What if there was no World Heavyweight Championship?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Ever since the debut of the WWE World Heavyweight belt 10 years ago on RAW, it's looked upon as the secondary title to the WWE championship. It was presented to Triple H by then RAW general manager Eric Bischoff. And had to defend the title against Ric Flair later on that night on RAW.

Since then the World Heavyweight Championship has been on RAW & Smackdown for the last 10 years. But what if there was no World Heavyweight Championship? Would those who first won a world title in the WWE like...

-Mark Henry
-Rey Mysterio
-Daniel Bryan
-Randy Orton
-Batista (before he retired)

Be where there at now in their respective WWE careers? It looks like the WWE have no plans to unify the two world title's anytime soon. So what do we make of the WHC in this new era of WWE?
Orton and Batista would def have held the wwe title and be where they are, doubtful as to the others though it would have been a shame as they all had something quite good to bring to the table
Ever since the debut of the WWE World Heavyweight belt 10 years ago on RAW, it's looked upon as the secondary title to the WWE championship.

Nope. World Heavyweight Championship was THE primary title from 2002 till 2005 when it was on RAW.

Rey Mysterio, Daniel Bryan and Christian would still be wrestling for the Intercontinental or the US Championship in the mid-card if there was no World Heavyweight Championship.
Although it was introduced to complement the WWE Championship, I agree that the World Heavyweight Championship has been looked upon as WWE's secondary title. Despite this however, Triple H actually made the WHC just as important as the WWEC in my eyes, if not more, by actually wanting to become/remain as the WHC and by doing whatever it takes to get back/keep the title on his waist.

The title however, lost its prestige over the years...

Now to answer your questions on how it would affect the careers of the superstars that you've mentioned without the World Heavyweight Title:

- Mark Henry: Yes, I think this would have affected Henry's career because although he was pushed to win the WHC last year (and was given a decent run to boot), he doesn't look like WWE Champion-material to me. Therefore, he probably wouldn't have been a World Champion (as I believe that the WWE only counts the WWEC and WHC as world titles) if there was no WHC.

- Christian: It's hard to say for Christian. Although he was initially viewed by the WWE as a mid-carder, TNA viewed him as a main-eventer (by winning the NWA Title twice). Upon his return in the WWE, I think they noted his success in TNA and elevated him to the upper mid-card in the very least, that's why he was given the WHC (along with the fact that Edge retired). If there was no WHC, I don't know: Maybe?

- Rey Mysterio: Yes, I also think it would have affected Mysterio's career as he was first pushed to win the WHC because of Eddie Guerrero's passing. As mentioned, the WHC is looked upon as the secondary title, and Mysterio is an upper mid-carder at best. Therefore, he probably wouldn't have been a World Champion either if there was no WHC.

- Daniel Bryan: Since he was over enough, the WWE tested the waters by giving Byan the WHC. Since then, he became more over enough to even deserve the WWEC. But since the WHC is the secondary title, he probably wouldn't have been given a chance if there was no WHC.

- Randy Orton and Batista: No, I don't think it would have affected their careers as they were already being pushed by the WWE and Triple H to be main event players.

As for the prestige of the World Heavyweight Championship today, I believe that it's the new Intercontinental Championship, the same way I believe that the IC is the new United States Championship.

Thanks for hearing me out.
Well, It's simple what the make of the WHC is right now.

It's killing the value of the WWE belt. Without two brands, it's pointless to have. One world title, it works very well. Having two world titles is awful. It's like the NFL having the Super Bowl, then having the World Classic Championship.

Having that many belts is promotes everybody is a winner. Doesn't help push the realism of the sport.

Now, where that talent be without winning the WHC. Well Batisia and Orton would still be where they are at. They got the Triple H rub. The other guys would of been mid-card talent.
Batista and Orton, no. they would've won a big title eventually, the others it would have affected them as i doubt Henry gets a run, Mysterio could, but i doubt it and if he did hold it, it would be short term. Christian wouldnt have touched the gold and Bryan, dont know and i will even add on Punk. if he didnt have his 2nd world title run, then i dont know if he ever gets a shot at a WWE title.
I think this is very easy as everyone else has already said. Your looking at Orton and Batista as the only two from the list that would have the star power to maintain the WWE Championship.

Most people know the only reason Rey was champion was because he Broken the undertakers nose with out his carelessness Kane and the Taker would have had another program verse each other, which would have beat the Rey/Kane feud.

Edge would have been the WWE champion which would have plenty of competition and Christian would have never been used, meaning the WWE would have never marketed him v Orton. Christian would be a non title holding mid carder ( like now) until he leaves again for TNA.

Mark Henry might have been given a legit run was the WWE champion with his hall of pain, this might have made his run better having more and bigger names to take down like Cena.

D Bryan would be around the same career wise because with out without the WHC D. bryan would get his time with CM Punk. This is something punk has wanted for the longest time. The average build type of indy guy having the title. So having two indies put on a great show still would have happened. I personally think AJ played a bigger role in getting Bryan where he is than the title.
It's almost pointless to say what it would be like if there were no World Heavyweight Title because to say that you would basically have to say what if WWE never split into two (sometimes three) brands: Raw and SmackDown.

Because once the two brands were created and they had with them their very own separate rosters then it DID make sense to have a top title on each brand, otherwise, what are the Superstars striving for?

I do wish they changed the title to just: The World Championship because having guys like Rey Mysterio and Daniel Bryan as World HEAVYWEIGHT Champions seems a bit off but on the other hand guys like Batista and Mark Henry and Kane holding those titles seems quite appropriate but I digress.

I have mentioned many times before that since there have been so many Raw and SmackDown supershows that having two top titles makes both titles look less prestigious ... I guess a timesl like this we just have to remember we are watching a scripted show where "ANYTHING GOES" and nothing has to be that realistic.

It is dissapointing though... Zack Ryder might as well start defending his Internet Championship during the "Social Media" parts of Raw because that championship basically has more meaning than the US Title, the way they are treating it right now.

So I would say that I hope Raw and Smackdown brands separate rosters more officially once again if they want to keep the two top titles OR maybe in a year from now they finally do drop the World Heavyweight Title and just keep the WWE Title...

IC Title, Tag Titles can stay. US title is too much of a joke to stick around... so I'd love the Crusierweight title to come back.

VERY wishful thinking but it is pretty logical... of course WWE doesn't like to do things too logical.
I think things would be better off if there was no World Heavyweight Championship, I agree with everyone that Orton And Batista would still be where they our. I also think down the road D.Bryan would get his chance and most likely win the WWE championship. Also I think the IC and US belts would have more value to them and maybe we might even have a decent tag division
Surprised you didn't mention Undertaker. I think Taker, Orton, and Batista would have won the title regardless. Taker deserved the title runs he got after 2004 and Orton, Batista would've gotten it because they got the Triple H rub it would've been inevitable. The other guys you mentioned, no. Without the WHC, they would still had been mid-card and that's where Ziggler would be stuck at now. Punk would be on his fourth title reign without his 2 WHC title reigns.
Looking back on the list of wrestlers who have held the World Heavyweight Championship.... Had there not been a second title then the WWE Championship scene and both of the midcard titles would have seen several new faces in the mix compared to how things actually went. Taking a look at everyone who has held the World Heavyweight Championship:

Triple H would obviously still be where he is today. He'd have won the WWE Championship as many times as he held the World Heavyweight Championship. Shawn Michaels' brief final reign would have been with the WWE Championship instead. Goldberg, Benoit, and Orton might still have gotten their 2003-2004 reigns. JBL's WWE Championship reign and Cena's first WWE Championship reign might not have happened, they needed a world title for the Evolution storyline with Batista and Trips. Cena and Batista were both holding the world titles for a long time and only one of these respective reigns would be able to happen. Rey would not be where he is, the early 2006 push only happened due to there being two world titles AND Eddie's death. Booker's reign likely wouldn't have happened, and most of Taker's are doubtful. Khali? Absolutely not. Edge would still be where he is and is likely to still have as many title reigns. Punk and Jericho's 2008 reigns would not have happened. Jeff Hardy might only have had 1 world title reign as opposed to the addition of his World Heavyweight Championship reigns. Swagger would DEFINITELY not have won one.

Ziggler's reign that lasted for a blink of an eye wouldn't have happened but it hasn't had any impact on his career. Finally, we have Christian, Henry, and Daniel Bryan. They would absolutely not have held a world title during the time they did as the WWE Championship scene would be too clogged up to fit in either Christian or Bryan (Henry wouldn't get a shot). Sheamus had already held the WWE Championship so he might have gotten another run with that belt. In the end it comes down to the fact that erasing the World Heavyweight Championship complicates re-booking a ton of feuds that went on in the past decade. Many title reigns wouldn't have happened on both the WWE and World Championship side of history. It's interesting to think about because a few of them (Trips, Orton, Edge etc) would still be where they are, while others (Christian, Bryan) might never have held a world title.
If there was no WHC title, the WWE would be very prestigius, and like many people said, Henry, Bryan or Christian might have not win the WWE title, but Rey Misterio actually won the WWE title in a tournament, only to loose it to Cena a few minutes later, but i agree with most people and if it wasn't for the WHC title, that might have been his only very brief run, and i also agree that withouth the WHC belt, the IC and US titles would have more value, hopefully the WWE and WHC titles get unified very soon, and if that happens, i can only imagine who would the undisputed champion be: (cough) CENA (cough).........
It's been a long while since I posted here lol. I think if there were no World Heavyweight Championship it would help WWE at this point. The roster is just too damn thin for two world championships. I'd even suggest dropping not only the Intercontinental but also the United States championships. I think the WWE title, Divas title and Tag Team titles are more than enough for today's WWE. I mean, it's not like the midcard belts mean anything anymore (see Santino's US reign) and we have two main eventers feuding over the IC title (which is an unnecessary addition to such a feud I feel).

Anyway, I'm digressing. As for the World Heavyweight Championship, it's been effectively useless for a good couple of years now. Particularly with RAW being a Supershow these days it's more of a midcard belt than anything. I say make both RAW and Smackdown supershows, cancel the WHC, IC and US titles and make the tag and WWE titles more sought after.
It's really hard to say, but in my opinion, I doubt Christian, Bryan, or Henry would've gotten a world title victory without the WHC. I really wish WWE would revert back to separating RAW and SmackDown wrestlers to their respective brand again so each brand has a world title and the guys on either brand can strive for their respective title. It would also make each title more prestigious. God, I miss the brand extension days from 2003-2006.
Without the world title a lot of current superstars wouldn't be where they are today and would miss their opportunity to shine. The only positive i could think of would be the matches. It would be a lot easier booking wise and would keep the champion having constant new challengers. I don't mind the World Heavyweight title. To be honest back when Edge was on Smackdown i looked forward to the World Heavyweight title matches over the WWE title matches. I think the problem is as time progresses WWE gets more and more lazy. They need to add some storylines to Smackdown to make it interesting. Right now all we get is qualifying matches for Del Rio and Sheamus to kick him in the face and call him "Fella".
I agree with the poster above in that a lot of guys wouldn't have had their time to shine. I often argue that the titles should be unified, but when I thought about this thread I realized we may have missed out a bit if they were. I think it would have taken Daniel Bryan a lot longer to get over if there was no world title. Guys like Booker T, Christian, and Mark Henry would probably not have even had their title runs. I know not everyone should get to be world champ, but a lot of interesting matches have been for the world title.

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