What if Mr. Kennedy...

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Pre-Show Stalwart
So I was thinking...

In 2007, Mr. Kennedy won the 3rd annual Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania 23. Many saw this as the push for Kennedy to become a main eventer in the WWE. He claimed that he would cash the Money in the Bank breifcase at Wrestlemania 24. But, Kennedy suffered an injury, and therefore Edge challenged him for the breifcase and won. My question is...

What if Mr. Kennedy never suffered that injury?

I think that if Ken hadn't been injured, first off he would still be in the WWE. Im sure by now he would've been a multi-time WWE champion. We would probably have seen feuds like Ken/Cena, Ken/Orton, and Ken/Miz.

Next, Edge would've probably not have main evented Wrestlemania 24 with the Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship. If Edge hadn't won the breifcase from Ken, he wouldn't have been champion going into WM.

If Ken kept his word and held on to in until WM24, Im sure that he would cash it in during the WWE Championship match, because Undertaker is undefeated at WM.

It just goes to show you how an injury can affect one superstars career entirely.

What other things do you guys think would've happened?
Actually I think if he was never injured then this is what would have happened

1.Miz would not have even become WWE champion yet , possibly ever
2.TNA would be a bit less well off
3.Mr.Anderson wouldn't be as interesting of a character in WWE due to PG BS
4.He may have cashed it in but may possibly have been treated as many other MITB winners and just been world champ 1 time for like 1 month or less , untill several years later given the real chance

I really don't think w/ Anderson around that they would have even looked at Miz , because Anderson would be filling that exact role instead. I also feel that Anderson means way more to and in TNA than he would have in WWE anyway.

So I think it made things work out better for both Miz & Anderson
I agree with Gaga777 that Anderson means more to Impact than he would've meant to WWE. I never really understood why he wanted to cash it in at the next year's WrestleMania, especially in today's generation where everyone is impatient and wants to know what's going to happen like yesterday. I could see if it were 1988, where things were at a slower pace, where his character and the storyline itself could've been pushed along in the correct amount of time, but hey, it is what it is.

I think however that eventually he would have won, only to be a transitional champion (somewhat what he was during his first reign in Impact Wrestling). The Miz would have not been on top, especially for as long. But you gotta factor in that it wasn't Anderson's injury that really cost him his job in WWE, but more so the fact that he was seen as accident prone, especially during his match with Randy Orton. Superstars get injured all the time, hell John Cena gets injured constantly it seems and he's still employed and has the belt too. It was due to his perceived "wreckless" style that cost him his job. So even if he had won the title for a few months, I strongly believe he would have been released, just maybe not as fast, due to him being a former champion---but hey, they released Rob Van Dam due to his issues and he actually was a former champion.

As far as Impact goes, it probably would have remained status quo since nothing major has happened within the company before or after his arrival. I don't, nor ever will see Mr. Anderson as this great draw. I just don't. He says "asshole" about 100xs a night, has that thing with the mic, and his work isn't all that great, IMO. His departure from WWE didn't cripple the company, and I'm sure most causal fans never really missed him, so his injury was just that---an injury that happened to a decent performer, which had little to do with what happened thereafter in the company, let along Impact Wrestling.
Anderson used to be very sloppy in the ring in his time with WWE. That match with Randy Orton might have cost him his job. Vince has known for a long time that Orton is a big part of the future and someone being sloopy with his prize horse rubbed the boss the wrong way. I have watched him more in TNA recently and his ring work has gotten much better. I've never been a fan of his mic work but that's just me. I really can't say how he would have figured into the WWE now. I doubt he would have gone far though. In the WWE unless you are a lucha star or fit the Batista mold, you can't be unsafe in the ring. Vince likes to keep the guys healthy so they can work all year round.
In his RF shoot video Ken Anderson talks a little about that.

He had a meeting a couple days before the meeting, and was told he was being given the WHC.

Vince told him they saw alot of promise in him, but ultimately Smackdown was about Batista, and Kennedy would probably have a lengthy title reign, unless Batista's star started slipping.

So yeah, if not for that injury Kennedy probably would have be a major WWE player by now.

If you watch that match really closely, it's Orton who botches the move, not Anderson.
I just rewatched the match (yep, it was the match with those jerseys, I almost forgot how crappy that concept was), and I was like, okay, what'd he do? So I watched it again and saw how he dropped Randy Orton. Here's my thing. Orton didn't seem to protect himself much and that's why he got folded up the way he did. I also had an inital thought that Randy Orton oversold his "injury" where he was beating on the mat...If you think about it, that's the same thing he does now when he's ready to Hulk-up, er ah, hit his RKO. Not sure if he was beating the mat out of anger/hurt or that he was just trying to oversell a move, nonetheless, I don't think, looking back on it, that Mr. Anderson did anything greatly harmful to Orton. I just think Randy was being a sissy in overselling a move. Hell, Owen Hart actually broke Austin's neck during a live PPV and he was rewarded with one of the most interesting feuds the WWF had. I believe he even started wearing an "I Broke Your Neck" t-shirt, or something similar to that.

I believe wholeheartedly that Randy Orton complained his sissy butt off to the point where he handcuffed Vince McMahon or probably he was like, "it's either him or me" and since Vince knew Randy was a bigger draw than Mr. Anderson, he pulled the trigger and ended his career in the company. If this is true, then it's really a sad case, but nonetheless I do believe it wasn't Mr. Anderson's injury that cost him, but the "botched move/phantom injury" that Randy Orton "suffered" that cost him.
/\ And it was a good move by Vince I guess because he is still dominating TNA.

Like someone above said, they would have had to dull Kennedy down if he was going to be around during this PG era. And his "asshole" gimmick is all he has going for himself and its getting old fast.
Im not a fan of the "what If..." approach, but I think he would be first Mr MITB to lose when he cashed it in...

he wasnt exactly winning ppl over in the back, I believe that had more to do with his release than the "injury-prone" excuse

Just watched the video in question, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWmEmjGIiuY

it was from opposite angle of the original broadcast the one I just viewed, it appeared to me that Kennedy was unable to hang on to Orton when he back suplexed him...
I was a Mr. Kenendy MARK when he was in WWE. I loved his cocky ass attitude, I loved the mic coming down from the ceiling and the elaborate ring introductions and I thought he was a decent in ring worker. I really think his body kind of screwed him in a big way during his WWE run. You could tell that they were trying every way possible to push him toward that main event spot, but everytime they did he got injured. I don't think he would have held MITB until Mania though, I think he woud have probably cashed it in after Summer Slam and probably been a transitional champion until maybe Rumble or New Years Revolution back then. What would have really put him in that top spot would have been if he got the "Vince's son" role in that storyline. I remember reading that he was one of the finals in consideration and that the plan was for Vince to make up for the lost years and give him everything he wanted leading into a match with Shane at either Rumble or Mania, I can't remember. Either way he would have had a marqee spot at Mania that year and would have probably went into a World title program shortly afterward with Cena or Triple H I'm assuming. I think this was a case of poor booking here, Kennedy's name was even a play off Vince if you see his OVW promo where he went from being Ken Anderson to Mr. Kennedy. As far as the Orton thing, I have watched the match, I have heard both sides of the story, and I think Kennedy just got the shaft. Classic case of he said she said and the boss picked the side of the person they preferred.

I do agree with the masses TNA needs him a lot more than WWE would at this point. I think if he was still in WWE he would either be in The Miz's spot or lost in the shuffle somewhere. I watched TNA for the first time in a while last week though and noticed something. He has the same physique as I do. I work out and stay in shape, but for a professional wrestler that is a main event talent, I find that kind of disheartening. I mean if you look at it Cena and Sheamus are jacked, Orton is shreaded, Miz, Del Rio and Truth are more defined than an average guy. My point is all of the guys in the main event picture on both shows all look like larger than life characters to an extint, excluding Christian. Kennedy or Anderson whatever you want to call him just looks like a guy you see everyday.
I enjoyed Anderson's character when he was in the WWE. Personally I think because Anderson has some what of a cocky attitude (in a good way) in real life and that rubbed Randy the wrong way. There can only be one alpha dog (or whatever that stupid saying is) and he probably felt like this guy coming in here acting like that when he was a rookie was a lack of respect. So he used the whole 'dropped me on my head' as the perfect excuse to Vince. Because I saw it and I didn't think Anderson really did anything wrong. JMO.

It's TNA's gain so I'm glad he's finding success.
I was a Mr. Kenendy MARK when he was in WWE. I loved his cocky ass attitude, I loved the mic coming down from the ceiling and the elaborate ring introductions and I thought he was a decent in ring worker. I really think his body kind of screwed him in a big way during his WWE run. You could tell that they were trying every way possible to push him toward that main event spot, but everytime they did he got injured. I don't think he would have held MITB until Mania though, I think he woud have probably cashed it in after Summer Slam and probably been a transitional champion until maybe Rumble or New Years Revolution back then. What would have really put him in that top spot would have been if he got the "Vince's son" role in that storyline. I remember reading that he was one of the finals in consideration and that the plan was for Vince to make up for the lost years and give him everything he wanted leading into a match with Shane at either Rumble or Mania, I can't remember. Either way he would have had a marqee spot at Mania that year and would have probably went into a World title program shortly afterward with Cena or Triple H I'm assuming. I think this was a case of poor booking here, Kennedy's name was even a play off Vince if you see his OVW promo where he went from being Ken Anderson to Mr. Kennedy. As far as the Orton thing, I have watched the match, I have heard both sides of the story, and I think Kennedy just got the shaft. Classic case of he said she said and the boss picked the side of the person they preferred.

I do agree with the masses TNA needs him a lot more than WWE would at this point. I think if he was still in WWE he would either be in The Miz's spot or lost in the shuffle somewhere. I watched TNA for the first time in a while last week though and noticed something. He has the same physique as I do. I work out and stay in shape, but for a professional wrestler that is a main event talent, I find that kind of disheartening. I mean if you look at it Cena and Sheamus are jacked, Orton is shreaded, Miz, Del Rio and Truth are more defined than an average guy. My point is all of the guys in the main event picture on both shows all look like larger than life characters to an extint, excluding Christian. Kennedy or Anderson whatever you want to call him just looks like a guy you see everyday.

I am not sure if he heard before when he was in WWE he failed a wellness policy and they claim he was taking drugs trying to build muscles because he unable go to the gym and get big, something to do with his muscle mass.

he looks like an average type guy, but is he drawing any money?? i don't know From my understanding in WWE he was dangerous to work with because he was very sloppy in the ring. I notice it sometimes in TNA, am not sure if anybody notice. He can do the "Asshole" character if he wants to, but its getting old really fast. If he wants to take it to the next level, he has to change his character a little bit
Nothing would've happened in the most likely sceanario. Kennedy winning a world title would've been good for his push but let's face it; he was more or less made of fucking glass and was going to fuck up and piss off one of the bigger stars sooner or later and he should be happy that it was the former rather than the latter. We may have gotten a main event level feud after he loses his world title but the guy never really had much of an impact when he was a champion. When he was US champion, he was just kinda there and never really made the title feel at all important.

He means more to TNA now than what he would've meant to WWE today so in hindsight it was more or less a blessing for him.
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