What If.... Kevin Nash Came Back?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now as i read on the 'News' section about Nash being ready for WWE when he's needed. Now just to get this over with first and for all. I dislike Kevin Nash, as his past is coloured and he's tainted a lot of careers due his greedy and selfish nature. That being said, i think it'd be pretty obvious to say, he'll be back on WWE as he's good friends with HHH.

So your idea for him if he was to come back onto TV...here's mine.

You bring him back on Smackdown, he's not needed for Raw in my eyes.
He comes back as a manager maybe in charge of 2 or 3 guys and it's not a stable. He comes out does a promo saying something along the lines of... "I can't go full blast like i used to, i can't keep up with the young generation anymore, but i still crave winning and being the cream at the top." Then he introduces 2 or 3 guys like i said, guys who in ring have something and with work they could shine. Say a Kidd, McGillicutty, maybe even a newly introduced Seth Rollins. He starts saying how we will make these guys champions, and manage them to being successful/dominating wrestlers in the WWE.

For me the storyline could go many ways, the Heels can win through Nash interrupting in matches etc, He can be their mouth piece without putting on to much spotlight on the actual wrestlers, they do their work in the ring and their action outside, possibly by attacking some guys, causing havoc.

Anyway that's just my idea, what would be yours?

Just to note those wrestlers i picked are just examples. And they could be mid card champs, i don't mean WHC/WWE ones, just to help guys get a foot up.
I can see what you are saying happening to be honest. If I am not mistaken, didn't Nash sign a 5 year Legends contract with the WWE prior to the 2011 Royal Rumble? I don't think they officially released him, so they could still use him as needed in a manager role...I would love to see him with someone like Heath Slater and Tyson Kidd and do something similar to the Band that Nash did in TNA or a new version on NWO
yeah when was he released? i don't remember that news feed. He was only gonna be that short fued and a run with CM Punk but he was a health risk so that cut it short.

Keep him out of the ring unless it's just a tag match, he already did the whole manager role in TNA when he was managing the MCMG amongst others and it was ok so for that sort of role i wouldn't object, would be no worse then Vickie, if he was to keep the Big Daddy Cool style of talking not the Kevin Nash screaming/talking work shoots every promo he could also go do commentry.
i agree with dotty_84 on bringing him back and to smackdown and manageing but i only think one guy is a good idea and a new star coming to wwe would be a good idea as you said newly introduced Seth Rollins.

BTW great thread
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Now to address the post to avoid an angry anti-spamming message from a mod in my inbox! God, no! Keep Kevin Nash the hell away from the WWE product. He's too old, can barely move in the ring, and he's lost his mic skills. Punk made him look like the over the hill loser he is and he just came across as super awkward. They could have done some kind of heel stable with him, Johnny L., Ziggler, Swagger and co., but that ship has sailed.

Let him go back to TNA and try to get over that fat, useless piece of shit Samoa Joe. It's like my blind, multiple amputee, diabetic, aids riddled cousin always used to say: "Fuck Kevin Nash."
What can he bring to the in-ring product of the WWE? Is anyone not turning the channel because of Kevin Nash? He stated he wanted to be a dad to his kid and that TNA worked for him in that regard as they tape locally. It seems a good fit as TNA loves to hire the older guys trying to relive past glory. But didn't he have trouble coexisting there before? His best days are past and I'd rather see the time and money spent on developing new talent.
Kevin Nash does have contributions that can be made to WWE. In my opinion, Nash would make a great commentator. He's a natural on commentary. He's head, shoulders, hips & ass above Booker T. That might not exactly be saying much, but Nash is honestly good on commentary. If Vince were to let him be himself just as with Booker T, Nash could be very entertaining and you can actually understand half of what he's talking about.

I could also see Nash as a manager as well, especially if WWE books him in a way that doesn't overshadow the younger guys he'd be working with. Nash said in a recent interview that he's a huge fan of Dolph Ziggler and that he really enjoys watching Ziggler in the ring and on the mic. I could see Nash representing Ziggler and a couple of other young guys that are elevated just by him being out there. As I aluded to, it could work out fine if he's booked to not be the center of attention and overshadow the young guys. In either this role or as a commentator, I don't think Nash should get physical. He looks great on the surface but, under the hood, he's definitely got a lot of wear & tear on him.

Nash has said that he regrets not being able to complete his feud with CM Punk. I could see Nash coming back at some point, if he's medically cleared, and start with CM Punk again. It'd be easy to book as there's "unfinished business" between the two.

I know that Nash said that he's primarily interested in being a father right now and that's commendable and all. However, at the same time, Nash doesn't have to worry about a paycheck. While he hasn't had to worry about one for a long while, he's signed to a 5 year WWE Legends' contract. So he probably gets paid a decent chunk of change in exchange for WWE using his likeness in video games, t-shirts and the occassional appearance promoting WWE. If WWE did have something worthwhile for Nash, such as maybe feuding with CM Punk for the WWE Championship, Nash would be there in a heartbeat and would be there for as long as WWE wanted him, family or not.
I'll only say this once. Kevin Nash should defeat Triple H in a match. That's all I've ever wanted to see him upon his return(s). He always lost and I think that has always been the one win he needed or could have used to close his wrestling career. I never was interested in seeing a program between Kevin Nash and CM Punk, although it would have also helped CM Punk in capturing some braggin' rights to his resume if he won. The only role I see for Kevin Nash in the WWE is a managerial role. I was actually interested in his paparazzi productions angle with Alex Shelley and Austin Aries in TNA, and would like to see something like that again.
WWE could bring Nash back in a managerial role, but Nash has the 'bug' and him on tv weekly or whatever he'd want to wrestle, personally I like the guy so if he's ready and willing to put guys over then bring him back for a year maybe have him go after Big Show for the IC belt that would be cool but either way I'm not fussed if he's brought back cool, if not no biggie.
I would have Nash on commentary replacing Michael Cole on RAW, Cole even looks like he should be a manager for someone, while Nash would make a great commentator alongside Jerry the King Lawler
With the new seemingly awesome direction of the WWE, a 52 year old with bad knees is the last thing they need. I'm probably one of the bigger Nash marks on these boards but I can even see that he isn't needed on an in ring basis. However, like many before have pointed out, there's always room for an extra manager or even a commentary position like Jack-Hammer stated. Nash seems to have the ability to speak fairly well whenever he's comfortable. Pairing him up with the likes of Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre or any other lower mid carder who cannot speak well can do wonders for these young stars' careers. If he's still solidly over with the fans, why not use him?
Have Nash manage/ enforce along with Vickie for Dolph. (Sorry but when Vickie and Dolph split it should result in his face turn after he becomes a memorable heel and be surprising not sudden) have swagger, rollins, mcintye, and ryan around as a stable. Nash dont need to wrestle its his presence alone and promos should take them to new heights
I didnt know Nash was still under contract with the WWE. If they did bring him back I could possibly see him feuding with John Cena. Cena has works well with the Super Heavywieghts like Umaga, Khali Big SHow and Kane playing the underdog role. Big Daddy Cool is one of the greatest big men of all time.
A Nash return? Maybe, but certainly not in the ring. At this stage of his career, Nash can barely make it through one match; he's been ravaged by injuries, and it's high time he steps away from the ring. I'm not saying Nash is completely useless, though. Nash is one hell of a talker and he's an all-time great, WWE can always use people of his stature -- even if it is outside of the ring. Nash would make an interesting manager or authority figure, he'd be good in minor appearances too. WWE can still use Nash to give someone a rub, he doesn't have to wrestle for that; a young superstar can benefit from just being associated with Nash.

There's one thing, above everything else, that I think Kevin Nash should be doing and that's commentary. Commentary seems to be tailor made for Kevin Nash's skill set, it's the one thing I think he can most help WWE by doing. I'm not saying he has to be an every day announcer, but he can certainly come on every so often and provide a fresh perspective and a fresh voice. Nash never seems to be at a loss for words and he's always entertaining, commentary seems like a natural transition for him. Someday down the line, I'm sure Nash will put on a headset and sit behind the desk.
The only thing Nash is good for is... absolutely nothing. You are a 52 year old hack who has never had a prime. Your time at the top was laughable, 1997/1998... but 2012 doesn't want your kind here. You get nostalgia pops because people think they'll see you once, but then you end up staying... GO AWAY. The last person Nash put over was.... Scott Hall. thanks buddy.
Kevin Nash has ZERO need to be ever in AWWE ring wrestling ever again, unless it is a one off and he is elevating somebody. The CM Punk debarcle feud was an embarrassment to Nash, he was destroyed on the mic, one of Nash's still remaining strengths. I see him as a heel manager yes, maybe have a stable of up and coming uys who Nash sees hunger and a bit of himself in. He could have vignettes of Wolfpack training camps with guys like DDP training them in their yoga, Waltman training them to wrestle, Road Dogg training them in promos, add a sort of realism work/shoot to the gimmick, The nostalgic run this new faction would gain would only help get them over. Of course 6-9 months down the track, these cocky brash arrogant guys get to big for their boots and turn on Nash. This leads to a Wrestlemania 29 match where Kevin Nash is nout to avenge the smashing at the hands of the guys he turned into WWE Superstars, thus he has to pick a group of 2-3 guys to be his tag partners in the match. Logically he picks Waltman and the NEW Age Outlaws. Nash retires forever the next night on raw. Gives you a sort of comedy match for Mania gives a few legends a match, gets these new guys who are now hated heels on Wrestlemania and closes out a pretty decent career. That way, Nash matters.
Nash can stay in the back forever. He was an awful wrestler, he couldn't talk, he was just some tall guy that got lucky in the business.
What if he came back? It'd be the same as every other time he came back. He'll cut a bunch of promos and skits, talk about "getting the band back together", and maybe throw in a beatdown or two. Then whenever it's time to put over anyone who isn't one of his Kliq buttbuddies he'll come down with some kind of convenient ailment. Next to Hulk Hogan he's the biggest parasite in the business.
With Kevin Nash back in the WWE along with Lesnar, Tensai, The Rock, etc. WWE would be even more interesting especially with Nash back, because it was like after TLC after his match with HHH we didn't get to see him again after that and if he were to come back, I would love to see him engage in a feud with Cena this time around especially with a Cena/Nash feud, Cena can carry Nash
Here is short list of ideas better than a Kevin Nash return:

1. A Chris Benoit musical retrospective
2. The return of New Coke
3. The Holocaust

Did you even watch Kevin Nash's horrible, sloppy, nepotistic, embarrassing, absolutely all around abysmal return? Let's recap, shall we? CM Punk had just become the hottest thing in professional wrestling and became a guaranteed cash cow for World Wrestling Entertainment. He had become a bona-fide main eventer and a new face of the franchise. Then, of all people to take him out, they introduce Kevin Nash to return and take him out. Because, of course, when my brand new main eventer is on fire, I don't feed him the hottest young talent in the company - I feed him a washed up old man who hasn't been relevant since 1998. Oh, but it gets better. Kevin Nash couldn't even make it to his match because he was filming some shitty D-movie that nobody will ever watch, which is way more important than wrestling the hottest thing going, right? Right, of course. So let's recap so far. He completely derails Punk's incredible rise to superstardom then disappears. Later, he returns after having texted a secret message to himself and then enters a nonsensical feud with Triple H, culminating in the most painful ladder match I've ever had to watch (and I'm including Rey vs Eddie in this).

You want that back? It's like having a go over for a nice dinner, then he fucks your dog, and comes back a few weeks later to shit in your wife's mouth.
I love the idea of Nash doing commentary. I remember him doing it in WCW when the NWO was taking over and he is good. I also think he would be good for an occasional match when needed. Like a poster before said I could see unfinished business with Punk and could easily start that feud again. I don't particularly want to see him in the ring again, but there is still contributions he can make to the business.
Here is short list of ideas better than a Kevin Nash return:

1. A Chris Benoit musical retrospective
2. The return of New Coke
3. The Holocaust

Did you even watch Kevin Nash's horrible, sloppy, nepotistic, embarrassing, absolutely all around abysmal return? Let's recap, shall we? CM Punk had just become the hottest thing in professional wrestling and became a guaranteed cash cow for World Wrestling Entertainment. He had become a bona-fide main eventer and a new face of the franchise. Then, of all people to take him out, they introduce Kevin Nash to return and take him out. Because, of course, when my brand new main eventer is on fire, I don't feed him the hottest young talent in the company - I feed him a washed up old man who hasn't been relevant since 1998. Oh, but it gets better. Kevin Nash couldn't even make it to his match because he was filming some shitty D-movie that nobody will ever watch, which is way more important than wrestling the hottest thing going, right? Right, of course. So let's recap so far. He completely derails Punk's incredible rise to superstardom then disappears. Later, he returns after having texted a secret message to himself and then enters a nonsensical feud with Triple H, culminating in the most painful ladder match I've ever had to watch (and I'm including Rey vs Eddie in this).

You want that back? It's like having a go over for a nice dinner, then he fucks your dog, and comes back a few weeks later to shit in your wife's mouth.

I do agree with you. except Nash was not cleared medically by WWE to wrestle the match with Punk. He was filming the rubbish movie at the same time. That Nash returned and knew he had a medical issue and knew he may not be able to pass a medical, he should have notified WWE. As for the storyline, its not Nash's fault he was booked to look like and idiot, thats the booking and creative team who should shoulder the blame.
Nash would be good on commentary maybe. His mic skills were sub par in wcw. Possibly better than Booker T though. Or he could return with xpac and form a tag team.
kevin nash has been in 1 relevant angle in 30+ years of booking, wrestling, and not jobbing..

all of the opportunity this man has had and squandered away and still people want him back in the E...

this is mind boggling...

if you want the E to progress, just say no to nash...
I like the "manager" suggestion. With his appearance and stature, he could be the voice of authority for a younger wrestler in need of his guidance (Drew?) Plus, he's formidable enough to deliver an occasional shot on behalf of his charge, getting physically involved when the situation called for it.

I suppose he could also lead a stable, directing the efforts of others. Somehow, though, I like the idea of him handling one guy (or girl!) at a time. It seems that would focus more attention on him, which is something he seems to like.

I'll never understand what the deal was with him (contractually) in his last WWE run. I believed he had been signed to Legends contract, which called for periodic service.....and that seemed to be what they were doing; after he showed up at Survivor Series 2010, we didn't see him for a long time, but I figured that's how a Legends contract worked. Then, after the Triple H program.....he's gone. Huh?

Did something happen we weren't aware of? Some disagreement with management? Is it that they wanted him to work more than he desired.....or was it just the opposite? Did he see himself as a featured performer and the company disagreed? Given his history, that seems possible.

Personally, I'd like Nash and Ric Flair to be connected to WWE.....in non-wrestling roles. It would still be most entertaining.....and better for their health.

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