Should Ziggler have broke character?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So I was watching the final segment of Raw and noticed while Kane was attacking Ryder, Dolph prevented Cena from going to help him by applying a sleeper. Most of us know Ziggler and Ryder are friends from the appearances he has done on Ryders show. I personally think it would make the story more believable if Ziggler broke character.

The point of this thread is do you guys think the storyline with Kane being demented and all, be more realistic if Dolph had let Cena go and try to save Ryder?
In kayfabe, Ziggler & Ryder's friendship ended after the Hugh Jackman episode. Ziggler's appearances after that were made to look as though he "hacked" or "intercepted" the show.
So I was watching the final segment of Raw and noticed while Kane was attacking Ryder, Dolph prevented Cena from going to help him by applying a sleeper. Most of us know Ziggler and Ryder are friends from the appearances he has done on Ryders show. I personally think it would make the story more believable if Ziggler broke character.

The point of this thread is do you guys think the storyline with Kane being demented and all, be more realistic if Dolph had let Cena go and try to save Ryder?

Kane isn't real. He isn't demented. Impossible to make this believable for what it is. Just enjoy it and no way should Ziggler break character - he would look an idiot, we all know it is scripted.
Yes, OP, I was thinking the same thing, though not exactly a full breaking of character.
It would make Kane seem more dangerous if even a heel appeared worried about the situation.
I believe Ziggler should just get back in the ring, knowing that he would win by a countout, and let Cena go.

It was really weird seeing Ziggler jumping on Cena while the 'tron showed Kane attacking Ryder in a Horror-Movie-Style segment. It would be better if he were as terrified as anyone else, just not willing to go out there help.
I know this is a little off topic and I apologize... but Stalker Kane and Stalker R-Truth should totally form a tag team. The way they both keep popping out of random places... :P
They just got over feuding over the United States title, Ziggles should still be a little pissed about losing the title so it'd look foolish to have him worry about Ryder's well-being.

The story here is Cena's friendship with Ryder setting up Kane v. Cena. Dolph shouldn't get caught up in it.
He did break character, he's a heel and instead of letting Cena rush off and get the count out win he jumped on his back and in the end wound up eating the stairs and finishing Raw on his ass.
I don't think Dolph broke character at all. His focus was exactly where it should have been.....on John Cena, his opponent for the match. It was Cena whose attention wandered during the match. Choosing to worry about what was happening to Ryder diverted John's focus from where it should have been, and left him open to a sneak attack from his opponent.

Dolph did exactly as he should have.......and when you think of it, how many "good guys" have we seen this happen to over the years? They're the ones whose attention is diverted by outside forces and often wind up on the short end as the villain's focus stays exactly where it should.:suspic:
Dolph did exactly what he should have done. It wouldn't make any sense for Ziggler to go running off to help Ryder when he just lost his US Title to him.
Give "Nicky!" some credit. The guy has taken every shitty character the WWE threw at him and did his damndest to get over. By all rights, the Dolph Ziggler gig was a steaming turd, a blending of his spirit squad role and a caricature of "Zig Ziglar" (look it up). He turned it into something good and he's doing everything he's told to do. I think he's pretty good and his actions last night were appropriate.
By this same logic, every time someone is being attacked, it breaks character for every face to not come to their rescue. Where was Big Show? Him and Kane were a tag team when he left last time but Big Show is nowhere to be seen. If it were real, wouldn't Big Show be concerned for Kane?

My point is, there are always thing in WWE that are going to seem out there but it's just one of those things you are expected to suspend your disbelief with. Like the fact that Zack Ryder was struggling to change the tire in order to avoid being murdered, but the camera man just sat there and watched him as his life was in danger.
no I do not think Ziggler should of broke character, only time I think wrestlers have broken character is when they other person was seriously hurt, can not remember if triple H helped orton when orton broke his collar bone when he got thrown over the ropes and landed the wrong way, they are out there to perform and to make sure each other is safe at the end of the day.

I watched Tommy Dreamer break Character when a fan touched I think it was Francine at an ECW show and everyone basically stopped what they were doing and went after the guy in the crowd.

Right now Ziggler is a bad guy with Vickie for him to help ryder would change the story line so much and hurt his character cause his thing is a show off, he would not be able to sell being a show off as a good guy face cause it would not work as good, Mr. Perfect and MVP was the same, both were flawless or made us think they were, Ziggler right now is arragant and cocky so him stopping Cena was what he needed to do, look at it this way, now it can be Cena and ryder vs kane and Ziggler, I see Cena turning on ryder soon cause ryder is relying on cena help and cena keeps getting beat down because of it, cena might ended up snapping and telling him to look after himself

so far he has given up a title shot and help ryder several times, can you not see a possible cena change, the fans a lot boo him, plus kane telling him he will feel the hate or something like that, give it time.
I think it could have made sense, but its not the right time, because zigglers got the title match with punk and is in line for a monster push as a heel
I could see where your coming from and it does make sense but right now wouldn't be the best time for ziggler to be breaking character in that form
The whole problem I have with this Kane/Cena storyline is they make it seem that Kane is this unstoppable force when if I remember correctly he was getting his ass kicked by Austin back in the late 90's on a semi regular basis.
There's no way he should of broken character and let Cena help Ryder. He's on the verge of becoming one of the top heels in the company. It would of made no sense and would make him look weak as a heel to show compassion for the guy he was just feuding with. The only time a heel would show compassion or respect for anyone especially a babyface. Is when they're in the process of turning face. Which he's obviously not turning face anytime soon at least till he's feud with Punk is over.
You want to make a story with a man who has the superpower to produce fire believable? What? There is no hope in making any Kane angle realistic unless he broke character. And who the hell would want that?

Ziggler trying to lock in the Sleeper hold on Cena was perfect. It provided a fantastic visual where Cena could do nothing but watch his friend being attacked. Breaking character would have probably damaged Ziggler - remember, he's trying to get over as a heel.

But if you want to look at this through kayfabe-tinted spectacles, why would Ziggler let Cena go? What would he gain from that? Ziggler's the bad guy, and like all bad guys, he doesn't have a shred of decency or compassion for the babyfaces. And let's not forget, Ziggler and Ryder had a very heated rivalry, which the "show-off" lost. Ziggler had no reason to let Cena go help Ryder. None at all.
Dolph just did wnaty the story called for him to do. No, Ziggler is in the middle of a huge push, why destroy it by showing weakness when he is a heel????? He just dropped the US Title to Ryder, how on earth does it make any booking sense to save him. Hell John Cebna and Michael Cole are bvest friends and travelling buddies, does that mean Cole should stop burying Cena on commentary????? They have a role to play, real life does not come into it unles it is already brought into a storyline and acknowledged as fact.
I didnt read everyones reply only midway through second page... but I dont believe anyone wrote this and its what I kinda took from the situation... when Ziggler put Cena in the sleeper hold it was right infront of the screen forcing Cena to watch as Ryder got takin out... I think this was done for a reason as next week or in a few weeks or what not Ryder can come back at Cena and say you saw what was going on why didnt you come save me like you have been... forcing Cena to once again look at him self and his character.. thus makin Cena at some point go off on Ryder and turning more fans against him.... Just from what I saw last night and from what I can see going down in the future...
I think breaking character could be done with the right Superstars in the right situation, but in this case it wouldnt make sense.
If Dolph would have helped Ryder the shit wouldn't have made sense because the story line itself isn't believable. Story lines at times can and should somewhat blur the lines of reality but not in this case..this is a dumb cartoonish, over the top WWE story line.
It was kind of awkward to see Cena break away once from Dolph and walk determinedly towards the back, only to have Ziggler fly on Cena's back like a flying squirrel out of nowhere, but it was supposed to make sense, and it did make sense to me. Ziggler has a bright heel future and, along with a select few other mid-carders, will be the top guys in about 5 or so years.... I hope WWE doesn't screw his push up by making him break his character too early.
In kayfabe, Ziggler & Ryder's friendship ended after the Hugh Jackman episode. Ziggler's appearances after that were made to look as though he "hacked" or "intercepted" the show.

This. Plus what in Ziggler's character has shown that he'd put a friendship over an accomplishment like beating John Cena. Ziggler came off as a self serving heel which is perfect.

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