So wait, I can't say that August was the "wrestling month" because other people don't watch other types of wrestling? Don't be ridiculous. I was here for the G1 Climax thread, that I created by the way. Should have paid more attention before you came out blasting with your non sense.
And again, I'm fine with you liking that kind of stuff, but your signature is very misleading, especially to someone who doesn't watch Puro or ROH like myself. You're misrepresenting me here.
I give you that, I give you that he isn't as popular as he is right now and that is... because of the booking WWE has been having with him. It's not like WWE isn't referencing the Daniel Bryan v. Authority thing almost every week.
No, it's because Bryan's push had yet to grind to a halt. It's nothing to do with Bryan's booking, it's to do with Bryan getting a push in general. There's been a steady increase, it was never dead, and then suddenly it rose during September time.
He's more popular now I guess, but he was red hot at SummerSlam too, he was so popular that WWE ran an angle with the crowd actually choosing the #1 contender. Yet this doesn't validate the fact that it did poor numbers... So what you are trying to say is that Daniel Bryan couldn't draw for a rematch that nobody wanted to see between HHH and Brock Lesnar is that so? I rest my case.
We'll ignore the fact that the Summerslam 2012 match between Lesnar and HHH was the first between them which damages your credibility even further, and get down with this point. The point still remains that an MMA fighter that is known more than the public will draw more than a upper-midcarder at most finally getting his push. And as I've said before, Bryan's reactions were excellent, but not to the point where he overtook a show.
Survivor Series is always shit, the only one that actually did some good numbers in the past years was The Rock and Cena tag teaming. Also The Big Show isn't really a guy to be making casuals or non casual spend $50 for a predictable feud ending. Daniel Bryan v. Randy Orton needed HBK as a referee to add some spice up to create interest. At this point a lot of people were tired of WWE programming and it is not a coincidence.
Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that Survivor Series is still part of the big 4, and should be drawing only less than the Royal Rumble, Summerslam and Wrestlemania, no matter how far you distance yourself from it. I'll agree that Big Show is a shit choice, but he still gets a decent pop when he enters.
HBK added very little to the revenue, if anything. And they were tired of WWE programming, because of guess what? Bryan's booking!
Your argument is flawed.
DANIEL BRYAN IS A MAIN EVENTER YOU ******! He gets more exposure than fucking Cena every single week! Daniel Bryan is NOT WrestleMania main event material not when you have SEVEN proven bigger draws than him in John Cena, The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Batista, CM Punk and Randy Orton.
Randy Orton is not a draw, no matter how you twist it. And I'd argue Bryan is a better draw than Punk is at the moment. Other than that, maybe, but that's because all of them except for Cena (who will be) are established legends who seldom wrestle.
His promo work is average because it is, he isn't top 5 anywhere as far as promos goes - out of the top of my head: Paul Heyman, John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton and Triple H. Now you can add here Bray Wyatt, Wade Barrett, Damien Sandow and hell even Cody Rhodes above Bryan. That is his weakness, he has three good promos in his entire career and two of them were highlighted by John Cena.
Randy Orton is good on the mic...for an alternative to chloroform. Maybe in 2004 that would have credibility, but he has NO intensity on the microphone and couldn't sound more bored. This doesn't help with a connection to the audience at all. Heyman, Cena and Punk I'll give you, I'd say he's equal with Hunter, at least at the moment (Hunter can be a lot better on the mic), and the other names aren't quite there yet. Bray is getting there, Wade is slightly above average, Sandow is probably #6 or #7 and while I like Rhodes, he's not exceptional on the mic.
And that's why with pushes he can get another opportunity. Also, you're forgetting the very over Dr Shelby segments with Kane, which was a major part to his ascension.
He's very talented no doubt about that and that is not the discussion. Also Randy Orton, John Cena, CM Punk, Sheamus, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, Batista, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett to an extent The Miz also have the "full package" as being able to get a good match and cut a decent promo.
Bryan has proven he can wrestle better matches than nearly all of the names on the list. He's also better on the mic than a good portion of that list too.
The "Yes" thing is more of a fun thing to do. It isn't necessarily to do with Daniel Bryan. People do it whenever the situation calls for it. They do it for The Authority, they do it in indy shows or in any other promotion and it's not like they want Daniel Bryan. It's a "fun" thing and that isn't a factor of how over Bryan is. Remember that Daniel Bryan "YES!" thing started after a bad booking decision at WrestleMania.
People still say Woo in Indie shows and TNA. Does that mean Ric Flair is going to pop up? Of course not. It's a testament to how over Daniel Bryan is outside of WWE and his impact. Daniel Bryan was the man to get the Yes chants into prominence for these situations to occur. You don't see people chanting much other than Yes, Woo or sometimes What? outside of WWE that has to do with the WWE product.
But like I said, anyone in the main event scene right now is completely capable of getting great competitive matches. Even guys that are not in the main event scene can do it with no problem.
Batista is not in his best in-ring form. Period.
As an heel Randy Orton is easily, but easily the best talker the WWE has. It's not like he's telling you crap he doesn't seem to believe. He's way better than Daniel Bryan and I've spoke with other wrestling fans that simply felt awkward when DB was cutting a promo with him in the ring, because Randy Orton and HHH were schooling the guy EASILY.
Well, to start off with, Randy Orton schooling Bryan is ridiculous because Orton could not be more uninspired or uninterested with his mic work.
Link me to that, and I'll be the judge of it.
He really isn't as I've stated. Hell give The Miz an heel turn and he probably doesn't cut the top 10.
lol Miz.
What? An underdog gimmick requires you to be booked as an underdog. Rey Mysterio is such a promo master, yet he lived his life by being the underdog. This is ridiculous. Also Mick Foley's overness came from sick bumps that the people started to value, it also came for the booking where Foley the guy that have done it all was being mistreated by the company or so it seemed.
You're missing the point. I'm saying Bryan doesn't have to be built as an underdog as he's capable of more.
He can no doubt, but in three years Foley had a bigger run than Daniel Bryan.
Foley's various comebacks, such as his matches with HHH are to be factored as well.
He does. His looks is still a weakness as far as being the top dog goes. His promo work is still a weakness as any top guy has proven to be fantastic in that regard apart from Bret Hart. Yeah that's it, Daniel Bryan is a Bret Hart promo guy with a little bit more passion.
But Bret Hart was pretty good at promos. He wasn't the best ever, but I thought he was pretty damn good.
Maybe his look, but the general perception of wrestling has changed over the past 10 years. People are generally less interested in steroided freaks, and WWE want to prove that stereotype wrong. Enter Daniel Bryan and his trademark beard, and a bad thing is changed into a good thing.
Exactly Punk does not have The Yes chant and The Yes chant is a bad measure of popularity because everyone DOES IT and it's not like EVERYONE freaking loves Daniel Bryan. You go to a house show and just sit down while people are going bezerk and having fun. Dean Ambrose had an interview some time last week and he said that as well - "people want to have fun". People chant for Michael Cole and it isn't like Michael Cole is the most popular guy in the WWE or that people would pay two cents to see him.
Good grief. I mean,
good grief.
Everyone doing the Yes chant IS A GOOD THING. It shows that Bryan IS GETTING A REACTION. Also, as I've said, 99.9% of people do like Bryan. Just because people don't partake in the chants doesn't mean they don't like Bryan, they just don't feel like partaking in the chants, that's all. Also, the Michael Cole reference is so stupid that I'm not going to respond, and you can do much better than that.
He won't. Far more talented guy failed to do it and he'll not be the one to out gross John Cena. He can get his way into WrestleMania 31 main event spot but as far as this year goes, he won't. Also, when his underdog gimmick runs out and it will right after the WWE title goes around his waist, I can only see him going full heel where yes, he'll be in a lot better spot to not be a generic wrestler and go crazy like in Hell NO!
Name me names. I want to look into them as a
hitlist comparison.
Also, you're looking way too far ahead. We're not. Big difference.
HE'S VERY TALENTED AND THE WWE WAS THE ONE THAT MADE HIM AS POPULAR AS HE IS TODAY BY THE BOOKING THEY GAVE HIM. Daniel Bryan was not once defeated by Randy Orton cleanly as far as PPV matches go, he just got pushed away. He went into a feud with The Wyatts where the main goal was to make them join a cult that fights the system, here he said that he just needs the people to fight the system. I'm sorry, but this is WWE's plan all along. He got big after WWE's decisions more so than by his individual talent and WWE probably didn't realize that when they made him lose to Sheamus in 18 seconds.
No, the YES chants, aka an unintended effect after a poor booking decision was the main catalyst to his ascension, as well as his excellent Hell No work. Don't say it was because WWE booked him to do it, it was Bryan's deliverance. Could you imagine Randy Orton doing the same thing with his lack of intensity?
Just chants wouldn't help you stay over though. Daniel Bryan however keeps himself over with a unique look and excellent in-ring work that keeps the audience excited and entertained.