Turning Point: Desmond Wolfe v. Kurt Angle

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Desmond has been on fire, and took Angle out last week with his devastating lariat. Both men have worked this feud well, and Desmond has been on a tear ever since debuting. Angle gets a few weeks off following the attack, so expect him to show up looking for vengeance.

This could be a show stealer. The main event is huge, but both of these guys can put on a show. I'd expect this to possibly be better than Morgan v. Angle, but it'd be tough.
If Joe/AJ/Daniels wasn't on this pay-per-view, I would bet money that this would be the match of the night. Nigel will not disappoint on his TNA PPV debut, and like NSL said, Angle will come out on fire. The more I think about it, the more I realize that this really is a dream-type match.

I hope and expect Nigel to go over or (hopefully) the match has some kind of Dusty finish, and the feud goes on for a couple more months.
I hope and expect Nigel to go over or (hopefully) the match has some kind of Dusty finish, and the feud goes on for a couple more months.

I just noticed I completely forgot to name a winner. I'm not sure who will win though. We all expected Morgan to go over at BFG, and Angle took the win. This is different though. We don't have a history on Nigel to build off of if he loses. I'd expect him to win, possibly injuring Angle, and carrying the feud for a few more months. He can go a few weeks bragging about taking out the best, and then work a feud with someone else until Angle "returns", and takes up the feud again.
I just noticed I completely forgot to name a winner. I'm not sure who will win though. We all expected Morgan to go over at BFG, and Angle took the win. This is different though. We don't have a history on Nigel to build off of if he loses. I'd expect him to win, possibly injuring Angle, and carrying the feud for a few more months. He can go a few weeks bragging about taking out the best, and then work a feud with someone else until Angle "returns", and takes up the feud again.

This one is tough to call, but I'm picking Nigel because of the same things you said. This guy just debuted, and is going after Angle. If they have him lose, his whole build-up is for naught because he doesn't have any kind of track record. This loss won't hurt Angle in the long run, and it legitimizes Nigel right off the bat. I'm pretty sure you weren't doing this anyway, but comparing this to the Morgan match is apples to oranges.
This match has really good build up and I'm excited for this match. This match or the aj/Joe/Daniels should be match of the night if given the proper time. Let him also this feud continue beyond turning point maybe til final resolution or something and end the feud in a last man standing or first blood.
is there a stip to this match? If not then I hace a feeling angle will win by DQ because of wolf using an outside object. Of coarse, this is if there is no stip or if the ref doesn't just let them go at it.
I didn't see any stipulation announced, and I doubt this wil end with a DQ. Maybe after the match (with Desmond winning, hopefully), we get some weapon usage, but not until then. Wolfe could get the win, go grab a chair to further the damage, and then get met my Angle who takes him out with an Angle Slam o the floor.

Actually, that sounds like a pretty sweet ending...
I'm really impressed by Wolfe. His name doesn't even bother me that much anymore. Although he did say he was hungry like the wolf as in a Duran Duran song. I think him and Angle will have the match of the night. Turning Point is turning out to look pretty good. I'm expecting Wolfe to go over by a dirty finish.
If Wolfe doesn't win it ends the feud pretty much for this reason, if he can't beat angle after injuring his next when can you buy him beating Angle. Yet for some reason I think they are going to go with Kurt winning and Wolfe going nuts and reinjuring Kurt or something.
My vote goes to Wolfe going over Angle in the first outing, necessitating a follow-up match. Putting Angle over Wolfe in this encounter gives him the revenge he is seeking and basically ends the conflict. Besides, Wolfe needs the win to establish himself.
I just want to mention how much better TNA has been then Raw recently. Smackdown is still fairly entertaining, but I feel that TNA is a lot more interesting to watch these days then Raw and all it's sh*tty guest host nonsense.

This feud is pretty interesting for a couple reasons. #1 Suddenly, Angle is like a top face (which amazes me how fast TNA turns guys). #2 This Wolf (aka Nigel McG) is great on the mic and in the ring. I never saw ROH so I don't know him from Adam, but WWE dropped the ball by not getting this dude as he has potential to burn.

Wolf wins, feud continues.
Wolfe... Talked about for a bit before hogan showed up... LoL

TNA will fuck this one up some how! You know they will! Maybe hogan will run into this match stealing the spotlight off wolfe!
God damn I hate hogan!
Wolfe needs to win this match. If he doesn't it will take all of the steam out of his arrival to TNA. Kurt really has nothing to gain from a victory in this one, so I hope Desmond will come away with the win.
I am anticipating this match hugely, probably even more than the main event of Turning Point. These two matches are enough to convince me to get this PPV, and I cannot wait for it. Seeing Nigel (nope, still not calling him Desmond) and Kurt Angle match up is a wrestling fan's wet dream come true, and I don't think they're going to disappoint. I hope these two go on second to last and get to put on a good 20 minute clinic, that would make my day. This match has MOTY potential. I imagine Angle will probably win, but I'd love it if they gave Nigel a rub from Angle that quickly and had him win. He'd pretty much instantly solidify himself in the main event scene.

Really, really looking forward to this match.
This should be awesome. Match of the night?......Sure. Potential match of the year? Hell yeah, it should be right up there.

While I wasn't sold on the Angle phone in thing from last iMPACT, the whole thing has been golden. I mean it gives Cody Deaner a reason to be on iMPACT again and he didnt stink the place up, instant classic IMO.

I think the booking choices so far have been perfect, even turning Angle face for this was a grreat idea. This has to be an Wolfe win, but Angle will make them both look golden.
The build up for this has been great. Every segment has been awesome and the more and more I listen to Desmond talk the more and more I like him. Put him in the ring with someone as talented as Angle and it should be great. I'm guessing Angle will win here since he's pretty much got the shit kicked outta him for a month, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Wolfe go over and possibly get into title contention within a few months.
Firstly, I'm gonna go ahead and say I predict Wolfe to win here. It'd be a waste to bring him in with such impact just to have him lose this quickly. I'm loving the build this one got. It's told a really good story in a short time which isn't easy to do. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
For the record, I'm never going to call him by that name. I'm always going to think of him as Nigel McGuinness. Second, yes he needs to win because I seriously think he could make big waves as a heel if TNA does it just right. We all know he can work a microphone pretty well and I became a fan watching him in ROH so I think he has what it takes to be really big in TNA. I mean Daniels had said at one point that it was about time they got him.
Kind of surprising they didn't elevate Wolfe to a superior platform by having him go over Angle at Turning Point, TBQH.

I'm not sure what this does for the rivalry, because though it doesn't really kill it – they could still feud – it does take some of the steam away all things considered, IMO.

Had Angle not gotten over clean, I could see the real steam of the feud continuing, but as of now, they're probably going to have to shift focus a bit and have Wolfe come back at him in another light, because the whole book about "knowing Kurt Angle" because hw watched him his entire career backfired.

I figured Desmond would get the win here, keeping his momentum going forward, but once again,. Kurt surprises me. He's the one guy that I can buy putting someone over, while still getting the win, and he did it here again. This was apparently match of the night, and I believe I called that one as well.

This feud has big things ahead, and Final Resolution will just be one more match in a long run between these two.
Great match here. If only these two had a main event billing this could have been even better, possibly a full on five star match. As it is, it's just a great match instead of a legendary one. These two already have excellent chemistry in the ring, and this was great back-and-forth action from start to finish. Angle hooking Desmond up for six straight German suplexes was downright impressive, and it seemed like Angle really had to pull out every move in the book to try and defeat Desmond. Some really nasty submission moves in this match by both Desmond and Angle, and seeing Desmond tap out to a sickening armbar by Angle was a good way to end the match, with Taz rightfully reminding us of how quickly people tap out to moves like that in MMA.

Speaking of Taz, he showed in this match that he really works well on the announce team with Mike Tenay. Tenay used to be known for his encyclopedic knowledge of wrestling holds and moves, but since coming to TNA he's been relegated to the old fashioned play-by-play man. Taz was great to have calling this match though as he rightfully named suplexes and submission holds left and right.

Overall just a great match. I was a bit bummed Angle went over, but I completely understood it. This definitely won't be the last we see of these two in the ring, and I for one cannot wait to see what happens from here.

WOW, this match fan fucking tastic, i wasn't expeciting much as not that big fan of Wolfe but I am now, there were some really close falls, some great suplex's, great submissions, a moonsault and a great match what else could you ask for, on any other night this would of been match of the night but nothing compared to the triple threat, still a great, great match and im looking forward to these two locking up once again. Out of a possible 5 stars I give it 4.5 stars.
I watched this match on the uk broadcast last night and it was an absolute epic. One of the most enjoyable matches I have ever watched. I'd even go as far as to say its up there with Taker-HBK for match of the year. If you have not seen this match then make sure you do soon as you will not be disappointed.
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