I wouldn't give the credit to Batista for the 5 million viewers. A combo of the NFL season ending, and the buzz from the Network are getting casual viewers to tune in. Most of the casuals know what time of year it is. The ratings where going up regardless.
As far as Bryan and Sheamus, they have fantastic chemistry. Sheamus would have to become the right hand man of HHH for it really to work. The WWE has an opportunity with Sheamus, Batista and the Outlaws, along with the Shield, and Kane, to make The Authority a damn formidable faction. There's potential for the E to do some good storytelling, I have my doubts though.
You should, I only wrote about his segment with Randy Orton last Raw. After he was gone WWE lost viewers to end up with 700.000 less than what they started and that is a gain. As a fan, ratings don't mean shit but at least helps me to understand why Batista won last night. It's business and it doesn't matter how much the IWC gets bitter.
Your idea of putting Sheamus with HHH appeals me even more. It's a perfect place and it has tons of potential to put Daniel Bryan in an yet outstanding performance.
As for you GSB I'm sorry but you're knocking on the wrong tree with your quote by quote response. I'm just asking the reason for the fandom he gets. I mean, Steve Austin I get it, he had a great character a great attitude and he delivered like no one else. The Rock is probably the most charismatic and one of the best talkers in the history of the business and he wasn't bad at all in the ring, he had great matches in his resume.
As for me comparing Sheamus to Bryan - it's easy. I've seen stuff from Bryan that I absolutely hated, like his first World Title run full of bad matches and I've seen stuff I absolutely loved, being last night the most recent thing. Sheamus is the same way, I've seen Sheamus having bad matches as I've seen him delivering some of the best stuff in the show. Daniel Bryan is no better than any WWE main eventer as far as match delivery goes so it's not the wrestling thing that makes him stand out. His character is also very generic babyface, good humble guy and it works I'm okay and in fact I like it and it makes sense, but not to a point where I would ruin a PPV quality match between Cena and Orton, or a moment for an upcoming star like Roman Reigns.
He isn't that big of a deal and I'm sure that after he gets his shot, people will turn on him and I'll probably be the one still enjoying him for what he really is. An upper to main event star, not the biggest star, not the biggest draw nor the most talented guy - a simple A stat that regardless of everything entertains me most of the time like a Shawn Michaels.