The "Broke" Angle

You guys are ridiculous. No-one seems to grasp this most simple fact: Big Show is not Paul Wight. Paul Wight has had a long, storied career in Sports Entertainment, and has probably made millions of dollars in that time. Big Show's financial records are completely unknown to all of us. Why? Because Big Show isn't a real person. He's a character. If JK Rowling says Harry Potter is a wizard, he's a wizard. If she says he's broke, he's broke. It's exactly the same thing here.

You just automatically accept every storyline you see? You don't have opinions or disagreements with anything you see just because they say that's how it is that's how it is? I very highly doubt that.

By your logic they could put the WWE title on Hornswoggle and call him the greatest champion of all time and we should just accept that because they're saying Hornswoggle the character is the greatest champion of all time. Not Dylan Postl the person.

With that being said I hadn't seen that Stephanie explained that Big Show had been careless with his money and made bad investments. That makes a whole lot more sense than out of nowhere saying he's broke.
Yes i accept every storyline I see, and absolutely, they could put the belt on Hornswoggle. They put it on Mysterio, didn't they? At the end of the day, I think people are just getting a little carried away with the lines between reality and kayfabe. Big Show's financial status is whatever WWE says it is, because they invented Big Show. In all seriousness though, I think comparing what is a tiny angle in a major story to someone who can't wrestle, can't draw and can't cut a promo being given the most prestigious title in the company is maybe a little silly

My major issue with using Big Show for the angle was the contract that he signed with Johnny. My questioning was were we supposed to forget that. Once others have since said that Stephanie explained that Big Show mismanaged his money I've conceded that maybe this isn't so bad.

I do still definitely feel like that when they run an angle like this though there should be some kind of explanation of how the superstar in question lost their money. To me it wouldn't make sense to out of the blue say that a wrestler in question is broke. I don't think we should blindly accept things just because the WWE says we should.

On a side note I don't know how you say Hornswoggle can't wrestle. He's a former Cruiserweight champion who put on many 5 star classics with Chavo.

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