Mr. Artistic guy
Better Off This Way
Also, just so I can say it somewhere (to copy and paste somewhere more relevant if nothing else), there are two reasons I can think of why this saga isn't a work.
1) Batista was supposed to be a face. He was brought back against Orton, he exchanged tweets with Del Rio and went after branded heels in the rumble. Him winning was expected by many people, and not expected to be received negatively by the company. Or not nearly so negatively.
2) Nobody could have predicted the crowd reaction last night. If him winning was set up purely for Bryan to snatch it away they would have to predict that the fans would be so against it. I don't think anyone predicted it. Most people didn't expect Bryan to even enter the rumble, it was specifically said that he wouldn't, and many people thought Batista would win. To anticipate the reaction last night would have taken Nostradamus-esque powers.
It is possible to salvage this whole scenario, but to say it was intended that way if it happens would be inaccurate.
And for the record can I just say, I am less annoyed that Bryan didn't win the rumble (as I said, that was the best case scenario but it wasn't ever suggested it could happen) as I am that Batista DID win the rumble. Batista is the less talented, less gracious, older parallel to John Cena. The only time I thought he merited the praise he received was during his final run, and that was purely character work.
And even then, he was merely a precursor to CM Punk, making smark-like statements that few people could respond to at that time with any knowledge about what he meant. At any rate, CM Punk did the same thing a year later, and did it far, far better. I can't tell you how geared up I was for Roman Reigns to win the rumble, and how shocked I was when he didn't. Reigns is a powerhouse like Batista, he isn't a great talker like Batista, but he's got time on his side, he's no entitled, he doesn't flip off the fans when he doesn't like their reaction, he's done a tremendous job since he debuted and made himself by being a stand out of a group of three immensely talented guys. He deserved that win last night and people would have been fine with it. Not as much as Bryan, but certainly far less complaining.
What happened last night was handing out a Nobel peace prize and having the final 2 be Marie Curie and Josef Mengele, and pushing the ribbon the wrong way. That's what really upsets me. I'm confident Bryan can continue to pick himself up, get on with it and grow. I'm pissed off that Wrestlemania 30 is going to be headlined by a talentless royal cunt we're supposed to invest in, and not someone good enough to have earned that distinction.
Let it all out. Breathe. Whew.
1) Batista was supposed to be a face. He was brought back against Orton, he exchanged tweets with Del Rio and went after branded heels in the rumble. Him winning was expected by many people, and not expected to be received negatively by the company. Or not nearly so negatively.
2) Nobody could have predicted the crowd reaction last night. If him winning was set up purely for Bryan to snatch it away they would have to predict that the fans would be so against it. I don't think anyone predicted it. Most people didn't expect Bryan to even enter the rumble, it was specifically said that he wouldn't, and many people thought Batista would win. To anticipate the reaction last night would have taken Nostradamus-esque powers.
It is possible to salvage this whole scenario, but to say it was intended that way if it happens would be inaccurate.
And for the record can I just say, I am less annoyed that Bryan didn't win the rumble (as I said, that was the best case scenario but it wasn't ever suggested it could happen) as I am that Batista DID win the rumble. Batista is the less talented, less gracious, older parallel to John Cena. The only time I thought he merited the praise he received was during his final run, and that was purely character work.
And even then, he was merely a precursor to CM Punk, making smark-like statements that few people could respond to at that time with any knowledge about what he meant. At any rate, CM Punk did the same thing a year later, and did it far, far better. I can't tell you how geared up I was for Roman Reigns to win the rumble, and how shocked I was when he didn't. Reigns is a powerhouse like Batista, he isn't a great talker like Batista, but he's got time on his side, he's no entitled, he doesn't flip off the fans when he doesn't like their reaction, he's done a tremendous job since he debuted and made himself by being a stand out of a group of three immensely talented guys. He deserved that win last night and people would have been fine with it. Not as much as Bryan, but certainly far less complaining.
What happened last night was handing out a Nobel peace prize and having the final 2 be Marie Curie and Josef Mengele, and pushing the ribbon the wrong way. That's what really upsets me. I'm confident Bryan can continue to pick himself up, get on with it and grow. I'm pissed off that Wrestlemania 30 is going to be headlined by a talentless royal cunt we're supposed to invest in, and not someone good enough to have earned that distinction.
Let it all out. Breathe. Whew.