The facts make you look like an idiot.
Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero were not much smaller in height then a Ric Flair, a Steve Austin, a Shawn Michaels, or a Bret Hart. All of those names are legends, and all of them are proven stars. Ric Flair was a draw back in the day, despite being small. He certainly didn't have the build that either Benoit or Guerrero had. So shouldn't the business have died when he became champion for that entire decade or more?
Steve Austin is only 6'1". But yet he's the biggest draw in wrestling history.
You didn't read everything I wrote did you? That fact makes you the idiot.
I made it clear that guys like the ones you mentioned of average stature all had things that made them successful despite that. In the case of Guerrero and Benoit, they were both great wrestlers in the literal sense pertaining to what they did in the ring, but outside of that they didn't possess the additional contributing factors that Flair, Hart, Michaels, Austin, etc... possessed. They were mid-card guys for the majority of their careers for a reason, they didn't have everything it took to be the top guys, they weren't really marketable, they didn't have natural charisma, they weren't good mic workers, and while their technical prowess may have been exceptional, their in ring ability stopped there. There's a lot more to wrestling than "Technical Wrestling" and they didn't have much outside of that either.
Not only that, but Smackdown's best years were when Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero, along with Kurt Angle (who is not any bigger) were the center of the show.
That's purely your own baseless opinion. I think the numbers would tell a different story.
Your logic is as flawed as Kevin Nash's.
That too is purely your own baseless opinion, and I think many others would tell a different story.
No one wants to see some "larger then life" fool, if all he can do is lumber around the ring, unable to even put on a good match. The reason Hulk Hogan set the standard for "larger then life" stars, and is the only real example of Kevin Nash's theory is because Hogan could work a match and entertain the audience IN THE RING. The Undertaker is another.
But guys like Kevin Nash COULDN'T wrestle, and they couldn't perform like Hogan, which is exactly why his time as champion is the worst in WWE history.
True, no one wants to see a big guy who can't perform, which is what you're essentially saying here. That's why guys like Chris Masters, Ezekiel Jackson, etc.... aren't around. Still, those guys are more believable in what they do due to their stature, and are more impressive to see which is something that can not really be refuted.
As for Nash and his ability to wrestle or lack thereof as well as his time as champion being the worst in history, there's a lot more that went into that than it simply being because Nash was the champion. He was actually very over, very popular, and did have some good matches. Nothing that you would hold up as a masterpiece of technical ability, but once again, there's a lot more that goes into making a good wrestling match besides the moves that are being performed. The WWE itself was in a bad spot at the time, but you can't lay the blame at the feet of Kevin Nash. They were in an equally bad spot with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels as champion and that's the truth. It was simply a transitional time in wrestling and it effected everyone until the changes were made and we went into the MNW and the AE went in full swing. BTW, Kevin Nash was a big part of making THAT happen.
What did I just read? CM Punk & DB more charismatic than Eddie?! And better wrestler than Benoit?
Ahhhh, be careful now, your putting words in my mouth. I said that Punk and Bryan get by with being average looking because on top of being great wrestlers, they also have more natural charisma and do better work on the mic, they have more intangibles than Guerrero or Benoit had.
Now I know IWC has the tendency to kiss Cm Punk's ass but please dont make a fool out of yourself. CM Punk despite his 'vast' moveset as the IWC likes to think, cannot even execute basic moves properly eg: Watch Punk v Kane and compare it to Orton vs Kane or Benoit vs Kane.
I'm not kissing anyone's ass, I'm just making the valid point on what sets them apart and I am accurate in those assessments. Pointing out one match where you SAY that Punk didn't execute well doesn't lend much credibility to your statements when there are loads of other matches to point to the ladder.
Chris Benoit is one of the best if not the best technical wrestlers of all time. As for Charisma, yes Benoit was not golden on the mic but Eddie?? Eddie had passion, enthusiasm and emotion whether it was about a bitter heel trying to destroy his former friend's life or taking us on a ride on how to lie, cheat & steal. Cm Punk is pretty one dimensional on the mic and when he is not dropping a 'pipebomb' he is boring to listen to.
So are you suggesting that because Benoit was efficient in 1 aspect of being a professional wrestler that he was better than the well rounded guys that were around him then and precede him now, and thus was a better choice to be champion? I don't but that one bit. And as for Eddie Guerrero and his mic work, he may have done the best with what he had, but by no means by any standard was he as brilliant on the mic as you try to make him out to be. I could be as passionate, emotional, and enthusiastic about trying to be Michael Jordan as I want, but if I don't possess the skills to be that good it doesn't matter, case and point. He was cheesy at best, and embarrassing at worst. It was ridiculous watching him out there acting like a caricature of a bad stereotype and frankly I thought it was demeaning. I didn't think too highly of him promoting "Lying, Cheating, and Stealing" either.
Eddie Guerrero - Ring work - 8/10
Mic work - 9/10
Chris Benoit - Ring work - 10/10
Mic work - 5.5/10
Cm Punk - Ring Work - 7.5/10
Mic work - 8/10
DB - Ring Work - 10/10
Mic Work - 7.5/10
Get back to me when someone besides yourself agrees with those calculations. That's purely your opinion, you are entitled to it, but I don't agree by a long shot.
As for the question, Kevin Nash is a joke. The guy cant walk 100 meters without tearing his quads and Eddie, CB, DB & Punk can all outwrestle him with their hands tied behind their back.
Yet he was at the top of the two biggest wrestling promotions on the planet back-to-back, was a key member of the faction that changed wrestling (The NWO), was a major star in WCW the whole time despite his deficiencies as you note them to be, and he's still going and everyone is talking about him right now. Yeah, what a joke. The joke is on you, as you are still sitting here and who are you talking about primarily? Kevin Nash.
As for small men being sucky champions/ non draws, his best bud Shawn Michaels is one of the best in ring performers ever and was a major draw.
I didn't say they make for poor champions, but the fact of the matter is that size does matter quite a bit, and unless you possess a lot of skills that make up for it, it does harbor success. Appearance is everything, if you don't look the part, it's a hard sell. You bring up Shawn Michaels. Well, Shawn Michaels was SO good in the ring and outside of it in every way that it didn't matter that he wasn't a big guy, and even though he wasn't he was still in amazing shape, he was a lot more built than Punk or Bryan and looked the part which is part of what made it believable that he could go one on one with bigger guys.