because in WCW he was nowhere near where I thought he would be in WWE. He grew and got better.

Eddie and Benoit the same as Jericho but Benoit was already ready at some point but never got a chance until late in his career. Eddie was Eddie.

Jeff H had guys like HHH, Austin, Kurt, Jericho, Undertaker, Umaga, Big Show, and Kane.

AJ S really only had a few like Nash, Sting, Kurt A, Scott S, and some how Jeff J. He is still a work in progress.

So really either style works depending on the wrestlers that are using it.

I really enjoyed how things played out with Rey vs Big Show or Undertaker and the same way with Hardy vs those guys too. Some had the similar style while others had different areas expertise to use.
I'd say that a technical moveset is the one that will ensure that they main event. Guys like Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit were all rather small in size but main evented at some point of their careers due to their technical skills.

But then again it is not like you can just give any guy a technical moveset and it would be believable. Moves are after all just an extension of the gimmick a wrestler is playing. A technical moveset worked in Angle's case due to his amateur wrestling background and in the case of Jericho and Benoit due to the fact that they had trained in the Hart Dungeon. But its not like that you can slap a technical moveset onto Rey Mysterio because he has a background in lucha libre and not technical wrestling.

So if you take the case of just any small guy a high flying moveset is a more believable moveset for him if he does not have a background which might suggest technical prowess. But if you want a small guy to main event then there is a better chance of him main eventing with a technical moveset than with a high flying one. But obviously the limitation here is that you just cannot slap on a technical moveset on any small sized wrestler because without the background it would not be believable.
I voted for high flying. I don't consider guys like Jericho, Benoit or Malenko as "small", they are more medium sized. When I think small, I think more of people like Tajiri, Rey Mysterio, Daniel Bryan, guys that are under 200 pounds generally. The Cruiserweights, the Light Heavyweights. From a storyline standpoint, it does depend somewhat on their gimmick. Daniel Bryan isn't going to do a 450 splash from the top rope, he will slap on a submission. But for me, the most believable way to get a small wrestler to beat a big guy, and have it look realistic, is to do it the way the Lightning Kid beat Razor Ramon. (I believe it was after this match that they started calling him the 1-2-3 Kid) He was vastly overmatched, looked like he weighed 140 lbs, but he won after a surprise move off the top rope. You have to book it as a shock ending, rather than a legit "he flat out beat him" kind of ending. Realistically, guys the size of Rey, Sean Waltman, Tajiri etc would have little chance at beating someone who outweighs them by 75-100 lbs. I don't think technical wrestling alone is believable enough, as the bigger guy can power out of most of the moves. But a surprise top rop move, with a quick roll-up? As a fan, I can see that. Its all about the element of surprise.
The two choices are rather limited. I feel that a technical/submission background is more believable. If the person is a high flyer, it really depends on how much larger the opponent is. I have a hard time believing that any one as small as Rey Mysterio could do anything against a guy like Batista, or Kane, or Big Show. My suspension of disbelief is shattered whenever I watch his matches.

But if you're going to ask the question of what is the most believeable way for a small guy to beat a big guy, here's my answer:

1. Outside interference
2. Weapons
3. Cheating
4. Surprise
5. Submission
In all honestly, this is virtually never across the board. It always depends on who's involved and where these two guys are supposed to go after the match.

If the two guys are going to be in some sort of feud, then the smaller man should win the match in a faster way, something that comes out of nowhere. Potentially an impact move that is unique to both wrestlers. It then allows both men to get out of the match looking strong. The bigger man couldn't be blamed for losing to something he hasn't seen (be it high flying or otherwise) and the smaller man gets the win.

A high flying wrestler has a better chance making it look believable due to the fact that he can use his speed best with that aspect of his game.

However, it depends on the technician. If they're trying to push a smaller grappler, then it'd make sense to get him to actually get over on a bigger guy, so it can really help with his push. However, it could potentially bury the bigger man, as it could make him look weak and it's harder to believe.
For me, out of the two options TECHNICAL is by far more believable.

This is because a submission hold, if applied correctly is going to hurt you no matter who is putting the hold on you. If your leg/ankle/arm is being bent the wrong way, or the blood supply to your brain is being cut off from a hold, then you are going down.

End of story
went with high flying because I believe as someone else said certain people mentioned I don't consider small, Jericho Angle and such so I have to believe between the two options you need some high impact to rattle the bigger oppenent.... now if the poll had included cheating, there's my choice
For me, out of the two options TECHNICAL is by far more believable.

This is because a submission hold, if applied correctly is going to hurt you no matter who is putting the hold on you. If your leg/ankle/arm is being bent the wrong way, or the blood supply to your brain is being cut off from a hold, then you are going down.

End of story

But to do most submission moves you have to get them on the ground. and to get them on the ground you have to get close enough for them to get you.

although with highflying if they are a small wrestler against a huge one, there is only so much they can do before they get tired. and the only beliavable way that could happen is if they somehow managed to keep them on the ground the whole match.

so to answer the question, They are both as believable ways. neither are believable if used more then once in a while.

But, I guess if the highflying moves are entertaining much you sort of forgot who they are wrestling :/
I'll go with the technical strategy every single time. While the high-flying tactic is always cool, and flashy, it's just not believable. "Oh look! Rey's hitting Big Show with leg kicks! Taking out Big Show's base! Oh he tripped the giant! 619!! REY HAS THE PIN, 1! 2! 3!!" Yeah, nah. Not buying it Mr. Cole. That's ridiculous. Big Show can pick up grown men 3x Rey's size and slam them effortlessly, but Rey kicks him in the face and he just keels over? NAH. I love technical wrestling anyways, the way they chain together moves, and make things look as smooth as butter. It's a beautiful thing, really. I used to love to see Benoit make the giants in the WWE tap out like punks, it was always hilarious and it always looked good, and it was believable most of all.
The only way a smaller guy could defeat a larger is to hit & run. Once the big guy catches the little guy, the fans should gasp like, "Oh Shit!" because of the horror that is about to occur. I think larger guys should win 80-90% of the matches so as not to seem absurdly ridiculous and lose credibility.

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