What is REALLY the matter with the Daniel Bryan fandom?

Also, just so I can say it somewhere (to copy and paste somewhere more relevant if nothing else), there are two reasons I can think of why this saga isn't a work.

1) Batista was supposed to be a face. He was brought back against Orton, he exchanged tweets with Del Rio and went after branded heels in the rumble. Him winning was expected by many people, and not expected to be received negatively by the company. Or not nearly so negatively.

2) Nobody could have predicted the crowd reaction last night. If him winning was set up purely for Bryan to snatch it away they would have to predict that the fans would be so against it. I don't think anyone predicted it. Most people didn't expect Bryan to even enter the rumble, it was specifically said that he wouldn't, and many people thought Batista would win. To anticipate the reaction last night would have taken Nostradamus-esque powers.

It is possible to salvage this whole scenario, but to say it was intended that way if it happens would be inaccurate.

And for the record can I just say, I am less annoyed that Bryan didn't win the rumble (as I said, that was the best case scenario but it wasn't ever suggested it could happen) as I am that Batista DID win the rumble. Batista is the less talented, less gracious, older parallel to John Cena. The only time I thought he merited the praise he received was during his final run, and that was purely character work.

And even then, he was merely a precursor to CM Punk, making smark-like statements that few people could respond to at that time with any knowledge about what he meant. At any rate, CM Punk did the same thing a year later, and did it far, far better. I can't tell you how geared up I was for Roman Reigns to win the rumble, and how shocked I was when he didn't. Reigns is a powerhouse like Batista, he isn't a great talker like Batista, but he's got time on his side, he's no entitled, he doesn't flip off the fans when he doesn't like their reaction, he's done a tremendous job since he debuted and made himself by being a stand out of a group of three immensely talented guys. He deserved that win last night and people would have been fine with it. Not as much as Bryan, but certainly far less complaining.

What happened last night was handing out a Nobel peace prize and having the final 2 be Marie Curie and Josef Mengele, and pushing the ribbon the wrong way. That's what really upsets me. I'm confident Bryan can continue to pick himself up, get on with it and grow. I'm pissed off that Wrestlemania 30 is going to be headlined by a talentless royal cunt we're supposed to invest in, and not someone good enough to have earned that distinction.

Let it all out. Breathe. Whew.
I can't tell you how geared up I was for Roman Reigns to win the rumble, and how shocked I was when he didn't. Reigns is a powerhouse like Batista, he isn't a great talker like Batista, but he's got time on his side, he's no entitled, he doesn't flip off the fans when he doesn't like their reaction, he's done a tremendous job since he debuted and made himself by being a stand out of a group of three immensely talented guys. He deserved that win last night and people would have been fine with it. Not as much as Bryan, but certainly far less complaining.

I think the timing wasn't right for Roman Reigns to win last night. Whether he would've been a better choice than Batista is a different story. He has to finish up his engagement with the Shield, and to say they can take care of that at Elimination Chamber wouldn't be doing a great faction the justice, or payoff, it deserves. Sure right now is an easy time to turn him face, but don't you think he needs the proper time to complete the Shield's story?
You can also deny what you want but the truth is that Daniel Bryan was as over or more at SummerSlam when he was going against John Cena in the main event of the second biggest show annually. The crowd was all him, was all for him in the build and in the match - people wanted him badly to win the championship and it happened. He went over John Cena clean in the middle of the ring in a main event match - do you understand how big that was? I'm sure you all do as none of you is mentally ******ed as far as wrestling business goes.

But look at the numbers AFTER THAT, even with that crowd reaction and that full support that I as a fan just love to see a wrestler get, because I do, the truth of the matter is that his main event run always seems to be down in numbers and WWE is doing their best, their absolute best to make Daniel Bryan bigger. They are doing it to a point where his feud with The Wyatts has been hyped up in pretty much every single main show since it started, he probably had a lot more time to develop and create buzz than Cena and Orton had. That to me doesn't seem like a company that has just gave up on him, quite the contrary...

They are doing that because they want him to turn into a big draw and to be able to carry a brand like SmackDown for instance all by himself and shake the ratings up - a thing that he does not for now. The crowd support exists because WWE created it, the only thing they need to do to stop it, is simply putting the strap on Bryan give him some clusterfuck rivalries that will eventually show his weaknesses and just wait for it to fizzle out, because IT WILL HAPPEN. Instead of that, they are squeezing it to their absolute best. To me, it isn't Daniel Bryan the man that creates this buzz, it's the WWE system, it's the booking.

When I said I didn't understand why the support for Daniel Bryan, I was right. He is not the best in any areas of wrestling, he doesn't have anything that makes him stand out alone - he has the booking and that is what is putting him in that spot. It's the constant screwjobs, it's the constant tweets, it's the constant little things. He has WWE all for him. He doesn't need to main event WrestleMania like I said, he just doesn't need it to be a draw. WWE has 5 main event matches planned out for the PPV, it will have BIG buys regardless of Daniel Bryan and it's the best decision WWE could make. Do you really think that Vince McMahon is letting his shows have "refund" chants because he just thinks Bryan is a midget? At this point I would be VERY, and I mean VERY surprised if Vince isn't chanting "YES!" himself when he looks to Daniel Bryan.

I think that Daniel Bryan is being used in the right manner and not main eventing WrestleMania is just yet another big step for him to be bigger. It will happen, he'll get the title eventually and we all know that. He's young, he's a very talented guy, he has the support, he's being protected as much as a #2 guy should. I like to see you all worked up, it just makes Bryan a bigger star than he already is and it just makes WWE product more interesting as a fan perspective. Just settle your tits down. It's WrestleMania 30 season and WWE has seven guys who have proven to be better draws more so than Daniel Bryan - he may not main event it, but he'll be one of the main attractions. Like Coco said, there are things people like and things people don't like in a show.

I'm trying not to offend anyone because I'm putting my point very clearly and it's a valid one, wheather you love Daniel Bryan or don't love him that bad. I don't think Daniel Bryan is a future face of the WWE and he isn't and that is not a bad thing - it's the CM Punk all over again. He'll change everything, he's the best in the world bla crap... Give him the strap and give him a lengthy title reign and he'll be shit just like that (batista pinch gif). However he's making his mark, he's getting a lot of TV time a lot of great opportunities to have great matches, he's getting an Hall of Fame career just like that. I'm sorry for offending some of you, but you are just getting out of hand and I don't even DISLIKE Daniel Bryan, I don't have absolute no problem with him, as I've stated before countless times, he's a fantastic upper to main event top wrestler. He does fantastic things more so than when he disappoints us and I DON'T take anything away from him, but we are supposed to be the smart fans, so we should take some time to think about stuff before crapping on a Randy Orton vs. Cena match (the crowd in itself), that has arguments to be hijacked, but it's blatantly disrespect for two guys that five times a week are giving people 20+ minute match. I think it furthers up the story of Daniel Bryan, but still, it shouldn't be done to a point where Rey Mysterio, a guy that has no fault at all, be treated like shit. It's bad taste and it isn't smart for the so called smart fans.
That's all lovely in theory. But if people are getting the idea that their voice doesn't matter and that they're continually being fucked in the ass, that's potentially damaging to your brand.

Your lovely little theory is nothing next to the tidal wave of negative perception that this fiasco has been building to for months.

It's not that argument of damaging the "brand", quite the contrary... Any publicity is good publicity. How many people are going today to BBC.com for instance and finding their a topic about WWE? It's not like they are saying: "WWE is pure shit! Don't watch it ever again." It's something like "WWE puts wrestler down" and it's pretty much a story to further up.

That is not brand damaging, that is creating brand value. That is creating popularity, that is being controversial. WWE is growing as a company if anything, at least that's what the latest financial reports are showing and what the WWE Network proves. You are going way over board on this. Not even "wrestler kills family" put the company out of business.
When I said I didn't understand why the support for Daniel Bryan, I was right. He is not the best in any areas of wrestling, he doesn't have anything that makes him stand out alone

I think you could easily make an argument that he's the best guy they have in ring. Since his major push it's much harder to tell. Main event guys rarely hit double digits in each match in terms of moves they use. John Cena is a perfect example. The morons who say he can't wrestle are just that, morons. Main event guys have always used limited movesets and that's what DB has been pretty limited to. The main exception to this rule is for big PPV matches. You can't judge DB's in ring work by his recent push.

That said, he's still limited in some ways since he's smaller and not strong enough to pull of some moves. But most of those wouldn't fit his style anyways.
I think you could easily make an argument that he's the best guy they have in ring. Since his major push it's much harder to tell. Main event guys rarely hit double digits in each match in terms of moves they use. John Cena is a perfect example. The morons who say he can't wrestle are just that, morons. Main event guys have always used limited movesets and that's what DB has been pretty limited to. The main exception to this rule is for big PPV matches. You can't judge DB's in ring work by his recent push.

That said, he's still limited in some ways since he's smaller and not strong enough to pull of some moves. But most of those wouldn't fit his style anyways.

But I'm talking about what I see. I mean early last year I saw CM Punk and The Undertaker have a pure classic match. I saw CM Punk and Chris Jericho get a surprisingly better match than their last encounters. I've seen Randy Orton work great matches against the likes of The Shield, Dolph Ziggler, Antonio Cesaro, Sheamus, Del Rio for weeks and weeks last year. I saw John Cena get a great match out of Ryback of all people. Being a good wrestler is pretty much a requirement and this is not what Daniel Bryan does best, because I've seen him get average PPV matches last year and fantastic TV matches as well. It's the booking that makes us all talk about Daniel Bryan more than anything and that is WWE's credit as well.

I'm not taking anything away from Daniel Bryan here okay? The booking only works if the wrestler is talented and Daniel Bryan is talented. He's an A star no doubt about that. His personal story touches every single one of us, he was really entertaining as part of Team Hell No as well. He created a catchphrase so simple that it worked. WWE did not expect that, neither did us but the way I see, WWE is using it the best they can, instead of giving him the strap and then just see the crowd shit on him as they ALWAYS do and lose potential to yet again create someone new for a top spot.
I think the timing wasn't right for Roman Reigns to win last night. Whether he would've been a better choice than Batista is a different story. He has to finish up his engagement with the Shield, and to say they can take care of that at Elimination Chamber wouldn't be doing a great faction the justice, or payoff, it deserves. Sure right now is an easy time to turn him face, but don't you think he needs the proper time to complete the Shield's story?

This is true. I got carried away. But if not Reigns, Punk just as easily.
But I'm talking about what I see. I mean early last year I saw CM Punk and The Undertaker have a pure classic match. I saw CM Punk and Chris Jericho get a surprisingly better match than their last encounters. I've seen Randy Orton work great matches against the likes of The Shield, Dolph Ziggler, Antonio Cesaro, Sheamus, Del Rio for weeks and weeks last year. I saw John Cena get a great match out of Ryback of all people. Being a good wrestler is pretty much a requirement and this is not what Daniel Bryan does best, because I've seen him get average PPV matches last year and fantastic TV matches as well. It's the booking that makes us all talk about Daniel Bryan more than anything and that is WWE's credit as well.

I'm not taking anything away from Daniel Bryan here okay? The booking only works if the wrestler is talented and Daniel Bryan is talented. He's an A star no doubt about that. His personal story touches every single one of us, he was really entertaining as part of Team Hell No as well. He created a catchphrase so simple that it worked. WWE did not expect that, neither did us but the way I see, WWE is using it the best they can, instead of giving him the strap and then just see the crowd shit on him as they ALWAYS do and lose potential to yet again create someone new for a top spot.

you act as if wwe has had this big plan all along to make daniel bryan the most over guy in the company. By fucking him over, time and time again that there end game was for him to be the top dog at the end of the day. Either you are delusional or your trying any which way to make your bullshit sound legit. Because this isn't the first time they cut someone down when they were super over. RVD was the most over guy in 2001. He gets a title shot and then hes shiped down to the bottom of the card and he was never as over again. CM Punk had his summer of punk, cut short by a triple h beating punk (and trying to out babyface him) and punk has never been as over since.

They have cut the legs out from other guys before, and they weren't better off for it. Why would they think this would be so different. They not only made him lose the title for like 4 ppvs in a row, but then afterwards they took him out of the title picture all together. And thats after he was left lying at the end of every single raw. He never ended up getting his. And thats why he needs to win the title at mania. He needs to finally get his. If he doesn't get the title then he looks like a dumb fool who just got beat down for 4 months straight just so he can return to the mid card. And as much as you like sheamus, sheamus is just a mid carder. And as good as there match can be....it will make him into a midcarder again. And thats not what you do with someone this white hot.
you act as if wwe has had this big plan all along to make daniel bryan the most over guy in the company. By fucking him over, time and time again that there end game was for him to be the top dog at the end of the day. Either you are delusional or your trying any which way to make your bullshit sound legit. Because this isn't the first time they cut someone down when they were super over. RVD was the most over guy in 2001. He gets a title shot and then hes shiped down to the bottom of the card and he was never as over again. CM Punk had his summer of punk, cut short by a triple h beating punk (and trying to out babyface him) and punk has never been as over since.

They have cut the legs out from other guys before, and they weren't better off for it. Why would they think this would be so different. They not only made him lose the title for like 4 ppvs in a row, but then afterwards they took him out of the title picture all together. And thats after he was left lying at the end of every single raw. He never ended up getting his. And thats why he needs to win the title at mania. He needs to finally get his. If he doesn't get the title then he looks like a dumb fool who just got beat down for 4 months straight just so he can return to the mid card. And as much as you like sheamus, sheamus is just a mid carder. And as good as there match can be....it will make him into a midcarder again. And thats not what you do with someone this white hot.

I firmly believe that WWE is full on board with the so called "YES! Movement", specially since how hot he was this last summer. They may not have guessed that Daniel Bryan would be that popular, but by everything they are doing with him it looks like WWE has been planning it all along. It's not coincidence that he goes from being screwed and screwed by the "system" to a storyline where he's put to join a clan that fights "the machine". It's also not a coincidence that after last night's Royal Rumble, Daniel Bryan tweeted by blaming "The Authority" for not being in the match and not coming out shooting against them.

It's also not a coincidence that WWE gives him (his storyline) at least one hour per week in their full programming. He can get his at Extreme Rules, he doesn't need to do it at WrestleMania. He could lose against Heath Slater later tonight that people would still chant "YES!" at this point in time. My bullshit as you call it, is telling people that Daniel Bryan is going to be the next Shawn Michaels... damn, that's really awful isn't it? What an awful thing to say about a professional wrestler, just ask anyone.
It's pretty sad when one of our resident ******s is even moving you look silly.

Oh sorry, wrong D-Man.

Well we'll see. As far as I see, this reports keep coming and take them with a pinch of salt:

WWE officials did not plan on the negative fan reaction at the Royal Rumble but Daniel Bryan not being in the Rumble main event played into the storyline that he's having to overcome "the machine" wanting to hold him down. WWE is behind the idea of wanting the fans to be outraged that Bryan isn't being pushed more.

Just last week one came out with Vince McMahon being reportedly "in love" with Daniel Bryan's overness after he turned on The Wyatts. I just don't believe that Vince will put a guy down when he exposes him like crap every single week, specially putting him down for the idea that he's a "midget". We are not talking idiots in the internet like a lot here, we are talking about a professional wrestling promoter, probably the best of all time and the best we'll ever have. When guys get over, they get over and Daniel Bryan is already a 3x world champ, that's more than Roddy Pipper or Jake Roberts or Mr. Perfect can say.
I firmly believe that WWE is full on board with the so called "YES! Movement", specially since how hot he was this last summer. They may not have guessed that Daniel Bryan would be that popular, but by everything they are doing with him it looks like WWE has been planning it all along. It's not coincidence that he goes from being screwed and screwed by the "system" to a storyline where he's put to join a clan that fights "the machine". It's also not a coincidence that after last night's Royal Rumble, Daniel Bryan tweeted by blaming "The Authority" for not being in the match and not coming out shooting against them.

It's also not a coincidence that WWE gives him (his storyline) at least one hour per week in their full programming. He can get his at Extreme Rules, he doesn't need to do it at WrestleMania. He could lose against Heath Slater later tonight that people would still chant "YES!" at this point in time. My bullshit as you call it, is telling people that Daniel Bryan is going to be the next Shawn Michaels... damn, that's really awful isn't it? What an awful thing to say about a professional wrestler, just ask anyone.

So your evidence that it has been a storyline all along, is that he mentioned the machine in a tweet. And the wwe are not ones to let up on storylines on tv. If they were going with the whole db vs the machine the whole time, then cole would have mentioned it a million and a half times. They let the casual fans for get about it, so then they wouldn't care.

And finally about having his moment happen at extreme rules would be pointless. The whole feud with the machine was about being the face of the wwe. The face of the wwe main events wrestlemania. You don't have to be the face of the wwe to main event a b ppv.
Lesnar is boring as fuck. Nothing he does is in anyway interesting.

I can understand calling 90% of the roster boring, but Brock? No way. I'd say, when he's around, he's the least boring character they have. He can destroy anyone at any time, and no one doubts it. And I haven't even mentioned Heyman...
I'll come back here for three reasons: a) when Daniel Bryan doesn't headline WrestleMania b) When don't headlining WrestleMania turns into a better thing than headlining it c) When Daniel Bryan gets the title and fans turn on him or at least take him or leave him.

So it's safe to assume that by next October I'll be here.
I love how OP has in his signature that August 13 was the wrestling month, which Daniel Bryan headlined.

It's also refreshing to see you bailing from your thread as you find yourself outmatched by people calling you out.
I love how OP has in his signature that August 13 was the wrestling month, which Daniel Bryan headlined.

It's also refreshing to see you bailing from your thread as you find yourself outmatched by people calling you out.

Between August 1 and August 11 - NJPW had the G1 Climax, which featured the best matches of the year. While that WWE had the strongest SummerSlam in some time with two great bouts in CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena, with one of my favorite wrestlers actually coming out on top with a Money In The Bank cash-in. It was also in that month that ROH held their tournament that ended up having fantastic matches and some special tag bouts that featured The Foorever Holigans, reDragon and The American Wolves.

I've also never said that Daniel Bryan isn't talented if you learned how to read, I just said that he isn't really WrestleMania main event material, as his main event run as proved in the last summer with two or three of the worst buyrates in the company's history. I also said here that it isn't Daniel Bryan's talents that it's getting him that reaction, because he goes out in the ring and he does exactly the same things he has done for the past two years. He runs fast, he kicks, dropkicks, splashes and so on. His promo work is average at best, however his booking is fantastic and the "underdog" gimmick has value because of the booking. So to all the so called wrestling experts that indeed know how to run WWE, you should be taking notes because they are turning a generic babyface into something he is not, which is "face of the company" material and as time goes by his weaknesses will be exposed.

CM Punk had the same thing, everyone was pro-Punk, casuals, non-casuals... that until he got boring and he was doing what everybody wanted him to do, which is wrestle every week, talking every week. His validation pretty much expired as he doesn't get half the reactions he used to have and that pretty much the IWC shits on the guy. Daniel Bryan will end up being the same and faster, since he doesn't really have anything that makes him stand out on his own. I'm not backing out, I'm proving my point with examples from the past and with a non biased reaction towards the next big thing that is Daniel Bryan. I don't hate the guy, I don't dislike him, I enjoy the hell out of the guy in the position he is right now, as a contender and as a guy that the "system" is putting down, but once that ends I'll be amazed if he still gets this reactions three months after it.
Pseudo-intellectualism isn't really your long suit. You should probably slit your wrists.
Between August 1 and August 11 - NJPW had the G1 Climax, which featured the best matches of the year. While that WWE had the strongest SummerSlam in some time with two great bouts in CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena, with one of my favorite wrestlers actually coming out on top with a Money In The Bank cash-in. It was also in that month that ROH held their tournament that ended up having fantastic matches and some special tag bouts that featured The Foorever Holigans, reDragon and The American Wolves.

I've also never said that Daniel Bryan isn't talented if you learned how to read, I just said that he isn't really WrestleMania main event material, as his main event run as proved in the last summer with two or three of the worst buyrates in the company's history. I also said here that it isn't Daniel Bryan's talents that it's getting him that reaction, because he goes out in the ring and he does exactly the same things he has done for the past two years. He runs fast, he kicks, dropkicks, splashes and so on. His promo work is average at best, however his booking is fantastic and the "underdog" gimmick has value because of the booking. So to all the so called wrestling experts that indeed know how to run WWE, you should be taking notes because they are turning a generic babyface into something he is not, which is "face of the company" material and as time goes by his weaknesses will be exposed.

CM Punk had the same thing, everyone was pro-Punk, casuals, non-casuals... that until he got boring and he was doing what everybody wanted him to do, which is wrestle every week, talking every week. His validation pretty much expired as he doesn't get half the reactions he used to have and that pretty much the IWC shits on the guy. Daniel Bryan will end up being the same and faster, since he doesn't really have anything that makes him stand out on his own. I'm not backing out, I'm proving my point with examples from the past and with a non biased reaction towards the next big thing that is Daniel Bryan. I don't hate the guy, I don't dislike him, I enjoy the hell out of the guy in the position he is right now, as a contender and as a guy that the "system" is putting down, but once that ends I'll be amazed if he still gets this reactions three months after it.

I really don't get this whole CM Punk analogy that's been tossed around here recently. CM Punk still gets one of the best reactions out of the entire roster, more specifically a roster that only has a handful of guys that get a big reaction. CM punks momentum was derailed also during his run with questionable decisions, an awkward angle with Nash/HHH and finally turning him heel. Despite this he was still cheered while fighting the Undertaker one of the most beloved wrestlers of all time, and this was after he consumed the ashes of his surrogate father. I also don't get this desire to place Daniel Bryans popularity under a microscope questioning how long he will be popular and why he is so over right now. I would think the goal would be to establish new stars just so we can avoid a stale main event scene which a rather vocal crowd just showed at the Rumble how much disdain they have for seeing Cena and Ortons thousand year war.

Nobody can say that Daniel Bryan is better as a chaser, as we haven't seen what he could do as Champion. They said he was bland until he did the Hell no stuff and showed he could be hilarious. They said it wouldn't look natural working against bigger wrestlers until he and Cena had a MOTY contender at SummerSlam. I really hope he gets his shot soon too, because I highly doubt the company wants the same type of ending the Rumble got again much less at WMXXX.
Prove me wrong or slit your wrists.
You seem to be the one playing the prosecutor in this case. The burden of proof is on you. Bryan is innocent of being a poor draw until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I don't need to prove you wrong. I need to wait until concrete, convincing evidence presents itself. You can make a mountain of the mole-hill that was the fall all you want. You can make superficial, empty comparisons to CM Punk all you want. Me? I prefer to wait until the wind actually blows before telling everyone which way it's blowing.

But by all means, keep talking yourself into a dunce cap.
CM Punk gets lots of love on wrasslin forums still, but it seems his live reactions are dying down some. That's because right now, he's an upper midcarder. That's generally what happens. I don't think he really fits in your argument.

And I don't think DB will be all that succesful at the top either, but I think they absolutely should give him another shot soon.
Between August 1 and August 11 - NJPW had the G1 Climax, which featured the best matches of the year. While that WWE had the strongest SummerSlam in some time with two great bouts in CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena, with one of my favorite wrestlers actually coming out on top with a Money In The Bank cash-in. It was also in that month that ROH held their tournament that ended up having fantastic matches and some special tag bouts that featured The Foorever Holigans, reDragon and The American Wolves.

I don't watch Puro or ROH, but I'll give you that. But the image in your signature strongly suggests you are referring to solely WWE, in which case it is indeed an accurate sentiment, but without Bryan, it means nothing. You also forgot the Gauntlet match that Bryan went through, which was a MOTY candidate in itself. Also, no offence to the ROH or Puro fans here, but other than smarks or the Japanese, who watches it? TNA is starting to bring in the common fan now, and the fact that the ROH section has been removed is a testament to this. That's a personal thing though, as your statement is correct.

I've also never said that Daniel Bryan isn't talented if you learned how to read,
I just said that he isn't really WrestleMania main event material, as his main event run as proved in the last summer with two or three of the worst buyrates in the company's history.

Alright, let's reflect on why this is wrong:

First of all, Summerslam. There are numerous factors as to why Summerslam didn't quite build as much revenue as it did, but a major one is that Bryan had yet to peak as a top performer. Summerslam was most certainly not the peak of Bryan's popularity, as evidenced by Pittsburgh at the Royal Rumble and the mainstream attention he's received. Also, at 2012, Lesnar was having his second match after his return against HHH, which sounds better than his fourth against Punk surely. Bryan beginning his ascension won't draw more than an MMA fighter known by a good portion of the public, at least with the common crowd.

I'll also raise you the HIAC buyrates, which was the blowoff to the Daniel Bryan/Authority feud which drew significantly more than the previous year, and the fact that Survivor Series did absolutely shit, especially taking into consideration it's a big 4 event. Arguing that Bryan isn't a draw after his feud with the Authority is poor logic.

As for not being a main eventer, this is an absolute joke. Daniel Bryan has ALL of the qualities to be a main eventer. While he's not on Rock or even Cena's level on the microphone, he's easily in the top 5 that the WWE has the moment. He can invoke an incredible reaction from the crowd, to the point where his chants hijacked the 3rd biggest show in the WWE year, and his in-ring abilties don't really need to be explained. Daniel Bryan is capable of putting on incredible matches for both the IWC and the general public by technical ability and story telling, whilst also getting the fans involved unlike the technical greats.

This man is the complete package, if you will.

I also said here that it isn't Daniel Bryan's talents that it's getting him that reaction, because he goes out in the ring and he does exactly the same things he has done for the past two years. He runs fast, he kicks, dropkicks, splashes and so on.

Like I said, the IWC have loved him from Day 1, and he still got strong reactions before the YES chants even begun. About the same levels as say Dolph Ziggler today. When the YES chants got going though, he built a connection with the common fan on the levels of "Woo" and "What?", which is coming from 2 of the top 10, maybe top 5 mainstream wrestlers ever.

Not to mention, getting a higher profile makes people care about your matches more. By getting a higher profile, D Bry has had many exceptional and more competitive matches this year.

His promo work is average at best,


And Randy Orton, your knight in shining armour, is better in that regard?

This is also entirely erroneous. As I've said, Bryan is in the top 5 talkers in the company at the moment and that's not average as you say it is.

however his booking is fantastic and the "underdog" gimmick has value because of the booking.

Isn't he capable of so much more though? An underdog gimmick almost requires you to be a good talker unless you're a jobber (look at Mick Foley for example), but the difference between Foley and Bryan is that Bryan has so much steam left in the tank and Foley, whilst great at getting pops from the crowd, can't really get cheap pops other than a hardcore moment without the microphone. He had Socko, and that's about it. Bryan has YES, which is far more applicable.

I'm not taking a dig at Foley here, as I do love Foley, but Bryan can do even better than that.

So to all the so called wrestling experts that indeed know how to run WWE, you should be taking notes because they are turning a generic babyface into something he is not, which is "face of the company" material and as time goes by his weaknesses will be exposed.

Bryan doesn't have any major weaknesses though. The only factor where I could see Bryan out of his depth as the face of the WWE is MAYBE promo work with The Rock. I say maybe, because Bryan has already proven that he can hang with Cena in the build-up to Summerslam. Or if he has to work a good quality match with the protagonist from Johnny's Got His Gun.

CM Punk had the same thing, everyone was pro-Punk, casuals, non-casuals... that until he got boring and he was doing what everybody wanted him to do, which is wrestle every week, talking every week. His validation pretty much expired as he doesn't get half the reactions he used to have and that pretty much the IWC shits on the guy.


Punk, apart from Bryan, is the only guy to get a massive, yet consistent pop from the crowd (factoring Cena heat). Also, your statement on the IWC shitting on Punk is hilariously wrong.

Also, there was one thing that Punk did not have. I'll show you a demonstration via ASCII:

\0/ .0. \0/

Daniel Bryan will end up being the same and faster, since he doesn't really have anything that makes him stand out on his own.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I'm not backing out, I'm proving my point with examples from the past and with a non biased reaction towards the next big thing that is Daniel Bryan. I don't hate the guy, I don't dislike him, I enjoy the hell out of the guy in the position he is right now, as a contender and as a guy that the "system" is putting down, but once that ends I'll be amazed if he still gets this reactions three months after it.

With the right character development, then yes. Yes he will.
It's worth pointing out that Bryan is more popular than he was in the Summer. One would think that if they had Bryan headline a PPV now it would do much better.

To say Bryan isn't worthy of a shot at the WWE title is ludicrous. I agree to an extent that there are more all-round talented guys on the roster but if Cena, Punk and Lesnar are used elsewhere then it is a no-brainer. Bryan vs Sheamus, Batista vs Orton is a stupid combination. I'd argue it's the worst they could go for between the four.

Given the likely options and unless he is teaming with Cena, I reckon they have fucked up with Bryan. Purely down to his popularity. In terms of his talent, a nothing singles match is adequate for Bryan.

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