what if owen gets in the hall of fame?

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
This got me thinking and what if Owen gets in the hall of fame and we have Bret hart induct him. Now when Bret was inducted he did not show up at traditional wrestlemania walkout on stage during the show..my question is..is Owen hart does get in the hall of fame and Bret does induct him..would Bret be willing to get on that stage for his brother?
To me Owen should be inducted, but I think I remember reading somewhere that he won't be. Because his wife asked wwe not to use anything of his. If I'm not mistaken it went to court and she won the rights. So WWE can't do anything like that with him, it's the same reason that he's not on any of the video games and stuff. Which is sad, because the guy was a great performer, and could put on some great matches. If he happen to go into the hall I think bret would inducted him. I just don't think it will happen.
we all know he should be but the question that i posted is. if he was inducted by Bret hart would he be willing to go on the grand stage of wrestlemania for his brother?
I really have no idea if he would or not because i feel like Bret holds of grudge worse the Vince McMahon so the answer for me would be that he would not but i thought this question would open some discussion
we all know he should be
No he shouldn't, he was a mediocre professional wrestler, who's biggest claim to wrestling fame is falling to his tragic death. Don't get me wrong, it's sad and all that, but he was never a Hall of Famer. To be a Hall of Famer, you actually have to have been relevant...Owen Hart never was.

So, it's basically a moot point. But, if it came to pass would Hart do it? I doubt it. Bret seems pretty adamant about not appearing on a wrestling show again, and I don't think he would even do it for his brother.
No he shouldn't, he was a mediocre professional wrestler, who's biggest claim to wrestling fame is falling to his tragic death. Don't get me wrong, it's sad and all that, but he was never a Hall of Famer. To be a Hall of Famer, you actually have to have been relevant...Owen Hart never was.

So, it's basically a moot point. But, if it came to pass would Hart do it? I doubt it. Bret seems pretty adamant about not appearing on a wrestling show again, and I don't think he would even do it for his brother.

I agree that Owen isn't a Hall of Famer however if KoKo B Ware is in the Hall of fame I'm pretty sure anyone can be. Who's next? Hacksaw Jim Duggan? Actually I would prefer him over Koko. I think Duggan was more over than the Bird Man anyways.

But what I think Stu Hart deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. If anything for his contribution to the business. I recall an interview Bret did a while ago when his book came out where he said the WWE had contacted him about inducting his brother and father into the hall of fame and Bret seemed all for it.

So while I don't think Owen SHOULD be in the hall of fame I think he will along with his Dad and Bret should be the one to induct them both.
It's kind of a moot point because I feel at some point in time, the entire Hart family will be inducted.

Yes, Bret is already in, but I can see a scenario where they claim he's the only two time inductee and induct their entire family, much the same as when they inducted the Funk's or the Von Erich's.

I'm not sure how it will work, but I can see Owen's wife eventually allowing her husband to be honored. It may not be while Vince is alive or "in charge", but I can see her accepting the honor with a little persuassion from Stephanie and Paul (HHH) at some point.

This is obviouly all contingent upon whether the HOF inductions continue for several more years.
Owen Hart basically died for WWE first of all, so that should be reason enough for him to be inducted. But it's most likely not for most. However, when you add on top of that how he was the only Hart outside of Bret to make it in WWE, headlined a good number of pay-per-views for the company, participated in some of the most memorable matches in WWE history, and was a two-time Intercontinental Champion, one-time European Champion, four-time World Tag Team Champion, and won the King of the Ring... there is no legitimate argument for Owen NOT to be in the Hall of Fame. Not one, especially when you take a look at some of the other clowns WWE has inducted in the past.
we all know he should be but the question that i posted is. if he was inducted by Bret hart would he be willing to go on the grand stage of wrestlemania for his brother?
I really have no idea if he would or not because i feel like Bret holds of grudge worse the Vince McMahon so the answer for me would be that he would not but i thought this question would open some discussion

I think Bret is to self obsessed to do it. Rather than standing in honor of his brother he will remember all the crap HE went through and not do it.

No offence to Bret, its the human condition to be selfish...
I doubt that Bret would do it, even for Owen. I think that he is 100000% adament that he will not appear on WWE televison again for any purposes. He didnt even do it for his own induction so i doubt it. I highly doubt Owen will egt in anyway. It would be nice to see Bret do this gesture through.
I think Bret is to self obsessed to do it. Rather than standing in honor of his brother he will remember all the crap HE went through and not do it.

No offence to Bret, its the human condition to be selfish...
You're right, because there would be NO ONE else the WWE could get to stand for Owen at Wrestlemania. :rolleyes:

Please. The WWE would only want Bret Hart to stand for Owen, because it would line their pockets. Bret's refusal to line the WWE's pockets for a wrestling show ever again has nothing to do with selfishness, at least no more than the very reason he'd be asked to go.
I'm sorry Sly, but when you fucking DIE for your company, you deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. Owen Hart LITERALLY died serving the WWE. If that doesn't deserve a spot in the hall of fame, I don't know what does.

Mediocre wrestler? How so? Because he wasn't a main eventer for most of his career? Whoop-de-doo, I guess that means Eddie Guerrero doesn't deserve to be in the Hall of Fame either huh? Owen Hart was a major player in the WWF in the 90s, and was involved in two of the biggest storylines of that decade (Owen vs. Bret, and the Hart Foundation). He had several great matches, several title reigns, and again, he fucking DIED servicing the WWE.

There isn't a single reason why Owen shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame. If fucking Koko B. Ware can be in the HOF, there is absolutely no reason Owen Hart shouldn't. He's a legend in this business, and he deserves it.

I'll be waiting patiently for your predictable response about how because Owen never drew buyrates he's not a good wrestler. :rolleyes:
I'm sorry Sly, but when you fucking DIE for your company, you deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. Owen Hart LITERALLY died serving the WWE. If that doesn't deserve a spot in the hall of fame, I don't know what does.

Mediocre wrestler? How so? Because he wasn't a main eventer for most of his career? Whoop-de-doo, I guess that means Eddie Guerrero doesn't deserve to be in the Hall of Fame either huh? Owen Hart was a major player in the WWF in the 90s, and was involved in two of the biggest storylines of that decade (Owen vs. Bret, and the Hart Foundation). He had several great matches, several title reigns, and again, he fucking DIED servicing the WWE.

There isn't a single reason why Owen shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame. If fucking Koko B. Ware can be in the HOF, there is absolutely no reason Owen Hart shouldn't. He's a legend in this business, and he deserves it.

I'll be waiting patiently for your predictable response about how because Owen never drew buyrates he's not a good wrestler. :rolleyes:

Let's say you're a wrestler who just signed a contract with the WWE. You be in matches for a couple of months and you're beginning to be well-liked. Then you die whether it be in the ring or something similar to Owen. Would you be placed in the Hall of Fame? You probably won't. So it's illogical to say that anybody deserves to be in the Hall of Fame if they died servicing the WWE.

Honestly, I didn't see him as a major player in the 90's. His match with Bret at WM 10 was good but didn't capitalize on it. You would think they would have given him a shot at the world title after that. He was always overshadowed by the likes of Bret, Michaels, Austin, Sid, Taker, and so forth.

How is Owen Hart a legend? Did he do anything to change or revoluntize the business? The only lasting impact he had was his death and in that retrospect he was like the Dale Earnhadt of the WWE except less accomplished.
Let's say you're a wrestler who just signed a contract with the WWE. You be in matches for a couple of months and you're beginning to be well-liked. Then you die whether it be in the ring or something similar to Owen. Would you be placed in the Hall of Fame? You probably won't. So it's illogical to say that anybody deserves to be in the Hall of Fame if they died servicing the WWE.

Owen Hart wrestled in the WWE 11 years, and was probably THE most well liked guy in the entire company. He was a vital part of that locker room for over a decade, he was involved in two of the biggest storylines in the 90s. He won a fucking King of the Ring, the IC title 2 times, the Tag Titles 4 times, the European championship...these stats aren't deserving of a HOF spot? He did all of these things when the IC Title and KOTR actually meant something too.

Owen Hart deserves to be the WWE Hall of Fame just as much as someone like Tito Santana does, more so in fact. The fuck did Santana ever do for the WWF?

Honestly, I didn't see him as a major player in the 90's. His match with Bret at WM 10 was good but didn't capitalize on it. You would think they would have given him a shot at the world title after that. He was always overshadowed by the likes of Bret, Michaels, Austin, Sid, Taker, and so forth.

So main eventing Summerslam, winning the KOTR, being in major feuds through out the 90s doesn't make one a major player? So I guess Kevin Nash and Scott Hall were meaningless in the 90s as well huh?

Owen was one of the biggest assets the WWE had, he was always the guy that they used to elevate another performer to the main event, because he was that damn good at making his opponent look good (much like Mick Foley). Owen Hart was a huge reason that guys like Austin, HBK, and Triple H started to pick up steam before they became big.

How is Owen Hart a legend? Did he do anything to change or revoluntize the business? The only lasting impact he had was his death and in that retrospect he was like the Dale Earnhadt of the WWE except less accomplished.

What an absurdly ignorant statement. Owen isn't a legend? So I guess the WWF AND the WCW devoting major hours of television to him were simply in my imagination? I guess that Raw is Owen scoring one of the highest ratings wrestling has ever received meant nothing?

Do you know anything about the Hart family? Stampede wrestling? Canadian wrestling in general?

I'm sorry, but I'd love for you to explain to me Don Muraco or Greg Valentine deserve to be in the Hall of Fame, but not Owen Hart. Seriously. You guys act like the Hall of Fame is reserved for multi-time world champions or something; it fucking isn't. Koko B. Ware is in the HOF. Explain to me how he deserves to be in, but Owen doesn't.
Owen Hart wrestled in the WWE 11 years, and was probably THE most well liked guy in the entire company. He was a vital part of that locker room for over a decade, he was involved in two of the biggest storylines in the 90s. He won a fucking King of the Ring, the IC title 2 times, the Tag Titles 4 times, the European championship...these stats aren't deserving of a HOF spot? He did all of these things when the IC Title and KOTR actually meant something too.

Owen Hart deserves to be the WWE Hall of Fame just as much as someone like Tito Santana does, more so in fact. The fuck did Santana ever do for the WWF?

So main eventing Summerslam, winning the KOTR, being in major feuds through out the 90s doesn't make one a major player? So I guess Kevin Nash and Scott Hall were meaningless in the 90s as well huh?

Owen was one of the biggest assets the WWE had, he was always the guy that they used to elevate another performer to the main event, because he was that damn good at making his opponent look good (much like Mick Foley). Owen Hart was a huge reason that guys like Austin, HBK, and Triple H started to pick up steam before they became big.

What an absurdly ignorant statement. Owen isn't a legend? So I guess the WWF AND the WCW devoting major hours of television to him were simply in my imagination? I guess that Raw is Owen scoring one of the highest ratings wrestling has ever received meant nothing?

Do you know anything about the Hart family? Stampede wrestling? Canadian wrestling in general?

I'm sorry, but I'd love for you to explain to me Don Muraco or Greg Valentine deserve to be in the Hall of Fame, but not Owen Hart. Seriously. You guys act like the Hall of Fame is reserved for multi-time world champions or something; it fucking isn't. Koko B. Ware is in the HOF. Explain to me how he deserves to be in, but Owen doesn't.

Tito Santana won the Intercontinental Championship twice and the tag team titles twice. He also won the 1989 King of the Ring and won the ECW Championship as well. He was in great matches in the 80s with Valentine and Savage. So I do think he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame.

I believe Owen's legend is bigger in Canda than it is in America. At least Bret had a more measure of success in America. Why isn't Vader in the Hall of Fame then? If Owen deserves to get in, then so does Vader because he was successful in other countries and did have success in WCW and not so much the WWF.

We can't change who's in the Hall of Fame and who isn't. If we want to know why somebody like Koko B. Ware and Owen isn't, that question would be asked towards those who vote for the HOF. If Owen gets in, his reaction wouldn't be as enormous than if he would have gotten in after his death.
Tito Santana won the Intercontinental Championship twice and the tag team titles twice. He also won the 1989 King of the Ring and won the ECW Championship as well. He was in great matches in the 80s with Valentine and Savage. So I do think he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame.

Everything you just said minus the ECW championship can be said for Owen Hart. Owen Hart has had more success than Tito Santana ever has. How many Summerslams has Tito Santana main evented? Zero. Santana won the KOTR at a time when it was meaningless and wasn't the major deal it was in 1994 when Owen won it. It was on par with the Royal Rumble when Big John Studd was winning it. It meant absolutely nothing.

Did Owen not have classic matches in the 90s? The steel cage match against Bret alone is better than any match Tito ever wrestled in his life, and that's coming from someone who's a BIG Tito Santana fan.

My point is that you guys are acting like the Hall of Fame can only be reserved for guys like Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold. Why again can't the upper-midcard veterans who've made a lasting impact on the business not be inducted? Owen Hart deserves to be in the Hall of Fame more than Don Muraco, or Tito Santana, or Koko B. Ware, or Paul Orndorff or Bob Orton. Shit Owen deserves to be in the HOF more than half of the guys who are in it.

I believe Owen's legend is bigger in Canda than it is in America. At least Bret had a more measure of success in America. Why isn't Vader in the Hall of Fame then? If Owen deserves to get in, then so does Vader because he was successful in other countries and did have success in WCW and not so much the WWF.

I agree that Vader should be in. What's your point? That the Hall of Fame doesn't induct people who deserve to? I know they don't, that's why I'm arguing for Owen Hart here. Vader should be in as well.

We can't change who's in the Hall of Fame and who isn't. If we want to know why somebody like Koko B. Ware and Owen isn't, that question would be asked towards those who vote for the HOF. If Owen gets in, his reaction wouldn't be as enormous than if he would have gotten in after his death.

What does the reaction have anything to do with it? You think the crowd started flipping out and marking out all over themselves when Bobo Brazil or Nick Bockwinkel were inducted? 90% of the crowd didn't even know who the fuck they were.

There's absolutely no reason for why Owen shouldn't be in the WWE Hall of Fame. He was certainly a more important factor to the company than Muraco or Santana or Koko B. Ware ever were.
I'm sorry Sly, but when you fucking DIE for your company, you deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. Owen Hart LITERALLY died serving the WWE. If that doesn't deserve a spot in the hall of fame, I don't know what does.
Owen Hart didn't die for the WWE, he died because of them. There's a difference. Using that theory, anyone who ever dies in the line of work deserves to be inducted into a special memorial for the greatest ever. That's absurd.

The Hall of Fame should be reserved for those who are, get this, FAMEous. See how that "fame" thing works in there. Owen Hart was never famous, except for the way he died. That doesn't get you in. When the most memorable moment of your career is your death, that doesn't serve to induct you into a Hall of Fame.
First of all, to those of you who think Owen Hart isn't hall of fame worthy- you guys are nuts! Owen was 10x as entertaining as Bret ever was on the mic. He was King of the Ring, multiple Tag Team, Intercontinental, and European champion. The Slammy award winning, Rocket, Owen Hart. If he had lived, he would definitely have gone on to win the WWE title multiple times.

As for Bret, I definitely think he would accept/induct Owen. I've read/heard him say multiple times in the last year or so that he's basically over the stuff that happened with Vince. Whether or not that's true, I don't know, but I think the fact that recognizing his brother for who he was is way more important and surely he knows that.
i don't think owen shud be inducted into HOF based on sympathy. his death was tragic and no one ever had a negative comment to say about owen. i don't think owen did much in his career apart from his fued w/ bret. blue blazer gimmick= lame, tag team matchups were all lame. sure he was very skilled but was not around long enough. i think if he hadn't died tragically and stuck around he had potential to become a main eventer, have big matches, draw well and then he wud be worthy of a HOF induction.
It's sad that Owen's wife is so adamantly against the WWE doing anything to remember, acknowledge or appreciate her late husband. I completely sympathize with her loss, and acknowledge what a deep loss it was. However, at some point I wish she'd acknowledge that we (the fans) lost too. I get that she doesn't want WWE to make any $$$ off of her husband's life or death, both of which he dedicated to the company, but a HOF induction or a 3 disc DVD set isn't going to make or break the company.

I think Bret would show up for Owen, I really do. I don't see him doing it for any one else ever again after this though.

The HOF has tons of people that absolutely seem unworthy of induction. Owen should have already been in a long time ago. Owen was superior to Bret in everyway. He had great and varied mat skills from spending significant amounts of time training abroad, excellent high flying ability and a personality (something Bret barely ever had).

He spent alot of time with the company, held multiple titles, elevated several of the young talents, was beloved by everybody in the locker room, main evented PPV's and was truly a company guy. The HOF is clearly not solely for the consistent main eventers. As it stands today Owen would be my #1 pick for induction, hands down. For God's sake people, Pete Rose is in the WWE HOF!!

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