What is REALLY the matter with the Daniel Bryan fandom?

He has connected with the audience on a level that hasn't been seen in a few years. Its as simple as that. Its actually rather funny seeing all the people ragging on Bryan and Punk fans, they connect with the audience and do good work therefore some of the internet wrestling community attack them for something that they don't quite understand. I would take Bryan, Punk and others over the current established 3 or 4 because they actually interest me, Orton hasn't been interesting in a while neither has Cena in years.
Maybe if these die-hard DB fans had tuned in this fall and actually purchased PPV's, DB would be in a better spot. All reports indicate business was hurting with DB as the top babyface. I'm not blaming him, but there has to be financial reasoning behind him not being on top. If not, those in charge of WWE have lost it.
If you don't want to see Bryan on top, you're the smark in this situation. He's Mick Foley with Shawn Michaels' ring skills.
Maybe I am, but I still remember reading that CM Punk would be the next big thing since sliced bread and it wasn't the case. I'm not against Daniel Bryan, he had an awesome match with an average wrestler last night so that shows you a lot and I'll never be against him being on lengthy PPV matches with whomever. I just don't see the thing to make him champion and the main event star. Do people actually believe that Daniel Bryan can outsell John Cena? CM Punk did it for about a week in t-shirts and that was it. As you may all assume, I loved Royal Rumble 2014. Great matches, cool moments and I think that WWE should have made Daniel Bryan the runner-up. It would be more interesting, even though that would have made Batista sound like the top heel.

Edit: Maybe WWE can put a triple threat main event if they decide to put the strap on Bryan at the Eliminatio Chamber.
Who else in the WWE could outsell Cena though? Cena looks like he's not going to be in the title match at this point. If the title match is Orton vs. Batista, then Bryan is clearly a better choice. Batista does not have the main stream appeal that the WWE thinks he has.
Triple threats at Mania are bad, triple threats in general are bad, if it was a three way Dance however it becomes interesting, but WWE don't do them.
Can someone please make an image macro of Cena during the hulking up schtict and say Cena Sells... and then under it a picture of Cena in all of his stuff that he is currently schilling, saying Merchandise
Who else in the WWE could outsell Cena though? Cena looks like he's not going to be in the title match at this point. If the title match is Orton vs. Batista, then Bryan is clearly a better choice. Batista does not have the main stream appeal that the WWE thinks he has.

Apparently he has, since WWE broke the 5 million viewers mark last week for his return and his return only. I get it people like Daniel Bryan and at this point I would be the happiest guy to see Daniel Bryan get a one year title reign and being overwhelmed by the number of people who would be turning on him by the end of the second month. Wrestling fans are ******ed as proven last night when they were chanting for a guy that has lost his 20+ minute match and wasn't even advertised to be in the title match. Completely killed what was probably the best Randy Orton vs. John Cena match.

WWE is trying to sell a online network here and it's not like Daniel Bryan is the guy to push for that, given that he tanked in his main event run. I mean his performances were fine for what it was, but it was clear that he couldn't hang in there with the likes of Triple H and Randy Orton, that pretty much carried the storylines and showed his weaknesses. Now I'm on board with the Randy Orton vs. Batista match but I agree with KB, it should be The Undertaker the one closing the show. Or as I stated putting Daniel Bryan in the main event with those three guys, it will have two of the best workers in the world right now in Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton and an X factor in Batista.

But from what I've seen from Sheamus last night, him vs. Bryan appeals me. They just have a fantastic chemistry and I would really like to see their story come to an end. WWE knows what they are doing, I'm sure the rumble will make big numbers.
I wouldn't give the credit to Batista for the 5 million viewers. A combo of the NFL season ending, and the buzz from the Network are getting casual viewers to tune in. Most of the casuals know what time of year it is. The ratings where going up regardless.

As far as Bryan and Sheamus, they have fantastic chemistry. Sheamus would have to become the right hand man of HHH for it really to work. The WWE has an opportunity with Sheamus, Batista and the Outlaws, along with the Shield, and Kane, to make The Authority a damn formidable faction. There's potential for the E to do some good storytelling, I have my doubts though.
I'm pretty sure the "YES!" thing is bigger than Daniel Bryan's really popularity.

Daniel Bryan's really popularity is not as big the "Yes" thing but he is still immensely popular with pro wrestling fans.

I just know that the guy is an above average wrestler.

Not going to argue Bryan's ability as a wrestler, but in the context I think you are using it, since when did it matter how good of a wrestler a guy is in order to be popular and make money?

I've been following WWE for sometime now and it's not like him can deliver a best match than someone like a Sheamus for example.

Him no best than Sheamus?

It may be just me but I'm pretty sure that any main event guy in WWE can satisfy me as far as in-ring performance goes as much or more so than Daniel Bryan. Just an example, I enjoyed a lot more of John Cena vs. Seth Rollins than Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins and the latest is an IWC gem.

How would a Hogan v Rollins match look to you in 1985?

As far as him personally, great I can see your point he's a good guy and he deserves the success he's getting

No one deserves anything in pro wrestling unless it makes money.

- but so his Santino Marella, that is there longer

No one would argue that being a good guy is the only reason for pushing a guy, but it is one characteristic that helps build the package. And it is stupid to push a guy just for tenure, again there has to be more to it.

and not for once have I seen him being anything less than a great professional and person all around. That's not the point to get someone to headline WrestleMania.

No but that isn't the only point.

I see it in that way, CM Punk is better than Daniel Bryan as far as promos goes and it's in the same level as him as far as in-ring performances goes. It's a lot easier to tell a compelling story when your guy can genuinely make you believe his words and yet, after a 434 title reign people started to bad mouth CM Punk, ence turning against him. I'm not particularly a big fan of CM Punk either, I can see his talent and if he's involved in a storyline he's one of the best at generating interest no doubt about it - however as I see, when Daniel Bryan gets to the top spot, how is he going to carry himself if he's mediocre at best as far as promo goes? I don't want to hear the "I'm a wrestler" crap, it's non-sense.

When is the last time he did this?

The "yes!" thing is so limited and so repetitive that looks like something for the midcard.

And yet it has made it's way in other athletics, but if you're not down with that, give me a hell yeah as you say your prayers, eat your vitamins, if you smell.

Given everything I've seen from Daniel Bryan I don't see the urge of putting him in a bigger spot than what he already is, he isn't going to over throne Cena, nobody will while Cena is a full-time wrestler and it doesn't matter how much you push him and force him down, it's not gonna happen and this is a two year build already and he never did once proved to be a better choice to that big stage, so as much as you guys tried to explain why you like him, and it's all fair points of course, I don't see why he should be BIGGER than what he already is. Being an uppercard to main event performer is a fantastic spot in a global company like WWE and he's one of the guys that gets more TV time per week and his shtick hasn't really evolved since SummerSlam. Maybe after Mania they could give him another go...

Who said he was going to "over throne" Cena? I'm sorry you can't enjoy Bryan's story. Stay bitter.
But I think I'll agree with Coco's post, it's more of an heart thing which could also be known as a flavor of the month thing. By next time this year, it's probably Seth Rollins that deserves the main event of WrestleMania.

Are you trying to help me prove my point that you have a brain of a 5 year old child?

Does this mean you owe Coco an apology?
People who think that Daniel Bryan needs the belt at this point aren't very smart.

Once Daniel Bryan gets on top and stays there, the smarks are going to lose interest and turn on him. Tha's what smarks do, they build a guy up just to shit on him later.

That's the whole problem with Daniel Bryan's fanbase.
I wouldn't give the credit to Batista for the 5 million viewers. A combo of the NFL season ending, and the buzz from the Network are getting casual viewers to tune in. Most of the casuals know what time of year it is. The ratings where going up regardless.

As far as Bryan and Sheamus, they have fantastic chemistry. Sheamus would have to become the right hand man of HHH for it really to work. The WWE has an opportunity with Sheamus, Batista and the Outlaws, along with the Shield, and Kane, to make The Authority a damn formidable faction. There's potential for the E to do some good storytelling, I have my doubts though.

You should, I only wrote about his segment with Randy Orton last Raw. After he was gone WWE lost viewers to end up with 700.000 less than what they started and that is a gain. As a fan, ratings don't mean shit but at least helps me to understand why Batista won last night. It's business and it doesn't matter how much the IWC gets bitter.

Your idea of putting Sheamus with HHH appeals me even more. It's a perfect place and it has tons of potential to put Daniel Bryan in an yet outstanding performance.


As for you GSB I'm sorry but you're knocking on the wrong tree with your quote by quote response. I'm just asking the reason for the fandom he gets. I mean, Steve Austin I get it, he had a great character a great attitude and he delivered like no one else. The Rock is probably the most charismatic and one of the best talkers in the history of the business and he wasn't bad at all in the ring, he had great matches in his resume.

As for me comparing Sheamus to Bryan - it's easy. I've seen stuff from Bryan that I absolutely hated, like his first World Title run full of bad matches and I've seen stuff I absolutely loved, being last night the most recent thing. Sheamus is the same way, I've seen Sheamus having bad matches as I've seen him delivering some of the best stuff in the show. Daniel Bryan is no better than any WWE main eventer as far as match delivery goes so it's not the wrestling thing that makes him stand out. His character is also very generic babyface, good humble guy and it works I'm okay and in fact I like it and it makes sense, but not to a point where I would ruin a PPV quality match between Cena and Orton, or a moment for an upcoming star like Roman Reigns.

He isn't that big of a deal and I'm sure that after he gets his shot, people will turn on him and I'll probably be the one still enjoying him for what he really is. An upper to main event star, not the biggest star, not the biggest draw nor the most talented guy - a simple A stat that regardless of everything entertains me most of the time like a Shawn Michaels.
People who think that Daniel Bryan needs the belt at this point aren't very smart.

Once Daniel Bryan gets on top and stays there, the smarks are going to lose interest and turn on him. Tha's what smarks do, they build a guy up just to shit on him later.

That's the whole problem with Daniel Bryan's fanbase.

My point exactly!
Unique look

Doink the Clown, The Boogeyman, Bushwackers, etc. They all had a unique look. That doesn't mean they had a good look to be the face of the WWE.

DB is a great wrestler. There's no doubt about it. And he's found his niche in the business. That doesn't mean he's got what it takes to be mainstream. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the thought process behind closed WWE doors.

Then again...he is cartoonish. You'd think that would be very popular with the kids.
People who think that Daniel Bryan needs the belt at this point aren't very smart.

Once Daniel Bryan gets on top and stays there, the smarks are going to lose interest and turn on him. Tha's what smarks do, they build a guy up just to shit on him later.

That's the whole problem with Daniel Bryan's fanbase.

In 2014 who can hold the title without people turning on him?

Besides Golddust.
People who think that Daniel Bryan needs the belt at this point aren't very smart.

Once Daniel Bryan gets on top and stays there, the smarks are going to lose interest and turn on him. Tha's what smarks do, they build a guy up just to shit on him later.

That's the whole problem with Daniel Bryan's fanbase.

I'm not sure that's fair. It's not solely his oppression that makes Bryan appeal tot he fans. He's been much liked by more than merely smarks since his 'ol US title days. I can't prove it, but I think even if he got the title, the fans aren't going to just turn on him. He's not Sheamus.
I'm not sure that's fair. It's not solely his oppression that makes Bryan appeal tot he fans. He's been much liked by more than merely smarks since his 'ol US title days. I can't prove it, but I think even if he got the title, the fans aren't going to just turn on him. He's not Sheamus.

As soon as you said people cared when he was US champ, you lost all credibility.

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